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Chapter 342 Marriage? No way!

The next day, the first day of the Lunar New Year.

When Luo Xiaoxi woke up, her back ached and her bones felt as if they had been dismantled and reassembled. She was so tired that she didn't even want to move a finger.

She found a comfortable position, buried her head and was about to continue sleeping, but there was a strange feeling in her hands.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that it was Su Yicheng holding her hand in his palm, caressing her fingers.


Luo Xiaoxi decisively dragged Su Yicheng's hand over to use as a pillow, closed her eyes, and was about to fall asleep when she suddenly heard Su Yicheng ask: "Why did you cut your hair?"

After being silent for a long time, Luo Xiaoxi spoke reluctantly: "On the first day of departure, as soon as the plane landed, I started missing you, it was so annoying. Then I cut my hair, thinking about changing my hairstyle to change my mood.


However, it turns out that changing your hairstyle is of no use, and you can't control what you want.

Su Yicheng stroked Luo Xiaoxi's short hair.

In fact, she also looks good with short hair, which makes her facial features more delicate, and the outline is particularly clear-cut by the low-key pear color, giving her a sense of sophistication that she didn't have before.

When sexiness and sophistication are perfectly blended and displayed in an incredibly beautiful woman, Su Yicheng knows very well how much attention Luo Xiaoxi will attract once she steps out of the house.

Su Yicheng suddenly had the feeling that Luo Xiaoxi was a wild horse. Although the reins were in his hands, Luo Xiaoxi could run away at any time if she wanted to - just like she had been doing for the past three months.

Su Yicheng unconsciously hugged Luo Xiaoxi tightly and called her name: "Xiao Xi."

After a while, Luo Xiaoxi lazily said "hmm".

"Let's get married."

Su Yicheng's tone was as usual, and you couldn't feel any ups and downs in his emotions, but if you listened carefully, you could hear that he enunciated every word very clearly.

It was as if every word and every sentence was a voice coming from the deepest part of his heart.

Luo Xiaoxi opened her eyes and froze in Su Yicheng's arms.

She has been pursuing Su Yicheng for ten years. She has fantasized about Su Yicheng saying this to her countless times, and hundreds of different proposal scenarios have appeared in her mind.

But there is absolutely no scene like this: on the bed in the bedroom, there is not a decent ring!

Luo Xiaoxi was angry, and the consequences were serious.

She turned over and faced Su Yicheng: "I took the initiative to come to you and forgive you, does it make you think that I am easy to talk to?"

Su Yicheng was a little unsure whether Luo Xiaoxi was angry, so he denied: "No."

Luo Xiaoxi sat up around the quilt and had the urge to strangle Su Yicheng: "Then why do you propose marriage to me so casually! How about you prepare yourself and show more sincerity?"

By the way, isn't she, Luo Xiaoxi, worthy of a painstaking proposal that would shock City A?

This time Su Yicheng was sure that Luo Xiaoxi was not angry, but very angry.

He hugged Luo Xiaoxi back into his arms: "Do you still remember the question you asked me yesterday?"

Luo Xiaoxi thought for a while, and she seemed to have asked Su Yicheng whether she was undervalued by taking such initiative? Su Yicheng did not answer her.

Hey, is Su Yicheng going to tell her the answer now?

Under Luo Xiaoxi's expectant eyes, Su Yicheng slowly said: "I want to marry you. Are you satisfied with this answer?"

If he did the same thing to another girl, Su Yicheng knew very well that he would not be forgiven so easily. If he didn't torture him to the point of losing half of his health, he would still be a liar.

But Luo Xiaoxi is so frank. If she likes him, she will pursue him. If she needs time to calm down, she will leave for a while. When she has figured it out, she will come back and tell him the answer. She has almost no thought of going through twists and turns.

In the past, he dated a smart and capable working woman, but he just didn't want to have to explain everything with words. That would be too tiring. He hoped that the two of them could get together and get away easily.

Yesterday, Luo Xiaoxi took the initiative to come to him, and he realized why he fell in love with Luo Xiaoxi - because under her enchanting and public appearance, she had an extremely simple and transparent heart. She didn't care about anything, and she didn't plan anything.


So only by being with Luo Xiaoxi could he relax his tense nerves and sleep peacefully.

But these are not the reasons why he wants to marry Luo Xiaoxi. Even if Luo Xiaoxi loses her IQ and EQ after marriage and torments him hard and makes trouble with him, he probably won't get bored.

Because... I'm afraid she will leave again.

If this is not love, then Su Yicheng doesn't know how to interpret the word 'love'.

Luo Xiaoxi's simple head turned for a while before she understood what Su Yicheng meant, and nodded: "Very satisfied."


Su Yicheng said one word before he was interrupted: "Were you proposing just now?" Luo Xiaoxi asked.

"...sort of." Su Yicheng thought for a moment before answering.

"Oh, I don't agree." Luo Xiaoxiyun expressed her disdain lightly, "It's too shabby!"

Su Yicheng: "..."

It was the first time in thirty years that he proposed to a woman, but was dismissed as shabby. What else could he say?

It seems that she can only comfort herself: It's better that Luo Xiaoxi didn't reject it outright.

Luo Xiaoxi raised her eyes and glanced at Su Yicheng, gloating and touching his face: "Do you want to cry?"

Su Yicheng gritted his teeth, pressed Luo Xiaoxi's lips together, and sucked her lips, as if trying to drain the air from her lungs.

The second before Luo Xiaoxi felt like she was suffocating, Su Yicheng let go of her, and she suddenly remembered something: "What time is it?"

Su Yicheng smiled: "It's past eleven o'clock."

"Damn!" Luo Xiaoxi almost jumped up from the bed, "Why is it so late!" She just woke up not long ago, how could it be already past eleven o'clock!

Su Yicheng smiled half-heartedly: "We didn't go to bed until after four in the morning. Isn't it normal to sleep at this time?"

Luo Xiaoxi didn't know whether to blush or be ashamed, so she kicked Su Yicheng hard and slipped into the bathroom.

After washing up, Luo Xiaoxi hurriedly said she wanted to go back. Su Yicheng wanted to see her off, but received a call from Tang Yulan.

"Yicheng, are you at home? Auntie wants to go over to your place."

"I'm at home." Su Yicheng said, "Shall I pick you up?"

"No, Lao Qian will send me there." Tang Yulan smiled, "I'll be there in about an hour."

Luo Xiaoxi had already heard whose voice it was, so she put on her high heels and said, "You don't have to send me off. Aunt Tang will definitely ask about Jian An when she comes. Just tell her that Jian An went shopping with me early in the morning."


Su Yicheng sent Luo Xiaoxi downstairs. Not long after going upstairs, Tang Yulan came.

Tang Yulan brought a lot of things, including some fruits and snacks that Su Jianan liked to eat. As soon as she sat down, she scanned the whole room and asked, "Where is Jianan? Why don't you see her?"

"She went shopping with Xiao Xi early in the morning." Su Yicheng thought of the wording in advance, and said without blushing, "Auntie, if you want to find her, can I call her and ask her to come back early?"

"No, no, no." Tang Yulan waved her hand, "I just wanted to see how she is doing during this time. It should be... pretty good, right?"

"Just like before getting married, I go out once in a while and stay at home to read something most of the time. I'll let her see you when I have time in two days." After a pause, Su Yicheng asked, "How is Bo Yan?


Tang Yulan smiled bitterly: "Everyone in the company is on annual leave, and he, the boss, is still at work. He went home to have a meal with me yesterday, stayed at home all night, and left again early this morning."

"Auntie, don't worry about Bo Yan and Jian An's affairs." Su Yicheng said, "Their situation is different from others. Only they can solve it themselves."

Tang Yulan also understood, nodded, chatted with Su Yicheng as usual, got up and left.

Seeing that it was still early, Su Yicheng called the hospital to ask about Su Jianan's condition. When he learned that nothing was wrong, he took the tea and some gifts that Xiao Chen had prepared and drove to Luo's house.

At this time, Luo Xiaoxi had already returned home.

She was already prepared to be scolded, but to her surprise, neither Lao Luo nor her mother had any intention of scolding her.

Out of curiosity, she took the initiative to scold her: "Lao Luo, mom, don't you be angry with me? I stayed out all night!"

Lao Luo spread his hands: "Let's just get used to it in advance. Anyway, you will get married in the future."

Mother Luo smiled meaningfully: "Besides, weren't you going to accompany Jian An? Why should we be angry?"

Luo Xiaoxi was not used to how open-minded Lao Luo and her mother were for a while. She sat down on the sofa and said, "Come on! How did Su Yicheng brainwash you? Do you really agree with me and him?"

"Qin Wei is about to get married, and you like Su Yicheng so much. It just so happened that I found out that Su Yicheng is a nice person. What else can I do to stop him?" Lao Luo smiled and changed his tea leaves, "Besides, we will continue to oppose you.

Is it useful to be with Su Yicheng?"

Luo Xiaoxi said without thinking: "It's useless!"

"Isn't this the end?" Lao Luo poured out the water for washing the tea and sighed, "My daughter hasn't been married yet, so it's like spilled water. But if someone wants it, I'll agree to it, so I don't have to keep it.

Be angry with me at home."

When Luo Xiaoxi couldn't laugh or cry, the aunt who was helping at home ran over: "Mr. Luo, madam, Mr. Su is here. It looks... quite formal."

"Invite him in quickly." Luo's mother pulled Luo Xiaoxi upstairs, leaving the space downstairs for Su Yicheng and Lao Luo.

Su Yicheng came in carrying his things and was not surprised to see Father Luo drinking tea alone in the living room. He put down his things and explained his purpose: "Uncle, I want to talk to you about Xiao Xi and I."

Lao Luo motioned Su Yicheng to sit down: "Before you speak, listen to me first. When I woke up early yesterday, Xiao Xi was depressed and said that she made you angry the night before and wanted to take the initiative to find you. Her mother stopped her and said that a girl should

Be more reserved. But she said that she doesn't know what being reserved is, she only knows what she wants. Listening to this, I know that she has to be you in this life."

Su Yicheng said nothing, poured a cup of tea for Luo's father and listened to him continue.

"I will hand over my only daughter to you." Lao Luo took the tea from Su Yicheng and patted the back of his hand, "She really likes you, and I hope you can treat her sincerely."

"Uncle, don't worry." Su Yicheng was more serious than making promises to his partners.

"I believe you, but let's talk ugly first." Lao Luo smiled, "In the future, if Xiao Xi tells me that she has been bullied by you, I will not let you go even if it costs the entire Luo Group.


"Xiao Xi and I finally got to this point, and I know how to deal with her in the future," Su Yicheng said.

Lao Luo nodded happily: "Okay, she is upstairs, go find her."

This chapter has been completed!
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