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【3318】The advantage of the machine

A layman watches the excitement, an expert watches the door.

Xie Changrong, who is proficient in auto repair, is interested in equipment. Looking at the equipment removed from the ambulance, he will inevitably be curious and ask his daughter: "What kind of machines are these?"

There are ECG monitors, emergency vehicle-mounted ventilators, infusion pumps, etc. As an insider, the names of these medical equipment are not unfamiliar. Just like her father who pays more attention to lubricants and the cost-effectiveness of lubricant brands, Xie Wanying focuses on deeper medicine.

Equipment from local brands.

It is said that medical treatment costs money, and medical equipment costs the most. In this era, such as electrocardiogram monitors, vehicle-mounted ventilators, etc., we cannot produce high-quality domestically produced products for the time being. There are many good hospitals that are wealthy and don't fear to spend money on this, and all they use are

Imported goods.

As I said before, the southern provincial capital of her hometown is the capital of a province with a large import and export trade. It has a lot of money and facilitates imports, and its equipment advantages are fully demonstrated. The equipment brought out by Grandma Zheng’s unit today proves this.

For example, the vehicle-mounted emergency ventilator that she and others can see now. She has never seen this kind of equipment during her internship in the capital for more than a year. It stands to reason that she has been to the National Association of Beidu Third Class Guozhi and other famous top three universities in the capital.

The ambulance is involved in the first aid and transport of multiple emergency patients. If these hospitals really have this equipment, it is unlikely that she will not see it.

She can't see it, so she can't make a generalization that all hospitals in the capital don't have this kind of ventilator equipment. It can't be ruled out that some hospitals hide precious equipment and don't use it for patients under normal conditions for fear of being worn out. Medical equipment is made in China.

Transformation is imperative to benefit the people in China who cannot afford high medical expenses.

What's so good about the vehicle-mounted emergency ventilator? Think about that time when the patient was transferred from the plane. With this device instead of manpower, Dr. Shi Lei didn't have to squeeze the patient all the way until he was sweating.

Advanced medical equipment does not simply reduce the work burden of medical staff. More importantly, it is difficult for human hands to match the fatigue resistance of machines. People will fatigue, but machines will not. For this reason alone, machines occupy a huge space for those who need to maintain long-term precision medical treatment.


At the current surgical site, the reason for using an emergency ventilator can also be based on this, to provide the patient with maximum respiratory support instead of human hands.

When it comes to amputation surgery, general anesthesia is required. Patients under general anesthesia require respiratory function support due to respiratory depression due to the effect of anesthesia. For this reason, the anesthesiologist usually puts the patient on an anesthesia machine in the hospital.

The biggest difference between an anesthesia machine and a ventilator is that the anesthesia machine has components that can be used to put inhaled anesthetics, which are specially designed to prevent the patient from numbing the people around him during inhalation anesthesia. The ventilator does not have this component, and it is not a sealed circuit of the anesthesia machine. The ventilator

Inhalation anesthetics will volatilize into the surrounding air when exchanging with the outside air and endanger others.

In terms of respiratory support for patients, a ventilator is more comprehensive. A good anesthesia machine that can fully function as a ventilator is very expensive. Most hospitals cannot afford it and there is no need for it.

It is theoretically feasible to exclude inhalation anesthesia, use only intravenous anesthesia for general anesthesia, and use a ventilator instead of an anesthesia machine to support the patient's breathing. In practice, when China lacked anesthesia machines in the past, many experienced anesthesia doctors used ventilators to survive.

Since there is no portable anesthesia machine at present, this kind of emergency transport ventilator can only be used at the emergency scene. If you want to save costs, you can't let the medical staff manually squeeze the breathing bag.

Since other hospitals use rare equipment, it shows that they want to show off the strength of their hospital's software and hardware.
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