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Chapter 1233 What a coincidence, I also want Xu Youning (1)

Lu Group, in the lobby.

Musijue lit a cigarette but did not speak for a long time.

Lu Boyan had no choice but to speak first: "What are you going to do?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Mu Sijue took a deep breath from his cigarette, "But the news has been released. Kangruicheng will contact me soon."


Musijue asked in turn: "What do you think I should do?"

Mumu is Kang Ruicheng's only son, and now, Mumu is in their hands.

They could follow Kangruicheng's example, use Mumu to threaten Kangruicheng, and ask Kangruicheng to exchange Mumu back with Xu Youning.

However, if we do this, what is the difference between Musijue and Kangruicheng?

Lu Boyan was a little helpless: "I can't give you any advice on this kind of thing." After a pause, he continued, "I can only tell you, do whatever you want to do."

Mu Sijue gave Lu Boyan an understanding look: "You go back first."

He knew that Lu Boyan must be thinking about his lovely wife and young children at home.

Lu Boyan didn't say anything more, nodded, left the company, and asked the driver to take him back to Dingya Villa.

Mu Sijue finished his cigarette, then walked out of the lobby of Lu Group and got into the car.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit gloomy. Aguang didn't speak and Mumu lowered her head. The little guy didn't know what he was thinking.

When she noticed Mu Sijue getting into the car, Mu Mu raised her head and looked at Mu Sijue blankly.

Musijue asked calmly: "Have you eaten?"

Mu Mu shook her head and said in a soft and obedient voice: "Not yet."

A Guang looked at the time and saw that it was already past dinner time. Chen Dong didn't let Mu Mu eat?

He couldn't help complaining: "Isn't Chen Dong so inhumane, actually starving a child?"

Mu Mu flattened her mouth and reluctantly defended Chen Dong: "He bought me food, but I don't want to eat the things bought by bad guys, hum!"

A Guang was amused by the kid's serious look and asked, "Okay, I'll buy you whatever you want to eat, okay?"

From the corner of his eye, Musijue spotted a KFC outside. He asked A Guang to park the car and said, "Go down and buy him a set meal."

Xu Youning had very strict dietary requirements for Mu Mu and basically refused to let Mu Mu eat these foreign fast food. When Mu Mu saw the KFC sign outside, her eyes lit up and she said excitedly: "I want to drink Coke!"

A Guang nodded: "No problem."

He quickly bought a set meal and came back with two large Cokes. The other one was of course his.

Mu Mu took the burger and Coke and smiled like an angel: "Thank you, uncle."

Aguang temporarily forgot that this kid was Kang Ruicheng's son, and smiled at him: "You're welcome, let's eat." After taking a sip of Coke, he turned to Mu Sijue, "Seventh Brother, where are we going?"

Musijue pondered for half a second and said calmly: "Go back to the villa in the suburbs first."

While Mumu was enjoying a burger feast on the road, Xu Youning, who was far away in the old city, was restless.

It's not that Xu Youning doesn't believe in Mu Sijue, on the contrary, she firmly believes that Mu Sijue can definitely rescue Mu Mu.

What she was worried about was whether Mu Mu had been hurt when Mu Sijue found her, and whether Mu Sijue could respond and take care of Mu Mu?

Kang Ruicheng did not give up searching for Mu Mu's whereabouts.

In fact, from the moment he learned that Mu Mu had been kidnapped, Dongzi began to track Chen Dong and Mu Mu, trying to find Chen Dong's movement track.

However, it turns out that all their actions were in vain.

All of Chen Dong's actions were unnoticed. They had no way of finding him, and naturally they couldn't pinpoint Mu Mu's location.

After repeated failures, Dongzi told Kang Ruicheng with an apologetic look: "Brother Cheng, I still can't find it."

Kang Ruicheng's hands suddenly clenched, his expression showed infinite murderous intent, and he growled: "Keep looking! I don't believe that Chen Dong has the ability to escape to heaven and earth!"

Dongzi continued to investigate, but before he could find any clues, he received a call from his brother, saying that Mu Mu was no longer in Chen Dong's hands.

Dongzi hurriedly told Kang Ruicheng about Xiao Xi.

"Not in the hands of Chen Dong?" Kang Ruicheng sneered, "Then it's in the hands of Mu Sijue!"

Hearing this, Xu Youning glanced at Kang Ruicheng subconsciously, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Mu Mu was in the hands of Mu Sijue. Although he didn't know what would happen next, at least the little guy would not be in danger.

"Aning," Kang Ruicheng called Xu Youning and ordered, "contact Mu Sijue and ask him what conditions he has!"

At this time, Mu Sijue and Mu Mu just returned to their villa in the suburbs.

On the way, Mumu had already finished the entire burger, and had half a cup of Coke in her hand, as well as a portion of French fries and a vegetable salad.

The little guy knew the principle of sharing well. As soon as he returned to the living room, he brought the fries to Musijue: "Uncle Mu, do you want to eat with me?"

"I have eaten." Musijue said, "You go ahead and eat."

"Oh." Mumu blinked, stuffed herself with a fries, and chewed it with relish.

Mu Sijue sat on the sofa opposite Mu Mu and looked at Mu Mu: "Do you want to go home?"

"I think so!" Mu Mu ate another fries, licked her fingers, and then said calmly, "But I know I won't be able to go back that easily."

Musijue was surprised and asked with interest: "How do you know?"

Mu Mu shook her head, with a troubled look on her face: "I can't explain clearly, but I just know." After a pause, he added, "Uncle Mu, that bad guy kidnapped me because he wanted to use me to make a deal with my dad.

Right? I won’t let him take advantage of me, hum! But you can.”

"Huh?" Musijue found this kid more and more interesting and asked knowingly, "How can I use you?"

"You can trade me and my dad for Aunt Youning." Mu Mu said seriously, "I don't mind!"

"..." Mu Sijue unexpectedly changed the topic, "How is Aunt Youning doing now?"

Mu Mu flattened her mouth and shook her head: "Aunt Youning is not well at all, she is very uncomfortable, and... Daddy has begun to doubt her. I think if Aunt Youning stays at our house, there will be


Mu Sijue was even more surprised and stared at Mu Mu: "Do you know about Aunt Youning?"

"I know!" Mu Mu nodded, looking proud, "I know everything!"

Aguang looked at Mu Mu and then at Mu Sijue: "Brother Qi, what this kid said, we can consider it."


Mu Sijue pondered without speaking. At this moment, his cell phone rang.

No need to look, it must be Kangrui City.

Mu Sijue picked up the phone and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window to answer the call, but did not speak.

In the end, Kang Ruicheng still couldn't hold his nerve and asked with suppressed anger: "Is Mumu in your hands?"

Mu Sijue did not deny it: "That's right."

Kang Ruicheng's tone became more urgent: "What did you do to Mu Mu?"

"Kang Ruicheng, you should be glad that your son is in my hands." Musijue said calmly, "I'm not interested in doing anything to a child?"

"In that case, send Mumu back!" Kang Ruicheng said in an almost matter-of-fact tone.

After hearing this, Mu Sijue only thought it was ridiculous, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his voice: "I won't hurt him, but do you think I will send him back easily?"

"What else do you want?" Kang Ruicheng asked himself coldly, "Aning?"

That's right.

Mu Sijue really wanted to exchange Xu Youning back with Mu Mu.

Xu Youning's condition is getting worse and worse, and Kang Ruicheng has begun to doubt her. She must come back and receive regular treatment to have any hope of living.

Mu Sijue was really worried about Xu Youning continuing to stay with Kang Ruicheng.

However, before Musijue could say yes, Kang Ruicheng interrupted him with a sneer and said angrily:

"Mu Sijue, you are dreaming, there is no way I can promise you!"

Mu Sijue was not in a hurry and asked calmly: "Don't you care about Mu Mu's safety?"

"I don't need to care at all, do I?" Kang Ruicheng said word by word, "Mu Sijue, everyone says that you are actually a gentleman and will not attack the elderly and children. You also said that you are not interested in

What does a child do? In this case, I can leave Mumu with you for the time being, and one day I will personally take him back. As for the conditions you proposed, I will not accept any of them! "


Musijue must admit that he did not expect that Kang Ruicheng could be so cruel and crazy.

He glanced at Mumu and saw that the kid was still eating French fries.

This child is so smart but has such a father. This is probably the biggest misfortune in his life.

Mu Sijue's tone was a bit cooler, with a biting chill: "In this case, Kang Ruicheng, I also clearly tell you that I will not let You Ning stay with you for too long."

"Even if she can't stay with me for too long, she won't come back to you." Kang Ruicheng smiled eerily, "Mu Sijue, she will either stay with me or leave this world. She won't

There is a third possibility! Remember, she was originally mine, and she can only belong to me forever!"

Finally, Kang Ruicheng's voice was almost roaring.

It seems that only in this way can he declare his sovereignty over Xu Youning.

In comparison, Musijue was much calmer and reminded Kang Ruicheng word by word: "You are wrong, You Ning does not belong to anyone."

In one sentence, the beautiful illusion constructed by Kang Ruicheng was shattered.

Kang Ruicheng once wanted to deceive himself. Xu Youning was created by him, so she belonged to him.

It was before, it is now, and it will be even more so in the future.

However, at this moment, Mu Sijue told him that Xu Youning did not belong to anyone, nor to him.

This is indeed the case.

Xu Youning is a living person, how can she belong to anyone?

However, he did not want to face this fact.

With a "pop" sound, Kang Ruicheng hung up the phone decisively.

He will not be threatened by Mu Sijue, nor will he be influenced by Mu Sijue to exchange Mu Mu back with Xu Youning.

This must be just Musijue's conspiracy!

Oh, he won't be fooled!

This chapter has been completed!
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