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【734】The embarrassment in the operating room

"Yingying is a girl. Don't cry against her. If you want to cry, hold onto the class monitor's hand and cry." Each boy did not believe what he said and warned him first.

The patient's family members arrived, and Mrs. Zhao came up to accompany her son to the operating room.

The classmates gave way to classmate Zhao's mother.

Holding her son's hand tightly, Mrs. Zhao had tears in her eyes. She suppressed the sadness in her heart and comforted her son: "Don't be afraid. Your father said that Dr. Tao is more powerful than your grandfather, so don't worry."

"Mom, you don't have to cry. I'll be out soon." Zhao Zhaowei looked at his mother and felt sad because he made her cry again.

"I'm not crying, I'm not crying." Mrs. Zhao wiped her eyes quickly.

There was no one there on the weekend, and we quickly arrived at the door of the operating room. Those who were not allowed in had to stand outside and wait.

The door of the operating room opened, and the nurse inside came out and said to everyone gathered around the lathe: "Get out of the way, this is a sterile area, you can't go in. The patient comes in. Where are the patient's family members? The anesthesiologist.

You need to talk to the patient’s family.”

Mrs. Zhao could only let go of her son's hand and walk to the small room where the anesthesiologist was waiting to talk to her.

"You all retreat to the back." Yue Wentong ordered the other boys in the class.

Heeding the monitor's order, a group of boys stepped back and stood quietly in the outer circle.

Zhao Zhaowei, who was lying on the lathe, waved to everyone: "Don't worry about me when I come out, it'll only take a while."

"You should take care of yourself!" Feng Yicong yelled at him. After yelling, he regretted it and turned his back.

Xie Wanying pulled the lathe at the front and asked the squad leader to push it from behind. The two of them pushed the lathe into the operating room.

The operating room door is closed.

A group of boys looked at the door and felt that the world was suddenly divided in two. Perhaps at this time, this group of medical students had a deeper understanding and understanding of why they wanted to be doctors.

Generally speaking, the temperature inside the operating room is usually cooler than outside.

Zhao Zhaowei, who was lying on the lathe, was shaking a little since he was pushed into the operating room. He didn't know if it was due to his own psychological effects, but he felt that the world in front of him seemed to have changed.

He had obviously been in this operating room many times and it was a very familiar place. He thought he would not be afraid at all.

The lathe was pushed next to the operating bed, and the nurse directed the patient: "If you can move, it's better to move over by yourself."

Zhao Zhaowei sat up.

Xie Wanying and Yue Wentong each supported him to the operating bed.

"Take off all your clothes," the nurse said.

Zhao Zhaowei froze: What?

Yes, you have to take them all off. The problem is, Zhao Zhaowei glanced at the female classmates in the class.

"You go out first." Yue Wentong helped him and said to Xie Wanying.

"It's okay, I turned around, I couldn't see anything." Xie Wanying said, turned around and stood to the side.

"Aren't you a medical student? Why are you so shy?" When the nurse sister saw Da Le, she laughed from ear to ear. Then she caught the eyes of the two boys and was surprised, "No, can't I watch it too?"


No. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. Zhao Zhaowei said in his heart.

Silently remove the patient's clothes.

Yue Wentong first brought him a quilt to cover him, and waited for the anesthesiologist to come and give him anesthesia.

Zhao Zhaowei, lying flat on the operating bed, felt that he might faint before the anesthesia was given, so he said: "Squad leader, what do you think my mother will do if I die?"

This chapter has been completed!
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