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Chapter 3684 【3684】

When choosing a tutor, those who don’t know will ask around for the resources the tutor has, while those who know first will ask about the tutor’s character. It is not ruled out that some students value their high IQ and think they can use the tutor to their advantage and ignore them.

Teacher’s character.

She, Xie Wanying, has never thought of taking advantage of her teacher. She is not Zeng Wanning and the others. She admires Cao Yudong because she has heard that this academic master is so kind to the people around him.

Now that the fairy brother is asking her like this, it's just because the fun-loving second brother wants to hear about Mr. Zhang's car rollover accident.

Cao Zhao nodded bluntly to his little sister: Yes, yes, I want to have fun. Hearing that some people overturned like he did before would make him happy to death.

It can be seen that the fairy brother has long deduced that Boss Zhang wants to take advantage of her.

This is also true, he wants to use her.

It is normal for leaders to use the people under them, and talents should be used. The reason why use is a derogatory term is because it breaks through the bottom line of human conscience.

How does Mr. Zhang use her?

The ultimate goal of Brother Ren's collaborative scientific research project is to sell the machine. Otherwise, why would the investment in this research be wasted? Medical investment must be yielded, and it is impossible to say that it is a loss-making pursuit.

One of the basic requirements for selling something is that it needs to be proven that it has a selling point.

So there were a few things that made her very worried when she heard about it early in the morning.

Boss Zhang listed her as a control group, using her talent as a comparison to prove that as long as ordinary doctors use robots to improve their technical capabilities, they only need to perform in certain aspects of specific scenes to be as good as her genius. This robot

The selling point will inevitably increase sharply.

For example, if you sell a kitchen utensil and tell ordinary consumers that the food produced by this item is as good as that of a star chef, such a gimmick is very popular with consumers.

A lot of product sales are based on this kind of consumer psychology. Products are meant to be sold to the majority of people, not to one or two geniuses. They have to be sold based on sales, otherwise how to make money. The fact is, geniuses really don’t need these.


The machine is easy to sell, but it is a disguised form of telling people that buying someone like her, Xie Wanying, is not economical. She, Xie Wanying, would be a fool if she didn't fight.

Being a genius is sometimes very miserable. For example, Dr. Song discovered early on that he was easily isolated in society and was forced to take self-protection.

That day, Senior Brother Zhu spoke to her in an irritable tone, and she expressed her understanding. She had a hunch that Brother Zhang might do this. Senior Brother Zhu was impatient and a bit arrogant, but for Senior Sister Li's lover, he had a good heart, but

Worry about her.

She told Senior Brother Zhu not to worry too much about her because she was born again, not a newbie in the workplace, but an older professional than Senior Brother Zhu.

What should we do when faced with this wrong way of hiring people?

Refuse outright?

Doing this will not convince the leader, it will only make the leader resent you. What the leader wants is a correct guidance strategy. Therefore, the correct way is to "kick" the leader in the head to stop him from being stupid.

Telling leaders not to be stupid doesn't mean not to use them, it means not to use them in a low-level way, and to use high-level IQ to make good use of talents.

The subtext of what she said to Mr. Zhang was: With someone as outstanding as her here, as a control group, you don’t need to compare traditional surgery with laparoscopy. You can find international big names in the same category to compare.

Especially for a high-level boss like you, Mr. Zhang, please improve your look and style.

According to this, Mr. Zhang was stimulated by her this morning. He kept silent several times and finally raised the white flag.

This chapter has been completed!
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