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Chapter 3727 【3727】Who brainwashes who

Chapter 3727 【3727】Who brainwashes whom?

Some people say that tarot cards play on the heartbeat.

Some people say that Tarot cards are something belonging to God, through which they can communicate with gods.

Anyway, it sounds mysterious and sneaky.

I have never seen Xu Aileen before. I only know that at first glance today, this card looks a bit like the playing cards that people play. Tarot cards are indeed divided into Minor Arcana and Major Arcana. The Minor Arcana is the same as poker cards.

As a card image, the Major Arcana is known as the channel for communication between human souls and gods, because its cards are not just simple patterns of playing cards, but exquisite paintings with complex structures and profound symbolic meanings that are undetectable. Therefore,

When Tarot is used for divination, the Major Arcana cards are used.

The Arcana in Tarot cards really has a mysterious meaning.

Western courts and private citizens use tarot cards for divination. Ordinary people can also play with it, and they do not have to be professional fortune tellers.

The expertise of professional fortune tellers is in analyzing the cards you draw. For example, we citizens like to go to temples to pray to gods and Buddhas, pray and draw lots, and take the drawn lots to ask the master to interpret the meaning of the lot.

At this point, a highly educated materialist immediately understood:

Isn't this fortune telling?

Fortune telling is superstitious!

What is the greatest harm of superstition?

It's brainwashing!

Brainwashing is a popular term, and brainwashing people to do bad things can be called abetting crimes under the law. If you want to use medical principles to try to explain brainwashing, you can use another professional term called psychological suggestion.

How psychological suggestion is formed, when it comes to the most commonly used neural reflex routes that the human brain has inherited since childhood and genes that we have been talking about, it absorbs information and then reacts on its own.

Why are some people easily brainwashed and others not so easy? Let’s talk about psychological suggestion, which is divided into self-suggestion and other people’s suggestion. People with strong self-suggestion can overcome the influence of outsiders’ psychological suggestions on themselves, so of course they will not be easily brainwashed by others.


For example, when someone is selling you a bunch of things, you keep saying to yourself: This person is a liar, a liar, a liar, will you listen to what he says? Of course not, you won’t even listen.

After finishing the above theory, we can know that what is about to start now is a psychological attack and defense battle.

If you keep your mouth shut, I have to launch a wave of psychological suggestion until you speak. During this period, I have to make you believe that I am not a liar trying to trick you into talking. I want to tell you that I am asking you to tell the truth for your own good.

Dr. Huang Zhilei and Dr. Song Xuelin at the scene, as neurosurgeons, knew very well what they were doing above.

As Dr. Xie Wanying said in her pre-evaluation of the two of them, she believed that their professional ethics would not cause her cousin to be harmed.

For Xu Aileen, she is a student at a normal university, and she also needs to learn psychological knowledge related to education. And here comes the cold knowledge. The most powerful psychology major in universities across the country is not in medical schools but in normal universities.

"What university major are you studying?" Huang Zhilei first asked the other party.

"I am studying geography." Xu Aileen replied.

This girl turned out to be a geographer. Huang Zhilei and Song Xuelin thought.

In a word, Geng Mei did not expect that her overly concise answer could lead two doctors who study the human brain astray.

At the beginning, Song Xuelin shuffled the cards once, and then asked the opponent to shuffle the cards and cut them again. Finally, the cards were placed on the table and drawn.

"Can you help me analyze what cards I drew?" Xu Aileen asked.

(End of chapter)

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