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【486】Patient identities are complicated

"I feel like I shouldn't give her sleeping pills. She has a dull pain in her stomach right now. If the pain suddenly becomes severe, giving her sleeping pills won't work," Xie Wanying said.

"Does she have abdominal pain? A cancer patient?"

"It's a tumor, intestinal cancer."

"Is there an intestinal obstruction?"

"No, not yet." Xie Wanying said.

"Can't we give you painkillers?" Sun Yubo thought again.

"Teacher Sun." Xie Wanying nodded at the teacher's words, "Painkillers cannot be given. If there is sudden tumor bleeding or intestinal obstruction, it is not possible to give the patient painkillers."

Sun Yubo's heart was aflutter: the student's words frightened him. He never wanted such a scene to happen tonight.

"Classmate Xiao Xie, let me tell you." Sun Yubo put his arm on her shoulder and whispered, "Don't say all the bad things tonight. We need to pray that they develop in a good direction, okay? I know you like to seek truth from facts.

, but tonight is very special, there are only three of us on duty. If something happens, other people will not be able to come to support so quickly."

The teacher's words make sense. If all the patients are exhausted, the night shift staff will not be able to handle them at all.

"Teacher, the beds below -"

"We'll talk as we go." Sun Yubo first took her to check the problem with the two drainage tubes to see if he could think of some way to spend the night first.

Li Qian followed them.

"The female patient in bed 38 is twenty years old. She was just admitted at five o'clock today. She received an injection of metoclopramide when she came in. She seems to be an acquaintance of the doctor in our department."

The five o'clock card is used to admit patients before get off work. You don't have to think twice to know that you are occupying a bed. I am afraid that the bed will be occupied by emergency patients later. Because the department has regulations not to reserve beds for patients, I am afraid that emergency patients will not be admitted in the evening.

"They were admitted for examination, right?" Sun Yubo asked.

"Probably. She complained of gastroenteritis." Xie Wanying nodded.

"If you have gastroenteritis, you go to the internal medicine department for a gastroscopy and a colonoscopy. Why do you come to our surgery?" Sun Yubo frowned, and was most worried about an acquaintance doing such a thing to occupy a bed.

"Perhaps we will arrange for the internal medicine department to come over for consultation at that time."

Sun Yubo glanced at the student: You are quite smart, you can guess how to operate this kind of thing.

He was going to bed 36 and saw a patient in bed 38. When Li Qian took a look, he discovered Xin Da Da: "I know who she is."

"Who?" Sun Yubo turned around and asked him.

"Is the school beauty of the University of Foreign Studies called Li Yaxi?"

Hearing what this kid said, Sun Yubo pushed him in the back: "You are a doctor, why do you pay attention to whether someone is a school beauty?!"

Li Qian adjusted the crooked glasses frame and almost frowned at Teacher Sun: He is not a nymphomaniac and is the beauty of the school. He just remembered this gossip and reported it, lest the teacher say that he knew it but didn't report it.

It seems that the patient tonight is complicated. Sun Yubo sighed again and asked Xie Wanying: "Go on."

"Teacher Sun, bed 49 is empty. I asked the nurse and the patient in the next bed, and they said that the patient and the doctor had agreed to come back to the hospital tonight, probably around 11 o'clock. Because the patient is busy at work, he needs to

Finish your business first and then come back."

Another patient came to occupy the hospital bed, and it was much more troublesome than bed 38. Bed 38 was just a school beauty. When I heard about bed 49, I wondered if it was led by some company executive. Only such patients dare to ask the doctor to come later.

I was hospitalized and the doctor agreed. You know, the ward is not open at night.

This chapter has been completed!
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