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#1052 test Shen Yuechuan (1)

Anyone who knows Xiao Guoshan knows that he does not love Xiao Yunyun.

He dotes on Xiao Yunyun.

From the first day he adopted Xiao Yunyun, Xiao Guoshan wanted to hold Xiao Yunyun in his hands and let her live like a princess.

Don't talk about Xiao Yunyun's childhood. Even now, Xiao Yunyun has grown up. Besides work, what Xiao Guoshan still talks about is "my daughter... my daughter... my daughter..."

Friends agreed that Xiao Yunyun was everything in Xiao Guoshan's life.

Some people also secretly speculated that Xiao Guoshan doted on Xiao Yunyun so much that he would spoil the little girl sooner or later.

As long as Xiao Guoshan knows that, no matter how much he dotes on her, Yunyun will not become squeamish because of it.

Because Xiao Yunyun completely learned the beautiful qualities of Su Yunjin.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter what difficulties and challenges she encountered, Xiao Yunyun would never cry or complain to her parents. She would only put forward the best attitude and face everything with positivity and optimism.

Even if she fails in the end, she will digest everything silently and continue to find a solution.

Just like what happened between her and Shen Yuechuan.

Falling in love with Shen Yuechuan added a lot of worries to Xiao Yunyun.

After her relationship with Shen Yuechuan was made public, she and Shen Yuechuan were even more questioned.

Now, she and Shen Yuechuan were finally able to be together openly, but Shen Yuechuan was struck down by the disease...

Xiao Yunyun has always kept in touch with Xiao Guoshan, but she has never shown vulnerability. During the video, she could even maintain the brightest smile.

At the end of the video, Xiao Guoshan couldn't help but asked proactively: "Yunyun, are you okay?"

Xiao Yunyun knew that Xiao Guoshan was just worried about her.

She showed Xiao Guoshan her brightest smile and told Xiao Guoshan loudly: "Dad, it's fine now, and I will always be fine in the future. You don't have to worry about me!"

Xiao Guoshan nodded happily, ended the video call, and burst into tears.

He thought about it for a long time, but he never figured it out. His daughter was so good, why did fate treat him so cruelly?

The only good thing for Xiao Guoshan is that Xiao Yunyun has always been optimistic enough and has a positive attitude so that he will not be defeated by the test of fate.

If this were not the case, Xiao Guoshan could not imagine how Xiao Yunyun could bear such a heavy burden on such a thin shoulder?

However, this will all pass soon.

After today, Xiao Yunyun will face the two most important things in her life.

The first one was her wedding to Shen Yuechuan, which meant that Xiao Guoshan was going to hand over his only daughter to a strange man.

The second thing is Shen Yuechuan's surgery, which is related to whether Xiao Guoshan's daughter can live a happy life after he hands her over.

After Xiao Yunyun came to City A, Xiao Guoshan had missed too many important moments in her life.

Now, he's here.

Next, no matter what happens, he will accompany Xiao Yunyun to face it.

In Xiao Yunyun's memory, Xiao Guoshan has always been very willing to accompany her.

In order to attend her kindergarten graduation ceremony, he could even turn down a business that would bring a lot of profits to the company, just to take a photo with her at the graduation ceremony and show it to his friends.

Probably for this reason, Xiao Yunyun has always felt that no matter what happens, as long as her father is by her side, she will have endless strength to meet challenges.

Speaking of challenges…

The biggest challenge Xiao Yunyun encountered was that after the Spring Festival, Shen Yuechuan was about to undergo surgery.

Whether she will be happy in the future depends on whether this operation can be successful.

She needed Xiao Guoshan to accompany her through Shen Yuechuan's surgery.

Xiao Guoshan also knew that she needed him, so he said, "Dad is here to stay with you."

After hearing these words, Xiao Yunyun didn't know why, but she suddenly burst into tears and couldn't help crying.

"Stop crying. She is such a big girl and crying at the airport is making people laugh."

While Xiao Guoshan comforted Xiao Yunyun, he couldn't help but blush.

Half of the reason was that he finally saw his daughter again after a year.

The other half was because he had never imagined that the girl who had grown up in her hands would experience so many hardships after leaving his wings, but she actually shouldered them one by one.

Xiao Yunyun choked and nodded, but she couldn't hold back her tears. The tears quickly soaked the clothes on Xiao Guoshan's chest.

Xiao Guoshan no longer cared about clothes, and continued to comfort Xiao Yunyun while stroking her back.

Xiao Yunyun was not a weak girl. Not long after crying, the self-healing power in her body was awakened. She wiped her eyes, stopped, and looked at Xiao Guoshan aggrievedly.

Shen Yuechuan was sick. She couldn't shed tears in front of Shen Yuechuan, let alone act coquettishly or make trouble with Shen Yuechuan unreasonably.

However, he can always get unlimited care and love from his father.

Xiao Guoshan knew that his daughter was not really wronged, she just hadn't seen him for too long.

He stretched out his hand and wiped Xiao Yunyun's face like he did when he was a child, and deliberately changed the subject: "By the way, why didn't you bring Yue Chuan to see me?"

"He will disturb our father-daughter reunion!" Xiao Yunyun tried her best to say as if she really didn't care about Shen Yuechuan, and said calmly, "I sent him to book a restaurant."

Xiao Guoshan laughed "haha" and shook his head: "Yunyun, only Yuechuan will believe your words. Dad knows that you definitely don't want Yuechuan to see you crying, so he didn't let others come with you."

"Hey, Dad..." Xiao Yunyun blinked and returned to her quirky look, "Life is already so difficult, so don't expose it anymore."

Xiao Guoshan shook his head helplessly and said nothing more.

In fact, he was happy - even after experiencing many things, Xiao Yunyun remained unchanged.

Xiao Yunyun took Xiao Guoshan's hand and said: "Let's go, the car is outside. Let's go to the hotel to put our luggage first, and then go to eat! Dad, you haven't been back to China for many years, I will take you to eat the most authentic Hometown food!”

The hotel where Xiao Guoshan stayed was the Century Garden Hotel under the Lu Group.

Shen Yuechuan had already greeted the hotel manager, and the hotel staff also recognized Xiao Yunyun. They knew that her father was coming to the hotel to stay for a while, so they made preparations for the reception early.

As soon as the car stopped in front of the hotel, someone immediately came up and opened the door, with a very welcoming tone: "Mr. Xiao, Miss Xiao, welcome to you."

"Thank you!" Xiao Yunyun pulled Xiao Guoshan out of the car and said, "Dad, I will show you the room. You will be satisfied! By the way, this is my cousin-in-law's hotel, did you know?"

Xiao Guoshan and Su Yunjin were not a real couple, and Xiao Guoshan had no intention of being related to Lu Boyan.

However, because its subsidiaries also invested in the Australian hotel industry, Xiao Guoshan still knew about the Century Garden Hotel in City A.

He heard that this is a star-rated hotel built by Lu Boyan. It is famous for its design, service and restaurants. It is far ahead of other high-end hotels in City A and has become the first choice hotel for business people and entertainment stars.

Shen Yuechuan arranged for Xiao Guoshan a business suite on the eleventh floor.

The design of the suite is elegant and grand, every piece of furniture is from top-notch comfortable custom-made brands, and there is a first-class landscape outside the window. There is nothing wrong with the entire suite.

Xiao Yunyun couldn't wait to ask: "Dad, what do you think of this place?"

"Very good." Xiao Guoshan said with a smile, "How can I be dissatisfied with the hotel opened by your cousin-in-law? Besides, the hotel is indeed very good!"

"Uh-huh!" Xiao Yunyun was even happier than she was being praised. She tilted her head with a smile, "My cousin-in-law is very powerful. You can meet him soon!"

Xiao Guoshan nodded, and at this moment, the waiter brought his luggage in.

Xiao Guoshan packed his luggage and turned around to find Xiao Yunyun looking at her watch, her delicate brows slightly furrowed, as if she was in a hurry.

He smiled and couldn't help teasing his daughter: "Yunyun, can't you wait to see Yuechuan?"


Xiao Yunyun didn't know whether to admit or deny.

Rather than saying that she wanted to see Shen Yuechuan, it was better to say that she was worried about Shen Yuechuan.

Shen Yuechuan is recovering well, but his condition is not stable and accidents may happen at any time.

Unless she stayed by Shen Yuechuan's side, Xiao Yunyun would not be able to feel completely at ease even if she was away from him for just five minutes.

Xiao Guoshan looked at Xiao Yunyun's entangled look and couldn't bear it. Then he thought that she was entangled like this because of a boy, and his mood became complicated again.

The daughter he raised by himself will be handed over to someone else tomorrow.

What's more important is that he still doesn't know what that kid looks like.

The more Xiao Guoshan thought about it, the more helpless he felt.

However, the one who won in the end still couldn't bear it.

Xiao Guoshan put on his coat and said, "I'm going to test my future son-in-law. Let's go."

"Test?" Xiao Yunyun's expression suddenly became serious, and she hurriedly grabbed Xiao Guoshan, "Dad, what are you going to do to Yuechuan?"

"The daughter I raised will marry him tomorrow. As the father-in-law, of course I have to test whether he is qualified to marry my daughter!" Xiao Guoshan took it for granted and looked at Xiao Yunyun, "It's useless even if you come to stop me."

"Dad, I don't want to stop you." Xiao Yunyun bit her lip and looked at Xiao Guoshan pitifully, "But, can we discuss one thing?"

Xiao Guoshan motioned to Xiao Yunyun to continue: "Tell daddy first."

Xiao Yunyun organized her words and said confidently: "Yue Chuan is a patient now. It would be too unfair for him to test him! Of course you can test him, but you have to wait until he gets better!"

"..." Xiao Guoshan said nothing.

Xiao Yunyun was not sure whether Xiao Guoshan would agree, so she grabbed his hand and shook it twice, and said coquettishly: "Dad, please..."

This chapter has been completed!
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