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Chapter 3767 【3767】Spirit

Everyone knows about the famous school beauty of the National Association. Of course, the boys in their class have always believed that Zhang Xiaohui is far less attractive than the female top student in their class.

Lin Hao swallowed a breath and looked at the face and body of the deceased again.

The body has become stiff, and the face is fixed at the moment before death.

The two eyeballs were wide open like the eyes of a dead fish turned upside down. It was very scary, and it was definitely a posture that refused to rest in peace.

It can be seen that the deceased most likely did not believe that he would also become the target of being killed.

According to their doctor's judgment at the scene, the large hole in the deceased's chest indicated that the knife had penetrated very deeply.

"The tip of the knife entered the heart and there is no way to save it," said Dr. Pan Shihua.

The knife pierced the heart, and even the gods could not save his life. Even the doctors at the scene were of no use.

This man was unlucky to die like this. Generally speaking, the probability of being stabbed to the vital point is relatively small. After all, the murderer is not a doctor who does not understand human anatomy and does not have clairvoyance.

If you have to say whether this person should die, doctors value life very much and don't like someone being stabbed to death by someone.

This guy was sitting in a wheelchair and was actually at the scene alone. Regardless of his physical disability, he was most likely unable to escape and was stabbed to death like this.

"Why are you here?" Lin Hao hurriedly turned around and asked these little followers.

Lin Hao was suspicious: "Is he alone?"

This junior sister is calm, reacts quickly, and answers clearly. She is a bit like classmate Xie, probably because she has a lot of influence from senior sister Xie.

Dong-dong-dong, there was the sound of rapid footsteps behind them, followed closely by wah-wah-wah, the frog calls of the junior brothers and sisters.

After a senior brother became a teacher and became a senior, he always took care of the juniors like other teachers back then. He must have been thinking about the safety of the juniors.

Then he quickly stood up and went to see the next injured person with Lin Hao.

It shows that this person had jumped off a building to escape legal sanctions but was saved by a doctor. After becoming disabled, he stalked and pestered his ex-girlfriend overtly and covertly. In the end, he continued to act out the trap and thought he was smart and complacent.

As a result, I hurt myself again, this time directly killing myself.

Someone is alive, which is a good thing.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for a rich young man to have no one to take care of him 24 hours a day.

Dr. Holmes Pan speculated that this person's intention might be that the mantis was in front and the oriole was behind, hoping to get some advantage after others committed the crime. Who would have thought that when he met that tough guy, he would have figured out this person's thoughts. He was so angry that he simply

I'll stab you to death first.

Several doctors quickly ran towards the place where the sound came from and gathered around the second injured person.

Dr. Pan Shihua took out his handkerchief and covered the deceased's face, showing his kindness as a doctor.

Lin Hao didn't ask any more questions because there was a moan coming from someone's mouth in front of him.

Dr. Pan first scanned the body with the flashlight in his hand, and other doctors worked together with the light to turn his eyes into X-ray eyes.

"I'm worried about senior brother and sister." Mi Silan replied.

"That, that, that - is it the intestines?" Mi Wenlin's voice shivered like leaves falling in the autumn wind.

The others seemed to be trembling when they heard what he said.

It seemed that Mi Wenlin was right, it was really the intestines in a person's stomach that had escaped from the stomach.

A wound of more than ten centimeters on the injured person's abdomen was everted, and part of the intestines spilled out. According to Dr. Pan and Dr. Lin's preliminary judgment: "It should be the small intestine."

Abdominal stab wounds plus intestinal extravasation cannot be considered rare clinically.

This chapter has been completed!
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