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【3160】Not stupid

His wife suddenly became hesitant while talking on the phone. Ding Yuhai patted his wife on the shoulder and asked what was going on: "Who is this person?"

"It seems to be Yingying's classmate from the same school." Zhou Ruomei whispered, "It's a boy."

"How come you can't even talk to him?"

Zhou Ruomei didn't know how to explain to her husband for a while. She thought the young guy on the phone was easy to trick, but somehow he changed his breath and started scolding her, which made her confused.

"Ask him quickly." Ding Yuhai urged his wife. Zhou Ruomei adjusted her breath and could not be led by the other party. She found her own words and said: "I am really Yingying's cousin. If you don't believe me, you can ask Yingying herself. I'll call

I came because her family said she was about the same age.

It’s time to find a partner, so she asked me to help her find one. So I first asked her if she didn’t have a partner.”

Classmate Wei looked at the top student in his class: This person told him this reason.

Classmate Geng and classmate Pan waved their hands vigorously at him again: Classmate Xie’s mother has been here before and she is very fond of senior brother Cao. You are stupid, she is continuing to lie to you.

Classmate Wei replied: "You have to ask her family members, I don't know."

Zhou Ruomei's eyes narrowed, it seemed that her cousin Sun Rongfang was hiding some secret.

"Her family came to me and said they were not sure whether she had it or not. She didn't tell her family." Zhou Ruomei continued.

The person on the other side insisted on asking non-stop questions. He was really a bad guy. He couldn't just hang up the phone casually and wanted to help Mr. Xie find out more about what was going on. Wei Shangquan thought.

"Yingying only loves studying in our class and doesn't fall in love. I don't know where you heard the rumors."

Classmate Geng and classmate Pan were deeply satisfied when they heard Classmate Wei's words that his IQ was on the line: he is finally no longer a scumbag and has some brains. "But I just heard your tone before." Zhou Ruomei said reluctantly, obviously

What you said to the other party cannot be denied by the other party. You need to make it clear, otherwise she will not be able to sleep all night, so she will change her words: "

It’s important to explain this clearly.”

Why is it so important? The three classmates are waiting for the other party to make a move.

"Yingying is a student and should focus on her studies. I heard someone said that someone is planning to sue her, saying that she may use the relationship to let her partner open a backdoor for her," Zhou Ruomei said.

Tell me, the third classmate is a little confused.

College students have never been told not to fall in love. Senior Brother Cao is not the leader of the department and has no power, so how can he open the back door for others? If Senior Brother Cao helps establish relationships, there are a lot of employees in the hospital, and most of them are employees who introduce talents and say good things to them.

The problem is that the department leaders themselves cannot make the final decision on recruiting employees. How many people each department recruits and what kind of talents it recruits each year must be coordinated and arranged by the hospital in accordance with the overall development plan of the hospital. Even if the department is short of staff

Want to recruit a doctor?

The hospital has no money and no plan for the department to recruit people. Regarding the back door, it is not ruled out that there may be dark profit transfer relationships within small local hospitals. But their unit is the National Association, ranked first or third in the country, and they are directly under the national department.

Units can only recruit people based on their merits

Open recruitment is subject to supervision by relevant state departments and the public across the country. Dean Wu himself cannot open a back door for his relatives, let alone others.

Is the person opposite thinking too much?

"I understand, these rumors about Yingying were fabricated by you." Wei Shangquan shouted. Zhou Ruomei trembled all over: What, isn't this kid stupid?

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