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【6】Do not give her the entrance exam

"What's the eight-year undergraduate, master's and doctoral program, with ten students in one class?" This was probably the first time Sun Rongfang heard her daughter say this. She didn't understand, so she looked at her cousin and her husband.

Zhou Ruomei and Ding Yuhai's faces were blue and white.

Zhou Ruomei got angry and waved her hand to her cousin: "Stop making tea, you can go back."

What a rude child. The elders talked a lot and couldn't listen to a word. What's there to say?

Sun Rongfang was stunned and didn't understand why her daughter's words offended her cousin and husband. Obviously her daughter didn't say a bad word about her.

Are the people in my cousin’s family really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? Zhou Ruomei has doubts in her heart. She said that she can definitely be admitted to the National Association Medical University to study for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree. Didn’t her family get admitted to Zhongshan Doctor’s son, a doctor?

Do all the sons of aristocratic families ride on their heads and trample them? If they trample them like this in front of her and her husband, can she and her husband not be angry?

If Zhongshan Medical University is the number one medical school in the province, then the National Medical Association Medical University is the number one medical school in the country. The undergraduate, master and doctoral courses there are the best in medical schools in the country.

"Go back and think carefully about what my husband and I said." Zhou Ruomei said to her cousin in a serious voice.

The cousin sincerely welcomed the guests, so Sun Rongfang had no choice but to get up and take her daughter back. Before leaving, she left Sunkist Orange behind, but Zhou Ruomei refused.

"Take it back and eat it yourself. I know your family's financial conditions. I also want to tell you clearly that it is very difficult to be a doctor in the early stage and there is no money. If you go to a small county health center, the salary is lower than that of ordinary people. What do you think?

Okay, let’s decide whether Yingying will be admitted to medical school.”

My cousin's words were so shocking that Sun Rongfang completely gave up on her daughter's admission to medical school.

If you go to a health center in a small county, don't take the exam, it's meaningless. Sun Rongfang thought.

After leaving her cousin's house, Xie Wanying behaved very calmly.

"What do you think?" Sun Rongfang turned around and asked her daughter, "What your cousin said makes sense. Otherwise, let's not take the medical school exam."

"Mom, it's not too late to wait until the results of the college entrance examination come out." Xie Wanying knew that it was useless to say anything now, so she might as well express her position with her results.

"Your cousin said you couldn't pass the exam." Sun Rongfang shook her head, obviously having been brainwashed by her cousin.

Xie Wanying thought that if her mother went back and listened to Zhou Ruomei's inner thoughts, she would probably be shocked.

Zhou Ruomei has always looked down on Sun Rongfang, the freight driver's cousin who married with a low education level. Intellectuals always feel superior to others in their hearts.

After leaving her cousin's house, Zhou Ruomei chatted with her husband Ding Yuhai: "It's a pity. I want to be a doctor. I think Yingying looks pretty good. It's better to learn singing to be a doctor."

After hearing what his wife said, Ding Yuhai couldn't help but admire his wife's vicious heart. Isn't it just asking someone to show off her appearance in disguise?

Zhou Ruomei thought that if her cousin's daughter really relied on her appearance in the future, she wouldn't have to worry about other people's children riding on her children.

If the truck driver's daughter really becomes a doctor and wins over the doctor's son or daughter, she will be heartbroken.

The phone rang, and Ding Yuhai picked up the phone.

"Old Ding, something big happened in the emergency room tonight."

"How to say?"

"A young man in the emergency department made a preliminary diagnosis of a rare ruptured aortic aneurysm with his naked eyes!"

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