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Chapter 3759 We are even

Fu Yuan'er's legs are always more honest than her mouth.

She came to the door of the box that Lucy mentioned and saw that the door was ajar. She simply reached out and pushed the door open wider.

Lucy was right, she saw that familiar figure, Cheng Zitong.

The atmosphere in the box was very lively. The guests were both male and female. Their smiling eyes fell on Cheng Zitong one after another, and they kept shouting "Drink quickly, drink quickly"!

"You are wrong," a young man stood up and said loudly: "How can you let Mr. Cheng drink liquor? Aren't you making Mr. Cheng drunk?"

As he spoke, he changed a glass of wine for Cheng Zitong, "Mr. Cheng, drink this. This one won't hurt your stomach like white wine."

The wine in Cheng Zitong's hand was of various colors, covering each other and forming a glass of liquid that could not be clearly seen.

I also know that this is a mixture of various liquors. It is indeed not as harmful to the stomach as white wine, it will only directly destroy the stomach.

"Drink, drink, drink quickly!" the guests cheered again.

The half-drunk Cheng Zitong grabbed a cup, poured half of the wine in his hand, and handed it to the young man, "Let's drink together to a better tomorrow for our company!"

The young man's face turned green. The boss was toasting him, and he had to drink it. But if he really drank it, only he would understand the sour taste..."

"Why don't you drink?" Cheng Zitong asked, "Don't you want the company to have a better tomorrow?"

The young man was about to cry, "Mr. Cheng, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tease you..."

There was a burst of boos in the box because of the young man's cowardice.

Cheng Zitong patted him on the shoulder, not taking it seriously, but it moved the young man even more.

Fu Yuan'er took a step back, not ready to go in.

She had just seen clearly that the guests were all employees working for Cheng Zitong. This time Cheng Zitong succeeded in "sniping" Du Ming, so everyone came to celebrate.

If she goes in now, it will only ruin their joy.

Just as she turned around, she bumped into Koizumi walking towards the box.

"Miss Fu?" Xiaoquan glanced at the box: "Are you here to see Mr. Cheng?"

"I happened to be passing by. Goodbye."

She crossed Xiaoquan and walked several steps forward. Xiaoquan suddenly stopped her and said, "Miss Fu, can I talk to you?"

Fu Yuan'er noticed that Xiao Quan no longer called her "Mrs."

When he called him this way before, she always corrected him.

Now that he called her that, she felt a little disappointed in her heart...

The title "Mrs. Cheng" is ironclad. Without Fu Yuan'er, there could be many other women.

"What do you want to say?" Fu Yuan'er asked when they came to a quiet corner.

"Miss Fu, please leave Mr. Cheng." Xiaoquan looked at her sincerely.

Fu Yuan'er:......

"You're not right," she said, trying her best to remain calm: "I have moved out of his apartment a long time ago."

"That's not enough!"

Koizumi growled: "When I say leave, I want you to completely cut off the idea that you and him will be together again!"

Fu Yuan'er was funny: "I can leave, but I can't control his thoughts."

"You can do it!" Xiaoquan looked at her aggressively: "As long as you get married, Mr. Cheng will never think of you again!"

Hearing this, Fu Yuan'er's curiosity was aroused, "Xiaoquan, in your eyes, am I so unworthy and not worthy of your Mr. Cheng?"

"You are indeed unworthy. You don't even know that Mr. Cheng is here for you..." Xiaoquan suddenly shut up, knowing that he had made a mistake, and immediately changed the subject: "In short, Miss Yu Lingfei is the one who can help Mr. Cheng. You will only give

Mr. Cheng is holding us back."

Fu Yuan'er was a little disappointed. She originally wanted to get something out of him, but it seemed impossible. "You can go, I'll take care of you." Xiao Quan changed from chasing people away to pleading.

Fu Yuan'er nodded, turned and left.

Xiaoquan watched her figure disappear around the corner, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing here?" Suddenly Cheng Zitong's voice sounded from behind.

Xiaoquan hurriedly turned around and supported Cheng Zitong, whose legs were weak, "Mr. Cheng, you drank too much, I will take you back."

He helped Cheng Zitong walk through the corridor and passed by a private room with an open door. The laughter inside attracted Cheng Zitong's attention.

"Mr. Cheng, I'll help you." Xiaoquan wanted to take him away quickly. This is the meeting place of Metropolis Newspaper.

"Xiaoquan, I think this place looks familiar..." Cheng Zitong said.

Xiaoquan was frightened, and quickly glanced inside to confirm that Fu Yuan'er was indeed not inside, and then secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Cheng, you are drunk." He said.

Cheng Zitong was really drunk, got into the car and fell asleep.

When he woke up again, he was sleeping in an apartment where he lived alone.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang outside the door.

He glanced at the time, it was one o'clock in the morning, and frowned involuntarily.

The doorbell went silent when there was no response. After a moment, the screen of his mobile phone lit up and there was a call from Yu Lingfei.

No need to think about it, she must have been the one who rang the doorbell just now.

Fortunately, he was afraid of noise and used to mute his cell phone, which made it easier for him to pretend he wasn't there.

Tomorrow, find an opportunity to have a showdown with Ling Fei.

He was really tired tonight.

The phone rang twice and then stopped, and he didn't fall asleep again.

At two o'clock in the morning, he made a decision and left the apartment and rushed to Huama Villa.

As soon as he entered the house, he was rushed to take a shower by Ling Yue. He smelled of alcohol and was not afraid of inhaling the child!

"I'm going to take a shower." He nodded in agreement.

Besides, Yu'er has already gone to bed, so it doesn't matter whether she watches tonight or not.

As long as he got here, his heart would be at ease.

When I walked into the bathroom, I saw that it was very hot inside, and there was still water vapor on the mirror... Someone had taken a bath here, and it didn't take more than half an hour.

Ling Yue, the nanny and Yu'er were washing in the large bathroom, so they left this small bathroom to him.

He turned on the faucet to take a shower, and the hot steam steamed up again. There was a vague smell that seemed familiar...

Someone is coming to the house.

His footsteps quietly passed through the corridor, came to the outside of the baby's room, and gently opened the door.

His handsome eyes lit up.

Two figures, one big and one small, were lying on the bed, both of them sleeping peacefully.

He came to the bedside, his eyes lovingly passed over Yu'er's little face, and landed on Fu Yuan'er's cheek. He stared at her for a long time without being able to move.

As if there was a force pushing him, he lay down next to Fu Yuan'er and closed his eyes calmly and happily.

Tonight is destined to be a good dream.

However, outside Huama Villa, Yu Lingfei was sitting in a car, staring blankly at the lighted window in the building.

Her expression seemed calm, but there were already stormy waves in her eyes, enough to swallow up everything.


"Yuan'er, come here for a moment."

It was a sunny afternoon, and the girl Fu Yuan'er was walking through the garden, preparing to leave home.

Hearing Grandpa Fu's voice, she walked over, her playful ponytail swinging like a pendulum on the back of her head.

Grandpa Fu stood under a row of crabapple trees, with a young man standing next to him, his eyes so calm that they had nothing to do with his childish face.

"This is Cheng Zitong," grandpa introduced. "My math scores are very good. I won the championship in an international competition. You have the best tutor." "Who wants to learn math?" She turned and left.

I see.

Because of her fear and dislike of math problems, she and Cheng Zitong ignored them and never took them to heart.

Fu Yuan'er gradually opened her eyes, looked out the window at the dawning sky, and then looked at the sleeping child next to her. The sadness caused by the dream was relieved.

It's not like she didn't get anything, right?

She subconsciously turned over and found someone lying next to her.

Before she could be surprised, Cheng Zitong's handsome face had already caught her eye.

He was still asleep, with slight snoring in his breath. The smell of alcohol seemed to overflow from his cells, and no amount of expensive perfume could cover it up...

So, he was drunk and delirious last night, so he slept next to her?

She wanted to get up and run away quickly to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.

"You're awake." However, as soon as she sat up, his voice sounded from behind her.

She was stunned for a moment, unable to do anything but run away in a hurry.

Don't say they didn't do anything last night, even if they did, she wouldn't have to run away.

Some mistakes cannot be made by her alone.

She calmed down and kept her posture still: "The agreement didn't say that I wouldn't be allowed to stay overnight with Yu'er."

"I know."

"The agreement didn't say that you can sleep in the same bed with me without my permission."

Cheng Zitong burst into laughter, it turned out that the trap was here.

"The agreement didn't say that I can't sleep in the same bed with you." He replied.

"You..." She was so angry that she couldn't help turning her head to glare at him, but her eyebrows furrowed.

The stitches on the wound on her leg have not yet been removed, and sometimes it gets involved.

Cheng Zitong's eyes deepened: "Is the injury serious?"

Fu Yuan'er sat up straight and smiled meaningfully: "It's nothing. If you hadn't blocked it for me, I would have had more than this minor injury."

Cheng Zitong was stunned: "You...you know..."

Yes, she saw the surveillance video of the car accident as a victim.

At the critical moment, he did pull Yu Lingfei, but he did it to pull Yu Lingfei away so that he could hold Fu Yuan'er.

But the speed of the car was so fast that he could only protect Fu Yuan'er in his arms and block the collision for her.

Although she fainted after hitting her head, it was considered a minor injury.

"Are you seriously injured?" Fu Yuan'er asked.

Cheng Zitong adjusted his breathing and tried to calm himself down, "My scars are all on my brain, covered by my hair."

She turned around and took a few steps forward, reaching a position closer to the front where she could see Cheng Zitong's head clearly.

There were several bandages on his head. Logically speaking, Cheng Zitong should be hospitalized, but he just didn't want to.

"Why don't you go to the hospital for proper treatment?" she asked, "Aren't you afraid that the wound will not heal and you will become a fool?"

"I have become a fool, what will you do to me?" he asked.

"Of course I'm going to ignore you and drive you away." She replied angrily, angry at him for asking such a boring question.

"Then you don't have to be a fool," Cheng Zitong lowered his head, "This is what you are doing to me now."

Fu Yuan'er was shocked. He looked helpless like a child. She almost couldn't help but stretched out her arms to hug him.

She tried her best to suppress the impulse in her heart, and said with a straight face: "Why do you have to say that? How can someone like you who can perfectly plan such a big picture be a fool."

"Fu Yuan'er, do you blame me for not telling you in advance?"

Before she could answer, he added: "You didn't say a word to me when you left! We are even!"

This chapter has been completed!
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