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Chapter 219 Shen Yuechuan Conspiracy

"Bo Yan... Lu Boyan?"

The car has been speeding on the road for more than ten minutes, and Lu Boyan still holds Su Jianan's hand tightly, his knuckles turning white one by one, but he doesn't say a word.

Su Jianan's hands were small and slender, and they were so painful from Lu Boyan's grasp that she had no choice but to call him.

But he didn't respond.

Something is wrong.

It stands to reason that after seeing Kang Ruicheng, he should regard Kang Ruicheng as his opponent. Facing his opponent, Lu Boyan would never react like this.

Are you angry with her?

Su Jianan looked carefully and saw that it didn't look like this when he was angry.

"Lu Boyan," she shook Lu Boyan's hand and asked carefully, "What's wrong with you?"

Only then did Lu Boyan come back to his senses. He looked at Su Jianan and said, "Sit over here."

Su Jianan sat down obediently, thinking that Lu Boyan was going to say something, but he just hugged her tightly. She couldn't help but ask: "Are you tired from work?"

The last few times he held her like this in the car, it was because he was tired.

"It's okay." After a pause, Lu Boyan suddenly called Su Jian'an's name, "Jian An..."


"Don't see Kang Ruicheng again." He said, "If he comes to find you, contact me as soon as possible. Starting tomorrow, I will arrange for someone to protect you. If you need to go out for work, let them follow you."

Su Jianan couldn't digest so much information for a while, and looked at Lu Boyan blankly: "It's just Kangruicheng... Is it so scary? Do you know Kangruicheng?"

"Jian An," Lu Boyan said slowly, "I can take risks on the company's affairs. But I can't take any risks on you."

Su Jianan still felt a little strange.

Lu Boyan has always been arrogant and confident. There are too many people he doesn't regard as opponents at all, but why does Kang Ruicheng make him feel like he is facing a formidable enemy?

Before Su Jian'an could come up with an answer, Lu Boyan added: "During this period, please listen to me. I know that Kang Ruicheng is by no means a kind person. He is even more complicated than you think."

The relationship between Kang Ruicheng and him was a hundred times more complicated than Su Jianan imagined.

Lu Boyan's words awakened Su Jian'an. The suspect in Wang Hong's case was Dongzi, and Dongzi's name was Brother Kang Ruicheng.

What kind of good person can the boss of the suspected murderer be?

She nodded: "Well, I won't see Kang Ruicheng anymore, and I will definitely listen to you!"

Lu Boyan finally raised his lips and hugged Su Jianan tightly into his arms.

After more than ten years, that deep uneasiness enveloped his whole person again.

This is the reason why he hasn't seen Su Jianan in the past ten years, because he knows that this day will come. Su Jianan by his side is like stepping on a time bomb.

At this moment, only by hugging Su Jianan tightly could his suspended heart gain a moment of peace.

After returning home, Lu Boyan went into the study and made a few calls. After dinner, he said to Su Jianan: "I'm going out to discuss something with Mu Qi and the others."

He, Mu Sijue and a few friends often met at this time. Su Jianan was used to it and just asked: "When will you come back?"

"Before twelve o'clock." Lu Boyan kissed Su Jianan's forehead, "If you are sleepy, go to bed first, okay?"

"Yes!" Su Jianan nodded obediently, "Be careful on the road."

After getting in the car, Lu Boyan asked Uncle Qian to take her to the club on the top of the mountain.

This was the first time that Uncle Qian saw Lu Boyan like this. On the surface, he looked calm, but the depth in his eyes made people breathless.

He didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he started the car, drove to the maximum allowed speed, and sent Lu Boyan to the door of the club in the shortest time.

"Mr. Lu." The manager of the club heard that Lu Boyan was coming and had been waiting at the door early in the morning. As soon as the car stopped, he came up and opened the door for Lu Boyan. "Mr. Mu and Mr. Shen are already on the top floor. The private room is waiting for you."

Lu Boyan nodded slightly, entered the special elevator, and went straight to the private room on the top floor.

Shen Yuechuan and Mu Sijue had already drank half a bottle of wine. Seeing Lu Boyan come in, Shen Yuechuan spoke first: "You are so anxious on the phone, what happened?"

"Kang Ruicheng." Lu Boyan sat on the black leather sofa, his expression as heavy as a stormy June day, "Jian An accidentally met him, and he is pursuing Jian An."

"Pfft -" Shen Yuechuan's first reaction was not fear, but humor, "Jian An...how did you get targeted by that pervert Kang Ruicheng?"

Lu Boyan briefly told what happened in Happy World. After hearing this, Mu Sijue frowned deeply: "Does Kang Ruicheng know about your relationship with Jian An?"

"He knew Jian An was married, but he still stalked her." Lu Boyan smiled coldly, "Kang Ruicheng wants to steal someone from me."

Shen Yuechuan made a "stop" gesture: "Bo Yan, the important point now is, has Kang Ruicheng discovered you?"

Lu Boyan paused, a cold look flashed in his eyes: "Probably not yet. The news from more than ten years ago was abuzz. He probably thought I was dead. At most, he thought my last name was familiar."

Things that happened more than ten years ago were a taboo between the three people. Although they knew that Kang Ruicheng was back and it was inevitable to bring up the old things again, but Lu Boyan brought it up without warning, Mu Sijue and Shen Yuechuan were still He was stunned for a moment.

Musijue frowned and asked, "What are you going to do now?"

"This game with Kang Ruicheng is unavoidable. It's better to face him as soon as possible." Lu Boyan looked at Mu Sijue, "Where are you?"

"There is no doubt that Kangruicheng wants to seize my territory in G City, but I still haven't been able to find out the undercover agent he placed next to me." Mu Sijue felt a slight headache, but there was a smile on his lips, "If one day I found this undercover agent, and I really can't bear to do anything to him. He is so good at playing the cat-and-mouse game, he is a talent."

Shen Yuechuan leaned back on the sofa and looked unusually serious: "We have been preparing for a long time. I don't believe that three of us can't fight against Kang Ruicheng. He has Jian An's idea, and we have old and new hatreds together. Forget it! But having said that, we have to deal with this guy quickly, I haven’t got a wife yet!"

Mu Sijue smiled disdainfully: "It sounds like you can get a wife if you solve Kangrui City."

"Don't laugh at fifty steps and laugh at a hundred steps!" Shen Yuechuan retorted decisively, "Mu Qi, aren't you also a bachelor? What's more, you are older than me! Old bachelor!"

"This is entirely my own choice." Kang Ruicheng disapproved of the matter of being single, "Marriage is a burden to me. Just become a fan of my wife, and I will watch you."

Lu Boyan looked at the time and saw that it was getting late, so he stood up and said, "I'll go back first."

Mu Sijue said: "Goodbye, the No. 1 daughter-in-law fan."

Lu Boyan ignored it and left the club to go home.

Shen Yuechuan walked to the window and looked out, and happened to see Lu Boyan getting into the car. He sighed: "Mu Qi, do you think Boyan will tell Jian An the matter?"

"Not for the time being." Mu Sijue shook the wine glass in his hand, "His greatest hope in this life is that Su Jianan can live a happy and simple life, so he could not bear to go to Jian An for so many years. In order not to let Jian An is worried about him and Kang Ruicheng, and he probably won't confess until the last minute."

"Don't talk about you, actually I don't understand what the power of so-called 'love' can actually do to make people like Lu Boyan abnormal." Shen Yuechuan sat back on the sofa and thought for a while, "By the way, there is something Let’s discuss this with you!”

"What's the matter?" Musijue asked.

Shen Yuechuan smiled mysteriously: "Isn't Lu Boyan's birthday coming soon..." He told Mu Sijue about the long-planned plan, and added, "Lu Boyan has confessed his love to others anyway, so these There is no point in hiding the matter anymore, why not reveal it and help Mr. Lu!"

The corners of Musijue's lips curved in an unsettling arc, and he raised his hand: "I agree."

Shen Yuechuan and Mu Sijue high-fived, took out their mobile phones and sent a group message to notify others, and then waited for the show to unfold with a smile on their faces.

Lu Boyan was unaware of what Shen Yuechuan was plotting, and just asked Uncle Xu to drive faster. When he got home, it was already past eleven o'clock, but Su Jianan was not asleep yet, lying on the bed and napping. Yawn and watch a movie.

Su Jianan finally waited until Lu Boyan came back, and happily turned off her tablet and got up to get him pajamas: "Go take a shower." After that, she yawned again.

Lu Boyan took the clothes and frowned distressedly: "Why don't you sleep first when you're sleepy?"

"Well, I want to wait for you to come back." Su Jianan said with a smile.

Lu Boyan helplessly touched the little monster's head: "I'll wash it soon."

After saying that, he entered the bathroom. Su Jianan jumped on the bed, pulled the quilt and wrapped herself in it. Listening to the sound of water coming from the bathroom, she felt inexplicably quiet and at ease.

Lu Boyan dried his hair and came out, only to find that Su Jianan had fallen asleep. She wrapped herself in a soft quilt like a silkworm chrysalis, with only one head exposed. Her breathing was shallow, and her sleeping face was so peaceful and sweet that it was unbearable. disturb.

His footsteps involuntarily eased, he walked to the bed and sat down, brushing away the long hair sticking to Su Jianan's cheek. Su Jianan seemed to know that it was his hand, and suddenly grabbed it and dragged it into her arms, looking satisfied. expression.

She didn't wait for him to come back specifically, she just made sure he was at home so that she could sleep peacefully.

Lu Boyan's heart suddenly softened and he lay down and hugged Su Jianan tightly.

In the days that followed, I'm afraid it wasn't Su Jian'an who was relying on him, but he was relying on Su Jian'an. Once the air at home lost her smell, he might not even know how to spend the long nights.

Su Jianan usually sleeps very deeply, but when he senses something is wrong, he always wakes up in time.

That night, she woke up inexplicably around three o'clock in the morning. Through the light of the dim wall lamp, she saw the sleeping Lu Boyan with his brows furrowed and the corners of his lips pursed tightly, although he did not make any sound. , but she could feel that he was trapped in the quagmire of pain.


Lu Boyan suddenly called his father, his voice was very soft. If this wasn't the second time, Su Jianan would almost think it was just his imagination.

Every time Lu Boyan has nightmares, it's because of his father.

Su Jianan couldn't help but wonder, was the car accident fourteen years ago not as simple as she imagined, but there was something behind it?

This chapter has been completed!
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