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Chapter 2995 say you are my girlfriend

After dinner, Yin Jinxi went for a walk in the garden alone.

Halfway through the meal, Yu Jingjie suddenly came to see Yu Jingjie for something urgent in the company. He went to the study to handle official matters first.

There is a flower room in the garden, which is planted with several kinds of flowers, some of which can only be seen in the south. They are colorful and contrasting with each other.

The housekeeper was concentrating on taking care of the flowers and plants in the flower room, and did not notice Yin Jinxi walking in.

Yin Jinxi saw that he was skilled in his movements and thought that this flower house had been in Yujia's house for a long time.

"It's hard for Ouyue to keep the petals so neatly. Butler, you are a master." Yin Jinxi stopped in front of the pink Ouyue and praised her heartily.

"Miss Yin, you've finished eating." The housekeeper stopped what he was doing and said hello to her.

Yin Jinxi smiled slightly and gently stroked Ouyue's pink petals with her slender fingers.

"Miss Yin's compliment is wrong," the housekeeper continued, "Ou Yue in the flower room is served by Miss Qiqi."

Niu Qiqi... Yin Jinxi's heart skipped a beat.

"Miss Qiqi likes flowers very much." She agreed with her usual expression.

The housekeeper nodded: "Mrs. Yu likes flowers, and so does Miss Qiqi. They also built this flower house together. Sometimes the flower seeds are sown, and in order to wait for them to sprout smoothly, Miss Qiqi lives at home."

Yin Jinxi's eyes flashed slightly, it seemed that Niu Qiqi and Mrs. Yu had a really good relationship.

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that it was inappropriate to say this in front of Yin Jinxi, "But Miss Qiqi is busy with work and doesn't often have time to come here." He was trying to regain his respect.

The small book stand that book lovers used before has been hung up, and now they are basically using source-changing artifacts.

Yin Jinxi smiled slightly, didn't care, and continued walking in the garden through the flower house.

A tea table was installed in the corner of the garden. Under the dim light, a figure sat at the table.

She walked in doubtfully and unexpectedly saw that this person was Yu Jingjie.

When did he finish his business and run into the garden?

"Are you done?" she asked casually.

Yu Jingjie stretched out a hand towards her, gesturing for her to come to him.

She walked over and before she could stand firm, he pulled her wrist into his arms.

"Why are you running around? What did the old man talk nonsense to you?" he asked with a frown.

Yin Jinxi thought for a moment and then realized that "the old man" should be talking about the housekeeper. "We just had a casual chat."

Yu Jingjie's thick eyebrows furrowed even more tightly: "Why don't you ask why Qiqi comes here so often?"

It turned out that he heard what the housekeeper said to her.

As for why she didn't ask...why she asked, it wouldn't change anything.

What's more, if she asks, he may not tell her, and he might even ridicule her for being inquisitive or something.

"I know that Miss Qiqi has a very good relationship with your family." She answered him casually, without any abnormality in her expression.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Yu Jingjie's eyes, "Yin Jinxi, if you don't keep saying you love me, you can't tell it at all."

She couldn't help but laugh, "What does it look like?"

"You don't mind at all if there are other women who have a good relationship with my family?" he asked.

"Can I mind?" She uttered these words blankly, with a hint of sadness in her beautiful eyes.

She used to mind it so much that her heart ached, but he was the one who told her that she had no right to mind it.

The sadness in her eyes was like a meteor falling from the sky, hitting the apex of his heart. He couldn't help but feel his heart shrink, and he held her arm a little tighter.

"Yin Jinxi, I'm sure you'll mind." He said like a king announcing a gift.

"Thank you very much!" she replied half-jokingly.

But she couldn't help but push her pretty face deeper into his arms

Stay close to me, craving for this warmth.

Even at this moment, she still felt like she was in a dream. Instead of trying to figure out whether it was a dream or reality, it was better to enjoy the warmth of this moment.

This way, when she thinks of him in the future, it won't be all heartbreaking memories.

However, she really wanted to ask him one thing, "Did Niu Qiqi really not inquire about the press conference through you?"


By saying this, he admitted that he himself was investigating the reception.

"Why are you checking this?" Yin Jinxi didn't understand.

"I know everything about you." He raised his eyebrows disapprovingly.

Yin Jinxi understood that it was his habit to control everything.

Yu Jingjie:......

"Let me tell you the truth," Yin Jinxi continued, "Mr. Gong and I both believe that Niu Qiqi started this scandal. Now that we have found a way to clarify it, Niu Qiqi will definitely find a way to continue to destroy it."

She expected that he would be upset if she said this, just like she had been at the restaurant at noon, but at this point, there was no need to maintain superficial harmony.

"How do you think she will destroy it?" However, he was not unhappy and just asked quietly.

Yin Jinxi shook his head and said that he couldn't think of it, "Mr. Gong has made complete preparations. Even if she wants to destroy it, it won't be that easy."

His face darkened, "Don't mention Gong in front of me."

Whenever she mentioned Gong Xingzhou or Ji Senzhuo, he had this expression. She used to think that he was mocking her and having something to do with them, but tonight her heart was as clear as a mirror.

It was clear to see clearly that he was jealous~

"I have nothing to do with him." Yin Jinxi said, it was an explanation, if he could listen.

There was no impurity in her bright eyes, it didn't look like she was lying.

However, Xiao Ma's previous report came to Yu Jingjie's mind.

Miss Yin went to the hospital for an abortion, and the person who sent her there was Gong Xingzhou...

Even if she and Gong Xingzhou have nothing to do with each other, the child's father will always exist.

But Yu Jingjie didn't ask. If he asked, she might become angry or sad. He didn't want to see either reaction...

At what point did he become the only one capable of doing this and worry about a woman being sad or angry?

"Why is he helping you so much?" He changed the question.

Yin Jinxi lowered his eyes, "Maybe he pities me."

Yu Jingjie tightened his arms, "I, Yu Jingjie's woman, need pity him!"

She should just think what he said was true.

In fact, she was bumped into by Gong Xingzhou when she was in the most embarrassed state. Wasn't he the initiator?

And she also lost the child...

Yin Jinxi felt a pain in her heart, her throat was burning, and she was on the verge of tears.

She suppressed the pain in her heart and didn't let him see the clues.

There is no need to mention the past.

"We don't need him at the press conference," Yu Jingjie said suddenly, "I will be there."

Yin Jinxi was stunned for several seconds, "You are here..."

She had no idea what he could do when he arrived...

"As long as I announce to everyone that you are my woman, no one will spread rumors about you again."

Yin Jinxi was completely stunned. She couldn't believe what she heard.

"Yu Jingjie, you..." She did not hide her suspicious look in her eyes. She really thought he was drunk or not sober...

Yu Jingjie raised the corners of his lips helplessly: "In your eyes, am I an irresponsible person?"

In fact, he is not. It can be seen from his attitude towards Niu Qiqi that he treats the people who once saved him.

He always values ​​his own people very seriously.

She just couldn't believe that he would plan to make their relationship public in front of the media.

"But," she had new worries, "what do you say in front of the media..."

She felt that it was impossible for him to say that she was his girlfriend or something like that.

"Tell it like it is." He replied disapprovingly.

She couldn't help but frown and told the truth, saying that he was her sponsor and she was his toy... It would be better not to tell...

"Yu Jingjie, why don't you go," she said tentatively: "Let others know that I am your toy... I will never be ashamed to see anyone in the future."

Yu Jingjie:......

"What are you thinking about?" He patted her head. "Do you think I'm an idiot for saying such things in front of the media?"

"You didn't say that, do you tell the truth?"

"To be honest, I should also say that you are my girlfriend..."

She suddenly raised her head and looked at him in surprise and disbelief. The expression of surprise on her face came from the bottom of her heart and she couldn't stop it.

A trace of guilt and pity flashed through Yu Jingjie's heart. It was thanks to his treatment of her that the word "girlfriend" could make her so happy.

"Yu Jingjie, I...I am really your girlfriend..." She still couldn't believe it.

Without thinking, he lowered his head and sealed her lips, answering her question with his actions.

For a moment, she held his head and asked him to pause the kiss.

"Are you really going to go to a press conference and tell reporters that we are boyfriend and girlfriend?" She didn't want his vague answer and wanted him to tell her clearly.

He looked at her deeply and said seriously, "I can."

Tears could not stop flowing from the corners of Yin Jinxi's eyes.

"Idiot." He chuckled, and continued to kiss her gently, bit by bit on her snow-white skin.

Just like the starlight tonight, it is so beautiful and moving, and it also has a unique magic power.

The pain of the past has been smoothed away little by little...

It wasn't until late at night that the heat in the room gradually faded away.

"Jin Xi..." Suddenly I heard him say.

There was no light in the room, so it seemed even quieter, and his slightest voice drove away her sleepiness.

This chapter has been completed!
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