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Chapter 338 The danger of a plane crash (2)

On the direct flight from Cambodia to City A——

The plane shook and bumped violently, and the cries of adults and children filled the entire cabin, mixed with the captain's voice coming from the loudspeaker. Everything was in chaos.

Just like Luo Xiaoxi's thoughts.

She thought she would be able to go home in another hour, but now she not only cannot go home, but is also in danger of falling from a height of 10,000 meters.

It really... beeped the whole zoo.

Looking at the white paper used to write the suicide note in front of her, Luo Xiaoxi had the urge to crush it up and throw it away.

She wanted to go home suddenly to give her parents a surprise, not a shock!

The voice of the flight attendant came from the loudspeaker again: "Please write down what you want to say as soon as possible. Our flight attendants will take it away in fifteen minutes."

fifteen minutes……

These words were like a bomb that exploded in Luo Xiaoxi's mind.

Three months of unrestrained behavior allowed her to see a lot and understand a lot of things.

When she came back after saving up, she was only given fifteen minutes?

Damn it, even if you give her fifteen days, you may not be able to complete the story!

"Mom..." the little girl in the back seat kept crying, "I'm so scared, I don't want to die..."

Even an eight or nine-year-old girl knew that what they encountered this time was not an ordinary danger. Luo Xiaoxi forced herself to face the fact that she might be involved in a plane crash.

Although she didn't want to, if God wanted her to die, there seemed to be no way she could survive in such an environment.

She suddenly remembered many people, Lao Luo, her mother, Su Jian'an, Qin Wei, and... Su Yicheng.

She pretended to be relaxed and wrote down what she wanted to say to them one by one. When Su Yicheng came to her, the tip of her pen suddenly stopped.

In the end, she only wrote one sentence: I don't hate you anymore, please be happy.

In the past three months, she stood from Su Yicheng's perspective and understood why Su Yicheng did what he did. In fact, she no longer hated him.

As for what to do in the future, she hasn't figured it out yet.

But at the moment before she died, she seemed to have found the answer, not from thinking, but from the bottom of her heart.

However, there may not be a chance to tell Su Yicheng.

Fifteen minutes later, the flight attendant with red eyes brought an envelope, put Luo Xiaoxi's suicide note in it, and put it all into a small fireproof and waterproof safe.

At this time, the plane shook violently, and Luo Xiaoxi was hit hard backwards by the inertia. The collision made her dizzy, and she couldn't help but curse the airflow to her uncle's family.

She clutched the painful area and waited for a while before she opened her eyes. Only then did she realize that the plane seemed to be flying smoothly and the entire cabin was quiet.

The captain's voice came out from the loudspeaker again, and the captain announced that the plane passed through the airflow safely. Although it was delayed for more than half an hour, they would land safely at City A International Airport in an hour.

The passengers in the back seat cheered and shouted "Long live the captain", and the child stopped crying.

The uneasiness and fear that previously filled the cabin were gradually dissipated by the sunlight.

"It belongs to you." Luo Xiaoxi wiped the tears from her eyes and called the stewardess, "Give me a glass of champagne!" After a pause, she added, "Open all the champagne on your plane. Passengers in the cabin don't care about first class.

Class or business class, everyone has a share, I pay the bill!"

The stewardess first brought Luo Xiaoxi's glass of champagne, and she drank it without lowering her head.

When the captain told everyone that the plane was in danger of crashing, ten thousand alpacas rushed through her heart. When she wrote her suicide note, she could still think of everyone and write down what she wanted to say to them.

Now that it was okay, she wanted to cry.

She finally understood that it turns out that only one life is the most precious. It turns out that what can never be retrieved is the lost time.

The questions that had been lingering in her mind and bothering her for the past three months now had answers.

An hour later, at 3 pm local time, the Cambodian direct flight to City A landed safely at the International Airport of City A. Except for a few passengers who suffered minor injuries in the turbulence, no one suffered serious casualties.

The entire airport staff cheered.

Since the news hadn't spread yet, the airport was very quiet. Luo Xiaoxi picked up her luggage and walked out. Looking at the familiar oriental faces and listening to the familiar mother tongue, she felt down to earth for the first time. It felt really good!

She took out her sunglasses from her bag, put them on, walked out, hailed a taxi, and went home.

The moment the taxi drove away, a man walked out from behind the column in the airport. He looked at the direction in which the taxi disappeared and did not move for a long time.

Xiao Chen came over and said, "Mr. Su, everything is fine. And look, didn't Miss Luo go home? I'll take you back to the hospital too."

Su Yicheng looked at the time. She had indeed left Su Jianan alone in the hospital for too long. She nodded and walked out of the airport.

He forgot how he got to the airport.

"...Miss Luo's flight is in danger of crashing!"

Xiao Chen's words were like a powerful bomb. He almost rushed out of the hospital. He seemed to have bumped into several doctors on the way, but he did not apologize.

After arriving at the airport, he entered the control center and learned that the flight attendants and passengers in the cabin were writing suicide notes.

At that moment, he wished he was on that plane.

He couldn't save Luo Xiaoxi, but he could at least die with Luo Xiaoxi.

Fortunately, half an hour later, everything passed without incident.

Su Yicheng suddenly realized that it didn't matter even if Luo Xiaoxi still refused to forgive him, as long as she lived well in this world.

Back at the hospital, Su Yicheng saw doctors and nurses coming in and out of Su Jianan's ward from a distance, and Xiao Yunyun was also there.

Seeing him coming back, Xiao Yunyun ran over crying: "My cousin is vomiting badly."

"What's going on?" Su Yicheng frowned, "Weren't you fine before I went out?"

"My cousin woke up not long after you left, and she hasn't stopped vomiting until now." Xiao Yunyun was crying anxiously. "Doctor Tian said that if my cousin keeps vomiting like this, it won't work. Not only will she be hurt, but the child in her belly will also be hurt.


Su Yicheng returned to the ward, and Aunt Zhang and the nurse happened to help Su Jianan come out of the bathroom.

Su Jianan was originally thin, but after a few days of hard work, she became haggard, and her usually bright eyes had lost their former luster. If she closed her eyes, she would give people the illusion of a broken porcelain doll at any time.

Su Jianan lay back on the hospital bed and forced a smile towards Su Yicheng: "Brother, I'm okay, I can hold on."

"Stop talking." Su Yicheng helped Su Jianan lie down, "Have a good rest. I'll go find Dr. Tian to find out the situation."

Dr. Tian happened to be waiting for Su Yicheng to come back and told him straight to the point: "Ms. Su's morning sickness is the most severe among pregnant women I have ever seen. According to her current signs, she will have more and more vomiting for a long time to come.

The more severe the condition, the more you can only rely on nutritional injections to maintain the nutritional needs of your body and your child, which makes it difficult to ensure that the child you give birth to is healthy."

Su Yicheng frowned: "Is there any precedent like this?"

"Yes, our hospital admitted a pregnant woman with severe morning sickness last year, but her symptoms were milder than Miss Su's."

"What happened to the pregnant woman?" Su Yicheng asked.

"After persisting for half a month, she couldn't hold on anymore, so she chose to induce labor." Dr. Tian said, "Actually, this is the advice I give you. You should go back and discuss it with Miss Su."

"..." Su Yicheng said nothing, his face extremely gloomy.

"Don't get me wrong." Doctor Tian explained, "I didn't mean to curse Miss Su..."

"I know." Su Yicheng rubbed his temples, "I was just thinking about how to talk to my sister."

"Or you can wait for a while, and then tell her if she still vomits so badly." Dr. Tian said, "In fact, continuous vomiting is very uncomfortable. The whole body is weak, and the stomach, throat... will be very uncomfortable.

If you tell her again when you reach the limit of her endurance, she might agree."

Su Yicheng didn't think so. He knew Su Jianan too well. Since she decided to give birth to a child, she wouldn't give up just because she suffered a little.

Being forced to divorce Lu Boyan, leaving Lu Boyan, seeing Lu Boyan and Han Ruoxi together... Su Jianan could bear it with gritted teeth.

The days that really caused her pain would come later.

When Su Yicheng returned to the ward, Su Jianan had already put on an intravenous drip. As soon as he saw him, he asked: "Brother, what did Dr. Tian tell you?"

"You're going to have a hard time in the next period of time." Su Yicheng held Su Jian'an's hand, "Can you hold on?"

Su Jianan nodded: "Don't worry."

"Also," Su Yicheng said, "you may have to spend the New Year in the hospital."

Su Jianan shrugged happily: "It doesn't matter, you will be with me wherever I am anyway." She suddenly remembered something, "By the way, bring my mobile phone over to me when you go home. Xiao Xi is back,

She will definitely contact me."


"Brother..." Su Jianan asked hesitantly, "Are you ready to meet Xiao Xi?"

"I have known her for more than ten years, why do I need to prepare before we meet?" Su Yicheng said, "When the time is right, I will go find her."

"Okay." Su Jianan pursed her lips, "Then I won't get involved in your affairs."

"Take good care of your body." Su Yicheng decided to reveal something to Su Jian'an so that she could be mentally prepared. "Doctor Tian said that your condition is too serious and may affect the health of the fetus. So, for other matters, you

Just ignore it and take care of yourself."

Su Jianan unconsciously put her hand on her lower abdomen and nodded.

In the afternoon, Aunt Zhang gave Su Jianan her mobile phone. She turned it on and waited for Luo Xiaoxi's call. When it was about 11 o'clock in the evening, the mobile phone finally rang.

What is displayed is the word "husband".

Her heart felt as if someone had stabbed her sharply, causing sharp pain.

After answering the call, Lu Boyan's drunken voice came from the receiver: "Why don't you come to me?"

The endless questioning confused Su Jianan: "What?"

There was a touch of anger in Lu Boyan's voice: "There are rumors everywhere that Han Ruoxi and I are together, why don't you come to me, why don't you come to ask me?!"

"...You're drunk." Su Jianan reminded Lu Boyan in an evasive manner.

Lu Boyan was noncommittal and remained silent for a long time. Suddenly he called her name inarticulately: "Jian An..."


Su Jianan didn't say anything, and Lu Boyan didn't speak anymore. Su Jianan guessed that he was asleep and hung up the phone cruelly.

If she hadn't hung up, the next second she would have heard Lu Boyan pleading on the other end of the phone: "Honey, can you come back?"

This chapter has been completed!
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