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Chapter 146: It Won't Be Well After Sleeping

The next day, Luo Xiaoxi woke up very early.

As soon as she opened her eyes, that heavy feeling came over her heart again. Su Jianan told her that she would feel better after sleeping and waking up, but how could that happen?

But she did calm down.

In order not to wake Su Jianan, Luo Xiaoxi got out of bed very gently. After going to the bathroom to wash up, the doorbell rang.

She saw Lu Boyan through the cat's eyes.

Lu Boyan must have come here for Su Jian'an. She suddenly envied Su Jian'an for being able to marry the person she liked, and that person still cared about her so much. Unlike her, who messed up everything.

She brushed her hair and opened the door: "Come in, Jian An is not awake yet."

After entering the door, Lu Boyan said: "If necessary, you can rest at home for a few days. I will ask Shen Yuechuan to talk to Candy."

Luo Xiaoxi lowered her head and thought for a while: "Thank you. But no, I will go to the company on time for training later."

Just now she remembered the same version of herself last night. When she went to find Qin Wei with a knife, she really wanted to kill someone. Fortunately, her remaining reason stopped her.

The impulsive and desperate self was so unfamiliar to her. She didn't want to be alone today, and she definitely couldn't be alone.

"You don't have to force yourself, but it's better if you can go to the company." Lu Boyan put the breakfast he brought on the dining table, "Do you mind if I go into the room and call Jian An?"

"It doesn't matter." Luo Xiaoxi smiled, "You can go in."

Lu Boyan walked over and opened the door. Su Jianan was still sleeping soundly. He called her several times but there was no response.

She always wakes up by the alarm clock, but she was in such a hurry when she went to the police station yesterday that she didn't take her mobile phone with her at all.

Lu Boyan pinched her nose: "Jian An, if you don't get up, you will be late."

"Well..." Su Jianan turned over, rolled up the quilt and covered her head, "Let me sleep for five more minutes, just five minutes..."

Lu Boyan raised his wrist to look at the time and started timing.

However, within five minutes, Su Jianan suddenly opened her eyes.

What happened yesterday came to mind, and she looked at Lu Boyan beside the bed in surprise: "Didn't you go back? Why are you here so early?"

Lu Boyan put the bag he brought next to her pillow: "I stayed in an apartment in the city center last night. I brought you clothes and breakfast. Don't blame me for not reminding you, it's 7:50."

Su Jianan dragged Lu Boyan's wrist to look at his watch. Really, she hurriedly got out of bed, picked up the bag Lu Boyan brought and rushed into the bathroom.

When she was changing clothes after taking a shower, she realized that Lu Boyan had even remembered to ask someone to help her pack her underwear. His cheeks were burning red, and his head almost dropped to the ground when he went out.

"Come here for breakfast." Lu Boyan called her, "After that, I'll take you to work."

She said "Oh" and walked over, pulling Luo Xiaoxi to sit down and eat together.

What Lu Boyan brought was crystal clear white porridge, accompanied by appetizers such as pickled cucumbers. It was crispy and delicious, and looked very appetizing. Luo Xiaoxi wanted to eat it, but when the white porridge was brought to her lips, she couldn't. Swallow.

Su Jian'an gave Luo Xiaoxi a piece of pickled cucumber: "Xiao Xi, I need something for breakfast. Eat a little bit, there are many things coming next, and you need energy to deal with them."

Luo Xiaoxi nodded mechanically, lowered her head and drank one mouthful of porridge after another.

It turns out that having a lack of appetite means not feeling full, but rather feeling hungry but still not wanting to eat.

Her stomach was empty, and the feeling of hunger made her stomach feel like it was about to drop, but she just didn't want to eat. But Su Jianan was right, she needed energy to cope with the next thing, and she wanted to eat.

Although the food didn't taste good, Luo Xiaoxi still drank two bowls of white porridge.

Finally, she raised her head from the bowl and said, "Okay, I'm full. I'm going to the company first. Eat slowly."

"Xiao Xi, you..." Su Jianan wanted Luo Xiaoxi to rest at home for two days, but after receiving a look from Lu Boyan, she had no choice but to let Luo Xiaoxi take the car keys and go out.

After Luo Xiaoxi entered the elevator, Su Jianan finally said: "I'm worried that something will happen if she goes to the company like this."

"No, she's already awake." Lu Boyan said, "I just mentioned letting her rest, but she refused."

Su Jianan understood: "She wanted to find something to do for herself." She sighed, "How did things become like this?"

Luo Xiaoxi was overjoyed a few days ago, thinking that she and Su Yicheng finally had a slight possibility, but things...how did it become like this?

Lu Boyan touched Su Jianan's head: "Stop thinking about it. It's useless for you to think about anything. Your brother will take care of the matter."

Su Jian'an thought about it. If Su Yicheng really liked Luo Xiaoxi, he wouldn't just leave Xiao Xi alone.

She felt relieved, cleared the table, sealed the remaining side dishes with plastic wrap and put them in the refrigerator, and asked Lu Boyan to take her to the police station.

Chengan Group.

"Brother Cheng." That's what Xiao Chen calls Su Yicheng in private. "Wake up, it's almost nine o'clock. You have a meeting at nine-thirty."

Last night, Su Yicheng stayed at the company and was busy all night. He went to the lounge to sleep for two or three hours when it was almost dawn. When he opened his eyes, the faint cyan color on his lower eyelids made him look even more tired.

"Breakfast is ready for you outside." Xiao Chen said, "Get up, wash your face, change clothes, eat breakfast and go to the meeting."

Su Yicheng clasped his hands together and massaged the center of his eyebrows with his two thumbs: "Xiao Chen, do something for me. Do it secretly and don't let anyone know."

"What's the matter?" Xiao Chen was not nervous. He had done too many such things for Su Yi.

Su Yicheng said: "Check within the company to see if anyone involved in the plan has had contact with anyone from the Qin family."

Xiao Chen was stunned for a moment.

The entire company knew that the plan was leaked, and rumors spread throughout the company that it was Luo Xiaoxi who leaked the secret. After all, there was really no suspicious person in the company, and everyone knew that this was a commercial crime. How could they be stupid enough to do this?

A self-destructive thing?

But Su Yicheng actually wanted to investigate.

Xiao Chen asked uncertainly: "Brother Cheng, do you suspect...that there is a ghost inside our company?"

"Luo Xiaoxi was drunk that night. Maybe she told Qin Wei, or maybe someone took advantage of this." Su Yicheng said, "Please conduct a thorough investigation for me. No matter what the result of the investigation is, don't make it public."

"I understand." Xiao Chen nodded and left the lounge.

Su Yicheng had an unbearable headache. He rubbed his brows and went into the bathroom. When he came out, he had shaved off his newly sprouted beard, had his hair styled, and his suit was neat. He was the elegant and handsome Su Yicheng again, with no trace of sitting at his desk all night.

Before going to the meeting, he checked his cell phone and saw two missed calls from Su Jianan. On the way to the conference room, he called Su Jianan back.

"Brother." Su Jianan answered the phone quickly, "How are you?"

"It's okay." Su Yicheng's laughter sounded very relaxed, "This kind of thing is common in shopping malls. Your brother will not be defeated by such a trivial matter."

"But something happened to Xiao Xi." Su Jianan sighed and said, "Last night she went to Qin Wei with a knife and was taken away by the police."

Su Jianan paused: "What now?"

"Lu Boyan and I went to the police station to bail her out. Lu Boyan asked her to rest for two days, but she still went to the company for training."

This meant that Luo Xiaoxi was awake. Su Yicheng breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll give her a call."

"Okay." Su Jianan hung up the phone very quickly.

Su Yicheng told Xiao Chen that the meeting would be postponed for five minutes, walked to the stairway, and dialed Luo Xiaoxi's phone.

At this time, Luo Xiaoxi was mechanically doing running movements on the treadmill. She couldn't keep up with the speed of the treadmill. Candy thought she would fall off, but she didn't react at all.

Until her phone rang and Su Yicheng's name was displayed on the screen.

She almost jumped off the treadmill, rushed into an empty room, closed the door with a bang, answered the phone, and was speechless for a long time.

Su Yicheng on the other end was also silent for a while. After more than ten seconds, he said: "Xiao Xi, don't do anything stupid."

Luo Xiaoxi had been holding back tears all morning and tears burst out of her eyes. They fell on the floor and splashed with water. She whimpered and said "Yeah".

"Also," Su Yicheng added, "take care of yourself."

Why does it sound like a warning before farewell? Is he planning to never care about her again and not even give her a call?

Luo Xiaoxi cried loudly, and her forehead began to feel numb again. She wanted to keep Su Yicheng, but he hung up the phone silently.

This time, he really won't want her.

Luo Xiaoxi finally collapsed on the ground and cried loudly. The tears she had endured all morning began to pour out.

The girls training with her outside were startled by her crying. They all got off the fitness equipment and asked Candy: "What's wrong with Xiao Xi?"

Candy shook her head: "I don't know what happened. But for someone as cheerful and optimistic as her to cry like this, it must be no small matter."

"Let's go in and see her." Luo Xiaoxi is usually very popular, but at this time everyone is very nervous about her.

"Wait." Candy stopped the girls, "I'll just go in, you can continue training."

Just when Candy was about to push open the dance studio door, Shen Yuechuan came in.

Shen Yuechuan is the most handsome guy in the Lu Group, second only to Lu Boyan in appearance. After Lu Boyan got married, she became the first target of girls' sexual desire. In addition, he was the artist director and often dealt with people from all walks of life.

He has developed a good talk and can coax girls into laughing, so as soon as he comes, the girls get excited and shout "Director Shen" one after the other until their honey almost overflows.

After Shen Yuechuan greeted everyone, he asked: "Where is Luo Xiaoxi?"

The girls fell silent for an instant, pointing to the dance room, and faint sounds of sobbing could be heard.

Candy came over and said, "You were fine yesterday. What happened to Xiao Xi?"

"Alas," Shen Yuechuan shook his head and sighed, "It's hard to explain in words."

"Is there something wrong at home?" Apart from her family, Candy couldn't think of anything else that could make Luo Xiaoxi collapse.

"She won't cry if something happens at home. She will just turn into a biting lion to solve the problem." Shen Yuechuan said, "It's her own private matter. Don't provoke her these days, and don't ask specifically. She will be fine on her own." Because he believed that Su Yicheng would not just leave Luo Xiaoxi alone.

He added: "I'll go in and see her."

Shen Yuechuan pushed open the door of the dance studio and went in. He saw Luo Xiaoxi squatting on the ground and hugging herself. The water marks on the floor in front of her were all her tears.

He handed her a tissue: "Okay, don't cry. You have figured out how to train, but you still can't figure out how to take care of yourself?"

Luo Xiaoxi raised her head and looked at Shen Yuechuan blankly.

Take good care of yourself, Su Yicheng also said.

Yes, you have to take care of yourself and don't do stupid things. If Su Yicheng hopes so, then she will do it.

Seeing Luo Xiaoxi's eyes gradually becoming clearer, Shen Yuechuan smiled: "Good girl, get up."

Luo Xiaoxi took Shen Yuechuan's hand to stand up and wiped away her tears: "Thank you."

"Need not."

Shen Yuechuan remembered the reason why he came here - Su Yicheng called him and asked him to come and see Luo Xiaoxi.

He patted Luo Xiaoxi's shoulder gently: "It will be fine. Don't cry anymore."

Luo Xiaoxi reluctantly raised a smile, nodded, and went out to continue training.

This chapter has been completed!
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