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Chapter 182 Find Luo Xiaoxi (2)

Luo Xiaoxi suddenly had a bad premonition. Sure enough, in the next second, Su Yicheng's handsome features were approaching her.

Before she could resist, Su Yicheng had already captured her lips.

Luo Xiaoxi's eyes widened, and her thick long eyelashes almost swept over Su Yicheng. Her body's sensory abilities seemed to be fully opened at this moment, and she felt everything clearly——

The cool breeze blowing in from the window, the warmth of Su Yicheng's lips, his breathing, every gentle suck he took, he tried to pry open her teeth...

But she could only stare, her whole body stiff and suppressed by him, not knowing how to react.

Su Yicheng also felt Luo Xiaoxi's stiffness. Remembering her limited experience in kissing, he let go of her and looked into her eyes leisurely. Sure enough, her cheeks slowly turned a light red, but she held on.

Dress like "I'm not afraid of you."

He smiled, his lips fell on her eyes, and his magnetic voice carried an order that could not be disobeyed: "Close your eyes."

Luo Xiaoxi didn't listen to Su Yicheng's words, but when he kissed her, she had to close her eyes.

In the early morning, the whole city fell into a deep sleep and was completely silent. Luo Xiaoxi's hands unconsciously tightened, grabbing the sheets under her body, and said with some difficulty: "Su Yicheng, don't..."

They don't understand now, so they can't.

Or when the relationship is clear and clear, it will be a matter of course.

Or...she can only force Su Yicheng!

It's absolutely not possible to do it so suddenly!

Su Yicheng had no intention of doing anything to Luo Xiaoxi, but he couldn't deny that he almost lost control. He pulled away with difficulty and looked at her deeply.

Luo Xiaoxi just felt that there was something extra in Su Yicheng's eyes - something strange to her, but also confused.

"Sleep." Su Yicheng avoided Luo Xiaoxi's gaze and held her down with his long legs, "Stop moving around, otherwise... I'm not sure what I will do."

Luo Xiaoxi was still frightened, so she moved to the edge of the bed as much as possible, and tried to distance herself from Su Yicheng to ensure her own safety...

Her behavior made Su Yicheng very displeased. He narrowed his eyes and decisively dragged her back and held her in his arms: "I will tell you one last time, don't move again."

Not to mention moving, Luo Xiaoxi didn't dare to express her anger at all, but silently said "fuck" in her heart - Su Yicheng usually looks like a gentle gentleman to the outside world, but in fact he is just a wild beast, okay!

"Why did you come to me?" She asked the question she had been holding back all night.

Su Yicheng was silent for a while, but finally said nothing and urged her: "It's getting late, go to bed."

"You are avoiding my question." Luo Xiaoxi raised her head and looked at Su Yicheng with a smile, "Do you have any secrets that you dare not tell me?"

"Are you not tired at all?" Su Yicheng gradually approached her, "Then let's do something to consume our energy."

The depth in his eyes had not faded away, and his whole person was full of aggression. Luo Xiaoxi was lying when she said she was not afraid, and she immediately fell down and closed her eyes.

She wanted to sleep, but after thinking about it, she still felt a little weird and uneasy: "Su Yicheng, you don't become animalistic in the middle of the night, do you?"

"If you say anything again, I will..."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to sleep." Luo Xiaoxi covered Su Yicheng's mouth and closed her eyes.

Although Su Yicheng was a "beast" tonight, he was not the kind of person who went back on his word. After he said he would not do anything to her, Luo Xiaoxi believed that he would never touch her.

So, she closed her eyes in peace.

Luo Xiaoxi's personality is completely different from Su Jian'an's, but they have one thing in common - they can sleep like a pig after lying down for ten seconds.

After a while, Su Yicheng heard Luo Xiaoxi's long breathing, but he opened his eyes in the darkness.

Luo Xiaoxi asked him why he came to him. It wasn't that he couldn't answer, but he didn't know how to tell Luo Xiaoxi. It was because of impulse.

Everything was originally planned. After "Supermodel Contest" was over and the matter was resolved perfectly, he would confess everything to Luo Xiaoxi.

But after hearing Zhang Mei say that her family wanted Luo Xiaoxi to marry Qin Wei, he still couldn't control himself and risked being caught for drunk driving to come find her.

He suddenly understood why Lu Boyan had not come to Su Jianan for so many years.

People like them, when faced with interests and various temptations, can use strong determination to control themselves and prevent themselves from going astray.

It's not because they have strong concentration, but because it doesn't have much temptation for them, and those who tempt them don't grasp their real weakness.

Their real weakness is that even if someone touches them, they will be in pain to the bone, just like Lu Boyan wishes he could suffer this serious injury on Su Jianan's behalf.

As for the real temptation, even they themselves dare not touch it, just like Lu Boyan has not dared to see Su Jianan for so many years, because he knows that once he does, he will completely lose control and never let go.

Su Yicheng closed his eyes and sighed from the bottom of his heart - he never expected that he would fall on Luo Xiaoxi in this life.

He got a little closer to Luo Xiaoxi, and the faint fragrance of her body filled his breath. The bed beneath him and the quilt on his body seemed to be filled with her scent.

Su Yicheng seemed to have fallen back to the day when he and Luo Xiaoxi returned from watching the game. Luo Xiaoxi's breath and deep exhaustion came over him. He suddenly felt tired, but he also felt unprecedentedly relaxed, and his consciousness became increasingly blurred...

It had been so long since he had fallen asleep naturally like this, that when he woke up the next day, Su Yicheng once suspected that he was dreaming.

But it's all true. It's true that Luo Xiaoxi is lying next to him, and it's true that he can sleep until dawn without relying on sleeping pills.

He got up, covered Luo Xiaoxi with a quilt and quietly left the room, as if he had never been there.

At 7:20, the alarm clock on Luo Xiaoxi's bedside table rang rapidly. She pulled the quilt and covered her head and lay there for a few minutes. She suddenly realized something and lifted the quilt——

Apart from her, there was no other person on the bed.

Where is Su Yicheng?

Or was everything last night really just a dream?

Damn, this dream she had was too realistic. She could still vividly remember what it felt like when Su Yicheng forcibly kissed her yesterday.

In this mess that seemed like a dream but not a dream, Luo Xiaoxi got up sleepily and went into the cloakroom to change clothes, then opened the door in a daze. At this moment, she felt like she had fallen into another dream——

Su Yicheng was standing in the open kitchen wearing a shirt and trousers. His tie was hung casually on his chest and the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up to his wrists. His lazy look was a bit casual, but the movements of his hands were serious and thoughtful.


He is frying eggs.

The blue flames on the natural gas stove are jumping, and the egg whites in the pan are fried until they are round. When they are put in a bowl and topped with egg yolks, a beautiful sun-baked egg is born.

At this time, the oven was turned off, he put on thick gloves and pulled out the baking pan, put the cooked chicken breast on a white dinner plate, and then grilled asparagus and sausage.

How did you say that?

Oh, fascinated - this is the most suitable word to describe Luo Xiaoxi at this moment.

She has seen many men, but there are only a few clothes racks. Su Yicheng is definitely the leader among the clothes racks. Whether he wears suits or sports and leisure, he has a calm and steady temperament, and his conversation is very elegant.

, is an existence that makes women crazy.

What she didn't expect was that he rolled up his sleeves and picked up the spatula. He still had the same demeanor in his movements, and even had the air of a good family man. He was still so handsome that it made people's heads ache.

She must not let anyone see Su Yicheng like this, otherwise how many love rivals will she have?

The asparagus and sausages were grilled quickly, and Su Yicheng put them on the plate. He accidentally saw Luo Xiaoxi standing in the living room and said, "Go brush your teeth. Breakfast will be ready soon."


If this was a dream, Luo Xiaoxi was willing to keep living it. She went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth, quickly put on skin care products, and then came out.

Two breakfasts and a fruit salad were already on the table, exuding a tempting aroma, and something else was spinning in the microwave.

Su Yicheng has also tidied himself up, tied his tie into an elegant Windsor knot, put down the sleeves of his shirt, revealing a business watch and exquisite and low-key cufflinks. The good family man is gone, and he looks like a business elite again.

No matter which side he showed, Luo Xiaoxi had only one reaction - swallowing.

There was a "ding-" sound, and the light in the microwave oven dimmed.

Su Yicheng suddenly remembered that his cell phone was left in Luo Xiaoxi's bedroom. As he walked towards the bedroom, he naturally told Luo Xiaoxi: "Bring out the milk."

The milk in the glass was warm, just right. Luo Xiaoxi brought it out, and Su Yicheng walked out of the bedroom with his mobile phone.

Luo Xiaoxi felt that they were like an ordinary pair of boyfriend and girlfriend, living an ordinary but warm life.

But no, he and Su Yicheng are still nothing.

Luo Xiaoxi woke herself up from her dream, put down the milk and stared at Su Yicheng: "Why didn't I know you could cook food?"

Su Yicheng only thought that Luo Xiaoxi was surprised: "There are still many things you don't know."

Luo Xiaoxi tried the grilled chicken breast. It had a first-class taste, and it was not bad at all. The asparagus was also crisp, tender and delicious. It was a match for Su Jianan.

She asked Su Yicheng excitedly: "How many women have you chased with this trick?"

"I've never chased a woman."

Su Yicheng's previous girlfriends were strong women at work and good at guessing men's thoughts. They stayed with him naturally. After spending a period of time, once he showed coldness and indifference, they would ask: "I

Is it time to leave?"

He hands over a check or a bunch of keys, and the relationship between the two returns to being ordinary friends.

No one would be as interested in his past as Luo Xiaoxi, because they knew it would arouse his resentment. The strange thing was that he did not resent Luo Xiaoxi's questioning and even answered.

However, Luo Xiaoxi snorted and said she didn't believe it at all: "Are they all chasing you?"

Su Yicheng put down his knife and fork: "Xiao Xi, I have nothing to do with them anymore."

Luo Xiaoxi remembered Qin Wei's words half a month ago. Qin Wei clearly told her that Su Yicheng and those women were not completely divorced.

She looked at Su Yicheng suspiciously: "Does it really have nothing to do with everyone anymore?"

This chapter has been completed!
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