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Chapter 3168 If one day we are separated

"This situation may occur because the company considers that actresses can't just have trophies, but also need to be popular in the market." Before Yin Jinxi could think of how to respond, Xiao Xianxian helped her to respond.

She even admitted that she had overstepped her authority. First of all, Xiaoyou believed that it was her duty to protect Yin Jinxi, and secondly, Xiaoyou found Niu Qiqi very distasteful.

Speaking of which, in the past, Niu Qiqi had surpassed Yin Jinxi in terms of position, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Why should Niu Qiqi be arrogant in front of Yin Jinxi now, with the dusty Best Actress trophy in her house?

She didn't even look at herself to see if she was worthy of the trophy!

Yin Jinxi looked at Niu Qiqi without saying a word, with a smile on her face but firm eyes, as if she was saying that what Xiaoyou said was her attitude.

Niu Qiqi was annoyed, but he didn't show much embarrassment. Instead, he chuckled: "Teacher Yin, look at you, I care about you out of good intentions, but you misunderstood me."

Oops, standard green tea bitch line! Xiaoyou slanders her belly.

"Thank you, Miss Qiqi." Yin Jinxi remained calm and polite.

Niu Qiqi then turned and left.

"Sister Jinxi, I have a hunch," Xiaoyou looked at Niu Qiqi's figure and whispered, "She wants to cause trouble again."

Who says it's not?

Yu Jingjie went to BL City to find her, and happened to help Liu Mingdai with the purchase. Except for artificial design, it would not be such a coincidence.

"As long as we don't mess up, she can do whatever she wants." Yin Jinxi didn't want to waste her energy on this.

After a busy day, the audition was finally over.

What is unexpected is that a film director has also arrived. This director's surname is Du. He is about fifty years old and five years younger than Director Li. However, in terms of his status in the international film industry, he is already unparalleled.

This was the first time Yin Jinxi met him. He was tall and thin. Although his face was tired, there was no hint of age. He had a vibrant face under his natural gray hair and had a unique charm.

"Director Du, this is Yin Jinxi." Gong Xingzhou brought Yin Jinxi to greet Director Du.

Director Du leaned on the recliner behind the camera and closed his eyes. After hearing this, he opened his eyes slowly, "Miss Yin..." He spoke very slowly, as if searching for information in his mind, "I have seen the photos taken by Director Li.

You performed well in that movie."

The movie he was talking about was still in post-production, and it looked like he had been to the post-production room.

"Thank you, Director Du, for the compliment." Yin Jinxi said with a smile.

Director Du glanced at her again, this time his eyes seemed to have found focus and there was something else in his eyes.

Yin Jinxi thought he had something special to explain, but he opened his mouth and just said: "I will watch your audition videos, go back and wait for the news."

After saying that, he continued to close his eyes and rest his mind.

He is a taciturn director, which is Yin Jinxi's first impression of him.

"Xiaoyou, please go back first." Yin Jinxi has already called a taxi, and it is very close to where she lives. "Go back and have a rest early."

"Is it okay for you to be alone?" Xiaoyou was worried.

Yin Jinxi smiled: "Do you treat me like a three-year-old child?"

In order not to let her think so, Xiaoyou quickly stopped a taxi and left.

Soon, a red sports car stopped in front of her.

The car window opened, revealing a beautiful and elegant face, smiling at her: "Hello, Miss Yin."

Yin Jinxi's beautiful eyes lit up: "Lu...Mrs. Lu!"

Su Jian'an smiled brightly: "Miss Yin still remembers me."

"I always remember Mrs. Lu."

"Get in the car and have a cup of coffee together." Su Jianan shook her head slightly.

Neither did Yin Jinxi

I hesitated and got on the bus openly.

"What's wrong with your feet?" Su Jianan saw that she was having trouble walking.

"I accidentally got sprained while filming."

Su Jianan started the car and said, "It must be hard to film."

"Fortunately, it's within the acceptable range."

This is Su Jianan's impression of Yin Jinxi. She speaks properly and is nothing fancy.

Su Jianan took Yin Jinxi to a beautifully decorated cafe and asked for a semi-covered booth.

This is a members-only cafe with a very quiet environment.

"I saw Mr. Yu's video with you," Su Jianan got straight to the point after sitting down, "but I never had the chance to wish you well."


Seeing the happiness in her eyes, Su Jianan was also happy for her, but the next words seemed a bit difficult to say.

"Mrs. Lu asked me to drink coffee, didn't she just want to bless me?" Yin Jinxi saw that she was hesitant to speak.

"You can call me Jian An."

"You can also call me Jin Xi."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and their relationship improved to another level.

Su Jian'an is also a pure person, without so many twists and turns, "Jinxi, I know that Mr. Yu also has an entertainment company. Logically speaking, it is most appropriate for your management appointment to be transferred to him..."

Yin Jinxi smiled and shook his head: "Will my agent transfer to him?"

Su Jianan was slightly stunned.

Yin Jinxi continued: "I am with him, not because of anything else, just because he is Yu Jingjie."

"Of course, even if one day I am no longer with him, I will still be Yin Jinxi."

This was the best state she had imagined for the two of them.

Su Jianan's eyes showed a trace of appreciation. She seemed to understand why Yu Jingjie was surrounded by flowers, but he only fell in love with Yin Jinxi.

"But if you are like this, Yu will have any thoughts?" Su Jianan asked.

"He..." He probably has some ideas, after all, he is such a strong person, "But if he can't understand me, he won't be with me."

Su Jianan felt that she was right about Yin Jinxi. She looked delicate but was actually full of strength inside.

Two days ago, she accidentally saw Bo Yan looking through the information of various actresses to cast for the movie "Seeking Immortality", and she took a closer look.

"Seeking Immortality" is a major project that Lu's Entertainment has been preparing for two years. It has attracted much attention from all parties. As long as it is confirmed to star, it will immediately receive huge traffic, not to mention many benefits in the later stage.

Therefore, Lu Boyan is also very cautious about casting.

"I think she's very suitable." Su Jianan's eyes stayed on one of the photos.

The actress in the photo is pretty and dazzling, but also proud, with a hint of coolness in her beauty... Actresses with this kind of mixed temperament are extremely malleable and uncommon.

"Yin Jinxi... is still an actor on the rise." Lu Boyan was a little worried.

Only then did Su Jianan realize that the person in the photo was Yin Jinxi. She had seen Yin Jinxi before, but she didn't expect that there was a big difference between Yin Jinxi's face in the camera and in life.

"What's wrong with the rising period? Isn't the key to it being appropriate?" Su Jian'an believed in her first feeling.

Lu Boyan stretched out his big palm and gently stroked her hair, "It's not up to me to say anything alone. Let professionals do professional things."

Su Jianan understands that the directors have the most say.

But she didn't want Yin Jinxi to miss this opportunity, so she came to Yin Jinxi specifically to ask Yin Jinxi to transfer the agency contract to the head office first.

"Thank you for taking so much trouble for me, Jian An." Yin

Jin Xi was sincerely moved.

"I have already agreed with Mr. Gong to transfer the brokerage contract to the head office."

Su Jianan smiled and nodded, which made her feel relieved.

Although no one can predict the outcome of this casting, at least Yin Jinxi will get more and better resources in the future.

The two chatted for a while, then walked out to go back.

Yin Jinxi glanced aside casually, but caught two familiar figures.

In a booth near the back, Director Du, whom he had just met, was sitting there, but the other person was... Qin Jiayin.

Su Jianan followed her gaze and whispered, "Mother Yu, do you want to say hello?"

Yin Jinxi shook his head and followed Su Jianan out of the cafe.

Only then did she say: "The person with Aunt Qin is the director of "Seeking Immortality". If I go up to say hello now, even if I don't have any ideas, I will be considered to have them."

Su Jian'an also didn't expect that Qin Jiayin and Director Du knew each other, and of course he understood Yin Jinxi.

Taking advantage of Qin Jiayin's relationship to get close to Du Daotao, and try to get a role in Lu Boyan's company, who can do such a thing!

However, Su Jianan still wanted to say: "Since Qin Jiayin and Director Du have such a relationship, there must be something going on around Mr. Yu, so you should keep an eye out."

These words hit Yin Jinxi deep in his heart.

Not to mention others, first of all, this gave Niu Qiqi another chance to "perform".

Sure enough, within two days Yin Jinxi received a call from Gong Xingzhou, saying that he had received news that Director Du was very satisfied with Niu Qiqi's audition, and the two had met in private.

Xiaoyou didn't want to believe it at all, "It's impossible for Mr. Yu to help her bully you!"

Yin Jinxi put down the phone and said calmly: "This may not necessarily have anything to do with him. Miss Qiqi is also good at acting."

She didn't tell Xiaoyou that she saw Qin Jiayin and Director Du together that day.

"What did I bully?" Suddenly, a man's voice sounded at the door, and Yu Jingjie stood at the door.

Yin Jinxi's eyes lit up. He went on a business trip a few days ago and didn't say he would be back today!

She stood up and came forward to meet him, and naturally held hands with him, "I didn't even say hello when I came back."

The smile on her bright eyes was like sunshine falling into her eyes.

Yu Jingjie's handsome face came down, and this time it fell not on her red lips, but on her eyes.

A gentle kiss, as if what you are kissing is a treasure in the world.

Yin Jinxi couldn't help but close her eyes, feeling his tenderness... She suddenly opened them, her cheeks turned half red, and then she remembered that Xiaoyou was there.

She quickly pushed his shoulder: "Xiaoyou is here too..."

Looking around, he saw that Xiaoyou was no longer in the room.

Xiaoyou is a girl who knows a lot about current affairs.

Yin Jinxi pursed her lips and smiled, greeting him: "Do you want to take a shower first?"

Well, she specifically added: "This bath is to make you comfortable, nothing else."

If you don't block his mouth in time, he will definitely say something offensive again.

"Okay," Yu Jingjie raised his eyebrows and put his arms around her: "You stay with me."

Yin Jinxi:......

Although Xiaoyou left the room, she hasn't left yet.

Yu Jingjie didn't panic, turned to the living room and said loudly: "Yin Jinxi wants to take a bath with me, Xiaoyou, please do it yourself."

"Okay, okay, I'm leaving first." Xiaoyou's panicked voice immediately came from the living room, followed by the sound of opening the door and closing the door in one go.

Yin Jinxi:......

Facts have proved that trying to stop his mouth is as difficult as trying to pluck the stars from the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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