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Chapter 4281 We are both clear

It wasn't until she walked away that Chen Zixin breathed a sigh of relief.

But she won't give up easily.

She suddenly thought of something. Qi Xuechun was planning to go abroad. Did Qi Xuechuan know?


Half past ten in the evening.

Qi Xuechun took two pills and prepared to sleep.

She has a "big show" to perform tonight, so she needs to be energetic and ready.

"Chen Zixin promises me to leave tomorrow, so don't embarrass the Chen family." Before going to bed, she said to Si Junfeng.

Si Junfeng paused his hand while browsing the news, said "Hmm", and continued to browse the news.

It seems that the sharp drop in the Chen family's stock price tomorrow will be put under control. In fact, the Chen family has huge problems of its own, but he has to avoid this juncture.

"Si Junfeng," she thought for a while, "in fact, you are very popular, and Chen Zixin is a good match for you."

Si Junfeng didn't raise his eyelids: "If you say something wrong, you will be punished."

"I'm serious," she looked at him: "If Cheng Shen'er and I didn't show up, Chen Zi would be a good match for you. She has a high degree of education and a good image. The key is that she also knows how to do business."

She actually wanted to say that if one day she was gone, it would be nice for a girl like Chen Zixin to accompany him.

"Oh!" Before she could finish her words, she was pressed heavily into the mattress.

"If you can't sleep, you can do something else."

She held his handsome face and raised the corners of her lips: "Not today, it doesn't feel good."

"If you don't feel well, go to bed quickly!" He turned over and stretched out his arms to hold her in his arms.

"Seriously, Si Junfeng, don't you like people like Chen Zixin? A true good wife!"

"I like you."

"What do you like about me?" she asked, "When you proposed to me, did you already like me?"

He couldn't tell. The situation on the wedding day was indeed urgent, and the solution was already prepared... Cheng Shen'er could take her place and not make the Si family a joke.

But the moment he received her call, he felt as if the whole world had brightened up.

She didn't want to go to the wedding and asked him to propose in a jewelry store, which he did.

What was originally a wedding without a bride turned into a wedding without a bride and groom, but he was not anxious at all.

At that time, he must have had her in his heart.

It's just that he didn't understand it at the time and was resisting, so that's what happened later.

He didn't say any of this, there was no need to say it at this time, it was just his own concerns, and it didn't help her memory.

"What do you like about me?" he asked.

She thought he could tell her many good qualities, but when she opened her mouth, she couldn't say a word.

True love cannot be expressed in words, it is a kind of penetration bit by bit. By the time you understand it, it has become one with you.

But she couldn't be happy at all. The more she was like this, the more painful it would be when the time of separation came.

She was thinking wildly and her mind was dizzy, and she didn't know when she would fall asleep.

It was around four o'clock in the morning when she was woken up.

"...Let her come out! I can't tell you!" A sharp shout passed through her mind.

Qi Xuechuan's voice.

She stood up and saw that the bed next to her was empty. Si Junfeng had gone to deal with him.

Obviously Qi Xuechuan was extremely angry and Si Junfeng couldn't cope with it.

"Qi Xuechuan, why are you making such noise again?" She walked out with a tired look on her face, only to see the housekeeper and Teng Yi stopping him.

"Little sister!" She saw a worried look on his face, "Come here, I have something urgent to tell you."

He's not here to cause trouble!

Qi Xuechun stepped forward and signaled the housekeeper and Teng Yi to let him go.

Qi Xuechuan glanced at the two of them with very concerned eyes.

Qi Xuechun took two steps closer.

Unprepared, she was suddenly pulled over by Qi Xuechuan, and he locked her throat tightly with one elbow.

"Don't come over!" He stopped the housekeeper and Teng Yi in time, "I will really do something to her!"

Si Junfeng's eyes were as cold as water, "Qi Xuechuan, let her go."

Qi Xuechuan's eyes flinched. He was afraid of seeing Si Junfeng's eyes, but he couldn't back down today.

"This is between Qi Xuechun and me and has nothing to do with anyone else." He answered bravely.

Qi Xuechun said calmly, "Qi Xuechuan, you have grown up and learned to be clever."

"Don't do this to me," Qi Xuechuan roared at her, "Qi Xuechun, whoever asks you to send her out of the country will let you!"

It turned out to be related to Cheng Shen'er.

Qi Xuechun was slightly stunned, how did he know this?

She immediately looked at Si Junfeng, his face was very blurry in the night.

"What do you want me to do?" She calmed down and asked calmly.

"If you dare to send her away, I'm not done with you!" Qi Xuechuan shouted.

She sighed silently, "Qi Xuechuan, I thought you had made progress, but besides yelling, what else can you do?"

To be honest, "I really hope that one day you can use other methods to fight me."

Qi Xuechuan's expression turned red with shame, and he glared at her angrily, as if she had a deep hatred for him.

"I can only tell you that she wanted to leave on her own. What you should understand is why she decided to leave without letting you know." She looked helpless.

Qi Xuechuan was stunned and speechless.

"You've had enough trouble, let's go." She was tired.

"I don't believe it!" Qi Xuechuan denied, "It must be you. It's you who sees her as a thorn in your side, and you are the one who deliberately wants to drive her away!"

"Qi Xuechun, why can't you tolerate her?" he asked angrily.

Qi Xuechunhan.

"Qi Xuechuan, let her go!" At this time, another figure ran into the garden.

It's Cheng Shen'er.

Qi Xuechun no longer needed to be polite, "Cheng Shen'er, you came just in time. Tell Qi Xuechuan, whose idea was it that you left?"

Cheng Shen'er glanced at Si Junfeng and hesitated slightly.

"Tell the truth." Qi Xuechun protected her.

Cheng Shen'er swallowed her throat and said, "Qi Xuechuan, I want to leave. Please stop making trouble."

Qi Xuechuan's eyes were stunned and he was speechless. "You...why?" He didn't want to believe it.

"Leaving here is the best choice for me," Cheng Shen'er looked at him quietly, "If you really do it for my own good, just let me go."

The two looked at each other, and she chose to turn a blind eye to the pain in his eyes.

She turned and left.

Qi Xuechuan immediately chased after him, and Qi Xuechun took advantage of the situation and pulled him.

She felt that it was meaningless for him to pursue her now.

"Go away!" Qi Xuechuan suddenly became angry. He didn't know where he got the strength. Maybe when a person is anxious, he will develop a brute force.

And Qi Xuechun didn't expect it at all and was unprepared for him.

Until she hit her head on the edge of the flower bed and lost consciousness for a second, she was still wondering why she was pushed down by Qi Xuechuan...

"Qi Xuechun!" Si Junfeng's anxious and out-of-control voice sounded.

At this moment, Cheng Shen'er and Qi Xuechuan both stopped involuntarily and turned around to look in shock.

"It's so dark," she heard her own voice say.

"There are no windows here, they are sealed." It was Si Junfeng's voice that answered her.

As the voice fell, her world returned to silence.

I don’t know how long it took.

Her eyes were still dark, but this time Cheng Shen'er's voice sounded.

"...I don't necessarily really love him, it's more that I'm unwilling to do so. Why should you take away something that originally belonged to me?"

Cheng Shen'er sighed softly, "I heard that your illness can't be cured. You robbed my man and I killed you. Let's settle the matter."

Then her world fell silent again.

When she regained consciousness, it was Han Mutang's voice calling her softly: "Qi Xuechun, Qi Xuechun..."

She slowly opened her eyes.

"I knew you were awake," Han Mutang said, "Look carefully, can you see anything clearly?"

Only then did Qi Xuechun realize that her vision was blurry, as if her eyes were covered with a frosted filter.

She didn't speak immediately. She first saw that there was only one figure beside her and confirmed that only Han Mutang was standing beside her.

"Han Mutang, what's wrong with me?" she said, her voice hoarse.

"You fell down and hit the back of your head," Han Mutang's tone was regretful, "the congestion in your brain was shocked..."

Her eyes moved slightly, "Am I a blessing in disguise..."

"There are not so many plots in TV dramas," Han Mutang shrugged. "The fact is that the congestion has compressed your optic nerves in advance. Your vision is blurred now, and you may become blind in a few days."

Her heart shrank, but she still smiled calmly: "You are such a ruthless doctor."

"The facts are before us, you should make an idea as soon as possible." His voice became more serious.

Qi Xuechun thought for a while, "Han Mutang..."

She was about to speak when there was a knock on the door.

When she heard the footsteps coming in, she knew it was Yunlou.

"Boss..." Yunlou was about to speak, but he thought he was stopped by Han Mutang's eyes.

"Tell me," she said disapprovingly, "at this point, what worse news can there be."

There really is.

"Mr. Si was invited in again by the investigation team," Yunlou said in a solemn tone, "I heard that this time the investigation team has a lot of evidence."

Qi Xuechun was slightly stunned.

Han Mutang asked: "Where did the investigation team's evidence come from?"

Yunlou shook his head, "Chi Pang hasn't found out yet. Someone has set up a firewall outside the relevant information. He has found several experts to work together to find a solution, but it has been two days and two nights and they still haven't conquered it."

"Take me to see Fatty Chi." Qi Xuechun made the decision immediately.

"You don't care about your illness?" Han Mutang asked.

She did not hesitate, "The congestion has been in my brain for half a year, and this moment is the right time."

Along the way, she was sure that her condition had become more serious. People and things became a blur in her eyes. She could only rely on the sound to distinguish the location of Yunlou.

"Boss...what should we do now..." Yunlou, who has always been calm and self-possessed, couldn't help but choke.

Si Junfeng was taken away by the investigation team.

Qi Xuechun's condition worsened.

There's nothing she can't solve.

"Don't be nervous, Yunlou," Qi Xuechun said calmly, "I had expected this day, but I didn't expect someone to keep staring at Si Junfeng."

Yunlou restrained his emotions and said, "I think Zhang Feiyun is very suspicious."

Qi Xuechun also thinks so, but has no evidence.

Chi Pang was staring at the screen, concentrating on the operation and had no time to pay attention to Qi Xuechun and Yunlou.

Yunlou waited for a while and suddenly said: "Boss, I will go to Zhang Feiyun's residence tonight."

Hope to find something.

Only then did Chi Pang turn his head: "It has been confirmed that Zhang Feiyun is causing trouble, but his identity is confidential and he is triple protected... I have to break it to see who he is."

Then he added: "In addition, we must also know what evidence they used to embarrass Mr. Si."

Yunlou frowned: "Can the system that even you have been unable to break for so long be really broken?"

Chi Pang thought for a while: "The systems of organizations like the investigation team are always destroyed in one blow. They must have found experts this time."

ps, Si Qi is coming to the end. Regardless of whether the writing is good or not, thank you to the readers who have followed along~~

This chapter has been completed!
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