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Chapter 156 Husband, Am I Very Kind

Let everything go back to how it was before, then the day she leaves, he can at least pretend to have no feelings at all.

Su Jianan was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

She couldn't understand why Lu Boyan suddenly changed his attitude towards her. Yesterday at noon... he was still fine, and it still made her heart beat...

Or...does he have some misunderstanding about her?

When she got up the next day, Su Jianan wanted to ask Lu Boyan for clarification, but Lu Boyan just looked at her lightly, said that he was in a hurry, and went out without eating breakfast.

Seeing his car disappear from sight, Su Jianan suddenly felt scared.

There should be no misunderstanding between her and Lu Boyan. She was afraid that Lu Boyan was just... disgusted.

I'm disgusted with their "marriage", I'm disgusted with this kind of life, I'm disgusted with... her so-called wife.

Could it be that... their marriage couldn't last even two years?

Panic hit Su Jianan's heart like a fist, creating a bottomless pit in her heart, and panic spread wantonly...

On the way to the police station, Su Jianan was distracted for a while and almost rear-ended the car in front of her, causing a car accident. Fortunately, she reacted in time and avoided the tragedy.

It was also at this time that she noticed the vehicle behind her.

A very ordinary Mazda seemed to be following her as she drove out of the villa area.

Is it really such a coincidence that I have always been on the same road with her?

After getting off the viaduct and entering the city, Su Jianan drove her car twice around the police station, but the Mazda was still following her closely.

There was no doubt that the car was following her, but the person following her didn't seem to realize that her circling just now was intentional.

After all, she was half a police officer. Wouldn't that person think that she couldn't find out that she was being followed? Then the stalker's IQ was also worrying.

The white LaCrosse parked in the parking space next to the police station door. Su Jianan got out of the car as if nothing had happened. No one noticed that the mobile phone in her hand was taking pictures.

As soon as she entered the office, she looked through the photos she had just taken, and sure enough, she took the Mazda. The next few photos... Chen Xuanxuan stood outside the Mazda car door, looking at her back with resentment.

Lu Boyan was right to worry, Chen Xuanxuan really hated her. In the past month, Lu Boyan had taken her to and from get off work, and she had never noticed anything unusual. Today, as soon as she was alone, Chen Xuanxuan started to follow her so quickly.

After the decline of the Chen family, Chen Xuanxuan has been waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on her, right?


Su Jianan sighed and deleted the photo. Life is really not easy.

"Alas -" The door of the office was pushed open, and another long sigh came in, it was Jiang Shaokai.

Su Jianan looked at him in shock: "What's wrong with you?"

"What else can I do? I'm forced to get married." Jiang Shaokai put down the information and sat down in his seat irritably. "My dad said that since I don't want to inherit the family business, I will give him a grandson. He will train his grandson to become a child.

Heir, yesterday he forced me to look at a bunch of girls’ photos, and this morning he forced me to choose a daughter-in-law from the bunch of girls.”

"Pfft..." Su Jianan smiled unkindly.

"You still laugh when I'm in trouble! Are you friends?" Jiang Shaokai covered his face with the document, "Do you know how I felt when I looked at the photo yesterday - I had the illusion that I was picking pork at the vegetable market."

Su Jian'an expressed sympathy and patted Jiang Shaokai's shoulder: "If it really doesn't work, it's okay if you pick a girl to meet. What if you fall in love with her and you end up living happily together."

"Do you think anyone can be as lucky as you? The person you want to marry happens to be the person you like." Jiang Shaokai scratched his hair, "Stop talking and go to work. The murder case that night has not been solved yet."

After a day, everyone worked together, and the case was finally solved in the afternoon. The murderer was caught and brought to justice by the police. It only took 48 hours to solve the case. The director specially praised it.

Captain Yan proposed to go out to celebrate, and Su Jianan was the first to respond: "Okay, it's been a long time since we went out to eat together."

"Hey, correct me -" Xiaoying said, "It should be said that after you got married, you rarely ate with us. We, lonely people, still have dinner together every now and then."

Everyone cast ambiguous glances, and Su Jianan's cheeks turned red: "I won't be absent today!"

"Stop having dinner parties, it's boring." Xiaoying said enthusiastically, "How about going to a bar?"

They were all young people, and they all wanted to vent their passion after get off work. Everyone raised their hands in agreement, so after having a quick bite, a few people and a few cars headed straight to the bar.

Su Jianan and Jiang Shaokai were in the same car. Su Jianan thought for a while and dialed Shen Yuechuan's phone number to ask him if Lu Boyan was home.

"No," Shen Yuechuan said, "We all have to work overtime today. Just wait another two hours and he will go back."

"I'm not urging him to go home. I'm outside with my colleagues. Can you tell him for me?"

Su Jianan's voice was more polite and cold than ever before. Shen Yuechuan gave a dumb "oh", and then Su Jianan hung up the phone.

She called today. Lu Boyan has no reason to be angry, right?

"Did you really have a quarrel?" Jiang Shaokai, who was driving, shook his head, "I knew it, otherwise why would you follow us to the bar?"

"The inexplicable person is him." Su Jianan scrolled through the phone screen boredly, "I don't want to go back and see him."

Or in other words, he was afraid of seeing Lu Boyan.

She was afraid of seeing him being indifferent and indifferent to her, which would only intensify the panic in her heart.

After arriving at the bar, seven or eight people gathered in a booth, playing games and chatting with each other. The waiter brought beer after beer. Su Jianan remembered Lu Boyan's advice: From now on, he would be alone outside.

No drinking allowed.

If she drinks it, will he be angry when she goes back?

"Jian An, why are you so dazed? Do you miss your Mr. Lu?" Xiaoying opened the beer skillfully and neatly, "Would you like to play dice? If you lose, drink!"

Su Jianan gritted her teeth: "Play!"

"Well done!"

Xiaoying handed over the dice, the dice cup, and a bottle of beer, and Su Jianan took them one by one. Jiang Shaokai saw how she looked at death and asked her in a low voice: "Aren't you afraid that your Lu Boyan will be angry?"

Su Jianan raised her chin: "Just to make him angry!"

Rolling dice is a game that makes people unable to stop. Although Su Jianan is well versed in the rules of the game, there are all masters in the game. It is almost impossible for her not to drink. Not long after, two empty glasses of wine were placed in front of her.


Jiang Shaokai knew that she couldn't drink enough, so he stopped her: "Jian An, stop playing."

Su Jianan took away Jiang Shaokai's hand: "How can you ruin everyone's fun?"

Jiang Shaokai knew that she was determined to drink, so he stopped stopping her and just drank with her. After a while, there was another empty wine bottle in front of Su Jianan, and there was a row in front of Jiang Shaokai.

"I can't do it anymore." Jiang Shaokai rubbed his dizzy forehead, "Jian An, let's go out and get some fresh air?"

Su Jianan also fainted and let Jiang Shaokai help her out.

This street is a famous bar street in City A. The leaves of the French plane trees on both sides of the road have begun to turn yellow. When autumn comes, this street will be paved with a layer of golden leaves. If there are cars driving by quickly,

The sight of leaves flying behind the wheel is beautiful.


Su Jianan breathed in the fresh air, but suddenly felt nauseated. She squatted on the ground and retched. Jiang Shaokai patted her on the back: "Are you uncomfortable? I'll take you back."

"No." Su Jianan shook her head and stood up stubbornly, "I don't want to go back."

Jiang Shaokai didn't know if he was fainted. He touched Su Jian'an's face and said, "Jian An, what's going on between you and Lu Boyan? Are you unhappy?"

Su Jianan's eyes suddenly turned red. She lowered her head and bit her lip and said nothing. There were times when she was happy, but Lu Boyan... was too inexplicable.

Jiang Shaokai saw her aggrieved look for the first time and hugged her gently. It was the kind of hug between good friends: "It would be great if the person you like is not him."

Su Jianan's eyes heated up: "I also hope that the person I like is not her."

Then she wouldn't have to be so panicked, fearing that the two-year marriage would end early; let alone be so sad.

Jiang Shaokai let out a long sigh: "Don't go in again, wait for me here, I will take you back with the car keys."

Su Jianan nodded, squatted on the ground and hugged herself.

This was the time when energetic night owls were out and about. Seeing Su Jianan squatting there alone, many people came up to chat with her. She didn't even look at those people. She said "I'm married" and they left in a nonchalant manner.


Jiang Shaokai quickly came out with the car keys, and Su Jianan said, "Call a taxi for me and I'll go back by myself."

"I don't dare. Have you forgotten what happened to Xiao Xi last time? What if you also meet that kind of scumbag?" Jiang Shaokai handed the car keys to the driver and opened the back seat door, "Either I give it to you

You go back, or you call Lu Boyan to pick you up. I won't let you go back alone."

After hesitating for a moment, Su Jianan got into Jiang Shaokai's car.

She didn't know if she would encounter the scumbag, but Jiang Shaokai's reminder reminded her that Chen Xuanxuan was following her. She was dizzy now, so it was better to be careful, but she didn't want Lu Boyan to pick her up.

So, let Jiang Shaokai send her back.

The white BMW shuttled through the night. Su Jianan leaned lazily on the back of the chair, not falling asleep and not wanting to talk. Jiang Shaokai didn't ask her any more questions.

In less than fifty minutes, the car stopped in front of a villa.

"Thank you." Su Jianan smiled dazedly at Jiang Shaokai, opened the car door and got out. Unexpectedly, Lu Boyan was also getting out of the car.

She laughed again: "What a coincidence, you have just come back."

As soon as Lu Boyan came closer, he smelled the smell of alcohol on her body, and his eyes darkened: "Where have you been?"

Su Jianan blinked, not knowing how to answer. At this time, Jiang Shaokai opened the car door and came out: "We solved the case, and the whole team went to celebrate. While playing games in the bar, Jian An drank some wine."

"Why did you send her back?" Lu Boyan asked coldly.

Jiang Shaokai shrugged: "I asked her to call you, but she didn't want to."

"I dare not call you." Su Jianan stumbled into Lu Boyan, "Shen Yuechuan said that you have to work overtime. What if I disturb you while you are working? Husband, am I very virtuous?"

She was drunk again.

Lu Boyan took Su Jianan's hand and led her through the door. Su Jianan struggled all the way: "Lu Boyan, let me go!"

He pulled her over and looked at her dangerously: "Have you forgotten everything I told you?"

"No." Su Jian'an shook her head innocently, "You told me not to drink alone outside, and I didn't forget it."

"So what were you drinking at the bar?"

"Wine!" Su Jian'an suddenly realized that Lu Boyan was angry and patted his chest, "Don't worry, I'm not drinking alone, I'm drinking with Jiang Shaokai! With Jiang Shaokai here, nothing will happen."

This chapter has been completed!
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