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Chapter 1300 Xu Youning is gone (1)

"Then let me think about it again, maybe I will change my mind."

Mu Sijue suspected that he heard wrongly - Xu Youning actually... compromised?

Regardless, this is a good sign.

Mu Sijue sat down by the bed and looked at Xu Youning: "I won't be back so early. Please think clearly and give me a call."

Xu Youning was unexpectedly obedient and smiled at Mu Sijue: "I understand, go ahead and do your work."


Mu Sijue vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he preferred to believe that he was overthinking it, so he kissed Xu Youning and left the hospital.

Xu Youning ran to the balcony and watched Mu Sijue's car driving further and further away.

When Musijue and his car disappeared from her sight, she touched the place where Musijue had kissed her just now, shook her head, and sighed: "Mu Sijue, why have you become so easy to deceive?


Little did he know that it was because of her that Mu Sijue would be easily fooled.

Xu Youning went back to the ward, changed his clothes, and walked out in a big way.

Mu Sijue arranged a lot of people at the hospital. When he saw Xu Youning coming out, his men hurriedly stopped her: "Sister Youning, where are you going?"

Xu Youning made an understatement: "It's too stuffy in the ward, so I went to the garden to relax."

Mina appeared at the right time and said with a smile: "Sister Youning, I will accompany you."

Xu Youning had no reason to refuse, and smiled brightly: "Okay."

The two of them chatted from the elevator to the garden, with Mina mostly talking and Xu Youning listening.

What Mina talked about the most was nothing more than the various things that happened to Mu Sijue after Xu Youning left.

When they arrived at the garden, Mina covered her mouth mysteriously and lowered her voice: "Sister Youning, let me tell you one more thing."

Xu Youning looked interested: "What's going on?"

"After you left, someone gave Brother Qi a beautiful woman. To be honest, that girl was really sexy, a level that made me, as a woman, sincerely envious. But... guess what, Brother Qi?

What was your reaction?" Mina became more and more mysterious as she spoke.

Xu Youning pretended to ponder for a moment and said deliberately: "Did Mu Sijue have a big reaction?"

"Hey, it's just the opposite!" Mina shook her head, "Brother Qi didn't react at all and just asked someone to throw the beautiful woman out. Gee, Brother Qi is really the most affectionate and ruthless man I have ever seen!"

Xu Youning smiled.

She didn't find it strange.

Mu Sijue has always been like this, he doesn't like it, he doesn't even bother to look at it.

It looks like she is one of the lucky ones.

Mina propped her chin and looked at Xu Youning, but couldn't help but say: "Sister Youning, I think Brother Qi really loves you."

Xu Youning nodded: "I don't deny this!" She felt that she was about to be shaken, and hurriedly changed the subject, "Mina, aren't you responsible for protecting Jian An? Why did you come to me?"

"Oh." Mina explained, "Mrs. Lu doesn't go out much these days, and she's quite safe at home. But that's not necessarily the case when you're in the hospital, so Brother Seven asked me to come over."

"That's it..." Xu Youning touched his stomach and said naturally, "I suddenly felt a little hungry. There is a cafe in this hospital. Their cheesecake is delicious. Can you go and pack one for me?


Mina chatted happily with Xu Youning, so she naturally did not doubt Xu Youning and nodded: "Okay." After that, she skipped away.

Xu Youning waited until Mina's back was no longer visible, then stood up and walked towards the hospital entrance.

She avoided the eyes and ears of Musijue's men, slipped out of the hospital smoothly, and got into a taxi.

Mina came back with the cake and found that Xu Youning was no longer on the bench. She suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart, but she still held a trace of luck and informed other subordinates to look for other places in the hospital.

As a result, he could not be found, and there was no trace of Xu Youning in the entire hospital.

"It's broken!" Mina hurriedly contacted Mu Sijue, "Seventh brother, Sister Youning is missing!"

Musijue was dealing with the matter of moving the MJ Technology headquarters to City A. When he received a call from Mina, he frowned deeply and asked, "Have you searched for hospitals?"

"We almost turned the hospital upside down, but Sister Youning is indeed not in the hospital." Mina almost went crazy with anxiety, "Brother Qi, what should we do now? Sister Youning finally came back!"

Musijue's voice was quite calm: "I'll come find you."

He called up the hospital's surveillance and clearly saw Xu Youning getting into a taxi and leaving the hospital. He followed this clue and tracked Xu Youning's cell phone signal to investigate further.

They thought they could find out Xu Youning's whereabouts in this way, but Xu Youning came to conduct a counter-reconnaissance halfway through. Halfway through the investigation, all their clues were cut off, and Xu Youning's mobile phone signal completely disappeared.

Aguang kept calm and said: "Brother Qi, don't be anxious, let me continue the investigation. As long as we take some time, we will definitely find Sister Youning."

Mu Sijue's handsome and handsome face was full of evil spirits, like a stormy June day, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Aguang thought for a while and decided to comfort Mu Sijue and said, "Brother Qi, judging from the current situation, Sister Youning will be fine. Don't worry."

Of course Mu Sijue could see that Xu Youning was not taken away by anyone, and nothing would happen to her.

However, when he thought about where Xu Youning had gone, that familiar uneasiness came to his mind again. He was at a loss and became anxious.

He should have thought of it a long time ago, but Xu Youning suddenly changed his mind and said that she could think about it, there must be something fishy.

"Find!" Mu Sijue slapped the table and ordered, "Even if we turn City A over, we must find Xu Youning!"

"No problem!" A Guang nodded, "Brother Qi, don't worry."

A Guang left and started looking for Xu Youning. The more he searched, the more desperate he became.

He was just curious, when will Mu Sijue and Xu Youning be able to stop?

Also, where is Xu Youning? Does she know that Mu Sijue is looking for her? Does she know that Mu Sijue is going crazy?

Xu Youning could guess that Mu Sijue would definitely look for her.

She also knew that once she broke away from Musijue's protection and was exposed to other people's sphere of influence, she would be killed and bring even greater trouble to Musijue.

She didn't run around outside, but went directly to Dingya Villa to find Su Jianan.

Su Jianan knew that Xu Youning was going to the hospital for treatment today, and she had been planning to find a time to go to the hospital to see Xu Youning. Before she could figure out the time, Xu Youning appeared at her door.

Su Jianan was shocked and surprised. She pulled Xu Youning in and looked at her puzzled: "Why did you come here alone? Does Si Jue know you are here?"

"Jian An, you are always so smart and you can immediately get to the point." Xu Youning shook his head, "Mu Sijue didn't know that I came to see you."

Su Jianan smelled an unusual smell and became even more confused: "You Ning, what happened to you and Si Jue?"

Xu Youning looked at Su Jianan and told her exactly what happened.

There is always a solution for this matter.

Since she and Mu Sijue had their own opinions and were at a stalemate, the best way was to find someone to arbitrate between them.

Su Jianan is undoubtedly the best candidate.

The reason why Xu Youning is so sure is very simple - she believes that Su Jianan must understand her mood.

After listening to this, Su Jianan quickly guessed why Xu Youning came to find her - when she was pregnant with Xi Yu and Xiangyi, she also faced the same choice - should she give up her child and save herself?

However, the nature of the matter is different.

When she was pregnant with two little ones, her morning sickness was only a little severe and affected her health, but Xu Youning... she was faced with a life-or-death decision.

Xu Youning looked at Su Jianan eagerly, trying to draw Su Jianan to her camp: "Jian An, do you think it is wisest to protect the child?"

Su Jianan smiled, held Xu Youning's hand, and said calmly:

"You Ning, I understand why you chose a child. But whether it is wise or not depends on the choice of the child. This is of course a very wise choice for you, but for Si Jue, this must be the cruelest choice in the world.

s Choice."

Su Jianan's tone was calm, but her words were like an ax driving into Xu Youning's heart.

Xu Youning looked at Su Jianan blankly: "The cruelest choice...what does it mean?"

Su Jianan patiently explained to Xu Youning: "From the moment he knew that you returned to Kangrui City to be an undercover agent, Si Jue was in agony. Although he never said it, we all know that he would give anything to change you.

Come back, and the fact is..." In fact, Mu Sijue did everything he could to finally save Xu Youning.

However, they promised Musijue to help him hide this matter.

Su Jianan calmly continued her words:

"In fact, Si Jue did try his best to bring you back. Si Jue must really want to be with you and never want to see you leave again.

"But, You Ning, if you choose a child, it means that Si Jue will watch you leave again. And this time, even if he has incredible abilities, you will not be able to come back. You will leave him forever -

-Isn’t this a very cruel thing for Si Jue?”

Xu Youning looked at Su Jianan blankly, and said with difficulty: "Jian An, you mean, if I choose a child, Si Jue... will be sad?"

"Of course! However, I believe Si Jue can understand you." Su Jian paused and then said, "But You Ning, I think you should understand Si Jue's choice just like Si Jue understands you."


Do you understand Musijue’s choice?

Xu Youning thought for a long time, but still had nothing to say, so he fell into deep thought.

She always knew that Musijue chose her because he wanted her to live, and everything he did was for her.

However, her life was coming to an end and she had no chance to survive.

Musijue's choice... is stubborn and wrong...

This chapter has been completed!
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