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Chapter 4017 What can I do



The next morning, while the master and his wife were still sleeping, the housekeeper hurriedly knocked on Qi Xuechun's door.

However, the door was unlocked, the bed in the room was neatly made, and no one was there.

Why, did the third lady leave so early?

What should I do with Du Ming's things?

Forget it, he won't call the third lady, just because the walls have ears. Let's just find a place to hide the things.

At this moment, Si Junfeng, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.

He heard movement at the door.

He subconsciously put one hand under the pillow and looked at the door cautiously.

"Ding dong." The doorbell rang, and someone knocked on the door openly.

The wariness in his eyes suddenly disappeared. The people he was worried about would not come in like this.

However, when he opened the door, he was still a little surprised, "Fiancée?" He held the door frame with one hand and raised his eyebrows.

"Aren't you so surprised that I came to see you?" A trace of embarrassment flashed across Qi Xuechun's face.

She took the initiative to come to him, which actually surprised her.

"I think I should buy a lottery ticket today."

"Stop talking so much," Qi Xuechun urged, "change your clothes and follow me."

"Where to go?"

"I heard that you are renovating a new house? Take me to see it."

"...It's not finished yet, it's a mess."

Qi Xuechun looked away with a questioning look, and Si Junfeng immediately changed his words, "If you don't take a look, the workers won't dare to finish the work."

Qi Xuechun had already discovered that his mouth did not match his cold appearance.

Si Junfeng selected a small villa closest to the city among the many real estate properties owned by the Si family.

Three floors, with a small garden in the front and a small yard in the back.

It was different from the last time their family and relatives went to see it.

Most young people live here, and it is not considered a high-end villa area in City A.

"I thought you would choose a place where there are many people in the circle." Qi Xuechun said.

Just like her father, when he was choosing a house, he tried his best to squeeze into the villa area where people from the C city circle gathered.

Even if you take on debt, you won’t hesitate.

In his words, neighbors are also connections.

"Such a place is too far from the city." Si Junfeng replied quietly.

"It's close here," the decoration person in charge said casually. "The police team held an emergency meeting. We took the beltway and arrived there in fifteen minutes."

"Let you talk more!" Si Junfeng urged impatiently, "If you don't finish the work within the promised time limit, be prepared to pay triple the liquidated damages!"

The person in charge stuck out his tongue and ran away.

"You don't do serious business and talk too much every day." Si Junfeng was obviously a little angry.

Qi Xuechun couldn't help but purse her lips and smile. This man was very unhappy because someone had leaked the secret.

"Thank you." She said to him and walked upstairs.

She felt warm in her heart because he chose this place because it was convenient for her to work... No matter what, you are always happy when someone thinks about you.

She came to the second floor and saw that it had been tidied up.

On the large terrace, the small round table she was interested in shone in the sun.

She walked closer to it, the smile on her lips deepening.

Hi, we met again. She greeted it in her heart. You didn't expect it. In fact, I didn't expect it either.

Suddenly, she fell into a broad and warm embrace, and his familiar breath enveloped her instantly.

She instinctively wanted to break away, but after a slight hesitation, she gave up the struggle.

He immediately felt her small movement, which immediately gave him immense courage. He turned her around and kissed her without any explanation.

She didn't want to struggle today.

Was she attracted to him? No, it was just that the seriously injured person suddenly found a stable place with warmth and care, and no longer wanted to drag his scarred body forward.

It's good to stop here, she said to herself, silently closing her eyes.

Two intertwined figures fell into the soft mattress.

Breathing becomes faster, the temperature rises, rough breathing and low moans intertwine, longing for each other...

Suddenly, Qi Xuechun's eyelids moved a few times and slowly opened.

She grabbed his shoulders suddenly, her dazed expression suddenly regained consciousness, and she nudged his head with her head.

Si Junfeng looked up blankly.

At this time, what kind of plane would she want to fly?

There was someone in the closet... She opened her lips and said to him silently.

Si Junfeng was speechless for a while, wishing he could jump up immediately, pull out the person hiding in the closet and "execute him on the spot".

Qi Xuechun grabbed his wrist tightly to prevent him from moving rashly. She raised her head and leaned close to his ear, whispering: "Let's go out and let him come out before we catch him."

He didn't want to do what she said at all. All he could think about was the hot breath in his ears when she spoke.

It's itchy and sweet.

But she was already up, so he could only bite her ear and reply quietly: "You owe me once."

He picked her up and went out.

Then the room door slammed shut.

The two did not go far, but hid in the utility room next to them.

This was a spacious space at the corner of the corridor that was renovated. Two rows of cabinets were made to store things, and the remaining space could only accommodate two people standing close together.

"What are you putting in the room?" Qi Xuechun asked immediately.

"No valuables."

Qi Xuechun frowned in confusion, why was that person hiding in the closet?

She initially deduced that the man was originally looking for him in the room, but unexpectedly she and Si Junfeng suddenly came in. They had nowhere to hide but hid in the cupboard.

"Hey, what are you doing!" She then realized that he had been kissing her, and his eyes were interfering with her investigation of the case.

"If you miss yours, I'll kiss mine."

"Stop making trouble." She pushed him away and there was no room. She could only turn her back to him. "The new house was robbed. Don't you want to solve the case?"

He did not want.

But he stopped because it was really difficult to perform here, and some difficult moves were not suitable for a novice like Qi Xuechun.

"What are you going to do?" he asked reluctantly.

"Wait until he comes out, then block him."

"Why don't we go in now and block him in the closet."

Hearing this, Qi Xuechun's eyes lit up, this is a good idea!

The two of them returned to the door of the room. Si Junfeng opened the door without saying a word, went straight to the cabinet and opened the door.

A man shouted and got out.

"Don't move!" Qi Xuechun immediately stepped forward, grabbed the man's wrist quickly and firmly, and pushed his wrists back out of habit.

"Help, help!" the man shouted in pain.

Si Junfeng and Qi Xuechun were stunned at the same time. Isn't this the decoration person in charge whom they met downstairs before?

"What are you doing here?" Si Junfeng wondered.

"I...I hammered nails into the cabinet," the man cried aggrievedly, "I didn't do anything else."

"You can't make a sound when hammering nails?"

"You guys kissed me right after you came in, how could I make a sound?"

Qi Xuechun:……

She has no shame in staying here any longer.

After letting the person in charge go, the room fell into silence.

Qi Xuechun didn't know what she should do, so she quietly raised her eyes to look at Si Junfeng, only to see him looking at her too.

"Pfft!" At this moment, both of them felt that what they had just done was really ridiculous, so they coincidentally laughed at each other.

Qi Xuechun thought they could go have dinner or something together.

Before he could say anything, Si Junfeng's phone suddenly rang.

From what he said on the phone, it seemed that the company was in a hurry.

"...I have to go to the company." He said.

"I have to go back too." Qi Xuechun continued.

"I'll contact you when I'm done."

"Don't forget the defense meeting tomorrow morning."

Qi Xuechun sat in the taxi, watching his car go away, and could clearly feel the feeling in her heart, which was called loss.

Maybe it was because during this period of time, when he was with her, he rarely left in a hurry because of company matters.

This sudden change must have made her a little uncomfortable.

In fact, he should have been very busy, so she didn't have time to watch him leave. She might as well wait for tomorrow's defense meeting and pass it smoothly.

When I'm not working on a case, I feel bored every day.

Case: It’s obviously because you have expectations and bonds in your heart that you feel bored.


The defense meeting will start at half past nine.

At half past seven, Meihua, who received the notice, had already arrived at the police station.

She met Qi Xuechun in the corridor, and the two stopped at the same time. The atmosphere was somewhat strange.

Seeing that there was no one around, Qi Xuechun didn't show any concern and asked directly: "How do you know my identity?"

"It's a coincidence." Meihua replied coldly, but there was a clearly visible guilty conscience in her eyes.

Qi Xuechun still wanted to press, but Bai Tang's voice came from behind: "Qi Xuechun, Meihua, you can't talk for the time being."

Well, everyone came very early today.

Meihua continued walking inside and met the investigation team.

Bai Tang came to Qi Xuechun and reminded him seriously: "What kind of place is this? Do you understand the discipline?"

Qi Xuechun said frankly: "Team White, I think this matter is strange."

"If you have any ideas, let's wait until the defense meeting is over." Bai Tang suppressed her thoughts for the time being.

Then he asked: "Have you contacted Si Junfeng?"

Qi Xuechun nodded.

Bai Tang felt relieved, "Just wait here."

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was half past eight in the blink of an eye.

Asi was very concerned about her affairs and had been waiting with her for an hour. Now he became a little anxious: "Why haven't you come here yet?"

Qi Xuechun remained calm, "Wait a little longer, it's still early."

Asi asked again: "Are all the materials ready?"

Then asked: "Is the information very detailed?"

Qi Xuechun was amused: "Asi, why do I feel that you are as nervous as if you were marrying your daughter?"

Asi was stunned, scratched the back of his head and smiled naively, "I'm afraid I won't be able to be colleagues with you anymore."

Qi Xuechun realized it now. Since she joined the team, Asi has been very friendly to her.

"Asi, thank you," she said sincerely, "I just remembered that you have been taking good care of me these days."

Asi was stunned again. He had been nice to her for so long, and she only remembered it now.

Sure enough, genius cannot be an all-round genius. Being powerful in one aspect will inevitably cause the reflex arc in other aspects to be lengthened...

The time came to nine o'clock, but Si Junfeng was not seen yet.

Qi Xuechun tried to call him, but the phone kept ringing and no one answered.

"Maybe I didn't hear it because I was driving on the road. It should be here soon." Asi took the initiative to help her find a reason.

Another ten minutes passed.

Ten more minutes passed.

There are only ten minutes left until the defense meeting...

There was a rush of footsteps at the corner of the corridor, Qi Xuechun stood up, and Asi also cast an expectant look.

This chapter has been completed!
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