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"I've heard about this." Tao Zhijie said, trying hard to suppress the laughter on his face, not wanting to lose his composure in front of his junior sister.

"Senior brother, is it okay?" Xie Wanying invited sincerely on behalf of the counselor and the medical school.

"Let me guess, why your teacher Ren didn't tell me herself, but asked you to come and tell me. Because I said it would be easy to talk to you, right?" Tao Zhijie asked her with a smile.

"Maybe." Xie Wanying could only answer along the other party's train of thought, because she wasn't sure what Teacher Ren was thinking.

"Teacher Ren, you are going too far. I gave you such a difficult task without telling you the reason." Tao Zhijie suddenly lost his smile and frowned.

What does Senior Brother Tao mean? Xie Wanying's heart skipped a beat. Maybe it was just as she had suspected before, Senior Brother Tao was not easy to talk to.

"I want to be nice to you, but this matter is none of your business." Tao Zhijie's smiling eyes seemed to see through her inner thoughts at a glance.

"Let's put it this way." Xie Wanying asked carefully, "Senior brother, do you have any concerns about going to the medical school to teach?"

"You can ask your teacher Ren to ask the medical school who are the clinical teachers invited for this lecture. It is probably not consistent with the list he thought. It is the first time he has done this task and he doesn't understand it very well.


Xie Wanying thought for a while and understood. It was equivalent to saying that the invitation she and Teacher Ren had previously thought of inviting Senior Brother Cao to give lectures was nonsense and impossible. Medical schools should not expect these technical experts to give lectures. The reason is simple, what should they talk about?

We are dealing with medical students, and the explanation is too complicated, and no one can understand it. It is a waste of time to talk to each other. If you want a technical expert to teach general knowledge to medical students, just any clinical teacher will suffice. They are technical experts.

You are not the kind of doctor who wants to be famous and become a star. Therefore, medical schools can only invite doctors who want to increase their reputation to give lectures.

There are such doctors, and department leaders know best and can arrange them. As for technical experts, time is precious, and it is impossible to do such a waste of time.

Things that seemed very simple actually required deep thinking. Xie Wanying felt like she needed to hit her head with her hand.

"Do you have anything else to tell me?" Tao Zhijie asked.

Senior brother has a keen eye and has seen the signs a long time ago. His classmates urged him from behind, and Xie Wanying encouraged her and said: "Senior Brother Tao, my classmate——"

"He is here, hiding behind." The smile in Tao Zhijie's eyes faded, and he looked at Zhao Zhaowei, who was bending down to hide.

Zhao Zhaowei's whole body was trembling when he was caught by his gaze.

Xie Wanying saw that her senior brother's expression seemed to have a problem with her, so she listened carefully to what her senior brother said.

"Yingying, I know you are very busy tonight, and maybe you are thinking about the operation. Now you should think about it again and treat him as a patient instead of a classmate. Think about it carefully before talking." Tao Zhijie said gently to the junior sister

said verbatim.

Senior Brother Tao's tone of voice is really that of a good teacher. He won't yell at people directly, but will only teach. It's just that the pressure he puts on students is not necessarily lighter than that of a strict teacher.

After listening, Xie Wanying felt that her senior brother had misunderstood her. She could not be begged for help by her classmates and then indiscriminately follow what her classmates said. When her classmates were sick, she was not responsible for treating them, and she could not lose the sanity of a medical student.

Judging the matter. She came here to discuss with her senior brother what should be done about her classmate's illness and wanted to help.


Thank you for your support!!! Good night, dears~

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