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Chapter 1911 Enjoy tonight (1)

Lu Boyan suddenly stopped and looked at Su Jianan.

Against the backdrop of the night, his eyes became deeper and more attractive.

When Su Jianan met his gaze, it felt like she had accidentally fallen into an invisible whirlpool, and her whole body sank deeply in a dizzy state...

Hey, Lu Boyan was born to interpret the word "charm", right?!

Su Jianan struggled to get rid of the dizziness and found her voice: "I'm not complaining, you..."

She wanted to tell Lu Boyan not to misunderstand, but before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Lu Boyan:

"Tonight belongs to us." A faint smile appeared on the corner of Lu Boyan's lips, "Enjoy it to the fullest."

"..." Su Jianan thought she heard wrongly and looked at Lu Boyan confusedly, "...What do you mean?"

Lu Boyan raised his eyebrows and gave an easy-to-understand explanation: "You can treat it as if we are dating."


Su Jian'an reacted belatedly: "That's why you specifically told Xi Yu and Xiang Yi that we won't be able to go home until very late?"

Lu Boyan was noncommittal, and Su Jiananquan took it as his acquiescence.

"Don't think too much." Lu Boyan gently tucked a lock of hair behind Su Jianan's ear, "enjoy tonight."

Su Jianan couldn't help but laugh: "I thought you brought me out suddenly for some serious business."

"Who stipulates that you must have something serious to do before you can take your wife out?"

After Lu Boyan finished speaking, he forcefully took Su Jianan's hand.

"...Well, of course there is no such rule." Su Jian'an broke away slightly, held Lu Boyan's hand in a more intimate way, and said, "Let's go, Mr. Lu. It's rare for us to go on a date."


Although they have been married for nearly seven years, these two words still represent youthfulness and beauty in Su Jianan's heart, making her involuntarily think of boys who are throbbing in their hearts but have to pretend to be calm on the surface, and boys who are full of expectations and shy smiles.


Although she and Lu Boyan are no longer ignorant boys and girls, their dates can still be full of sparks.

Su Jianan didn't ask Lu Boyan where he wanted to take her, and just followed his pace.

Turning left at the end of the long street, they passed through a street full of French plane trees, warmly lit but sparsely populated, and then walked through a bustling commercial street, passing major brand stores, making a complete circle.

Finally returned to the parking lot.

Hey, parking lot?

Su Jianan was sure that she had read it correctly, and turned to look at Lu Boyan: "Our date - is it over?" It's too... too soon!

Lu Boyan looked at the time, then looked at Su Jianan, the corners of his lips slowly raised: "No, our date has just begun."


What kind of magical reversal is this...

Su Jian'an pointed outside the parking lot: "Then you just took me around for a while -?"

Lu Boyan was surprisingly honest: "Delay time."

Su Jianan showed a speechless but convinced expression, opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. Although she didn't know where she was going next, she was looking forward to it.

The car passed through the brightly lit long streets and finally got onto the highway.

The rush hour has passed, but the taillights on the highway can still form a sea of ​​shining lights.

Some information automatically emerged in Su Jianan's mind: this road can lead to the suburbs of the city, or to several nearby cities.

At this time, it was impossible for Lu Boyan to take her to a neighboring city. Their destination might be the suburbs.

After arriving at the outskirts of the city...well, never mind! She didn't have to think so much, she just had to be hopeful.

The car passed through a fork in the road and the traffic flow became less. Lu Boyan changed lanes and drove the car to the leftmost express lane, then increased his speed.

Only then did Su Jianan notice that they had left the city. The boundless darkness had replaced the bright and prosperous lights, and the silence of the suburbs had replaced the hustle and bustle of the city.

After staying in the central area of ​​the city for a long time, this kind of tranquility makes people yearn for it.

Su Jianan leaned against the car window and looked at the dark night. Her fatigue and heaviness seemed to be left on the road behind her, leaving her feeling relaxed.

Although she didn’t know how Lu Boyan came up with the idea, she had to admit that a date like this once in a while was simply... awesome!

The car drove for almost an hour before getting off the highway.

In the darkness ahead, a few lights appeared faintly, like shining stars in the night sky.

Then, the sound of the waves reached my ears.

Su Jianan thought it was an illusion and lowered the window. A clear sound of waves hitting the rocks came, like the deep roar of the sea in the middle of the night.

"We're at the beach?!"

Su Jianan confirmed to Lu Boyan in surprise.

"Yeah." Lu Boyan gestured to Su Jianan, "Look to the right."

Su Jianan turned her head and looked out the car window, and a large sea area came into view.

Under the moonlight, this sea looks deep and peaceful, making people yearn for it involuntarily.

The light of the stars and the moon falls on the sea surface, reflecting fine silver light, which surges with the rolling waves, as if there are a group of small luminous creatures swimming under the sea.

Facing the sea, the car slowly stopped.

The sound of the waves became clearer, and the sea breeze flowed into the car at every opportunity, and the air inside the car suddenly had a smell of the sea.

Su Jianan stretched her hands out of the car window and faced the sea, as if trying to capture the sea.

After a while, Su Jianan suddenly remembered - why didn't they just go to the beach?

Su Jianan proposed enthusiastically: "Shall we go down?"

Lu Boyan grabbed Su Jianan's hand and said, "Wait a minute." After saying that, he motioned for her to look ahead.

Su Jianan became even more confused: "What are we waiting for here?"

Lu Boyan looked at the time and said to himself: "It's almost done."

Su Jianan had no clue and was about to ask further questions when she suddenly caught a flash of white light out of the corner of her eye.

She subconsciously searched for the direction of the white light. A few seconds later, she heard a "bang" sound, and then, gorgeous fireworks exploded in the night sky without scruples.

The seaside has a wide view, and watching fireworks is a completely different feeling, even more amazing than what you see in the city.

Before Su Jianan could react, another firework exploded in the sky.

The dazzling light illuminated the night sky and the sea in an instant.

Su Jianan watched the fireworks intently, the corners of her lips slowly rising.

It turned out that Lu Boyan took her aimlessly wandering around the streets of the city center just to prepare these things.

When she was a child, she loved the Spring Festival, mainly because fireworks could be set off during the New Year days.

Su Yicheng just mentioned the old story a few days ago, saying that every New Year's Eve when he was a child, he would accompany Su Jian to set off fireworks for a long time before going to bed.

Later, their mother passed away, Su Jianan and Su Yicheng both grew up, and they never set off fireworks again.

Now, finally there is a bright light, blooming just for her.

In a daze, Su Jianan seemed to see not only the gorgeous fireworks, but also the joy of childhood.

It took a full twenty minutes for the fireworks to finish.

Su Jianan was satisfied with watching it, and the night sky returned to its previous tranquility and darkness.

"Like it?"

Lu Boyan's voice became deeper and sweeter as it immersed itself in the night.

"I like it!" Su Jianan turned to look at Lu Boyan, "But why did you think of taking me to the beach to watch the fireworks?"

Lu Boyan said: "Congratulations on helping the artist win the role."

Su Jianan smiled: "Thank you."

Lu Boyan reached out and patted Su Jianan's head gently: "Thank you for your hard work."

It is not an easy task to manage so many agents and artists in Lu's Media. Su Jianan's position requires her to have excellent communication skills in addition to her excellent work ability.

Over the past four years, Su Jianan has become more and more proficient at what she does, and can handle everything with ease.

Lu Boyan knew that the effortlessness on the surface must be because she had put in a lot of effort behind the scenes.

"Actually, compared to many people, I'm already very lucky." Su Jian'an shrugged, "So, I don't feel like I'm working hard."

Lu Boyan knew that Su Jianan was never pretentious, so he said no more and motioned for her to get out of the car: "I have reserved a restaurant."

Su Jianan looked surprised: "Is there a restaurant here?"

After getting off the car and looking around, Su Jianan realized that she was short-sighted.

There are not only restaurants, but also cafes and hotels, as well as several small convenience stores, making it a small mature business district.

Su Jianan followed Lu Boyan into a Western restaurant.

The restaurant is not big, and the design does not pursue luxury but is very simple. It can be seen that the designer worked very hard to make subtractions when drawing.

However, the small store has floor-to-ceiling glass windows on three sides, ensuring that you can see the sea from every location.

If you look carefully, it is not difficult to find that the lighting design is also very careful. Su Jianan has a sense of plain warmth as soon as she comes in, mostly because of the lighting.

"I like it here." Su Jianan whispered to Lu Boyan.

"As long as you like it." He said this, but Lu Boyan didn't look surprised.

"Mr. Lu, Mrs. Lu," the waiter said with just the right amount of enthusiasm. He came up to us and led Lu Boyan and Su Jian'an towards their seats.

Only then did Su Jianan realize that there were no other customers in the restaurant.

They just passed by taverns, convenience stores, and ordinary small restaurants. There were people there. There was no reason why there were no people here.

After thinking for a moment, the realization that "Lu Boyan has booked the show" came to Su Jianan's mind.

The waiter arranged for Lu Boyan and Su Jianan to sit in the position with the best view in the whole store. Under the dark night, the quiet sea, the mysterious starry sky, and the night view of the seaside came into view one by one. When the glass window was opened, the sound of the waves could also be heard.

The two menus were placed in front of Lu Boyan and Su Jianan respectively.

Su Jianan was hungry, so she ordered the meal according to her usual taste without looking carefully.

After a while, the appetizer arrived.

The taste isn't bad, but it's definitely not as good as the famous Western restaurants in the city center, but it's better than the dining experience.

This was Su Jianan's most relaxing meal in the past six months.

"Can we often date like this in the future?" Su Jianan asked with anticipation.

Of course Lu Boyan would not refuse and suggested without thinking: "Once a week?"

This chapter has been completed!
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