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Chapter 355 Su Yicheng's Plan

Luo Xiaoxi held her chin in her hands and looked at Su Yicheng: "Are you worried too early? Who told you that I would definitely get into trouble if I went out to work?"

"You get into less trouble when you're not working?"

"..." Luo Xiaoxi was speechless.

Su Yicheng changed his serious expression: "Xiao Xi, why do you want to be a model so much?"

Luo Xiaoxi sat upright, her face serious: "I admit that at first I wanted to shine and attract your attention. But now I really like this job, because I like the feeling of walking on the runway. Well, as for my future

Whether it will be popular or not, it doesn't matter, I don't care! I just want to see if I can do this job well."

Su Yicheng pondered for a long time: "I can promise you, but there is one thing you have to promise me."

As long as he agrees, Luo Xiaoxi can discuss everything and pounces on him expectantly: "What's the matter?"

Su Yicheng raised the corners of his lips mysteriously and kissed her lips: "I'll tell you in a few days."

After saying that, he stood up, put on his coat, and prepared to go to the company.

Luo Xiaoxi snorted: "What's the point? I'm not curious at all!"

Saying this, after sending Su Yicheng away, she couldn't help but think about it at home.

Su Yicheng is rarely so mysterious. What does he want her to agree to this time?

Thirty minutes later, Su Yicheng arrived at the company, and it happened to be work time.

Xiao Chen followed him and reported today's schedule, and finally reminded him: "Mr. Su, in half a month it will be the eighth anniversary of the founding of the company. Do you want to hold an anniversary celebration to make it lively?"

Su Yicheng raised his lips unconsciously: "Of course."

According to Xiao Chen's understanding of Su Yicheng, his smile was definitely not for no reason. He asked tentatively: "Then shall I contact the planning company?"

"No need." Su Yicheng raised his hand to stop Xiao Chen, "I will personally plan this anniversary event."

"Ah?" Xiao Chen showed such an unprofessional expression of surprise for the first time, "Mr. Su, are you...very free?"

"This anniversary is very important to me." Su Yicheng said, "I wouldn't worry about leaving it to others."

On the eighth anniversary of the ups and downs, Su Yicheng has been running Chengan Group all the way. It is indeed not easy to expand the company to the scale it is today. The eighth anniversary should be an important milestone for him.

Xiao Chen nodded: "Then we will cooperate with you. Is there anything special you need to explain?"

Su Yicheng said: "Don't let Xiao Xi know."

He didn't want Luo Xiaoxi to notice even the slightest hint of what happened this time. What he wanted was for it to be completely unexpected by Luo Xiaoxi.

Xiao Chen had clearly noticed something and smiled: "Okay, don't worry, Miss Luo promises not to know!"

Su Yi hid this plan from everyone except Xiao Chen, not even Su Jianan knew about it.

However, even if Su Jianan knew, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to help him.

After two days of comfortable life, Su Jianan suddenly started to vomit again early this morning. She wanted to hold back and not worry Lu Boyan so that he could go to work in the company.

But her condition suddenly returned to its worst state. She was vomiting to the point where it was uncomfortable to sit or lie down, and she couldn't even speak a word.

Lu Boyan called the doctor over, but morning sickness was not a disease, and the doctor had nothing to do. He could only say to wait and see the situation before making the next decision.

Su Jianan's morning sickness did not get any relief. Lu Boyan was furious and kicked out all the doctors and nurses. He turned to face Su Jianan, but he could only feel helpless and distressed.

Su Jianan held Lu Boyan's hand and forced a smile: "I'll be fine in two days. You can go to the company."

"The company's affairs will be handled by Yuechuan." Lu Boyan brushed the black hair from Su Jianan's face, "I will stay with you at home."

However, his company had no effect. Su Jianan continued to vomit until the afternoon and did not eat for a whole day. The doctor could only give her a nutritional injection.

His heart was twisted into a ball and he felt uncomfortable, but there was nothing he could do.

When it got dark, Su Jianan may have been tired and fell asleep unknowingly. The doctor said that it was best to let her fall asleep, which could temporarily stop the vomiting, and the situation might get better after she woke up.

Lu Boyan received a call from Su Yicheng and was about to go out. He asked Aunt Liu to keep an eye on Su Jianan outside the door and call him as soon as possible if she woke up.

After everything was settled, Lu Boyan drove to the club.

Su Yicheng did not choose a private room. Instead, he booked a seat on the third floor, which gave him a panoramic view of the open area on the second floor.

As soon as Lu Boyan arrived, he noticed that his face was not very good. He put down his glass and asked, "Jian An vomited again?"

Lu Boyan drank every drop of the wine in the cup and frowned deeply: "I fell asleep when I went out."

Su Yicheng understood very well how Lu Boyan was feeling at the moment. When he first saw Su Jianan vomiting and being tortured, he wished he could suffer it on Su Jianan's behalf.

He patted Lu Boyan on the shoulder: "I need your help with something."

If it was something ordinary, Su Yicheng could tell him on the phone.

Lu Boyan specially invited him out because he had a hunch that what Su Yicheng wanted him to help with was no ordinary trivial matter.

After hearing what Su Yicheng said, it was indeed a big deal. He smiled and said, "Xiao Xi just came back, do you need to be in such a hurry?"

"People like you who get married directly don't understand." Su Yicheng swung the red wine in the glass, "Now if I wait for one more day, it feels like a year to me."

Lu Boyan made a call and finally sent the number to Su Yicheng: "His assistant will contact you first tomorrow. If you have any questions, you can also contact this person directly."

"Thank you." Su Yicheng raised his glass to express his gratitude.

Lu Boyan raised his eyes and looked at Su Yicheng: "I should say this to you, I'm afraid I have to say it more than once."

Su Yicheng was very interested: "What did I do?"

Lu Boyan said: "Thank you for taking care of Jian An some time ago. Also, if it weren't for you, Jian An and I probably wouldn't have seen each other again."

It was Su Yicheng who gave him and Su Jianan a chance, so he was the one who should say thank you.

"If I hadn't seen her liking you so much, I wouldn't have been willing to marry my sister off so quickly." Su Yicheng said with a smile, "But the facts have proven that I made the right decision."

At first, he thought that since Su Jianan would not marry Lu Boyan, he might as well give her a chance. If they fell in love for a long time, it would be the best. If Lu Boyan really just wanted to make Tang Yulan happy and never felt anything about Su Jianan, then Su Jianan

You will also recognize the facts and choose to give up.

What he never expected was that Lu Boyan had already set his sights on Su Jianan.

If he had known earlier, he would never have taken advantage of Lu Boyan so much. Why would he have wanted Lu Boyan to sensationalize the whole City A with his pursuit before he nodded and agreed to their marriage.

Lu Boyan looked at the time. He had been out for more than an hour. He was worried about Su Jianan at home. He was about to leave first when he suddenly saw Han Ruoxi.

She was sitting alone in a very secluded place on the second floor. She looked a little uncomfortable, but she continued to smoke. It seemed that only the cigarette in her hand could relieve her pain.

Lu Boyan suddenly realized something, and a cold light flashed across his eyes: "When Jian An told you that Han Ruoxi and Kang Ruicheng were in a cooperative relationship, did she tell you anything else?"

Su Yicheng thought for a while: "No. But there is something she didn't want to understand: why Han Ruoxi is willing to cooperate with Kang Ruicheng."

Han Ruoxi is a smart person, and getting involved with someone like Kang Ruicheng is undoubtedly ruining her future.

But she was actually willing to cooperate with Kang Ruicheng. Lu Boyan and Su Jianan thought of one thing - Kang Ruicheng controlled Han Ruoxi.

Thinking about what Kang Ruicheng usually does, and looking at Han Ruoxi's demeanor at this moment, Lu Boyan has roughly guessed how Kang Ruicheng controls Han Ruoxi.

"I'll go downstairs."

Lu Boyan stood up, went down to the second floor and walked straight to Han Ruoxi's seat.

Han Ruoxi didn't expect that Lu Boyan would be here, let alone that he would take the initiative to come to her. She hurriedly adjusted herself to the best condition and smiled: "What a coincidence?"

Lu Boyan glanced at the cigarette in Han Ruoxi's hand. She was stunned for a moment, then put out the cigarette and said: "The character in the previous film had to smoke. After filming, I would occasionally smoke one when I was worried.

"Said and pointed to the seat opposite her, "Sit down, why are you standing?"

Lu Boyan pulled out his chair and sat down, and said straight to the point: "I have taken Jian An home."

Han Ruoxi was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered a piece of news that had circulated in the media circle a few days ago - Lu Boyan and Su Jianan had gotten back together.

Because there were no news reports, she always thought it was just a rumor, but now Lu Boyan actually told her about it himself...

"Actually, we are not divorced." Lu Boyan dropped another bombshell, quietly watching Han Ruoxi's reaction.

Han Ruoxi just hesitated for a second and forced a smile: "Really? It was like it was real at first. I thought you two were really... separated."

As expected of a movie queen, all the doubts and hatred surging in her heart were perfectly concealed by her fake bitter smile.

"She has been quarreling with me, but we did not go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the formalities. I came to you because I hope you will clarify the scandal between us to the media. Otherwise, I will hold a press conference in person."

The second half of Lu Boyan's sentence contained a warning.

After saying that, he stood up and was about to leave. At this moment, Han Ruoxi suddenly sneered: "How to clarify? Even if you are drunk, you can still identify whether the woman next to you is Su Jianan?"

Han Ruoxi's memory was pulled back to the night of the Lu family's annual meeting.

Lu Boyan initially thought she was Su Jianan, but before he touched her lips, all his movements suddenly stopped, and he suddenly woke up. He pushed her away without mercy and gave her a cold word.


Having already entered his room, she wanted to risk everything. She didn't believe that a man could really choose a certain woman.

But her movements were frozen by Lu Boyan's cold gaze. Half an hour later, the time agreed between him and Shen Yuechuan came and she had to leave.

She knew there was a reporter hiding at the door of the apartment, so she left from the basement.

Even if she couldn't get Lu Boyan, it would be better to cause a misunderstanding. If she couldn't make Lu Boyan give up, she would let Su Jianan give up.

There are so many coincidences in the world. Later, she happened to meet Lu Boyan who was patrolling in the mall. Unexpectedly, she met Su Jianan again when she went downstairs.

When Su Jianan almost fell, she didn't miss Lu Boyan's nervousness or Su Jianan's look for help.

Only then did she realize that even if the two people were at this point, their relationship had not changed. Deep down in his heart, Lu Boyan still believed in Su Jianan, and Su Jianan still relied on Lu Boyan.

She suddenly realized that no matter how many methods she tried, she might not be able to separate Lu Boyan and Su Jianan.

Sure enough, she guessed it right.

This chapter has been completed!
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