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Chapter 2491 Difficulty breaking time

Ye Dongcheng's big hand directly covered Ji Siyu's eyes, and his body moved forward.

Ji Siyu's body couldn't help but tremble.



Ye Dongcheng called her name twice in succession.

Ji Siyu pushed him hard and resisted him.

He said there was no point in remarrying her, and he came to the ball with other women. His attitude said everything.

But, what is he doing now?

Ji Siyu pushed him away hard.

Ye Dongcheng looked at her silently.

"Ye Dongcheng, do you think I'm particularly easy to bully?"


"Then what are you doing now?" Ji Siyu raised her hand and wiped her tears hard. She just couldn't show weakness to Ye Dongcheng.

Showing weakness will only make him bully you more.

Faced with Ji Siyu's questioning, Ye Dongcheng didn't say a word.

He has been silent, silent, and there seems to be endless love hidden in his eyes. But if he doesn't say anything, she can't see through it.

Looking at Ye Dongcheng in front of her, this man was a knife in her heart.

Once she loved him, he would cut her once. Until she sharpened his blade with her heart.

Now my heart doesn't hurt anymore, I just feel astringent, so astringent that I can't express the pain.

"Ye Dongcheng," Ji Siyu said with tears in her eyes. She had a thousand words to say, but she could only say one or two to him, "Have you ever loved me?"

She is unwilling to give in, she is a common person.

There was hatred and resentment in her heart. If the five years she had spent with him were really just wishful thinking on her part, then how much did God have to hate her to let her suffer this kind of pain?


"Ye Dongcheng, don't worry, I won't pester you. I also have a heart and self-esteem. You said you wouldn't remarry me, so I understand everything. Do you think I'm looking for you now to quarrel with you?

Is it because I love you that I fight for you? No! I just fight for myself, and I just want to find a result for myself."

Tears swayed in her eyes. Her voice had a faint tone of muteness. Her head had been filled with too many thoughts in the past two days.

As for Ye Dongcheng, she recognized him. If she couldn't see clearly, she wouldn't look at it.

"Siyu, there is no point in talking about this now."

Ye Dongcheng didn't answer her directly. He didn't want to hurt her again, but he didn't know what he said. It was like a knife had already been inserted into her chest. At the critical moment, he stabbed her again.

"It's meaningless? Haha, it's meaningless!" Tears suddenly fell down, "For you, what is meaningful and what is meaningless?"

Those who are loved are always confident.

Ye Dongcheng perfectly interpreted this sentence.

Listening to Ye Dongcheng's words, Ji Siyu felt that she was a joke.

She was very affectionate towards him, but he dismissed her with a perfunctory "meaningless" to her.

Ji Siyu, Ji Siyu, by now, you should realize it.

Ji Siyu lowered her head and wiped the tears from her eyes. She sniffed and said, "Where is the room? Please take me there."

Ye Dongcheng was stunned for a moment, and Ji Siyu seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person.

From a soft and weak woman to a decisive one.

Ye Dongcheng suppressed his inner discomfort and said, "Follow me."

Ye Dongcheng walked in front. His tall and straight figure gave people a sense of security.

Ji Siyu followed him silently, with tears still visible on her beautiful face.

She has cried too much in her life, and she has been too cruel to herself.


Ye Dongcheng stood in front of the door and opened the door to a super luxurious presidential suite.

Ye Dongcheng stood at the door and motioned for her to go in first.

Ji Siyu didn't look at him and went straight into the house.

"Do you come here often?" Ji Siyu took a look after entering.

The material structure of the house and even the small ornaments look expensive.

"Sometimes we entertain guests here, so we asked the hotel to reserve a room." Ye Dongcheng walked to the sofa and sat down.

Ji Siyu touched the back of the sofa, the luxurious crystal chandelier, the oversized soft bed, the pure white water leopard velvet carpet... all these things showed one word - expensive.

"I'll take a shower. I'll stay here tonight. You can do whatever you want."

The dance party wouldn't be over for a while, and Ji Siyu couldn't stay away from the hotel like this, so she decided to stay here for one night.


Ye Dongcheng responded.

Ji Siyu glanced at him and entered the bathroom without saying anything.

The bathroom is 30 square meters, with an oversized bathtub on one side and a dressing table with a makeup stool on the other.

There are big-name skin care products and makeup on the dressing table.

She opened the cabinet and found a bathrobe, towels, slippers, and a bag inside.

The bag contains things for makeup removal.

It can be said that everything is available here.

Ji Siyu put water in the bathtub and began to remove her makeup.

She looked in the mirror with messy hair, purple lips, and two blood marks on her chest. She was talking to Ye Dongcheng with this sloppy look just now.

Now that I think about it, it's quite funny.

After taking off her makeup, she took off her skirt and sat in the bathtub.

As soon as her body was exposed to the comfortable water temperature, her whole body couldn't help but relax.

There is nothing better than a nice bath for love.

The temperature in the room was just right and the water temperature made her very comfortable. Ji Siyu fell asleep in a short time.

Ye Dongcheng didn't go home for the past two days, and she couldn't sleep well every night. At this time, exhaustion came to her.

In the bathtub, Ji Siyu fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Dongcheng sat outside the house for more than half an hour, preparing to give Ji Siyu a few words later, but Ji Siyu never came out.

Suddenly, he stood up.

He came to the bathroom door and knocked hard, "Siyu, Siyu!"

He called twice, but no one answered.

Not caring about anything else, he opened the door and strode in. The bathroom was filled with warmth.

Ji Siyu lay motionless in the bathtub, and Ye Dongcheng's heart suddenly stopped beating.

"Ji Siyu!"

He came over in a hurry and took out her hand. He looked at her left and right hands repeatedly and found that they were not injured.

He felt her breath again, and her breathing was steady and even.

Ye Dongcheng seemed to have lost all strength for a moment and collapsed on the ground.

Looking at Ji Siyu, he couldn't help but laugh.

His sleeves were soaked and his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

He was panicking just now. He had never been so scared before.

What would he do if Ji Siyu died? He didn't know, he only knew that it was as if he had died once.

After a while, Ye Dongcheng stood up while holding on to the bathtub.

Looking at the person in the bathtub, he is still sleeping soundly.

Ye Dongcheng took off his coat and unbuttoned the cufflinks of his shirt. He took a towel, first wrapped Ji Siyu's head, and then wrapped her body with a bath towel.

When he carried her back to bed, Ye Dongcheng called her twice more. However, Ji Siyu fell into a deep sleep with no sign of waking up.

Ye Dongcheng looked at her sleeping face and couldn't help but sigh.

He put her on the bed sideways, and then brought her a hair dryer and a dry towel.

When the towel had absorbed almost all the water from her hair, Ye Dongcheng put another dry towel on his lap and placed her head on his lap.

Turning on the hair dryer with medium gentle wind, he lowered his head and blew her hair carefully.

In his memory, he had never blown her hair like this, nor had he seen her so close.

At this time, Ji Siyu is curled up next to her legs. She is like a little wild cat. When she is awake, she flashes her claws everywhere. If you don't like her at all, she will scratch you.

She was so docile when she was sleeping.

Ye Dongcheng gently stroked her hair. The hair that had just been dried was smooth and silky.

After blowing her hair, Ye Dongcheng straightened her body.

As soon as it touched the pillow, Ji Siyu rolled over and went to the other side.

At this time, Ji Siyu's back was turned to him, and Ye Dongcheng looked at his empty hands.

He couldn't help but laugh.

Ji Siyu, this woman made him full of inferiority and guilt. Even if he spent his whole life, he could not make up for her.

So he thought of a way, and Ji Siyu spent five years loving him.

Then he would give her back ten years of his ten years of struggle.

Ye Dongcheng knew that this might not make up for the pain in her heart, but he tried his best.

Maybe she shouldn't have met him five years ago. If he hadn't helped her, if she hadn't gone to C City to find him, maybe she would have been happy.

A woman gave him her most precious five years.

The more Ye Dongcheng thinks about it, the more distressed he becomes.

Because of his stupidity, he hurt the woman who loved him and indirectly killed their child.

He can't forgive himself.

Even if Ji Siyu forgives him, he can't.

Ye Dongcheng knew that Ji Siyu was very tolerant of him and that she loved him so much. She was in so much pain at the beginning, so she gritted her teeth and fought it off by herself in order to prevent him from being hurt.

If it hadn't been for Ji Youren this time, he might not have known about the existence of this child for the rest of his life.

When he was in City C, Ji Siyu cried and said to him, Ye Dongcheng, you will definitely regret it, even more than you do now.

He finally understood why she was so sure.

At this time, Ye Dongcheng felt like he was in a purgatory. He couldn't get out, and he didn't want to get out either.

The more Ji Siyu tolerated him, the more he couldn't let himself go.

What he did does not deserve to be forgiven.

Ye Dongcheng entered the bathroom, and the cold water hit his body.

Only coldness can make him wake up.

He destroyed their love with his own hands, and destroyed their home with his own hands.

Faced with the happiness that was once within his reach, Ye Dongcheng no longer dared to hope for it.

He didn't know if he would fail Ji Siyu in the future. He was afraid, he was afraid that he would do something stupid.

Therefore, he wanted to make a clean break with Ji Siyu.

He will try his best to give her the best.

After taking a shower, Ye Dongcheng walked out with only a bath towel around his waist.

At this time, Ji Siyu had already woken up.

When he came out, he saw Ji Siyu sitting on the bed and looking at him with an angry look on her face.

"Siyu, are you awake?"

Ye Dongcheng walked towards her.

Ji Siyu picked up a pillow and threw it at him, "Shameless!"

Ye Dongcheng took the pillow with a puzzled look on his face, "What's wrong?"

"Ye Dongcheng, you keep saying you won't be with me anymore, why do you still go to bed with me? Your head is down there, right?"


"Siyu, I don't have one."

"Oh, you didn't? Ye Dongcheng, do you dare to do it?" Ji Siyu looked at Ye Dongcheng with a cold and mocking look.

Ye Dongcheng frowned tightly, "I didn't treat you..."

Ji Siyu directly pulled away the quilt, and Ye Dongcheng was stunned for a moment.

"How dare you say you didn't?"

Ye Dongcheng directly took Ji Siyu out of the bathtub. At this time, she was completely naked.

This chapter has been completed!
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