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Chapter 1048 What are you going to do this time?

"Ignore my daddy and go one-on-one with Aunt Youning, right?"

After hearing Mumu's words, Ah Jin almost vomited blood.

The little guy's words required him to offend two people.

The first one is Kangrui City.

Kang Ruicheng is his apparent boss, and ignoring his orders is tantamount to seeking death.

The second one is Musijue.

Mu Sijue is his real boss, the person he really wants to obey. Unfortunately, Xu Youning is Mu Sijue's favorite woman.

He defeated Xu Youning and was glorious for a while, but he will definitely be dealt with by Musijue in the future.

He lost to Xu Youning and lost face again.

Mu Mu really gave him the biggest problem of the century.

Xu Youning saw through Ajin's dilemma and said deliberately: "Ajin, I'm playing Mumu's account. Let's try playing one-on-one?"

Ajin was hard-headed and decisively walked to Kang Ruicheng and said, "Brother Cheng, I heard that Miss Xu is just getting better today. Don't let her play games and let her rest more."

Kang Ruicheng obviously agreed with Ah Jin. He gave Xu Youning and Mu Mu a serious look and warned: "You guys take a rest and get ready for dinner. No more games!"

Xu Youning and Mu Mu looked disappointed, but they had to listen to Kang Ruicheng's words and sat down on the sofa to recuperate.

"Ajin," Kang Ruicheng turned to look at Ajin and ordered, "Follow me to the study."


Ah Jin nodded respectfully and followed Kang Ruicheng's footsteps.

Xu Youning and Mu Mu looked eagerly at Ah Jin's back. When they could no longer see it, they turned back in tacit understanding.

The whole family was silent for a moment, then Xu Youning put on a serious expression and said, "Ajin must be scared."

Mu Mu couldn't understand what A Jin meant, so she blinked: "Huh?"

Xu Youning continued to talk nonsense seriously: "Ah Jin must think that he is not as good as me, so he doesn't dare to compete with me!"

"..." Mu Mu bit her lip and looked at Xu Youning in confusion, still unable to understand, so she had to ask, "So?"

"So, you praised me wrong just now!" Xu Youning finally said the key point, emphasizing every word, "I should be better than Uncle Ajin!"

"..." Mu Mu seemed to be struggling to understand, and reluctantly said two words, "Okay..."

"What does 'okay' mean?" Xu Youning stared at the little guy seriously and corrected, "You should nod and say, 'Aunt Youning is right'!"

Mu Mu stared at Xu Youning for a moment, then suddenly tilted her head and asked off guard: "Aunt Youning, I praised Uncle Ajin, are you jealous of Uncle Ajin?"

"No, how could I be jealous of Uncle Ajin?" Xu Youning denied Mu Mu's words without hesitation, almost in an instant, and forcefully explained, "What I said is the truth!"

Mu Mu held her chin with her hands, looking like a little adult who was at ease. She looked at Xu Youning and smiled: "Okay, I believe you for once."

Xu Youning calmly took a sip of water and rubbed Mumu's hair, as if Mumu believed in her of course.

In fact, Mu Mu just thought that Aunt Youning was sick and it was right for him to make Auntie Youning happy.

Just like when he was sick, Xu Youning would try his best to make him happy.

While Mu Mu was fully cooperating with Xu Youning in the living room, Ah Jin had already followed Kang Ruicheng into the study.

Ah Jin walked straight to Kang Ruicheng's desk, stood still, and called out respectfully: "Brother Cheng, I'm back."

"Yeah." Kang Ruicheng pulled up his chair and sat down, looking at Ajin calmly, "I asked you to go to Canada, how did things go?"

"It's all done." Ah Jin took out a contract and handed it to Kang Ruicheng with both hands. "This is the signed contract. Take a look."

Kang Ruicheng opened the contract, and Party A's name was indeed signed on it.

He smiled with satisfaction and gave Ah Jin an appreciative look: "Well done."

"Thank you, Brother Cheng." Ah Jin smiled politely and showed some modesty, "Actually, these are what I should do."

"You have great potential. From now on, just like Dongzi, stay with me and work hard." Kang Ruicheng paused and then said, "As long as you can complete what I told you, in the future, whether you want money or women,

There will be.”

Ah Jin is interested in money, but as for women, given his status as an undercover agent, it would be better not to touch them now.

If he really fell in love with the woman Kang Ruicheng arranged for him, it would be a disaster for him.

As for money... although he loves it very much, he has no interest in the blood-stained money in Kangrui City.

No matter what, Ah Jin still smiled at Kang Ruicheng, with gratitude and expectation in his tone: "Thank you, Brother Cheng, I will definitely work hard and strive to be like Brother Dong, who can help you a lot!"

"You're welcome, as long as what I give you is what you deserve." Kang Ruicheng waved his hand, "Okay, you just came back from Canada, go back and rest early."


Ah Jin nodded, closed the study door for Kang Ruicheng, and went downstairs.

Mu Mu and Xu Youning were still in the living room. Ah Jin saw them and greeted them politely, then left the Kang family's old house and drove back to the rented place.

After arriving at Kangruicheng, Ah Jin rented a house for his husband in the city center. Although the house was a bit old, fortunately, some of the household appliances were very complete and the surrounding supporting facilities were also very convenient. He was not very particular about living as a grown man.

It's quite comfortable.

As soon as he returned to the living room, Ajin took off his shoes, lay down on the sofa, and dialed Musijue's number.

At this time, Musijue was at Dingya Villa.

In one week, Shen Yuechuan and Xiao Yunyun will hold their wedding, and Su Jianan still needs to hide it from Xiao Yunyun, making her think that Shen Yuechuan doesn't know about the wedding at all.

After the wedding was almost ready, Su Jianan was exhausted.

Mu Sijue had no choice but to temporarily stop the unimportant things he was doing and come over to help Su Jianan.

The two of them were busy all afternoon, and Su Jianan asked Mu Sijue to stay. They were waiting for Lu Boyan to come back and have dinner together.

As soon as Lu Boyan came back from the company, Mu Sijue's cell phone rang suddenly, and he remembered that the number displayed on it was A Jin's.

Before A Jin went undercover in Kangrui City, Mu Sijue told A Jin that for A Jin's safety, he should not contact him frequently if nothing happened.

When he returned to City A from Canada this time, Ah Jin had already contacted him once, and now he is contacting him again. There must be something important.

Mu Sijue answered the phone and did not call Ah Jin's name directly. He just said "Hello?" and waited for Ah Jin to speak.

This was also an agreement between him and Ah Jin. When Ah Jin contacted him, he needed Ah Jin to speak out first.

Because he never knows when Kang Ruicheng will doubt A Jin's identity, or find the mobile phone used by A Jin to contact him, and call him to confirm.

If he called out A Jin's name and Kang Ruicheng was on the other end of the phone, it would be equivalent to directly exposing A Jin's identity.

"Brother Qi, it's me." Ah Jin didn't have much worries and said directly, "I have something to tell you."

Mu Sijue frowned almost subconsciously: "Is it related to You Ning?"

"No. Also, Miss Xu is much better today. You don't have to worry about her. What I want to say has to do with you and Special Assistant Shen." Ah Jin didn't say any nonsense, and then went straight to the topic, "Kang Ruicheng said it himself , when Special Assistant Shen and Miss Xiao get married, he will take action, but he is not going to disrupt Miss Xu’s wedding, he may target you."

"Me?" Musijue narrowed his eyes, and immediately, an almost cruel and bloodthirsty smile appeared on his lips, "He'd better come to me in person."


Ajin didn't expect Musijue's reaction like this and was speechless for a moment.

He has seen ruthless characters who are fearless, but he has never seen someone like Mu Sijue who is not only unafraid, but also provocative.

In fact, Mu Sijue wished he could go to Kang Ruicheng to find him.

As long as Kang Ruicheng shows up, Mu Sijue may be able to completely eliminate Kang Ruicheng and then successfully bring Xu Youning back.

"Ajin," Musijue asked suddenly, "who told you this news?"

A Jin has just returned from Canada. Kang Ruicheng should arrange for him to rest. He would not know Kang Ruicheng's action plan so soon.

"Miss Xu told me, and she asked me to find an opportunity to tell you." Ah Jin's voice slowly became more relaxed, "Also, Miss Xu has already guessed everything, and I personally admitted it to him today. You indeed already know everything. Brother Qi, there is no longer any misunderstanding between you and Miss Xu."

"..." Musijue paused for a moment before saying, "Ajin, I want to say thank you for this."

"You're welcome." Ah Jin smiled and wrote lightly, "This is what I should do."

Just now in Kangruicheng's study, Ah Jin said the same thing.

However, Kang Ruicheng would never know that what he said to Musijue at this moment was true.

For Kang Ruicheng, he just completed the task to gain his trust.

"That's it for now." Mu Sijue said, "I still have to deal with Yue Chuan and Yunyun's affairs."

After saying that, Mu Sijue hung up the phone and turned around to see Lu Boyan's confused eyes. He put down the phone and told Lu Boyan what Ajin said on the phone.

Before this, only Musijue knew Ajin's identity.

However, after Xu Youning's incident happened, Mu Sijue had told Lu Boyan about Ajin's identity for the sake of convenience.

Therefore, Lu Boyan was not surprised that Mu Sijue had an undercover agent in the Kang family. On the contrary, he was just confused: "Ajin told you Kangruicheng's plan like this, are you sure there is no risk?"

Mu Sijue knew what Lu Boyan meant——

It is also possible that Kang Ruicheng deliberately disclosed the news to Xu Youning, or so far, apart from Kang Ruicheng himself, only Xu Youning knows the news.

On the wedding day of Yuechuan and Yunyun, if he was prepared, then Kang Ruicheng would be sure that the Kang family did have his undercover agent, and Xu Youning would not be able to escape the suspicion...

Lu Boyan then asked: "Si Jue, what are you going to do this time?"

This chapter has been completed!
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