Turn off the lights
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He originally thought it didn't matter that the person was gone, until he actually saw the person gone and realized that the sky was falling.

"Get out of here, get away! Mingming and I will bury mom. From now on, Mingming will do all the memorial services for mom, and you will never be needed!" Miao Fen pushed him hard with both hands.

Zhang Hao sat down on the ground and shed two tears.

"Announce the patient's time of death." Gao Zhaocheng's voice suddenly sounded. It turned out that Sun Yubo had performed a final examination on the patient and confirmed that the patient was dead.

Li Qian shivered, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

The teachers all looked at him alone. Seeing this situation, Xie Wanying knew the teachers' intentions, so she did not step forward to replace her classmates.

"The patient Wang Lizhen was confirmed dead after rescue efforts failed. The time is -" Li Qian's teeth were chattering up and down, and his vision was blurred when he lowered his head. After carefully identifying which number the watch hand on his wrist was pointing at several times, he finally picked it up from between his teeth.

The words squeezed out, "Twenty-eight past five."

The only sound left in the ward was the cries of family members.


It's past seven o'clock in the morning. There is no morning meeting on Sunday, but everyone is very tired.

The grinding sound of the lathe wheels indicated that after the family members agreed, the nurse completed the final body care for the dead patient, and the body was then sent to the hospital morgue. After the family members contacted the funeral home, the body would be picked up again and finally buried.


The things left unfinished by the departed need to be finished by the living.

Li Qian couldn't cry.

Zhao Zhaowei and others who shared his dormitory came to comfort him in the morning, and with the teacher's permission, they took him to the canteen for breakfast.

Lin Hao received the notice that bed 38 escaped last night and went to help the teacher educate the patients: "Li Yaxi, the hospital has regulations that you need to abide by. You must listen to the doctor's words. After you are discharged, you cannot go out to eat, drink and have fun with your friends in the middle of the night. Check results

There is no big problem for the time being, but your body has sent you a warning. If you continue like this, something will happen to you one day!"

Regarding his warning, Li Yaxi defended: "I'll go down and get the recharge card. Doctor Lin, don't worry, I will decide my own life." Then, she raised her face and said cheerfully to Lin Hao: "Yesterday was my birthday.

Doctor Lin, why don’t you say happy birthday to me?”

Staring at her playful smile, Lin Hao slapped her recharge card on the bedside table, turned around and left: The person next door died last night and failed to alert this person. Fortunately, she will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. He should

The doctor was kind-hearted and hoped that his words would not come true and he would never have to see this man again.

Xie Wanying sat in the office writing death cases and kept her mind calm. This was the last thing she could do for her patients.

Two steps away from her, Huang Zhilei did not leave. He was talking to Cao Yong on the phone: "Senior brother, are you coming to the department to get medicine? Just like what the junior sister said, do you have tonsil inflammation?"

Cao Yong, who answered the phone, wanted to slap the stupid little junior fellow student on the head from a distance, and said, "Didn't you say you are in the second year of General Foreign Language School now?"

Realizing his mistake immediately, Huang Zhilei turned around to check whether the junior sister just heard it, or preferably not.

Sensing Senior Brother's gaze, Xie Wanying turned to Senior Brother Huang and said, "I understand, Senior Brother Cao has tonsil inflammation."

Junior sister, don’t be so honest! Huang Zhilei wailed in his heart.

"Didn't Senior Brother Cao take any medicine? Did he come back with a fever and get an intravenous drip?" Xie Wanying asked with worry in her eyes.


Thank you for your support!!! Good night, dears~

This chapter has been completed!
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