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Chapter 3554 You exposed the agreement


"Do you still need me to tell her that her husband and..." Yan Yan stopped suddenly and wanted to bite off her tongue.

She had reminded herself repeatedly before that she must not mention the word "Cheng Zitong" in front of Fu Yuan'er.

Fu Yuan'er smiled slightly: "You don't have to avoid him. Even I dare not say that I will never run into him again in this life."

"The meat is roasted, eat it quickly, eat it quickly." Yan Yan put aside the topic.

At this time, the curtain of the booth was lifted, and a beautiful and capable woman walked in.

Yan Yan frowned displeased: "Who are you?" It's so rude.

But Fu Yuan'er recognized her, "Yu Lingfei?"

Yu Lingfei stared at Fu Yuan'er coldly: "Miss Fu, can we talk alone?"

"You know her," Yan Yan felt like she had seen her somewhere before, but, "How do you know Yuan'er is here? Shouldn't the management of this store be improved..."

"You eat first, I'll talk to her." Fu Yuan'er stood up and left with Yu Lingfei.

Yan Yan pursed her lips, saying that it didn't matter.

Fu Yuan'er followed Yu Lingfei to the corridor outside the restaurant.

"I happened to see the member consumption registration form at the front desk of the restaurant." Yu Lingfei said first, proving that he was not following intentionally.

"What do you want to say to me?" Fu Yuan'er asked.

"Did you expose the purchase and sale agreement for Fu's Company shares?" Yu Lingfei asked straight to the point.

Fu Yuan'er's heart skipped a beat, wondering why she asked this.

First of all, she should know that there is such an agreement. She is the legal counsel of Cheng Zitong's company, so it is not unusual to know about this agreement.

Secondly, she should be involved in the turmoil in Cheng Zitong's company these days...

The conclusion is that she has been by Cheng Zitong's side these days, accompanying him through this difficult stage.

So now, in what capacity is she questioning?

"If you are asking me a question as the company's legal advisor, I don't have to answer the question." After saying that, Fu Yuan'er turned to leave.

"What if Cheng Zi is his girlfriend?" Yu Lingfei stopped her.

Cheng Zi and his girlfriend...

Fu Yuan'er's lips curled up slightly, but she didn't look back: "Did he ask you to ask me?"

"No," Yu Lingfei said, "but I think it was you, because the night before the agreement was exposed, you were the only one who had been to his apartment and read the agreement!"

Really, he even told her this.

Fu Yuan'er pursed her lips: "If you have evidence, call the police and arrest me. I have nothing to say to you."

She left without hesitation.

"Why is that woman looking for you?" Yan Yan asked her when she returned to the booth.

"She thought I was the one who exposed the sale and purchase agreement."

Yan Yan was slightly stunned, the words came to her lips but she didn't say them out.

Fu Yuan'er saw the clue, "What do you mean, you think it was me who exposed it?"

"What do you mean?" Yan Yan also wanted to ask, "Isn't this our previous plan..."

Fu Yuan'er took a deep breath. By the way, she had been sick for several days and had forgotten to explain to Yan Yan.

"That's the plan, and I saw the agreement," but, "In the end, I gave up. I didn't take any photos. I just moved the agreement to a different position to let him know that I saw the agreement."

"I thought that this way, Cheng Zitong would be somewhat restrained. I only found out today that the agreement was exposed the next day."

Yan Yan was also a little shaken, only to realize that she showed mercy in the end.

So, who is the person who exposed the agreement?

Fu Yuan'er shook her head: "I haven't thought about it for a long time.

, but according to the principle of maximum benefit, the most likely person is the Cheng family."

"Cheng Yiming?" Yan Yan widened her beautiful eyes.

But when she thought about it carefully, something didn't feel right. "Although Cheng Yiming knew about this, how did he get the agreement?"

What was exposed was a real photo of the agreement!

Fu Yuan'er shook her head, "Maybe Cheng Zitong couldn't understand it himself, so Yu Lingfei came to ask me."

"In Cheng Zitong's mind, I should be the biggest suspect."

Yan Yan spread her hands: "I don't understand."

After Yu Lingfei made such a fuss, the barbecue no longer tasted good, so he ordered a set meal for two and packed a lot of it back.

After going home and taking a shower, the two of them lay on the bed and leaned their legs against the wall together.

Well, comparing with Yan Yan, Fu Yuan'er feels like she just went to the equator.

"Did you secretly take whitening injections?" Fu Yuan'er asked.

"How could I secretly take the injection? It is already an open secret that I take the whitening injection."

Is it true that if you eat tomatoes and drink honey water, your skin will look as white as a fluorescent lamp?

"Do you think it will damage the liver?" Fu Yuan'er pondered.

"What, you want to fight?" Yan Yan laughed, "Do you want to be the fairest-skinned among reporters?"

"I want to be the most beautiful among reporters."

Yan Yan smiled even more happily: "You don't have to think about it, you already are."

"Nonsense." Fu Yuan'er glanced at her.

"After talking nonsense, do you feel better?" Yan Yan asked.

Fu Yuan'er's heart felt warm. Yan Yan had been paying close attention to her emotions.

"You don't have to worry about me, really," she said to Yan Yan sincerely: "Who is not sad yet, but life still has to go on."

"I admit that Cheng Zitong is deeply rooted in my heart, but wouldn't I live without him?" That is not Fu Yuan'er's style, "I have to live without him, which does not mean that I want to live better.

, just continue to live in my own way, as if...he has never appeared in my life."

Yes, ignoring it is the attitude she should have towards this relationship.

Yan Yan didn't speak for a while.

"What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

Yan Yan shook her head: "I thought I was free and easy about feelings, but actually the only person who can really understand it is you."

She is not serious about any man, ultimately because she is afraid of getting hurt.

But Fu Yuan'er is not. She has been hurt and can still love again.

Which one is better will be known at a glance.

Fu Yuan'er smiled bitterly in her heart. The truth is that she often doesn't get it, so she learned to relieve herself.

But she couldn't say these words, and she couldn't destroy Yan Yan's admiration for her~

Late at night.

Fu Yuan'er has already fallen asleep peacefully, but for Yan Yan, tonight's night has just begun.

She dimmed the lights, quietly closed the door and went out.

A blue car silhouette slid into the dark night and sped forward.


"Mr. Cheng, congratulations. Come, have a drink."

"Mr. Cheng, let me toast you too..."

"Mr. Cheng, I respect you too..."

In the bar box, Cheng Yiming was surrounded by a group of beauties, vying to toast him.

Cheng Yiming has recently negotiated a big project, and I heard that he and the daughter of the Mu family are about to have a good deal, which can be said to be a double blessing.

"That's right," a few men nearby cheered, "Let Mr. Cheng be happy, and your benefits will be indispensable!"

After saying this, the beauties became even more attentive.

Cheng Yiming looked at their heavily made-up faces, but his heart didn't come to his mind.

From a moment of irritation... that woman also likes to wear heavy makeup. I wonder if she would get so close in front of any man...

He adjusted his glasses and suppressed the annoyance in his heart.

These men in the box are all collaborators, and they just need to be patient when it comes to making fun of people.

At this time, his mobile phone received a message, which was sent by Yan Yan.

She said she was in the bar parking lot and asked him to go out and meet her.

Cheng Yiming frowned, how did this woman know he was here?

In fact, Yan Yan didn't know, she just came here to try her luck, because she once accidentally saw that he had the gold card here.

She waited for more than ten minutes but didn't see him coming out. When she was about to try another place, a woman stopped her.

"Yan Yan!"

She was stunned for a moment. The person who could call her so loudly must not be the paparazzi.

But anyone who calls her that in public must not be a friend.

Turning around, she saw a girl walking up to her angrily, "How dare you come to Yi Ming!"

She recognized it, this was the rich young lady who was dating Cheng Yiming.

Hehe, it seems that Cheng Yiming is right here.

Damn you, you didn't reply to her text message.

"Are you coming to see Cheng Yiming too?" Yan Yan looked at the bar and then at her, "Don't you know where this place is?"

If a wealthy lady comes here to find her fiancé, will the price drop a bit?

If she were a rich young lady, Cheng Yiming wouldn't even give him the right to meet her if he didn't personally deliver a bouquet of flowers to her door every day!

The eldest lady heard that she was mocking her and stamped her feet in annoyance: "Yi Ming can come here, but I can't meet you!"

Yan Yan wanted to laugh even more, "Thank you for distinguishing me from the women in the bar."

"I...I mean you are not as good as those women in the bar!" The eldest lady's face wrinkled with anger.

Yan Yan pretended to be confused and pouted: "I can't see Cheng Yiming, and you can't see Cheng Yiming. I'm not as good as them, and you are not as good as them."

"You..." When the eldest lady got angry, she slapped her in the air again.

"Stop!" Suddenly, a deep male voice sounded.

Yan Yan turned her head in surprise and saw that the person walking over turned out to be Cheng Zitong.

The eldest lady also recognized Cheng Zitong and smiled scornfully: "Who am I talking about? Why, I can't even protect myself, and I still want to be a hero to save the beauty."

Cheng Zitong has become a drowned dog.

He stepped forward expressionlessly, "No matter how much you beat her, you can't restrain Cheng Yiming. If you have the strength, why not think about how to make him like you more."

"You..." The eldest lady was embarrassed for a while, but could not refute for a while.

"White-eyed wolf!" She cursed harshly to vent her anger, then turned and left.

Yan Yan sighed in her heart, thankful that she didn't ask Fu Yuan'er to come with her, otherwise what would Fu Yuan'er think after hearing this.

"I didn't expect you could help me get rid of the flies." When the eldest lady walked away, Yan Yan shrugged at Cheng Zitong.

She looked at him secretly and saw that he didn't change much from usual.

That's right, the rumors only say that he is on the verge of bankruptcy, but he has not actually gone bankrupt.

"Be careful." After saying that, Cheng Zitong prepared to leave.

"Cheng Zitong," Yan Yan stopped him, "who exposed that agreement?"

Cheng Zitong stopped and raised a sneer on his thin lips: "You still need to ask?"

"Do you really think it was Yuan'er who did it?"

"You should ask her about this."

"No, I'm here." At this time, Fu Yuan'er came out from behind the big tree next to her.

This chapter has been completed!
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