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Chapter 4197 He is her habit

A large group of people blocked the door of Qi's house. Looking around, they saw that the sky was full of human heads.

Seeing this, Qi's mother's legs were weak, and she suddenly cried and rushed over: "Dad, dad, why are you so cruel, you really left us..."

Qi Xuechun almost choked on her saliva.

Why, mom thought these people were here for a funeral?

"Who the hell is crying? Are you tired of living?" With a roar, the crowd moved out of the way, and a tall and fierce man walked out.

When he saw Qi Ma running forward, he stretched out his hand to catch her.

"Don't touch my mother!" Qi Xuechun warned coldly.

Brother Fierce was stunned for a moment. The opponent was clearly far away from him, but he actually felt as if his hand was being grabbed.

This woman actually has such a fierce aura.

But Brother Fierce belongs to Boss Jiang and has already had a thorough understanding of the Qi family.

It's just a little daughter who married a man with some reputation.

But he is the kind of person who legitimately demands debts and has IOUs, so no one is afraid of him!

He sneered: "If you block my way, I will move!"

As she spoke, she continued to reach out and grab Qi’s mother.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of him, a gust of wind hit his face, and then his hands were empty.

When his eyes settled down again, Qi Xuechun had supported Qi Ma and stood opposite him.

He was suddenly horrified. Could it be that Qi Xuechun snatched Qi Ma from his hand in that gust of wind just now?

"You..." He swallowed nervously, "Who are you?"

"I am Qi Xuechun, and she is my mother," Qi Xuechun said with a stern expression, "Who are you, and why did you lead people to block the door of my house?"

It turns out that this is the little daughter.

This little daughter...is different from what I heard.

"You must also know that Mr. Qi owes money," the fierce man said: "Mr. Qi committed suicide if he didn't pay the money he owed. We are here to take a look at the situation."

"Tell your people to get out of the way. I'll go in first. I'll come and talk to you about the specific situation later." Qi Xuechun said quietly, with a force between his eyebrows.

The crowd moved out of the way.

When Qi Xuechun took Qi's mother into Qi's house, the fierce man scratched his head and realized what he was doing.

What's going on?

Why was it that when she spoke, it was as if she had cast a spell, and he and his men listened to her!

"Mom! Little sister!" Qi Xuechuan came up to greet her, looking behind Qi Xuechun expectantly, and her handsome eyes dimmed with disappointment.

"Who is this...?" He didn't know Leon and thought it was Si Junfeng who was here.

"He is Leon, your little sister's savior," Qi's mother wiped her tears and asked, "Where is your dad? How is your dad?"

Qi Xuechuan looked outside the door and whispered: "Mom, don't worry, Dad is fine."

Qi's mother was stunned: "Didn't you say on the phone that your father committed suicide?"

Qi Xuechuan sighed: "Isn't there no other way? It's obvious that dad fell into someone else's trap. If we don't make the matter bigger, who will help us seek justice."

Qi Xuechun was not surprised, she had even expected this.

"Third brother, why don't you bring your brother-in-law back?" Qi Xuechuan complained to her, "How to solve this matter?"

"I want to see dad." Qi Xuechun said.

Qi's father was in the study. He didn't dare to open the curtains, but looked out through the gaps in the curtains to see what was going on.

Qi Xuechun suddenly came in, startling him.

"Xue Chun! Did Junfeng come with you too?" he asked.

Qi Xuechunhan, from this point of view, Si Junfeng is more like the Qi family, she is just an accessory.

"He didn't come." She replied quietly, "What happened?"

Father Qi's eyes were suspicious, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but if you can't solve it, it's all in vain."

"Dad, if you keep doing this, I really don't care about you anymore." Qi's father gave in and explained the situation roughly.

He didn't gamble on purpose. At the end of the dinner that day, everyone decided to have a go.

He couldn't refuse. Well, he admitted that he was also a little itchy.

Originally, I thought it would be fun to play a few small ones for a little gambling, but he had really good luck in the first few games.

Qi Xuechun would not understand the inflated mood as she watched a large number of chips being pushed in front of her.

It is a kind of joy that only belongs to men, galloping on the battlefield with invincibility...

Qi Xuechun was speechless. If the other person was not her father, she would have wanted to slap him awake.

"Anyway, the more we lose, the more we want to make money. In the end, we even lost the project contract..." Dad Qi lowered his head deeply, "I really don't know how to explain to Junfeng, that was his ex

The project was just given to me soon.”

"The project you lost was given to you by Si Junfeng?" Qi Xuechun was slightly surprised.

Therefore, money is not important anymore, what is important is getting the contract back.

"Is there any surveillance video of you at the gaming table?" she asked.

Dad Si shook his head.

"Is there anyone else at the gambling table who can tell the whole story?" she asked.

Dad Si thought for a while and shook his head.

"The people at the gambling table are all my winners, and none of them can tell the truth."

Good guy, her dad is being "encircled and suppressed".

"Who won the least?" she asked next.

"Old Mr. Xia."

Qi Xuechun immediately turned around and went to find Mr. Xia.

"Xue Chun!" Dad Qi stopped her, "What should we do with those people outside?"

"I'll take care of it," she replied, "You'd better go comfort my mother first."

To be honest, she despises her father.

Something happened, and a woman was asked to run all the way to City A to find a solution.

His home was surrounded, and he didn't care about his family's situation. Instead, he hid in the study alone.

The more they behaved like this, the more uncomfortable she felt, and Si Ma's look of disdain and suspicion became clearer in her mind.

"Who are you?" She came to face the fierce man again.

"Do you really want to know my name that much?" The fierce man had a bit of arrogance on his face.

Qi Xuechun said calmly: "After all, we have fought against each other before. I need to know who I can beat."

Fierce man:......

"Who said I can't beat you!" He immediately got angry. "I was unprepared just now. I have the guts to fight now."

"I don't have time now, but I can make an appointment." Qi Xuechun replied.

"Okay, you remember, my name is Lu Sheng, everyone calls me Brother Sheng."

Qi Xuechun raised her eyes: "Does Lu Lan have something to do with you?"

Lu Sheng was stunned and asked, "Does Lu Lan have anything to do with you?"

"I have to deal with this matter now. You are not allowed to touch my family until I bring back the results!" Qi Xuechun ordered, "When I handle the matter, I can have a fight with you."

Before turning around and leaving, she replied: "Lu Lan used to be my subordinate."

Lu Sheng was stunned again.

Qi Xuechun has already got in the car and left.

Leon drove her to find Mr. Xia in his car.

Why Leon again?

She felt helpless just thinking about it.

Originally, she wanted to ask Qi Xuechuan to come with her, but when she heard that she wanted to find Mr. Xia, Qi Xuechun immediately gave up.

"Xuechun, it's not that my brother won't accompany you, but you also need someone to take care of you at home, right?" Qi Xuechuan looked worried, "My parents are emotionally unstable, and I really can't let go."

"Xue Chun, I'll go with you." Leon said.

Qi Xuechuan nodded like garlic, "Mr. Leon will accompany you, we can all rest assured."

"Do you think the people in our family are quite timid?" Qi Xuechun's voice suddenly sounded in the quiet car.

Leon slightly raised his lips: "They have not been trained. It is a normal reaction to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

"Shouldn't you clean up the troubles you caused?" Qi Xuechun asked.

Leon didn't answer.

He felt that she was not asking him, because she looked blank and looked through the car window to an unknown distance...

This question was asked to herself.

Or is there someone else?

When they arrived at Mr. Xia's residence, Qi Xuechun knew why Qi Xuechuan was afraid.

Mr. Xia lives in a self-built house in a village on the outskirts of the city. A large wall surrounds a three-story building. The special iron gate is very strong and very high.

Qi Xuechun and Leon had no problem climbing over the wall and the door, but as soon as the two approached, there were waves of low growls that were almost like roars.

Leon concentrated a little and said: "Listen to the sound, there are three Tibetan mastiffs, and the purebred blood of the grassland reaches 90%."

Qi Xuechun nodded and couldn't help but be distracted.

Si Junfeng's face appeared in her mind. If Si Junfeng were here...she could imagine him raising his eyebrows disdainfully and saying, "Three beasts."

He has become a habit for her, and she will think of him when she is in danger.

"I'll go to the side to inquire about the situation." Leon stepped forward.

"No need." She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

After a while, a middle-aged woman opened the door and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Mr. Xia." Qi Xuechun was polite.

"He's not here." The woman said and closed the door.

Qi Xuechun looked into her eyes: "Tell Mr. Xia that I am Mr. Qi's daughter."

The woman was indifferent and slammed the door shut.

The low roars of the Tibetan Mastiff sounded again inside, and the anger seeped into people's pores, which was really scary.

Qi Xuechun sighed silently, I told you to be polite.

She picked up three pebbles from the path next to her, looked up at the iron gate, raised her hand, and the pebbles fell into the iron gate.

"Bang", "bang" and "bang" three dull sounds of falling to the ground sounded one after another.

The terrible low roar suddenly disappeared into the sea and was no longer heard.

Leon's eyes flashed with admiration, she had always been the best student in the school.

Suddenly, the iron door was suddenly opened, and an old man about sixty years old came out menacingly, glaring at Qi Xuechun and Leon.

"What did you do to my dog?"

Qi Xuechun looked indifferent: "I didn't do anything. Maybe it felt that it should be polite to the guests, so it stopped shouting."

This old man was Mr. Xia, and his face suddenly turned red.

Qi Xuechun's words sounded like she was talking about a dog, but in fact, she was scolding him every word.

But he didn't have to refute.

He couldn't help but look at Qi Xuechun carefully. Mr. Qi's daughter was different from her father.

"What do you want from me?" Mr. Xia folded his arms.

"My dad said that you won the least at the gambling table that day." Qi Xuechun got straight to the point, "My dad is willing to share the project with you in half. I hope you can tell me what happened that day in detail."

Mr. Xia sneered, disapprovingly: "We lost to Boss Jiang on all projects, so why should I get half of it?"

"I want to get back everything my dad lost." Qi Xuechun replied.

Mr. Xia was stunned. Although her expression was very indifferent, he had a feeling that she could do it just by saying it.

He glanced at Leon with a sharp look, "I can talk to you, but he is not allowed to come in."

Qi Xuechun followed him to the study room inside the house.

"What do you want to check?" Mr. Xia asked, "Is it a gambling game? Everyone is willing to do it. What's the point of pursuing it after the fact?"

He added: "Even if you get it back, your father's reputation will be bad in this circle."

This chapter has been completed!
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