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Chapter 4205 What did he do to you

Si Junfeng returned to city A. As soon as he got off the plane, he saw his father's former secretary, Sister Xiao.

Sister Xiao said: "I am working for the old lady now. Please ask the young master to go home first."

Si Junfeng frowned and didn't like others arranging his itinerary.

Sister Xiao lowered her voice: "I'm afraid you really have to go back. The master and the wife are having a fierce quarrel at home, and the wife's nephews are here."

Si Junfeng frowned even more tightly, Zhang Feiyun, he had another reason not to go home.

Sister Xiao then added: "Miss Cheng came last night, but didn't she say she was moving back? Master, the house is in a mess now. If you don't go back and sort it out, aren't you afraid that Miss Qi will cause a misunderstanding?"

Si Junfeng's frowning thick eyebrows relaxed.

Having said so much, Sister Xiao’s last sentence is quite decent.

When he returned to Si's house, he saw Si's mother sitting on the sofa wiping her tears, with Cheng Shen'er coaxing her softly.

Seeing him come in, both of them were stunned.

"Have you settled the matter with the Qi family?" Sima asked, turning her face away and quickly wiping away her tears with a handkerchief.

Si Junfeng asked quietly: "Cheng Shen'er didn't tell you what happened?"

Si Ma's face changed slightly: "What do you mean?"

Si Junfeng didn't answer and walked upstairs.

Si Ma stood up and wanted to ask more questions, but Sister Xiao persuaded her: "Young Master seems to be in a bad mood, please don't cause trouble for yourself."

"Why is he in a bad mood?" Si Ma snorted angrily, "This trip to City C didn't go as he wished? Is the Qi family bankrupt, or has Qi Xuechun been ordered to divorce him?"

Sister Xiao secretly sweated that Si's dad's company was going through procedures, either filing for bankruptcy or being sold. Si's mom was worried but she vented her anger on her son.

"Aunt, please take a rest." Cheng Shen'er advised softly.

"Go and make me a cup of coffee." Si Ma said to Sister Xiao and sat down again.

"What do you want to say?" Sima asked. She just received Cheng Shen'er's hint, so she pushed Sister Xiao away.

"Actually, my trip to City C this time was not without success." Cheng Shen'er lowered her voice, "Did you know that when Qi Xuechun was in danger, there was always a man by her side."

Si Ma was surprised: "Who?"

"Leon," Cheng Shen'er said, "he was the one who rescued Qi Xuechun in the first place. In fact, the two of them knew each other before Qi Xuechun lost her memory."

"We have been friends for a long time, we have saved lives, and we are still together in times of danger..." Si Ma was trembling with fear at every word she spoke.

"What's the origin of this Leon?" Si Ma asked.

Cheng Shen'er shook his head: "I don't know much about it either. I have to ask someone to find out."

Si Ma nodded: "You find a photo of him and give it to me, and I'll send someone to check it out."

Qi Xuechun still had unresolved emotions between men and women outside... Si Ma was even more wary of her.

Sister Xiao brought the coffee, but by this time Cheng Shen'er had disappeared.

She didn't know that Cheng Shen'er went to find Leon's photo for Si Ma.

But she seized this opportunity to say something to Si Ma, "Madam, if you doubt Miss Qi for no reason, you will make the relationship with the young master more and more tense."

She also wanted to say: "You should also consider Miss Cheng's position and purpose."

Si Ma disagreed: "What is my purpose in caring for Cheng Shen'er? As long as she can help me achieve my goal."

"What is your purpose?" Sister Xiao asked, "Will the young master and Miss Qi divorce?"

"So," Si Ma's eyes burned: "But my ultimate goal is to expose Qi Xuechun's mask. I want to prove to Si Junfeng that Qi Xuechun has a purpose for approaching him. No matter how tense the relationship between me and him is, we will not

It will be alleviated." Sister Xiao was speechless, she did not expect that Si Ma's prejudice against a person could be so firmly rooted.

She suddenly thought that during the years she worked for Mr. Laosi, every time during the holidays, the employee benefits she received were always slightly less than those of other secretaries.

Fortunately, she is still the director of the secretary office.

Mr. Lao Si always said to her: "Just because you are the head secretary, you must set an example in everything you do. If your benefits are too high, it will cause instability in people's minds, and you will end up losing big for a small gain."

She never understood why her mind was unstable because she took a few extra boxes of fruit and a few bags of rice.

Now she suddenly understood that if he didn't do this, Si Ma would make a scene.

Let's just say that before she left to pick up the young master at the airport, Si's father privately complained to Si's mother: "If Zhang Feiyun lives here, why do you keep that Miss Cheng? Do you think the house is not chaotic enough?"

Si Ma immediately retorted: "Do you still regard me as the mistress of this family? I can't make the decision on such a small matter?"

He added: "I can't interfere with what kind of daughter-in-law my son wants to find, but I have the right not to like it."

The two of them had a quarrel, and then went upstairs and downstairs to vent their anger.

At this moment, Si's father was sitting in the room, distressed and silent.

"Dad." Suddenly Si Junfeng's voice sounded at the door.

Dad Si was overjoyed and said, "Son, you are finally back. How are things going with the Qi family?"

After saying that, he realized that no one was following Si Junfeng, and he suddenly frowned in worry: "The matter is not settled? Xuechun is angry and refuses to come back with you?"

"The matter is done." Si Junfeng replied.

Dad Si nodded thoughtfully: "That means Xuechun refuses to come back with you... Hey, it's all your mother's fault."

He sighed: "I really want to go out and hide for a while. Junfeng, let me go to your house to stay for a few days."

Watching Cheng Shen'er and Si Ma murmuring every day made him feel unhappy.

"My house..." Si Junfeng raised his eyebrows: "If Mom can find it, go to a place where she can't find it."

Dad Si’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Si Ma sat in the living room for almost two hours, planning to wait for Si Junfeng to come downstairs and interrogate the affairs of City C.

She didn't believe everything Cheng Shen'er told her.

However, another hour passed and there was no movement at all.

Si Ma felt a little uneasy, and she hurriedly took the nanny upstairs to check.

Where are the father and son figures?

On the other hand, the window in the bedroom on the second floor is quite wide.

"Madam, did the young master and the old master climb out of the window?" the nanny was surprised.

Si Ma:......


Si Junfeng disappeared with his father.

It is indeed missing.

Si Ma sent someone to search for him all day long with no results, and couldn't even get through on the phone.

Just as he was in a hurry, Teng Yi hurried over: "Madam, I was busy all day before I had time to come here. Mr. Si asked me to tell you that he took Mr. Si on vacation."

"On vacation?" Si Ma slammed the table.

But he saw Teng Yi looking at him in surprise. He didn't understand that Mr. Si and his son were going on vacation. Could it be something that made people very angry?

"My wife has been worried all day long and hasn't drank any water. You should have come earlier." Sister Xiao scolded Teng Yi and smoothed over the awkward situation.

Teng Yi nodded repeatedly: "I will be earlier next time. I have to leave beforehand. Madam, please go to bed early."

Sister Xiao stopped him: "Where did Mr. Si and the young master go on vacation?"

Teng Yi was stunned: "The Secretary really didn't say anything."

"He didn't say it, and you didn't ask?"

Teng Yi smiled in embarrassment: "Sister Xiao, you are also a secretary. If the boss refuses to tell us, we can't ask questions." After Teng Yi left, Sima's face turned green with anger, "Run from the second floor window

I went out and deliberately delayed it for a whole day before someone came to report the news. Isn't this intentional!"

To be honest, the father and son did do it a bit deliberately.

But it was intentional and forced by her.

"Go and ask where the old man has gone." Si Ma told Sister Xiao.

Sister Xiao nodded and left. Anyway, she didn't dare to confirm if she could ask.

"Is there any way you can ask?" Si Ma asked Cheng Shen'er again.

Cheng Shen'er was able to go to City C alone to inquire about news before, which impressed Si Ma very much.

"I'll give it a try." Cheng Shen'er wasn't sure either, but she didn't want to show her incompetence in front of Si Ma.

She arrived near Cheng Muching's company and walked slowly along the sidewalk.

She didn't go directly to the company because she wasn't sure whether Cheng Muying would help her.

After coming back, Cheng Muying went to her home once, with a calm expression, "It's good that you come back. Live a good life in the future and don't do things that are harmful to others and not beneficial to yourself."

That's not a greeting, that's a warning.

So if she wanted Cheng Muching to help, she had to think of a better reason.

Suddenly there was a "chi" sound of brakes, and a sports car stopped beside her.

"Cheng Shen'er, get in the car quickly!" A man waved at her and shouted from the driver's seat.

Qi Xuechuan?!

Before she could react, another van suddenly drove up.

Everyone has a sixth sense for upcoming dangers.

Without thinking, she opened the door of the sports car and quickly got in.

Qi Xuechuan stepped on the accelerator and pushed the van far away.

The van stopped, and several tall and rough men got out and waved their fists at the van.

Cheng Shen'er couldn't help but suffocate, her thin body instantly curled up on the seat, her arms hugging her calves, and her head bowed deeply.

The whole person curled up into a ball.

The car drove far enough before Qi Xuechuan stepped on the brakes.

He opened the window and the cool breeze gradually calmed Cheng Shen'er down.

She raised her head, her eyes a little confused: "Just now...were those people sent by Si Junfeng?"

"It's my sister." Qi Xuechuan shrugged, "She was accused by her relatives of not caring about family affairs, so she called a few people to come and cause trouble for you."

Cheng Shen'er was stunned for a moment, and her confusion and fear suddenly disappeared.

It seemed that apart from Si Junfeng, there was no one else in the world who could scare her.

Qi Xuechuan was curious: "What exactly did Si Junfeng do to you?"

Cheng Shen'er sneered: "Master Qi, thank you for saving me. But since your sister called those people here, we are settled."

She opened the door and got out of the car.

Qi Xuechuan grabbed her arm and pulled her close: "You haven't answered my question yet!"

Cheng Shen'er frowned, he was too close to her, and his breath hit her face when he spoke.

She subconsciously stepped back: "Master Qi wants to know, why not ask Si Junfeng himself."

She shook off his hand and opened the door again to get out of the car.

"Cough cough cough..." A violent cough came from behind.

She paused for a moment, remembering that when she was in that house, he was still a patient with an inflamed wound.

But what does this have to do with her.

The thought flashed through her mind, and she walked away.

"Cheng Shen'er, Cheng... ahem," Qi Xuechuan chased her out of the car, "I have something to ask you. Do you know where Si Junfeng went?"

"Qi Xuechun is missing. I guess she was taken somewhere by Si Junfeng."

These words made Cheng Shen'er stop in her tracks.

This chapter has been completed!
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