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Chapter 1326 You obviously like me before and now

Lu Boyan said nothing and looked deeply at Su Jianan.

Su Jian'an's head trembled.

She was so familiar with Lu Boyan's gaze that she could almost guess what was going to happen next...

She restrained her urge to retreat and tried to organize her words to explain: "I hope you can rest early. I simply hope you can rest instead of..."

The next words were stuck in her throat, and Su Jianan couldn't say them anyway.

Lu Boyan just wanted to embarrass Su Jianan and deliberately asked: "What is it not? Huh?"

"Ahem!" Su Jianan squeezed out the last few words with difficulty, "I didn't mean to let you do something to me..." Her face turned red, and she closed her eyes and asked, "Are you satisfied with this answer?


Lu Boyan pondered for a moment and nodded, expressing satisfaction.

"..." Su Jianan's cheeks were burning, getting hotter and hotter, and she no longer knew what to say.

At this moment, Lu Boyan stretched out his hand towards Su Jianan: "Come here."


Su Jianan was somewhat hesitant.

She always felt that the past would be dangerous.

But if there was really a danger, she wouldn't be able to escape without going there.

Su Jian'an weighed it up and finally decided - let it go, whoever is afraid of whom!

Seeing Su Jianan's look of death, Lu Boyan suddenly felt funny, and the corners of his lips curved in a playful way.

If he didn't have time, he might really tease Su Jianan as she wished.

But right now, time doesn't allow him to do that.

Finally, Lu Boyan took Su Jianan's hand and said: "Tonight... I'm afraid it won't work. You go to bed first, I have some things to deal with."


Su Jianan understood the second half of Lu Boyan's sentence.

But what was wrong with the first half of his sentence? She didn't make any request to him!

After a while, Su Jianan realized that what Lu Boyan meant was "not just resting, but doing something to her".

If we continue talking like this, she will not want to sleep, and Lu Boyan will not want to work.

Su Jianan knew full well that she would never be Lu Boyan's opponent.

Her only choice is to run away.

"Well, then you should be busy, I'm going back to the room!"

Su Jianan tried her best to appear very considerate, and after speaking, she broke away from Lu Boyan's hand and ran out.

Lu Boyan quickly pulled Su Jianan with his eyes and hands, and with a little skill, Su Jianan suddenly fell into his lap.


Su Jianan's eyes widened and she looked at Lu Boyan in disbelief.

So, can she still not escape Lu Boyan's clutches?

Lu Boyan rested his chin on Su Jianan's shoulder: "I will be busy for a long time, why don't you say something to comfort me?"

Su Jianan turned around and looked at Lu Boyan: "How long will it take for you to be busy?"

Lu Boyan said nothing, and Su Jianan could already guess that he would be busy until at least two or three o'clock.

When they got married, Su Jianan heard Shen Yuechuan say that it was common for Lu Boyan to work overtime all night.

But since getting married, he has tried his best not to bring things home that he can handle at the company, and he has not worked overtime for a long time.

This time, when he meets Kang Ruicheng, he may really have to put in a little more energy.

Su Jianan stood up, hugged Lu Boyan, and stroked his back: "Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Lu."

"That's it?" Lu Boyan's slightly raised voice hinted at his dissatisfaction.

Su Jianan knew Lu Boyan too well. She held his face and kissed him on the lips: "Is this okay?"

"Of course not." Lu Boyan's eyes became helpless for a second, "But, I can only let you go first."

Su Jian'an smiled and retracted her hand: "Okay, go ahead and get busy. I'm going back to the room."

The next day, when Su Jianan woke up from her sleep in a daze, she vaguely heard the sound of gurgling water coming from the bathroom.

After the sound of water stopped, she opened her eyes and sat up, just in time to see Lu Boyan coming out of the bathroom.

Lu Boyan's face clearly showed the exhaustion of being up all night.

Su Jianan lifted the quilt and got up to help Lu Boyan blow dry his hair: "Have you been busy until now?"

Lu Boyan smiled and said calmly: "There are more things than I imagined."

"...Are you tired?" Su Jianan touched Lu Boyan's head, her tone full of uncontrollable distress.

"It's okay." After his hair was dry, Lu Boyan lay down and brought Su Jianan to the bed, holding her tightly in his arms, "Sleep with me for a while longer."

Su Jianan said "hmm" and looked at Lu Boyan's facial features bathed in the morning light, no longer sleepy.

When she was working at the police station, her professional knowledge and her tacit cooperation with Jiang Shaokai made her the backbone of the office.

However, when she returned to this home, she had learned business things for so long, but she still couldn't help Lu Boyan in any way.

Whenever this happens, she feels a deep sense of frustration.

Because of this, she realized more deeply that what she needed to do was more than just being Mrs. Lu so that the media could not find any loopholes.

She still needs to keep learning.

Even if she can't catch up with Lu Boyan, she still has to keep up with him.

Only in this way can she help Lu Boyan when he needs it.

Lu Boyan was probably too tired to notice that Su Jianan had been looking at him.

After a while, Su Jianan felt that Lu Boyan's breathing rate had slowed down - which usually meant that he had fallen asleep.

He was probably really tired.

Su Jian'an didn't feel sleepy, so she gently took away Lu Boyan's hand, got up and looked at the two little guys. Seeing that it was almost time, she took her cell phone and called Mu Sijue.

At this time, Mu Sijue, who was far away in the hospital, just woke up, and Xu Youning, who was lying next to him, was still sleeping peacefully.

Mu Sijue didn't want to disturb Xu Youning, so he took his mobile phone and walked to the balcony to connect: "Jian An, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I just want to tell you that in the afternoon, Yuechuan, Yunyun and I want to go to your house and see Youning. How about it? Is it convenient for you and Youning?"

"Convenient." Mu Sijue glanced at Xu Youning on the hospital bed, "Thank you."

Of course he knew that Su Jianan and Xiao Yunyun were not just here to see Xu Youning.

They will also give Xu Youning confidence and support.

For this, he was extremely grateful.

"Okay, let's go over after lunch." Su Jian'an said, "Bo Yan worked overtime all night last night. I want him to sleep a little longer."

"Okay, see you in the afternoon."

Musijue hung up the phone, opened the balcony door, and returned to the room.

Xu Youning just woke up, probably realizing that Mu Sijue was not around. She fumbled to find the mobile phone on the bedside table, unlocked it with her fingerprint, woke up the voice assistant, and asked for the current time.

The voice assistant told her that it was nine o'clock sharp.

"Huh..." Xu Youning seemed to realize something, and touched his stomach and said, "No wonder I feel so hungry."

After being invisible, Xu Youning was quite candid. He said what he wanted directly and never minced words to make people guess.

Mu Sijue actually thinks that this Xu Youning is much cuter than before.

Mu Sijue walked over and picked up Xu Youning directly.

"Ah!" Xu Youning called out unexpectedly, and subconsciously touched the face of the person holding her. She could tell it was Mu Sijue by the feel of his hand, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "You are in the room, why don't you say anything?


"I was answering the phone on the balcony just now." Mu Sijue carried Xu Youning to the bathroom, handed her the toothbrush, and warned, "Hurry up, I'll tell you something later."

Xu Youning didn't ask what was going on. He quickly brushed his teeth and walked to the outside restaurant to sit down. While tearing the toast, he swung his feet under the table and finally kicked Mu Sijue: "You want to follow me?"

say what?"

Mu Sijue did not try to be mysterious and said directly: "After dinner, we will go home and stay for a few days."

"Where are you going back to? G City?" Xu Youning suddenly became excited, his eyes lit up, "Can we go back?!"

Seeing Xu Youning's excited look, Mu Sijue's eyes inevitably dimmed, and there was a hint of guilt.

Right now, he can satisfy Xu Youning with anything.

The only thing he couldn't do was take her back to G City.

Once he takes Xu Youning back to G City, everything he concealed will be exposed.

Fortunately, he could still find an excuse to convince Xu Youning.

Mu Sijue spread jam on the bread, handed it to Xu Youning, and said calmly: "Your current physical condition does not allow you to travel and travel. We are not going back to G City now, we are just changing the environment and going back to the suburbs for two days."

Although Xu Youning was disappointed, he did not become suspicious. Instead, he comforted Mu Sijue: "It's okay. When I get better, we can go back to G City."

"Yeah." Mu Sijue handed the hot milk to Xu Youning, "We'll leave after eating."

Xu Youning took the milk, held it in his hands, and drank half the cup.

She was probably really looking forward to getting better and returning to G City, the hometown where she grew up.

Musijue is also looking forward to that day.

When that day comes, he won't have to hide all this anymore.

After breakfast, Xu Youning wanted to pack his luggage, but Mu Sijue said: "No need to pack, there is something here and at home."

Xu Youning thought about it, and if they went back this time, she wouldn't be able to stay for a few days before she would have to go back to the hospital again.

She stretched out her hand: "Then let's go home!"

Only then did Mu Sijue realize that this was how Xu Youning took the initiative.

He held Xu Youning's hand and said, "I suddenly feel that I like you better now."

"Mu Sijue," Xu Youning said with a serious face, "Don't deceive yourself!"

Mu Sijue thought Xu Youning had misunderstood what he meant, and tried to explain: "Youning, I..."

Xu Youning interrupted Mu Sijue: "You obviously liked the old me too!"


Mu Sijue must admit that this time, he was choked by Xu Youning and was speechless.

He couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, led Xu Youning, and left the hospital.

On the way, Mu Sijue received a text message from A Guang, saying that his family was ready and now he was waiting for him and Xu Youning to return.

Mu Sijue glanced at Xu Youning in the passenger seat. She obviously didn't know anything.

It’s okay not to know.

If you don't know, you will be even more surprised.

This chapter has been completed!
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