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Chapter 312 In addition to harm, there is no choice (2)

Shen Yuechuan controlled the steering wheel of the car, with a clear goal - the hospital.

But not long after the car drove out, Lu Boyan in the back seat suddenly said: "Go home."

Shen Yuechuan couldn't help but complain: "If you go home today, you will be carried to the hospital tomorrow. I advise you to walk in today."

"..." Lu Boyan didn't speak for a while.

Just when Shen Yuechuan was pleasantly surprised and thought that President Lu had finally compromised, he suddenly said in a low voice: "Call Dr. Chen home."

"..." Shen Yuechuan put on the Bluetooth headset speechlessly, "I'm impressed with you."

Shen Yuechuan called Lu Boyan's home phone and asked Uncle Xu to call Dr. Chen to his home.

Uncle Xu was startled and asked hurriedly: "What's wrong? Is it the young master or the young madam?"

"Your Mr. Lu's stomach problem just relapsed. But he still refuses to go to the hospital, which means the problem is not serious. Don't worry!"

Despite being a mockery, Shen Yuechuan speeded up the car and sent Lu Boyan home within half an hour.

After making the diagnosis, Dr. Chen gave strict advice: "Mr. Lu, to be on the safe side, you should go to the hospital. Although I can relieve pain for you now, if this situation continues, you may have to be hospitalized to recuperate later."

"There are many things to do in the company tomorrow and I can't go to the hospital." Lu Boyan stretched out his hand and said in a calm but indifferent tone, "Dr. Chen, I'm sorry to bother you."

Doctor Chen hurriedly winked at Shen Yuechuan, signaling Shen Yuechuan to persuade Lu Boyan.

When Shen Yuechuan received the signal, he just spread his hands and shrugged, indicating that he was helpless.

If he could persuade Lu Boyan, he would have thrown him into the hospital long ago.

The only person in the world who can make Lu Boyan obey is currently divorcing Lu Boyan. He doesn't want to get into trouble.

Dr. Chen shook his head, helplessly gave Lu Boyan an infusion, and then prescribed medicine for him to take. He warned: "Mr. Lu, have a good rest. If it doesn't work, you must go to the hospital tomorrow."

Lu Boyan closed his eyes and signaled that he understood, and then Shen Yuechuan was pulled out of the room by Dr. Chen.

Lu Boyan was the only one left in the huge room.

Lu Boyan was lying on the bed, as if he was back before the wedding——

He was alone. When he opened his eyes, the room was empty, not even a shadow. When he closed his eyes, the emptiness roared around him again, and he could even hear his own breathing.

So for so many years, he was either in the company or in his study, dealing with endless official matters. When he was so tired that he couldn't open his eyes, he would come back and fall asleep on the bed.

But now, when I open my eyes, Su Jianan's shadow is everywhere. The way she is sitting on the sofa reading a book, the way she is lying on the bed watching a movie, the way she is curled up in bed talking to him...

Even if I close my eyes, my breath is still filled with the residual fragrance of her body.

The only person who didn't see her was.

Even if he turned the room upside down, he wouldn't be able to find her.

Lu Boyan suddenly remembered that the last time he had a stomach attack was when he had just married Su Jianan. Maybe it was because he had never seen him sick before. As soon as she rushed into the ward, tears burst out of her eyes.

At that time, as long as he had a little confidence in himself, he would be able to detect Su Jianan's feelings for him and avoid so many twists and turns.

Fortunately, I found out later that it was not too late.

After being together for so long, he never questioned Su Jianan's feelings, so he would never believe the news reports about her and Jiang Shaokai.

But why did Su Jianan not only refuse to deny it, but also refused to listen to his explanation, and insisted on getting a divorce?

There must be something wrong. What did he miss?

He was puzzled, but his stomach pain gradually eased. Lu Boyan took his cell phone and dialed Su Yicheng's number.

"How are you?" Su Yicheng answered the call after the phone rang a few times.

"I'm fine, it's just an old problem." After a pause, Lu Boyan then asked, "Where is Jian An?"

"I'm in the room, I don't know if I'm asleep or not."

"...Did you ask anything?"

Su Yicheng sighed helplessly: "No matter how I asked, she refused to say a word. She just repeatedly emphasized that she wanted to divorce you."

"..." Lu Boyan's head started to hurt along with his stomach, and he couldn't help but press his temples, "Take care of her for me these days."

Su Yicheng said: "Don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, the phone exited the call page and displayed the desktop background.

The dazzling and extraordinary Paris after nightfall, the romantic and towering Eiffel Tower, him and Su Jianan kissing in front of the tower...

At that time, everything was obviously fine, but Su Jianan was so attached to him that she wanted to stick to him all the time.

But overnight, everything changed. Was Su Jianan doing something secretly from him?

Only Su Jianan knows the answer to this question now.

At this moment, Su Jianan was lying on the bed in the guest room of Su Yicheng's house, holding in her arms the doll that Lu Boyan should have given her when she was ten years old, tossing and turning.

When she left, she only took away fourteen gifts given to her by Lu Boyan, and the small suitcase could only hold these things. As for clothes, she could use Luo Xiaoxi's when she got to Su Yicheng's place.

She had considered every aspect, and knew that the coming days would be dark and difficult.

But I didn't expect that it would be so difficult.

Ever since she got married to Lu Boyan, she has never experienced the darkness and length of the night again. She sleeps peacefully in Lu Boyan's arms every night, always having a good night's sleep until dawn.

At this moment, she was holding a slightly childish rag doll alone, and the silence and darkness drowned her silently. There was no Lu Boyan's solid and warm chest, and she could not smell his reassuring breath...

Of course she had insomnia.

The night was long, and the longer she lay in bed, the more painful it would become. Su Jianan lifted up the quilt and got out of bed, and found the peace charm Lu Boyan had made by himself.

She is not good at handwork, so she doesn't know if it is difficult to make something like this.

But when she thought of Lu Boyan lowering his head slightly and using his hands, which had the power of life and death, to weave an ordinary gadget for her, a happy smile appeared on his lips unconsciously.

But the happier she felt in her heart, the more empty and lonely the smile on her face became - the heartbroken and disbelieving look in Lu Boyan's eyes just now clearly appeared before her eyes again.

After what she said, would he really believe that she had cheated on her and come to take away the agreement and sign it in a rage?

Su Jianan was waiting for this to happen, but she was extremely scared that it would really happen.

She hugged her knees with both hands, curled herself up into a small ball and sat on the carpet, like a lost lamb, not knowing how she would be slaughtered in the future...

the next day.

As soon as Su Jianan sat down at the dining table, Su Yicheng frowned: "You haven't had a good rest?"

Her face looked very bad and she looked listless.

Su Jian'an smiled lightly, took the milk from Su Yicheng and took a sip: "Just take a nap at noon." After saying that, he frowned and put down the milk, "Brother, have you changed the milk? Why does it taste the same as before?

Is it different?"

If she remembered correctly, Su Yicheng only drank milk from a certain imported brand, but today the milk smelled much stronger, and it didn't look like milk from that brand.

"I haven't changed it." Su Yicheng didn't think too much and joked, "Maybe your taste buds haven't had a good rest either."

Su Jianan: "..."

After breakfast, Su Jianan said she had to go to work. The long vacation she had taken ended today.

"Are you sure you don't want to rest at home for two more days?" Su Yicheng doubted whether she could work well in this state.

"Staying at home and resting will only make things worse the more you rest." Su Jianan picked up her bag and said, "Let's go to work." Whether it was the case at the police station or the old case of Lu Boyan's father, it could distract her and make her

The day is not as difficult as the night.

Su Yicheng was worried about Su Jianan driving and personally sent her to the police station.

It had only been half a month since she came here, and when she stepped into the police station again, Su Jianan already had the illusion that things were different - the last time she stepped here, she and Lu Boyan were fine, and everything was fine.

But now, her colleagues who used to be kind and affable all looked at her with strange eyes.

Gradually, Su Jianan felt something was wrong.

Others don't know, but who in the bureau doesn't know that she and Jiang Shaokai are just friends? Even if they all believed what the report said, they shouldn't look at her with such sympathy and contempt.

When passing by Xiaoying and their office area, Xiaoying pulled Su Jianan and asked: "Jianan, do you really want to divorce Mr. Lu?"

Su Jianan was completely stunned. Xiaoying had already opened a webpage, and she saw today's entertainment headlines——

"Lu Boyan and Su Jianan were exposed to divorce. Because evidence of Su Jianan's cheating was exposed, the former couple was suspected to have fallen out."

The so-called "evidence of cheating" is a photo of Su Jianan leaving the police station through the back door but was still surrounded by reporters in the days after the Lu Group incident. Jiang Shaokai came out to rescue her.

At that time, Jiang Shaokai was so angry that he protected her and returned to the police station. The media's camera angles were very tricky. Not only did they get a particularly intimate photo of them, but they also clearly captured the mixture of anger and worry on Jiang Shaokai's face, which could easily be misunderstood.

According to the report, the hotel refused to disclose any more information, but according to Su Jianan's colleagues in the police station, she would do almost everything in the police station with Jiang Shaokai. The two of them worked in the police station together, ate together, and appeared on scene together.

Solving a case together, many people initially thought that even if they were not boyfriend and girlfriend now, they would definitely get together one day in the future.

In addition, the reporter also exposed Jiang Shaokai's beijing, the only legal heir to the Jiang Group. In the circle of the rich second generation, although Jiang Shaokai is low-key, his worth is immeasurable.

Jiang Shaokai's impressive net worth, for no reason, became solid evidence of Su Jian'an's cheating, and the comment section of the news was filled with curses.

"This woman must have regarded Mr. Jiang as a spare tire at first. Lu Boyan must be richer than Jiang Shaokai, so she gave up the spare tire and married Lu Boyan. But recently, Lu Boyan has been unable to do anything anymore, and decisively put aside his spare tire.

I will continue to be a rich wife after my pregnancy is over. Haha, you are a scheming bitch."

"I'll just say that this woman is only superficially innocent!"

"Ha, it's better for such people to have the self-awareness to leave Lu Boyan. Mr. Lu belongs to us Ruoxi, hum!"

"Jian An, we know very well that others don't know about you and Jiang Shaokai." Xiaoying said, "Why don't you clarify and let this kind of report spread on the Internet?"

Su Jianan smiled and closed the webpage: "No need."

She can see these news, and Lu Boyan can naturally see them too.

After that, he would at least be suspicious of her and Jiang Shaokai, right?

This is exactly what she wants. In this situation, Lu Boyan will not sign the agreement unless he angers her.

This chapter has been completed!
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