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Chapter 3858 Can you find him

"Is there nothing you can do?" Yan Yan refused to give up.

David thought about it seriously, "Based on Yu Sirui's situation analysis, she will fall into her fantasy scenarios. What happened in these scenarios may be true or false. If we can find a way to make her fall into the exact same scenario, maybe we can

Get the answers you want by analyzing her behavioral patterns."

There was a glimmer of hope in Yan Yan's eyes.

Wu Ruian decided on the spot: "Just do it."

After meeting David, Wu Ruian sent Yan Yan back home.

"Would you like to come to my house for dinner?" Yan Yan looked at the time and saw that it was already dinner time, "The nanny should have already prepared the meal."

Wu Ruian smiled slightly, "David said that given Auntie's current situation, it is best to give her less stimulation of new things and let her make a calm and smooth transition. If I go in now, she will feel uneasy."

Yan Yan felt warm in her heart and was really touched.

He thought about her in every aspect.

But this also made her feel even more guilty, because she couldn't repay his feelings at all.


"Don't say anything," Wu Ruian shrugged, "I'm helping you because I don't want your thanks. Go back quickly, my aunt is waiting for you."

Yan Yan nodded, but she still said "thank you".

"Yanyan..." Wu Ruian suddenly stopped her again, "I've been thinking about something for a long time, and I think I should tell you."

"What's up?"

"Cheng Yiming is in City C..."

Yan Yan was stunned, she didn't expect him to say this to her, "I don't want to know about him." She immediately interrupted him.

"He is boxing underground, and he may die in every fight!" He persisted, "I think if you don't know, if something happens to him one day, you will blame yourself!"

"I won't." Yan Yan said firmly, "I have nothing to do with him anymore."

She opened the door and got out of the car, and left without looking back.

"Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan?"

"Huh? Mom..." Yan Yan came to her senses and realized that the person calling her was the nanny.

Mom had already eaten half a bowl of rice and went back to her room to rest.

And the food in front of her didn't move at all.

"Auntie, I have no appetite, please clear the table." Yan Yan put down her chopsticks.

"Xiaoyan, what's on your mind?" the nanny asked with concern.

During her time here, she also had a general understanding of Yan Yan's affairs, and she felt particularly sympathetic.

Look, what a beautiful girl she is. She used to be a good actress and was happy every day. But now she's lost her mind and looks haggard. She's really pitiful.

"I'm fine." Yan Yan shook her head.

Suddenly he asked, "Auntie, do you know what underground boxing is?"

After asking, she felt that she was very ridiculous, why would she ask her aunt about this?

She didn't even understand it herself, she just didn't want to reveal her feelings to anyone, so she subconsciously asked someone who she didn't think would know the answer.

"I know very well," the nanny unexpectedly replied, "There are several underground boxers in our village. In the first few years, they sent a lot of money to our families every year, and the family members were laughing from ear to ear. Suddenly one day, one of them came back.

Their arms were crippled and their legs were broken... and a few of them never came back."

The nanny sighed, "I heard that every night when they go to the boxing ring, they don't know if they will survive... If they go on the ring and survive, they will have a sum of money. If they die, they will get a big sum at once, but

What's the use of this?"

As she spoke, the nanny wiped her eyes and said, "One of those people is my nephew..."

Yan Yan was stunned on the spot and speechless.

All she could think of was Bai Yu's tearful face when he came to find her that day. But what could she do?

She silently handed the nanny a box of tissues, then returned to the room, lay down, and closed her tired and sour eyes.

A week later, David finally found an opportunity for her to meet Yu Sirui.

The situation is like this. David persuaded Yu Sirui's parents to stimulate Yu Sirui's senses by reenacting the scene, trying to get her out of the illusory world she constructed.

So David took her to the top floor that night.

David brought five medical assistants, one of whom was Yan Yan.

The Yu family also sent many people to ensure Yu Sirui's safety.

Not only that, Yu's father and mother also came to the scene in person and watched from a distance.

Yan Yan took a deep breath before daring to step onto the rooftop.

From the moment the soles of her feet touched the rooftop, various images of that night could not help but appear in her mind.

Yu Sirui's hideous smile, Cheng Yiming's exclamation, Dad fell... A heart-piercing pain arose from his lower abdomen...

She almost couldn't hold on and almost fell.

"Go and bring the patient here." David's serious voice sounded.

Yan Yan shuddered and her consciousness returned to normal instantly.

She had to persist, Yu Sirui would appear soon, and maybe she would get the answer soon.

Two members of the Yu family brought Yu Sirui over. Yu Sirui was still wearing a white wedding dress. Doctor David said that since returning to the Yu family, she believed Cheng Yiming would come to marry her even more.

The auspicious time will come tomorrow morning... She thinks so every day and never tires of it.

Now when she reached the top floor, her expression was still dull and she had no reaction at all.

David signaled and asked two real medical assistants to come forward and set up a treatment bed, and asked Yu Sirui to lie on it.

David picked up a small alarm clock and went to Yu Sirui's side.

Yan Yan couldn't hear what David said to Sirui, but she saw him put the small alarm clock to Yu Sirui's ear and kept talking to her.

Suddenly, the alarm clock rang.

Yu Sirui sat up suddenly like a clock that was wound up.

She spoke and asked David like a normal person: "Is the float coming?"

Her voice was full of joy, as were the corners of her lips, but her eyes were so empty. Although her eyes fell on David's face, they were actually looking through David's imaginary world.

"Coming," David answered, "but the bridegroom has not come yet."

"Where has the groom gone?" she asked anxiously.

"The bridegroom has gone to find someone else," David answered.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Someone fell down here." David answered.

Yu Sirui fell silent.

She looked up and looked around with a very unhappy expression, "Is it Yan Yan again? Is she threatening Cheng Yiming again?"

"This time it's her dad." David answered.

Suddenly, Yu Sirui giggled, "Her father...Gege, her father..."

Yan Yan secretly clenched her fists nervously.

What is she laughing at?

Why does Yu Sirui laugh when mentioning her father?

She wanted to ask more, what happened to her father?

But she held back. David said that she must not interrupt now, otherwise Yu Sirui would be frightened and might never think of this experience again.

"Let's wait a little longer," David said gently.

"Wait a minute, he will come." Yu Sirui was particularly confident.

"I also think he will come," David continued, "because Yan Yan's father is fine at all."

Yu Sirui giggled again, "How could he be fine even if he jumped off the building?"

"Because he didn't jump off the building, he just hid." David answered. Yu Sirui suddenly stopped smiling, turned cold and stopped talking.

David also stayed with her without speaking.

After about five minutes, David said again: "I told Cheng Yiming that her father was hiding. Cheng Yiming asked where he was hiding?"

"When will he arrive?" Yu Sirui asked impatiently.

"It should be soon."

"You tell him to come quickly," she suddenly smiled again, a bit mysteriously, "I will tell him when he comes."

After saying that, Yu Sirui lay down on his own and fell asleep with a sweet smile.

Yan Yan's face, which was covered by a mask, had turned white.

Returning to Dr. David's laboratory, she faced him but was speechless.

"If you have any ideas, you can tell me everything." David said.

"Doctor..." Yan Yan's lips couldn't help but tremble, "Is my dad really still alive..."

David sighed, "I hope so... but no one will take a patient's words seriously."

"But it's not hopeless. At least we have a direction for verification."

"What's the direction?" Yan Yan asked.

"Cheng Yiming." He replied.

"I carefully studied Yu Sirui's situation and wanted to treat her illness. Cheng Yiming is a very key figure."

However, "I asked her parents and they tried all kinds of methods but couldn't get Cheng Yiming back."

Yan Yan frowned: "Without Cheng Yiming, wouldn't we get the answer?"

"This is the situation at this stage." David saw that she didn't want to mention Cheng Yiming more, so he changed his words, "If you are willing to give me a little more time, I will find other ways to get along with you."

"Give me one more second, and my father will be tortured for one more second..." Yan Yan murmured.

She left the laboratory and did not go home immediately. Instead, she went to the seaside next to her home.

She chose to move to the beach because she still had a hope in her heart. Maybe one day a miracle would happen and her father would suddenly appear and knock on the door.

But she also knows that miracles are for hoping for, not for solving problems.

At this time, she saw the nanny pushing her mother in a wheelchair and taking her mother out for a walk.

Being more familiar with the environment around your home will help your mother’s condition.

Yan Yan asked the nanny to go home first, and she pushed her mother to continue along the seaside to enjoy the sea breeze.

Yan's mother didn't speak, she just stared blankly at the sea.

Yan Yan couldn't help crying. Her mother used to be such a talkative person, but now she has suddenly become like this...

Suddenly, her mother's hand stretched out in front of her.

Her mother was raising her head and hands, trying to wipe away her tears.

"Mom..." Yan Yan couldn't control the sadness in her heart, squatted down and threw herself into her mother's arms.

Yan's mother's hand also dropped and rested on her shoulder, but she no longer stroked her hair to comfort her as before.

After Yan's mother got sick, she would never do these things again.

"Mom," Yan Yan had nowhere to vent her frustration and could only cry to her mother, "Should I go find him? If I see him again, will I feel more sorry for my father? But if I want to find my father, I have to go find him...

Doctor David said he could think of other ways, but dad couldn't wait, he couldn't wait any longer... He must be waiting in a corner for me to save him, right?"

Yan's mother didn't answer, letting the sea breeze blow Yan Yan's cries into pieces.

At this moment, Yu Sirui had been sent home safely by more than a dozen bodyguards.

Yu Ma accompanied her into the room.

She ignored anyone, just sat down on the sofa, raised her right hand and looked at it.

On the ring finger of her right hand, she wore a wedding ring set with a three-carat diamond.

As she watched, a smile gradually appeared on her lips.

This chapter has been completed!
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