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【2635】Caution is right

"Mom, Aunt Yang has been sent to the ICU now. What will happen if you are not here? You said other colleagues will help you take care of Aunt Yang? You can't do this. Yaxi trusts you the most." Dai Nanhui's tone was slightly dissatisfied with his mother.


How can Dai Ronghong explain this to his son?

Seeing that his mother had stopped talking, Dai Nanhui, who had no idea what was going on, frowned as fast as an old man.

Li Ya expected his expression and her heart tightened.

She could have a premonition of what might happen to him next, that he might encounter the same terrifying experience she had before: suddenly falling from the clouds, like a plane crash, with the pain of having his life turned upside down, and that his life was suddenly over.

Realizing her gaze, Dai Nanhui raised his head and looked at her, with a flicker of doubt in his eyes: things seemed to be getting weirder and weirder tonight.

After struggling for a while, Li Yaxi turned her eyes away. In any case, it was a fact that Aunt Dai didn't like her.

After entering the ICU, Xie Wanying and Brother Xia Dongxian stood at the end of the patient's bed and analyzed the patient's current condition.

Xia Dongxian followed Dai Ronghong's instructions and first honestly revealed who introduced her to participate in the discussion of this patient's condition.

After hearing that it was Senior Sister Dai who recommended her, Xie Wanying did not think that Senior Sister Dai wanted to harm her. Because she was just an intern and had no responsibility. It was Senior Brother Xia Dongxian who decided what medical orders to give. If Senior Sister Dai wanted to harm others, it was Xia Dongxian who should be harmed.

Senior Brother. And this is basically impossible to happen. Senior Sister Dai has no motive for committing the crime and wants to harm Senior Brother Xia.

It is even more impossible to say that Senior Sister Dai will continue to use others to harm the patient. If this is the case, Senior Sister Dai should not come to her and should know that she is on the side of the patient's daughter.

In comparison, it is more likely that Senior Sister Dai hopes to use her to help patients overcome difficulties. After all, Senior Sister Dai has been an excellent doctor for so many years, but her thoughts went wrong.

Returning to the patient's situation, there were changes in urine in the operating room. All doctors were very worried about the patient's kidney damage. In this regard, the operating doctor tended to believe that the kidney damage was caused by the ischemia of the previous patient's diseased kidney. Urology

After receiving the consultation, the surgeon's opinion is to observe first.

There are many reasons for hematuria. It may be acute inflammation, common stone disease, trauma, etc. Whether hematuria is temporary or long-lasting, the nature of this period is absolutely different. Specific cases are specific.


Even if it is hematuria, laboratory tests are needed to verify whether it is hematuria. It does not mean that anesthesiologists and nurses think it is hematuria after seeing it. Red urine is not necessarily hematuria. Hematuria requires microscopic examination to see that the number of red blood cells reaches the threshold for diagnosis.

, this is the reason why so-called "hematuria" often turns out to be normal urine or other urine after laboratory examination. Someone in the operating room suspects hematuria in the patient, and the patient can be identified by taking a urine sample and immediately sending it to the laboratory for examination.

She, Xie Wanying, was at the scene at that time, and she would not make any random conclusions before the laboratory examination report was released. The main reason is that the human eye is too easy to make mistakes, and she was very experienced in this as a front-line laboratory doctor.

The result is now sent back to the ICU. The report is in the hands of senior brother Xia Dongxian: no hematuria.

This shows that her and Professor Wei Tianlang's cautious direction is correct.

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