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Chapter 3334 She is a joke

Now Fu Yuan'er was absolutely sure that Yu Lingfei did this.

Cheng Zitong had no expression on his face, "It is already very impressive to be able to intercept the message and prevent Ji Sendhuo from receiving it, but he said that he could not find the address where the message was sent yet."

The other party is a very cunning and clever hacker.

Fu Yuan'er sneered, "I'm going to catch him now. She must have ordered people to do these things through the phone. She didn't know that the message was intercepted, so she definitely didn't delete the call records so quickly."

After saying that, she ran out of the room.

When she was approaching the restaurant, she saw Zi Yin.

Ziyin was sitting alone by the pool outside the restaurant, holding a computer and typing away.

Fu Yuan'er snorted in her heart, Yu Lingfei left Zi Yin here, he must still be tinkering in a corner of the restaurant.

She bypassed Ziyin, entered the restaurant through the side door, and soon blocked Yu Lingfei in a private room.

Yu Lingfei was on the phone when she suddenly saw Fu Yuan'er, and she was stunned for a moment.

Fu Yuan'er didn't care, she rushed up and grabbed Yu Lingfei's phone. Maybe she was talking to a hacker.

"Hey, what are you doing!" Yu Lingfei immediately grabbed it with his backhand.

Two women fighting each other... of course not.

Fu Yuan'er is a journalist, so it's common for her to run several kilometers carrying photographic equipment, and she has more strength than the average girl.

She grabbed Yu Lingfei's thin wrist, and Yu Lingfei couldn't break free.

She picked up the phone, but the other party hadn't hung up yet and shouted: "Sister, sister, what's wrong with you?"

She was stunned for a moment, it was Yu Hui's voice.

"Fu Yuan'er, don't go too far!" Yu Lingfei scolded angrily.

"Fu Yuan'er?" Yu Hui heard on the other side of the phone, "Fu Yuan'er, what happened to you and my sister?"

Fu Yuan'er is sweating and embarrassed.

"It's nothing, it's just a misunderstanding, let's leave it at that." She hung up the phone.

"Fu Yuan'er, are you crazy?" Yu Lingfei rubbed his sore wrist.

Fu Yuan'er stared at her seriously: "Don't pretend to be with me. Do you think you can get your wish and be with Cheng Zitong by secretly sending text messages to Ji Senzhuo and inciting a relationship between Cheng Zitong and him?"

"Ji Senzhuo is not in good health. You will kill people if you do this, you know!"

Fortunately, she is still a lawyer!

But Yu Lingfei was confused when he heard it, "What text message, who is Ji Senzhuo? What are you talking about?"

Fu Yuan'er hummed, she was still pretending here. She simply told the whole story. There were details and the truth. Let's see how Yu Lingfei could pretend.

Yu Lingfei understood now, and she thought quickly. She immediately took her bag and poured out all the contents in the bag.

"Look carefully," she said to Fu Yuan'er, "I only have this mobile phone. Now I will ask the service provider to send me my call records. You can call the police and ask the police to check and see if there are any names in the contacts.

No hackers."

Fu Yuan'er was stunned. She was so confident. Did she really have a clear conscience or was she just bluffing?

Yu Lingfei snorted disdainfully: "I admit that I like Cheng Zitong, and I will use fair and aboveboard means to snatch him away, so that you will be convinced of your defeat, instead of using these sneaky means!"

She said this with confidence. In terms of appearance, education, and family background, she was not inferior to Fu Yuan'er in any way.


The door was pushed open from the outside.

Cheng Zitong was sitting on the sofa in a bathrobe, holding a half glass of red wine in his hand, with a leisurely look on his face, as if he already knew she would come back.

In contrast, Fu Yuan'er's face was much more serious.

"Have you found out the result?" he asked.

Fu Yuan'er shook her head and sat down next to him.

His eyes were blank, "I suspect the wrong person."

She has confirmed that Yu Lingfei was not responsible for the text messages.

Cheng Zitong raised his eyebrows in surprise, which was a bit unexpected.

However, "The senior police officer is continuing to investigate, so we can just leave this matter to him," he said.

Fu Yuan'er suddenly looked at him: "Since Yu Lingfei is not the one, then the other person is very suspicious."


"Zi Yin."

Cheng Zitong's face instantly darkened, "Fu Yuan'er, although a reporter's nature is to explore the truth of the matter, some things should not be taken too far."

She didn't have random suspicions, she had a well-founded basis, "He is a hacker, and he knows about our private lives. Ziyin also meets this condition!"

With a "bang" sound, Cheng Zitong put down his wine glass and stood up.

"Fu Yuan'er, you must find the person who hurt Ji Senzhuo, and just think it's me." He said this with a livid face.

He is protecting Ziyin.

He had also defended her in front of the Cheng family, but not as resolutely as he did now.

"I...I want to clear your wrongdoing," Fu Yuan'er argued.

Why do you have to find the person who hurt Ji Senzhuo?

"I don't need it." He replied coldly.

Then he added: "You don't have to do it under the guise of being for me anymore. Go tell Ji Sendhuo and stop him from wishing to be with you before we divorce!"


"Shut up!" He turned away, unwilling to listen to anything else she said.

Fu Yuan'er's throat felt sore, and her tears were about to fall uncontrollably.

She didn't want to cry in front of him, so she turned around and ran out.

She ran out of the garden outside the small building in one breath and ran up the steps leading to the parking lot.

"Little sister." Suddenly, she heard someone calling her not far away, it was Ziyin's voice.

"Little sister, where are you going?" Ziyin ran up and asked.

Fu Yuan'er was speechless for a moment.

"Little sister, I don't know where brother Zitong is. Can you take me to find him?" Ziyin asked.

Fu Yuan'er remembered that Yu Lingfei had told her before that she really went to Cheng's house to find Cheng Muying.

When leaving, Ziyin suddenly ran out and begged to take her to find her brother Zitong.

Yu Lingfei did intend to bring her here to disturb Fu Yuan'er and Cheng Zitong.

But think about it from another angle, could Ziyin have taken advantage of Yu Lingfei's psychology and successfully achieved his own goals?

You said, why did Ziyin understand what Yu Lingfei was thinking, right?

Ziyin, but once packaged up all the chat records of Cheng Yiming and gave them to her.

Do ordinary people have secrets in front of Ziyin?

Fu Yuan'er couldn't help but tremble and shudder when she thought of this.

She didn't want to say a word to Ziyin.

She turned around and ran away.

Soon, Ziyin's bouncing figure came to the corridor of the hotel, "Brother Zitong, brother Zitong..." she shouted.

One of the room doors opened and Cheng Zitong walked out.

"Brother Zitong." Ziyin happily greeted him.

"So you are here," Ziyin curled her lips in confusion, "Why did the young lady ignore me when I asked her where you were just now?"

"Leave her alone." Cheng Zitong smiled slightly and walked into the house with Ziyin.


Fu Yuan'er took a taxi and came downstairs to her apartment.

She has nowhere to go but here.

But if she goes back, her mother will definitely have to ask questions again, call Cheng Zitong and so on.

She didn't want her mother to do this at all.

Because...she suddenly discovered that the care and concern he had given her could actually be given to others.

She felt so ridiculous that she thought she was special.

"Miss, if you come alone, it's best not to drink anymore." The bartender kindly advised her.

She had nowhere to go, so she was walking along the street. When she saw a bar on the street, she walked in.

Fu Yuan'er smiled faintly. Does this bartender really want to sell wine?

What's more, she only had two drinks.

She is not someone who takes advantage of alcohol to drown her sorrows. When Ji Senzhuo treated her like that, she didn't use alcohol to harm herself.

At this moment, she just wanted the alcohol to dilute the sadness in her heart.

At this time, her phone rang, it was Ji's mother calling.

She was stunned for a moment. Did something happen to Ji Senzhuo again?

But that message was obviously intercepted by the senior police officer.

She hurriedly ran out of the bar to answer the phone, "Auntie, what's wrong? Is something wrong with Ji Senzhuo?"

"Xiao Zhuo is okay," Ji's mother said, "I want to talk to you. Let's meet."

"Is it too late now?"

"I'm at your house. I'll go upstairs to visit your mother first."

Fu Yuan'er was surprised as to why Aunt Ji took it upon herself to visit her mother at this time.

It was too late to stop her, Fu Yuan'er could only rush home immediately.

When I got downstairs from the apartment, I saw a woman pacing anxiously downstairs.

Fu Yuan'er felt that this woman looked familiar, so she couldn't help but take a second look. The woman also saw her and immediately shouted: "Miss Fu, I finally waited for you to come back!"

"It's you!" Fu Yuan'er recognized this person. This person was the nanny she had chosen for Zi Yin before.

Ziyin said that she had killed rabbits and drove her away. Fu Yuan'er originally wanted to ask her about it, but she was too busy with other things and forgot about it.

"Miss Fu, it's good that you still know me," the nanny said with a smile, "I'm here to settle my wages with you."

"Although I haven't been working for a long time, I feel aggrieved to be driven away like this."

What she said made Fu Yuan'er stunned, "Wait, wait," Fu Yuan'er interrupted her, "Why are you so embarrassed to say such a thing?"

The nanny was also stunned, "Why am I embarrassed?"

Fu Yuan'er asked her why she wanted to kill rabbits. If she wanted to make rabbit meat, she could go to the supermarket and buy frozen rabbits!

"I killed the rabbit?" The nanny was shocked: "Who said I killed the rabbit? The rabbit was obviously killed by Ziyin!"

Fu Yuan'er:......

Then she heard another version of the story from the nanny's mouth.

The nanny said that she saw Zi Yin slaughtering rabbits with her own eyes. It was not like she had never seen anyone slaughter rabbits before, but for some reason, what Zi Yin was doing seemed particularly bloody.

She watched for a while, and Ziyin suddenly turned to look at her. The look in his eyes scared her so much that she took several steps back.

Later she asked Ziyin if he wanted to eat rabbit meat?

Ziyin said that he was not used to the food she cooked and asked her to leave.

The nanny thought that it was just a probation period anyway, and if the employer was dissatisfied, she would just find another one.

"Then why didn't you call me?" Fu Yuan'er asked.

"I called you, but I couldn't get through." So the nanny asked around and came here to find Fu Yuan'er.

Fu Yuan'er suddenly thought of something and suddenly said: "Try calling me now."

Although the nanny was confused, she did as she was told. Something magical happened. The two of them stood face to face, but a voice came from the nanny's phone. Sorry, the user you dialed is not in the service area.

This chapter has been completed!
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