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Chapter 1145 Dependence, has grown to the bone marrow (2)

Except when she wakes up in the morning and is very angry, Xi Yu is usually very easy to coax.

As long as Lu Boyan or Su Jianan hugs him, the little guy will soon calm down and lie down in the crib, or simply sleep.

Only today, no matter how much Su Jianan tried to coax him, he still refused to calm down and kept crying loudly. Every sound accurately grabbed Su Jianan's heart and made Su Jianan's heart ache.

She was heartbroken, but Su Jianan had no choice but to touch the little guy's face and ask softly: "Do you miss your sister?"

I don't know if he heard the word "sister", Xi Yu was quiet for a moment, and looked at Su Jian'an with tear-covered eyes for a moment, with a look of grievance and grievance that was particularly heartbreaking.

"Be good." Su Jianan continued to coax the little one, "My sister is not feeling well. She will be back tomorrow. Just wait a little longer, okay?"


Xi Yu probably didn't want to agree to Su Jian'an, so he protested, flattened his mouth, and started crying again.

Su Jianan didn't know if it was a coincidence, but...she probably said the wrong thing.

Xi Yu should hope that his sister can come back soon, right?

She thought so too.

However, Xiangyi had to stay in the hospital for observation, and there was nothing she could do.

Su Jian'an was just worried about how to coax Xi Yu next, when her cell phone rang at the right time, and Lu Boyan's name was displayed on the screen.

She answered the phone, but before she could speak, Xi Yu's cry reached Lu Boyan's ears.

Lu Boyan frowned: "What happened to Xi Yu?"

"Alas..." Su Jianan sighed, her voice full of helplessness, "I think it's because he didn't see Xiangyi after taking a shower..."

Lu Boyan's frown deepened, and he asked, "How long have Xi Yu been crying?"

"It's been a while." Su Jianan became more and more helpless as he spoke, "No matter what method I use, he is unwilling to stop. I have no choice..."

"..." Lu Boyan said nothing.

Su Jianan couldn't wait for Lu Boyan to speak, and sent out a cry for help signal: "Bo Yan, is there anything you can do?"

She originally had no hope, but Lu Boyan quickly answered: "Yes."

"Well!" Su Jianan seemed to hear the savior's voice, cheered up for a moment, and asked, "What can you do?!"

"I'll send you a video request." Lu Boyan said, "Hang up the phone and answer the video."

"..." Su Jian'an thought Lu Boyan would come up with some strange trick, but she didn't expect it to be just this kind of "trick". Her expectations were extinguished instantly, and she said wiltedly, "Stop making trouble, I'm holding Xi Yu."


Lu Boyan asked for a video call or something just to see how embarrassed she was now, right?

Xi Yu was crying, and Su Jianan's heart felt like it was trapped in a net, and she was not in the mood to cooperate with Lu Boyan.

"Jian An, what did I do to you before to make you think that I am someone who doesn't care about timing?" Lu Boyan pressed his temples and decided to restore his image in Su Jian'an's eyes, but he didn't

Revealing the secret is just to coax Su Jianan, "Within five minutes after you turn on the video, if Xi Yu doesn't stop, I can agree to any of your requests."

Su Jianan thought for a moment - answering a video call is just a matter of effort.

Since Lu Boyan wanted to play, she might as well accompany him.

This time, maybe she can beat Lu Boyan?

Thinking of this, Su Jianan hung up the phone decisively. Within ten seconds, Lu Boyan's video request appeared on both his phone and iPad.

She was holding Xi Yu, so it was inconvenient to hold her phone, and her iPad happened to be propped next to her. She conveniently used the iPad to establish a video call with Lu Boyan.

The screen flashed, and Lu Boyan's breathtakingly handsome face appeared on the screen, and at the same time...and Xiangyi.

The little girl didn't know when she woke up. She snuggled into Lu Boyan's arms obediently with her little fists in her mouth. Her pair of black and clear eyes kept wandering around, looking at the hospital suite. Her serious and curious look was so cute.

When Su Jian'an discovered that Xiangyi was uncomfortable, the little girl's face was blue and purple. She was obviously so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry out. She was no longer as lively and cute as before.

At that moment, Su Jianan was so frightened that she almost suffocated.

Fortunately, when she woke up, Xiangyi was back to her usual self.

Su Jianan felt that the boulder pressing on her heart was finally removed, and a large amount of fresh air poured into her respiratory tract. She felt like she had been reborn.

"Xiangyi, mom is here!"

Su Jianan almost subconsciously called Xiangyi, her voice unclear whether she was happy or relieved.

Xiangyi was familiar with Su Jian'an's voice. He looked in the direction of the source of the sound and soon saw Su Jian'an. She said "Ah!" like a little dolphin, waved and kicked her feet, and the dimples appeared on her face.

, making her smile even cuter.

The little girl seemed to be using this method to tell Su Jianan how excited she was.

Xi Yu didn't know if he heard his sister's voice. He suddenly became quiet and turned his head to look around.

Su Jian'an knew who Xi Yu was looking for, so she smiled, pointed in the direction of the iPad screen, and said, "Xi Yu, look there -"

Of course Xi Yu didn't understand, but as Su Jian'an helped him adjust the angle, he naturally saw Xiangyi.

The little guy blinked his eyes and stretched out his little hand to touch the iPad screen. The spot where he touched happened to show Xiang Yi's childish little face.

Xi Yu was still young, so of course he didn't know that he had just touched his sister's image through an electronic screen.

He probably thought he had really touched his sister, so he grinned and smiled.

Seeing this scene, Su Jian'an felt warm in her heart, couldn't help but smile, and then tears welled up.

She grew up under the protection of Su Yicheng. She knew how happy she was, but she didn't know how happy she was.

At this moment, she seemed to understand.

Her daughter is as lucky as she is, having a brother who loves her more than herself since birth.

Xiangyi also saw his brother and made a sound like a little dolphin again. The two cute dimples on his face became deeper and deeper, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Lu Boyan looked at Xi Yu and Xiangyi, a faint smile appeared on his lips.

His method is indeed useful.

Thinking about it, Lu Boyan's attention shifted to Su Jianan.

At this glance, he saw Su Jianan's tears.

"Jian An?"

Lu Boyan frowned slightly and called Su Jianan almost subconsciously. His voice was low and gentle, like a big warm hand caressing Su Jianan's heart.

Su Jianan wiped away the tears that came out of her eyes, shook her head, and reassured Lu Boyan: "I'm fine, I just thought..." She choked and couldn't continue talking.

Lu Boyan caressed Su Jianan's face across the screen and said softly: "I know, don't cry."

He knew that Su Jianan must be thinking of Su Yicheng. He knew that she was thinking of the time when they lost their mother. Naturally, he also knew how she felt now.

Su Jianan didn't need to say anything, he understood everything.

Su Jianan said "hmm" and didn't say any more. She adjusted her emotions and Xi Yu in her arms became quiet.

Aunt Liu just made the milk, brought it over and handed it to Su Jianan, saying, "Give it to Xi Yu to drink, just in time to coax him to sleep."

Su Jian'an took the bottle and brought it to Xi Yu's mouth. The little guy opened his mouth obediently and drank the milk in big gulps. After a while, he closed his eyes, and his movements of drinking milk became slower and slower, and finally he completely let go of the pacifier.

He fell asleep.

Finally fell asleep.

Su Jianan breathed a sigh of relief, placed Xi Yu on the crib, and finally returned to the iPad.

Lu Boyan is still at the other end of the screen, but Xiangyi in his arms has also disappeared.

Su Jianan looked left and right, but the shooting range of the camera was limited after all. She couldn't find her daughter, so she had to ask: "Where is Xiangyi?"

"Sleeping," Lu Boyan said, "I just put her on the bed."

The two little ones fell asleep, and Su Jianan relaxed suddenly.

She looked at the time and saw that it was still early, far from bedtime.

In the past, Lu Boyan would handle some documents or arrange one or two video conferences.

Will Lu Boyan still need to deal with official matters today?

Thinking about it, Su Jianan tapped the iPad screen and asked Lu Boyan: "Do you still have a job?"

"Originally, I did, but I asked my assistant to postpone it." Lu Boyan raised his eyebrows and asked calmly, "What are your instructions, Mrs. Lu?"

"Well, Mrs. Lu doesn't have any instructions." Su Jianan stretched out, "Since you don't have work anymore, let's have a good rest. I'll go to the hospital to pick up Xiangyi tomorrow."

"Well." Lu Boyan saw that Su Jianan hadn't changed her clothes yet, and guessed that she would be busy with Xi Yu's affairs as soon as she got home, and she probably wouldn't have time to care about herself, so he said, "You go take a shower first."

After taking a bath, Su Jian lay down on the bed comfortably, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

After the two little ones were born, she had to take care of them meticulously. The workload was no less than when she worked at the police station. She was very tired after resting every day.

Because she was tired, as long as she lay down, she would fall asleep in a short time.

Of course, this is based on the premise that Lu Boyan does not "harass" her.

Today, she didn't feel sleepy after lying down. It was definitely not because it was not time to go to bed yet.

Su Jianan didn't know how many times she had turned the page when her phone rang, indicating that she had received a new message.

She took the phone and opened it to see a message from Lu Boyan——

"I can not sleep."

Su Jianan smiled and typed with flying fingers and replied:

"I'm already asleep!"

As soon as the message was sent, a video call request popped up on the screen. The person who made the request was of course Lu Boyan.

Su Jianan accepted the video and saw Lu Boyan already lying on the bed like her.

She put her phone on the pillow, propped her chin up and looked at Lu Boyan, knowingly asking: "Why can't you sleep?"

Lu Boyan did not hide it and looked at Su Jianan meaningfully: "There is something missing."

"..." Su Jian'an continued to act stupid, "Ah? Is there something missing?"

Lu Boyan looked through the screen and looked deeply at Su Jianan: "You are missing."

This chapter has been completed!
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