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Chapter 275 You Polluted the Air

Municipal Bureau.

Su Jian'an came out of the autopsy room. The hand sanitizer had just lathered up. Jiang Shaokai, who had returned from the scene, entered the bathroom.

He went out two hours ago. Generally speaking, he would not come back so soon after seeing the scene, but the expression on Jiang Shaokai's face was even more surprised than hers: "Jian An, why are you still here?"

"Then where should I be?" Su Jian'an smiled, "You went out to the scene and something went wrong?"

Jiang Shaokai just handed her the phone, "Look at the news."

——"Lu's merger and acquisition failed, Su's came back to life with support from mysterious investors"!

The news headlines caught Su Jianan's attention, and every time she read the next line of news, her anxiety increased.

"The Lu family may suffer losses this time." Jiang Shaokai said, "Of course, this loss is to Lu Boyan..."

Su Jianan stuffed the phone back into Jiang Shaokai's hand. Before she could stop listening to what he had to say, she ran to ask Captain Yan for leave. She hailed a taxi and went straight to the Lu family. The bodyguards responsible for protecting her almost didn't react.

"Master, I'm in a hurry." She couldn't help but urge the taxi driver, "Can you drive faster?"

The master said: "It's already very fast!"

Is it fast? Why does she still feel so slow?

After finally arriving at Lu's downstairs, Su Jianan rushed into the elevator like a gust of wind, and the front desk almost didn't recognize her.

Lu Boyan's office door was almost knocked open by her. She stood at the end, panting and looking at Lu Boyan behind the desk.

Lu Boyan had already stood up and walked towards Su Jianan, with surprise in his eyes: "Aren't you at work? Why are you here?"

"...I saw the news."

Her voice was very soft, as if she didn't want to touch Lu Boyan's sad story, and her soft eyes had a look of concern, a bit like she was being bullied.

Lu Boyan suddenly understood and touched her head, "Silly."

"Jiang Shaokai said...the company has suffered losses this time..." Su Jianan asked carefully, "Are you okay?"

Lu Boyan raised his eyebrows: "Are you concerned about the company, or are you concerned about me?"

"Why are you still in the mood to joke?" Su Jianan grabbed Lu Boyan's lapel, "What is going on? Isn't the merger and acquisition project almost successful?"

Lu Boyan told Su Jianan truthfully, but she couldn't react for a while, "Is the mysterious man mentioned in the news Kang Ruicheng?"

Kang Ruicheng, who once harassed her, seemed to have disappeared during this period. Su Jianan had gone from being wary of him to forgetting about him. Remembering him again like this, Su Jianan suddenly had a very bad premonition...

"No matter who it is, for Lu, it's just a failed merger and acquisition plan, and the impact on the company is negligible." Lu Boyan smiled, as if he didn't care. "Jiang Shaokai didn't tell you this?"

Su Jianan thought for a while, and the second half of Jiang Shaokai's sentence just now... seemed to be what he wanted to say?

She was embarrassed, "I left before he even heard what he said..."

Lu Boyan gently put his arms around Su Jianan's waist, and the smile between his brows and eyes revealed a sense of joy.

He lowered his head slightly and kissed her, "I'm very happy that you are so nervous."

Su Jianan: "..." Bad taste!

She hesitated for a moment and then asked: "Why did Kang Ruicheng invest in Su's family? Is he... targeting you?"

Lu Boyan looked at Su Jian'an for two seconds and seemed to sigh softly: "Jian An, why are you not stupid at all when you should be stupid?"

The bad premonition was confirmed, and Su Jianan's heart tightened inexplicably: "Why is Kang Ruicheng targeting you?"

She always felt that the reason for this was not simple...

Lu Boyan's eyes suddenly darkened, confirming her suspicion.

He led her to sit on the sofa: "There is something that happened a long time ago that you need to know. I will tell you when I get home, okay?"

"...Okay." Su Jianan nodded and sat obediently on the sofa waiting for Lu Boyan.

It was already very close to get off work, so Lu Boyan worked overtime for another hour. It was exactly six o'clock when he left the company. He suggested: "Let's go back after eating."

Su Jianan was not in a hurry to go home. Besides, she hadn't eaten out with Lu Boyan for a long time. She nodded: "Okay!"

Knowing that Su Jianan loves to try new things, Lu Boyan took her to a new restaurant recommended by Shen Yuechuan.

The decoration of the restaurant was to Su Jianan's liking. She put her bag on the chair, "You order first, and I'll wash my hands!"

Unexpectedly, when I came out of the bathroom, I would see Kang Ruicheng standing in the long corridor.

He was still wearing a pure black windbreaker, leaning against the whitewashed wall, with a little scarlet light between his fingers. The rising smoke somewhat blurred his handsome features, but it could not hide the predatory aura emanating from him. .

Su Jian'an thought of the devil who eats people without spitting out their bones. She subconsciously stepped back and dug her hands into the pockets of her coat, thinking that her little move was well concealed.

Kang Ruicheng walked over slowly, like a vampire approaching the young and sweet blood step by step.

He suddenly grabbed Su Jianan's hand and pulled it out forcefully, then put two fingers into her pocket, and gently took out her mobile phone.

The phone has been unlocked, call up Lu Boyan's number, click to dial, and you can talk to Lu Boyan - Su Jianan wants to call Lu Boyan over.

Kang Ruicheng smiled strangely: "Are you so afraid of me?"

"You overestimate yourself." Su Jianan smiled slightly, "I just feel disgusted with you."

"You didn't say you hated me." Kang Ruicheng seemed surprised, "It seems that Lu Boyan hasn't told you the matter yet."


"It doesn't matter, I'll tell you." Kang Ruicheng suddenly increased the strength of his hand, as if to twist off Su Jianan's palm, "I will destroy the Lu family, destroy Lu Boyan, and take away everything he has, including his beloved The person—you!”

Kang Ruicheng's eyes seemed to be quenched with poison, cold and terrifying. Su Jianan's back went cold, and she quickly wanted to break free from his hand.

But the more she showed fear, the happier Kang Ruicheng would probably be. So he maintained his apparent calmness and smiled again: "You think you can compete with my husband by manipulating Su? Are you stupid or just have no brains at all? The Su family is not even worthy of being a rival to the Lu family!"

"I like you like this." Kang Ruicheng disapproved, and stretched out his rough hand to Su Jianan's face, "You are obviously so scared, but you can still pretend to be okay."

Su Jianan's Taekwondo skills were not in vain. She unexpectedly opened Kang Ruicheng's hand. Kang Ruicheng was obviously stunned. She took the opportunity to break away from his hand, walked around him without daring to stop for a second, and ran back to the restaurant.

Kang Ruicheng looked at her back, then at the wrist that she had slapped so hard just now, and put it to his lips for a gentle kiss - and then a weirder smile appeared at the corners of his lips.

Su Jianan had no intention of hiding anything from Lu Boyan this time. As soon as he returned to his seat, he told him: "I just met someone..."

Lu Boyan's eyes suddenly darkened, he stared in the direction of the door, and said those three words for Su Jianan: "Kangrui City?"

Su Jianan subconsciously looked back and saw that Su Hongyuan was here. As soon as he entered the restaurant, he greeted Kang Ruicheng and smiled as if he was seeing a relative.

She put down her knife and fork in disappointment: "I won't eat out anymore! Either I meet someone I hate or I see someone I hate..."

Lu Boyan smiled instead, "Change a restaurant?"

"The dishes are all ordered, so there's no need to change them." Kang Ruicheng walked over and said, "It's rare to see each other, why not come together?"

Su Jianan twitched the corners of her lips, not even bothering to give Kang Ruicheng a fake smile, "This restaurant has been polluted by something strange since you came in. You like to eat in places with bad air. You should eat well!" Pulling Lu Lu up

Bo Yan's hand said, "Honey, let's go."

It wasn't until she left the restaurant that Su Jianan caught a glimpse of the unconcealable smile on Lu Boyan's lips, and asked him somewhat depressedly: "What's so funny?"

Lu Boyan didn't answer, but instead held Su Jianan's hand, "Where do you want to go?"

Su Jianan looked at the sky, took a deep breath and said, "I want to go home!"

Only home belongs solely to her and Lu Boyan, and no strange things will sneak in.

In the end, I did go home shopping. Su Jianan was in charge of the dishes, and Lu Boyan helped her. She only made two simple dishes and one soup, and finished it happily. It was almost nine o'clock.

Su Jianan was tidying up the wardrobe and eating while she was there. Lu Boyan stood aside leisurely and watched her work. Her slender figure became the most beautiful scenery in his eyes.

Seeing that Su Jianan was almost busy, Lu Boyan grabbed her to take a bath and had a fuss with him in the bathroom for a long time. Su Jianan finally remembered the business and put her hands on Lu Boyan's shoulders: "You still have something to tell me.


Lu Boyan wiped the water drops from Su Jianan's hair: "You take a shower first."

Su Jianan took a shower as quickly as possible. When she returned to the room, she saw Lu Boyan sitting on the bed, neither looking at documents nor reading a book. He rarely did this.

She lay next to him and hugged his arm: "Okay, let's talk!"

After a long silence, I finally heard Lu Boyan's voice: "Do you still remember that when you met me, my father had just passed away?"

"Remember." Su Jianan nodded, "At that time, my mother told me that your father had left in an accident. I even tried my best to make you happy, but you ignored me at all!"

In fact, it was not that he ignored her, but that Lu Boyan was not in that mood at all at that time.

After another long silence, Lu Boyan slowly continued: "My father's death was not as simple as an accident. It was murder."

Su Jianan seemed to be hit by something. She suddenly raised her head and looked at Lu Boyan. As if she didn't understand the two words, she repeated: "Murder?"

Lu Boyan pursed his lips. Su Jianan hadn't felt this way for a long time. She couldn't understand Lu Boyan.

His gaze was so deep, like the dark night sky, with only endless ink and no bottom. Even if the whole world looked up, they could not understand his gaze.

Something was surging under such depth, but he tried his best to suppress it.

Su Jianan finally understood that this was pain.

Her heart felt like a knife was stabbed into her heart, causing a sharp pain. She hugged Lu Boyan and said, "Don't think about it anymore. I don't want to listen anymore. Let's go to sleep..."

"Jian An, I originally planned to keep it secret from you." Lu Boyan said, "But now, you need to know."

Kang Ruicheng's tentacles have reached out to him, to the Lu family, and even to Su Jian'an. Su Jian'an is still too naive sometimes. He needs her to know what kind of person Kang Ruicheng is and how destructive he is.

This chapter has been completed!
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