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Chapter 3530 I will take revenge

It was already dark outside the window.

But Yu Jingjie hasn't appeared yet.

He had a room tidied up, and she was waiting there. He said he would come over immediately after finishing the work.

So, is that old money still unwilling to cooperate with him?

Yin Jinxi paced back and forth in front of the window for a long time. Feeling really uneasy, she opened the door and walked out.

"Madam President, what are your orders?" Yu Jingjie's assistant immediately stepped forward and asked.

Yu Jingjie specially sent an assistant here, because he was afraid that she would not be used to staying in this abandoned factory.

"Is Mr. Yu's matter not settled yet?" she asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"The other party has been reluctant to hand over the account books of the previous project," the assistant told Yin Jinxi, "but for the general manager, without seeing the account books of the previous project, it is impossible to determine the expected income of this project, and the contract cannot be signed.


This old money man is indeed cunning and cunning.

"Where is the old money now?" she asked next.

"Mr. Yu asked him to think about it alone in the negotiation room."

"Take me there." Yin Jinxi ordered.

The assistant was a little hesitant, but thinking that Yu Jingjie had said that there was no need to hide his affairs from his wife, he nodded immediately.

The assistant took Yin Jinxi outside the negotiation room, where two assistants were standing outside to look after Lao Qian.

"I'll go in and have a few words with him," Yin Jinxi told them. "There's no need to report to President Yu."

It's not that she's afraid of Yu Jingjie's obstruction, it's just because she doesn't know how the negotiation between her and Lao Qian will turn out. If the negotiation breaks down, wouldn't it be embarrassing in front of Yu Jingjie...

The assistants nodded and followed the madam's instructions.

Yin Jinxi walked into the negotiation room alone.

Lao Qian looked up when he heard the footsteps, and soon he recognized Yin Jinxi.

He has also done some research on Jing Jie, his potential partner.

"Miss Yin... no, I should call you Mrs. Yu," Lao Qian said with a sneer on his face, "Why, Mr. Yu couldn't handle me and sent his wife out?"

Yin Jinxi ignored his sarcasm and said directly: "Actually, I met Mr. Lu a few hours ago."

Lao Qian was slightly stunned: "Lu Boyan?"

Yin Jinxi smiled: "Mr. Qian, what you did is really not very honorable, but since you can help my husband, I won't say anything."

"What do you mean?" Lao Qian's eyes were wary.

"The meaning is very simple." The smile on Yin Jinxi's lips turned colder. "If you can help my husband, I can treat you very politely. Otherwise, I might as well hand you over to Mr. Lu. I can still be with him."

It’s a favor there.”

"You may not know, but Mr. Lu is actually my real boss."

"You threaten me!"

"Yes." Yin Jinxi answered clearly.

Lao Qian would not be frightened by her, "Stop scaring me and hand me over to Lu Boyan. Do you know how much Yu Jingjie will lose!"

"Oh, maybe you don't know," Yin Jinxi will not be fooled by him, "between money and me, Yu Jingjie will only choose me."

"The last time he went bankrupt was enough to illustrate this problem."

A thin layer of sweat broke out on Lao Qian's palms.

He still knew about Yu Jingjie's matter, and he knew that Yin Jinxi didn't lie.

Moreover, the Yu family's wealth should not be underestimated, and there was no need for Yu Jingjie to waste money with him.

But the ledger from the previous project was his last trump card. He was going to hand it all over, and he would have nothing to protect himself from now on.

"Mr. Qian, I know what you are thinking," Yin Jinxi looked directly at him, "You want to keep the account book to save your life, but if you give the account book to Yu Jingjie, you can get a large sum of money. If Yu Jingjie

I gave you up and you fell into Lu Boyan’s hands. Do you think you will get it?

To what?"

Lao Qian couldn't help but tremble all over.

When negotiating with Yu Jingjie, although he felt that Yu Jingjie was afraid, he could still hold on.

But in front of Yin Jinxi, he felt like he had nowhere to hide.

It is indeed not easy for this woman to conquer Jingjie.

"What guarantee do you have that I can exit safely after handing over the ledger?" Lao Qian asked.

Before Yin Jinxi could answer, the door was pushed open with a bang, and Yu Jingjie walked quickly to her side, his eyes full of nervousness.

"Are you okay?" He even breathed quickly, fearing that Lao Qian would do something to her.

Yin Jinxi smiled slightly and turned to look at Lao Qian: "I think Mr. Yu can give you the guarantee you want."

Lao Qian gritted his teeth and said, "Yu Jingjie, within 5 hours, I will take my whole family out of here! And you must ensure that Lu Boyan will not find me and my family!"

Yu Jingjie was slightly stunned. Seeing this, Yin Jinxi had already negotiated everything.

Therefore, his half-day effort was not worth Yin Jinxi's five minutes...

Well, he should be a generous man and not care about these things.

"I can send you away within three hours." He shrugged disapprovingly.

Yin Jinxi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The matter was finally resolved.

Half an hour later, Yin Jinxi got into Yu Jingjie's car.

The account books he requested have been obtained, and he has arranged for his assistants to complete the follow-up matters.

At this time, Lao Qian got into a car in front of him, accompanied by four assistants.

"Are you taking him to the airport?" Yin Jinxi asked.

Yu Jingjie raised his eyebrows: "Do you want to see him and his family leave by plane?"

Yin Jinxi was not interested in this.

But she was very interested in the issue of Jingjie.

Yu Jingjie usually doesn't let her get involved in his affairs, why did he take the initiative to invite her this time?

Is there something fishy in it?

She nodded, thinking about what tricks he was playing.

Yu Jingjie drove to the airport following his assistant's car.

He arranged a private plane, which was already parked in a corner of the airport.

Through the large floor-to-ceiling glass of the terminal building, Yin Jinxi saw Lao Qian walking toward the plane accompanied by his assistants.

Not far away, a middle-aged woman was waiting with two boys and girls in their late teens, who must be Lao Qian's family.

Lao Qian stepped forward and let out a deep breath.

The woman had a look of resentment on her face: "I want you to be careful, now it's okay."

One of the two children was wearing headphones, and the other was browsing his mobile phone with his head lowered. He was very slow to react to the changes in the family, as if he didn't know what happened.

Lao Qian was also very protective of them. He let the two children get on the plane first, and then asked the woman: "Where's Xiaoxiao?"

The woman's eyes widened: "You still have the nerve to ask, I tell you, I will never take him with me even if I die!"

After saying that, she turned around and got on the plane.

Lao Qian was a little anxious and seemed to want to go back. Suddenly, he saw two people approaching, and his expression suddenly changed.

He wanted to run, but it was too late. The two men were extremely agile and controlled him in a few moments and took him away quickly.

Yin Jinxi couldn't react. She couldn't help but look at Yu Jingjie in surprise, "Yu Jingjie..."

Yu Jingjie still looked at the plane without saying a word.

In his sight, the plane took off quickly and quickly disappeared into the night.

Yin Jinxi understood. He sent away Lao Qian's family, but kept Lao Qian.

Why did he do this?

"Let's go." When the plane was no longer visible, Yu Jingjie held her shoulders and walked back.

They walked through the long VIP aisle, and there was no one in the aisle at this time.

When they were approaching the exit, Lu Boyan appeared, followed by Su Jianan.

"Jian An..." Yin Jinxi was stunned.

Su Jianan smiled at Yin Jinxi, but the smile was a little unnatural.

Of course, if she didn't need to wear a silk scarf to cover the marks on her neck, she would be more natural.

"Thank you for your account book." Lu Boyan said to Jingjie.

Yu Jingjie curled his lips: "I also asked you to catch someone, how are Mr. Lu going to thank me?"

Lu Boyan was unambiguous: "Lu's business here can be half-and-half with you."

Yu Jingjie raised his eyebrows, the deal was concluded.

Only then did Yin Jinxi fully understand that the things Yu Jingjie did before Qingqing were all acting in front of Lao Qian.

Only when Lao Qian feels that Yu Jingjie is the only one he can rely on will he hand over the ledger.

Only with this ledger can Lu Boyan truly bring Lao Qian to justice.

"Why go around in such a big circle!" Yin Jinxi pursed her lips in confusion, "You even lied to us."

The next day, Yin Jinxi, Su Jianan, and Feng Lulu sat together to drink morning tea. The three women finally understood the whole story clearly.

"Maybe you think we will reveal the secret?" Feng Lulu guessed.

Yin Jinxi was not convinced, "After all, I am also a well-known actor, so it won't be difficult to act like this."

"It should be because they are afraid that we will cause chaos if we care." Su Jianan added.

Well, this is a reasonable reason.

In short, now that the matter has been resolved satisfactorily and everyone is happy, there is no need to worry about certain details.

"Let's drink tea instead of wine," Yin Jinxi raised his cup, "to celebrate our happy reunion in a foreign country."

Three cups of scented tea clinked together, looking like a smiling face.

After saying goodbye to the two of them, Yin Jinxi went to the bathroom.

When I came out, I saw a little boy about seven or eight years old standing on the edge of the corridor, his big clear eyes staring at Yin Jinxi.

Yin Jinxi couldn't help but stop and said, "Kid, do you know me?"

The little boy's childish face showed determination: "I am already eight years old, not a child."

Yin Jinxi didn't know how to answer the call.

"You are Yin Jinxi, Yu Jingjie's wife, right?" he asked.

"Who are you……"

"My name is Qian Yunhao. Please tell Yu Jingjie that one day I will avenge my father." After saying that, the little boy turned and left.

Qian Yunhao?

My Father?

Yin Jinxi was stunned for a moment in confusion, and suddenly thought, could this little boy have something to do with Lao Qian?

However, there was no trace of him in the corridor.

Yin Jinxi quickly chased him out of the hotel door, but there was no sign of him.

This little boy seemed to appear out of thin air and disappear again.

"Yin Jinxi!" Yu Jingjie strode over and held her hand, "What's wrong?"

He came just in time!

"Yu Jingjie, do you know a little boy named Qian Yunhao?" she asked quickly.

Yu Jingjie frowned, how did she know?

She immediately understood that he knew, "Who is he? Does he have anything to do with Lao Qian?"

"He is the illegitimate son of Lao Qian. Where did you see him?"

Yin Jinxi's heart skipped a beat.

Please tell Yu Jingjie that one day I will avenge my father.

Qian Yunhao's stubborn little face appeared in his mind again.

This chapter has been completed!
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