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Chapter 376 I feel sorry for you for thirty seconds

When Shen Yuechuan was thinking hard about what was different about Xu Youning, Kang Ruicheng made an appointment with Su Hongyuan to an old teahouse in the old city.

The teahouse has been operating here for nearly 60 years, but it has not become an old-style teahouse loved by the public. In fact, after Kang Chengtian was executed, the owner was inactive and the teahouse had almost no customers.

The owner of the teahouse was Kang Chengtian's lifelong friend. Kang Chengtian was not good at tea ceremony, but he still ordered a pot of tea every day because the place was clean enough.

After Kang Chengtian left, Kang Ruicheng transferred money to the teahouse owner's account on a monthly basis and asked him to continue to open the teahouse.

Sometimes, he would come to the teahouse alone, order a pot of tea that he didn't know how to drink like Kang Chengtian did, and sit at Kang Chengtian's favorite seat by the window.

He was not trying to remember Kang Chengtian, but to remind himself not to forget his hatred.

Today, he invited Su Hongyuan to this place for the same reason of hatred.

Of course, Su Hongyuan didn't know.

Kang Ruicheng is currently the largest investor in Su Group. If he had not injected capital, Su Group would have fallen into the hands of Lu Boyan.

In addition to being grateful to Kang Ruicheng, Su Hongyuan also had a kind of fear born in his heart. Every time he came into contact with him, he felt that this young man's blood was cold. But under the circumstances, in order to save his life's hard work, he only Can accept his help.

Su Hongyuan picked up the purple clay pot and poured tea into Kang Ruicheng's teacup: "Mr. Kang, you asked me here specifically. What's the matter?"

"Of course." Kang Ruicheng got straight to the point, "Dr. Su, you don't have an heir at the moment, right?"

When he first invested in the Su family, Kang Ruicheng investigated Su Hongyuan and found out that he had severed ties with the Su Jianan brothers and sisters. His youngest daughter Su Yuanyuan died in an accident last year. It was impossible for Su Hongyuan to be willing to leave the Su family to the Su Jianan brothers and sisters. In other words, he really had no successors. people.

This is the eternal pain in Su Hongyuan's heart: "Why do you ask this?"

"I want you to hand over the Su family to me." Kang Ruicheng lit a cigarette. Amidst the smoke, his eyes were dark and cold, "Anyway, you have no heirs, and Su Jianan and his sister are not interested in inheriting your property. Why don't you Hire me as CEO and retire as soon as possible to have fun. What’s the point of working your heart out for the Su family?"

"What do you want to do with the Su Group?" Su Hongyuan didn't believe that Kang Ruicheng really wanted to run the Su Group well.

"You don't need to worry about this." Kang Ruicheng took a puff of cigarette, "You just need to convince the board of directors to let me serve as CEO. I guarantee that you and those old men can sit back and relax, and money will continue to flow into your accounts."

Su Hongyuan's eyes flickered for a moment, but he was not moved after all: "Our company has regulations that require unanimous approval by the board of directors to hire senior executives. I can't convince everyone..."

"It's not that you can't convince everyone, but you can only convince everyone." Kang Ruicheng picked up the tea in front of him and smiled, "Otherwise, if I withdraw the funds, how do you think the board of directors will deal with you?"

If Kang Ruicheng withdraws the funds, the Su family will definitely face a crisis. Su Hongyuan will be dismissed by the board of directors because of poor management of the company and lose control of the company.

By hiring Kang Ruicheng as CEO, at least the company will still be his.

"Give me three days." In the end, Su Hongyuan could only compromise.

Kang Ruicheng raised his lips with satisfaction: "A week later, I want you to announce to the media that because you are not feeling well, you have hired a professional manager to take care of the affairs of Su Group. In Su Group, I have the same level of ownership as you." s right."

A week later, Su Hongyuan held a press conference and announced that he would retire behind the scenes and that all affairs of the Su Group would be handled by the incoming CEO.

The media was very curious about who this CEO was, but Su Hongyuan refused to reveal any information and just let everyone look forward to it.

The eighth anniversary of Cheng'an Group is not far away at this time. It is rumored that Su Yicheng will celebrate in a big way this year. The media inevitably asked the question of Su Hongyuan's successor: "Mr. Su, after you retire, will you hand over the Su family to Su Yicheng?"

Mr. Management?”

Su Hongyuan replied: "The Su family is my life's work, and I will only hand it over to one person. Unfortunately, she is no longer here."

He was talking about his little daughter who died in an accident last year. The media all knew that, looking at Su Hongyuan's aging face, the media were speechless for a moment.

At this time, Su Hongyuan's assistant stood up and announced the end of the press conference on the grounds that Su Hongyuan was exhausted. The content of the press conference was quickly posted online.

The first person to see the report was Luo Xiaoxi.

Luo Xiaoxi has a very good relationship with her parents, and she can't imagine what it would be like for a father and son to turn against each other, but she knows that deep down in his heart, Su Yicheng definitely doesn't want this.

Who doesn’t want to live in a perfect family, with a loving father and a loving mother, and a happy family?

So when she received a call from Su Yicheng, Luo Xiaoxi almost agreed to his request without hesitation - go to his apartment after finishing work.

Candy sent Luo Xiaoxi downstairs to Su Yicheng's house and asked her before letting her off the car: "How are you going to explain if you are photographed together by the media?"

Luo Xiaoxi shrugged indifferently: "Just say that I am pestering Su Yicheng! Isn't this a good explanation?"

Candy gave a thumbs up: "I'm convinced!"

"It's not a big deal!" Luo Xiaoxi opened the car door and went upstairs in a familiar manner.

She did shamelessly pester Su Yicheng. If this was embarrassing, her face would have been lost long ago.

Now that there is no shame to lose, what else is there to be afraid of?

As soon as she entered the door, Luo Xiaoxi kicked off her high heels, put on her slippers and walked to the living room, turned on the TV and waited for Su Yicheng.

Su Yicheng was already on his way back when he called Luo Xiaoxi. Ten minutes later, when he opened the door, the first thing he saw was Luo Xiaoxi's high heels.

He is not a germophobe, but he can't stand messes either. However, Luo Xiaoxi is the kind of person who doesn't like to tidy up. For example, she won't put the shoes she changed into the shoe cabinet, and she also likes to throw away the clothes she takes off.

Su Yicheng thought that he couldn't stand her living habits, but in fact, when he saw Luo Xiaoxi's high heels lying here, he knew that Luo Xiaoxi was back, and he willingly helped her put the shoes into the shoe cabinet, neatly with his shoes.

Placed side by side.

The flamboyant red and the calm black form an unusually harmonious picture.

Not only was Su Yicheng not bored, but... he enjoyed this feeling.

Turning around the entrance, I saw Luo Xiaoxi sitting on the sofa with the TV on and playing mobile games.

Luo Xiaoxi had already heard the news of Su Yicheng's return, but the game was reaching a critical point, and she didn't even bother to raise her head: "I want to drink water."

Su Yicheng went to pour a glass of warm water and handed it to Luo Xiaoxi along with the gift box in his hand.

At this time, Luo Xiaoxi's cell phone sounded a simulated explosion sound, followed by a "gameover" prompt, and Luo Xiaoxi lost.

She threw away the phone in annoyance, and then noticed that Su Yicheng was holding a gift box in his hand, and patted the box curiously: "What is it?"

"The dress Levin designed for you was shipped over by air last night." Su Yicheng opened the box and handed it to Luo Xiaoxi, "Go and try it on."

Luo Xiaoxi's eyes had already brightened up. She took the dress, touched the fabric as carefully as she would a baby's face, studied the handiwork carefully, and finally hugged her with satisfaction: "I can try it, but you can't look at it today!"

She knew what effect this dress would have on her, and she wanted to give Su Yicheng a surprise on her anniversary!

Su Yicheng had been waiting for Luo Xiaoxi to put on this dress for more than a week. After a long wait, Luo Xiaoxi actually refused to let him see it?

He narrowed his eyes: "Why?"

Luo Xiaoxi picked Su Yicheng's chin and smiled particularly charmingly: "I'm afraid you can't control yourself!"

After saying that, she slipped back into the cloakroom, locked the door immediately, and couldn't wait to change into her dress.

Sure enough, it was as beautiful as she imagined.

She made a few moves and found that the size was completely suitable. She changed into her dress and hung it up before opening the door of the cloakroom——

Unexpectedly, Su Yicheng was outside.

Su Yicheng crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame, saying nonchalantly: "You really don't want me to see?"

"It's not that I don't want you to see it, it's just that the time has not come yet!" Luo Xiaoxi took Su Yicheng's hand and pulled him out and looked at him, "However, you called me to your house today just to give me the dress.


Su Yicheng glanced at Luo Xiaoxi meaningfully: "If you want to do something else, I'll be happy to cooperate."

Luo Xiaoxi resisted the urge to kick Su Yicheng away: "I thought you would be in a bad mood."

Su Yicheng raised his eyebrows slightly: "The reason?"

"I saw the report that your dad held a press conference today. The reporter asked him about the heir, and he said..." Luo Xiaoxi hesitated.

Su Yicheng finished Luo Xiaoxi's words as if nothing had happened: "He said the only person qualified to inherit the Su Group is Su Yuanyuan."

"How do you know?" Luo Xiaoxi was a little surprised, "Have you also seen the report?"

"I'm not interested in reading his reports." Su Yicheng said, "But Jian An and I have heard this sentence many times and have long known it by heart."

"I feel sorry for you for thirty seconds." Luo Xiaoxi walked up to Su Yicheng and looked at him, "But I don't understand. Su Yuanyuan can't compare with Jian An at all, let alone you. Why does Su Hongyuan dislike you so much?"

Su Hongyuan brought Jiang Xueli and Su Yuanyuan home when his mother was seriously ill, which directly led to his mother's illness and death. At that time, Su Hongyuan's father figure in Su Yicheng's mind died.

At first, he and Su Jianan were sad, but now they don't care anymore.

Su Yicheng pulled Luo Xiaoxi into his arms: "I don't need Su Hongyuan's approval and love."

When Luo Xiaoxi was very rebellious in the past, she always liked to say that she didn't care what Lao Luo and her mother thought of her. But in fact, it was just a tough talk. She still longed for the affirmation and encouragement of her parents, and she greedily wanted them without reservation.

love her.

Su Yicheng actually said he didn't need it?

She looked at Su Yicheng in confusion: "Then who do you want to like?"

Su Yicheng suddenly picked up Luo Xiaoxi, lowered his head and kissed her on the lips: "It's enough that you like me."

Luo Xiaoxi was stunned, then slowly wrapped her hands around the back of Su Yicheng's neck, and smiled charmingly: "So far, I still like you, so you don't need to be crisis-conscious."

Her hand almost touched Su Yicheng's face. Su Yicheng tilted his head, his lips brushed against her slender arms, and the signal was ambiguous: "On the anniversary day, you really won't attend with me?"

Luo Xiaoxi shook her head resolutely: "Attending with you, doesn't it mean telling others that I am your female companion?" Then she jumped off Su Yicheng: "I want to make the final appearance! Let everyone think that I am not invited.

Come on!" This is the best way to enjoy it!

Su Yicheng squinted at Luo Xiaoxi - forget it, there's nothing wrong with letting her enjoy it in her mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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