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Chapter 4591 Mu Ning's Extra Story (352)

Popular Recommendations: Heaven's Punishment of Evil Orders: Taming Beasts: Pet Beasts Are Just the Heavens That Bring Me Bonds: The Sims Life Starting from Pillar Destruction

If Yan Qi hadn't blocked the shot for her, she would have died.

Yan Bang's words left her speechless.

But this kind of forced conversation made Wen Qianqian feel even more uncomfortable.

"Miss Gao, you don't have to think too much. I'm not here to pester you. My eldest brother can't be so careless as to pester a woman who is already..." Yan Bang paused, "a woman who is already pregnant."

There was a bit of sarcasm in Yan Bang's tone, as if he was saying, how charming do you think you are?

Facing Yan Bang's aggressiveness, Gao Wei was helpless and powerless. Yan Qi had saved her and her child. No matter how impatient she was at this moment, she had to be patient.

"Okay, go ahead." Gao Wei said with a hint of helplessness in her tone.

"Miss Gao, since you are already a wife and a mother, I think the most important thing you should do is to keep a good wife."


Yan Bang looked serious and said to Gao Wei righteously.

Gao Wei felt baffled when she heard what he said.

"Mr. Yan, what do you mean?"

"Miss Gao, do you still want me to explain myself clearly?"

"Since you said it, then make it clear."

"Miss Gao, you have to know that speaking too clearly may hurt you."

Gao Wei looked at Yan Bang like he was crazy. He didn't think what he said was harmless, right?

"Haha." Gao Wei smiled softly, "Mr. Yan is really strict with others and lenient with himself. Since you came to me so late, just say it directly. I don't want you to say it directly.

I was so worried that I couldn’t sleep all night.”

Gao Wei is not a good man or woman. Not to mention that the matter between her and Yan Qi has become a thing of the past. Even if it is happening now, who has Yan Bang to judge her?

When Yan Bang saw this, he realized that Miss Gao was indeed no ordinary person.

He looked weak and self-conscious just now, but suddenly he became aggressive.

That's fine, then he won't be polite.

"Ms. Gao, I don't care how charming you are. Since you have chosen to marry another man, please take care of yourself and stop giving me the expectations you want."

"My eldest brother has already died once for you. He is just an ordinary person. He can't help you tossing him. If you still have a conscience, just let him go. If you... still insist on having your own way, don't blame me for being rude."

Yan Bang didn't say anything as soon as he came up and started to warn Gao Wei.

He subconsciously believed that it was Gao Wei who was hanging on Yan Qi and causing Yan Qi to become what he is now.

So when he spoke to Gao Wei, he was particularly rude.

The only Yan family member Gao Wei knew was Yan Qi. Although Yan Qi had a bad temper, at least when they first met, he was still very gentleman.

This Yan Bang was good, he got into a quarrel the first time they met.

"Mr. Yan, I don't understand the premise of what you said? Yan Qi was indeed injured because of me. I am also very grateful to him. Our whole family is very grateful to him. Yan Qi and I are just ordinary friends.

, there are no expectations for him as you said."

Gao Wei replied expressionlessly, it was really frustrating this late at night. She had been working hard all day and was finally able to rest, but suddenly this Cheng Yaojin popped up.

"Ordinary friends? Haha." It's really ironic. The eldest brother almost lost his life for this woman, but she simply said the words "ordinary friends".

"We are just ordinary friends, what's the problem?"

"Miss Gao, you are so cruel. In order to clear up the relationship with my eldest brother, you actually made your relationship so simple. Ordinary friends, if they were ordinary friends, would my eldest brother even risk his life because of you?"

Gao Wei looked at Yan Bang speechlessly, what was going on with him? While he misunderstood her relationship with Yan Qi, he was also angry at her for explaining her relationship with Yan Qi.

What does he want?

Gao Wei supported her sore lower back. Gao Wei only thought that the Yan brothers were really funny.

How did Yan Qi tell him about their relationship?

In the end, she ended up feeling sorry for Yan Qi?

Why was Yan Qi so embarrassed? Just because he saved her, he started to cause trouble for her again? She thought Yan Qi had changed for the better, but she didn't expect that he was still as bad as before.

Gao Wei didn't want to get too entangled with Yan Bang, and she had nothing to say to an outsider.

"Mr. Yan, it's better to talk to your elder brother. Talking to him will be more effective than talking to me."

After saying that, Gao Wei wanted to get up and leave.

"Miss Gao, are you feeling guilty? You are seducing my eldest brother while having a family. Aren't you afraid that your husband will find out about your behavior?"

"Mr. Yan, I found that you are really talented as a gossip editor. Why don't you, the Yan family, open another gossip newspaper?" After saying that, Gao Wei strode away with a sullen face.

It's simply baffling.

Yan Bang also stared at Gao Wei's back angrily. This woman seemed weak, but was actually very capable. How could a man as smart as his elder brother be deceived by such a woman?

At this moment, Yan Bang's cell phone rang.

"Brother Yan Bang, where are you? I'm drunk, and now... I'm trapped and can't walk. Can you help me?"

"Lin Yin?"

"Well, it's me..." A girl's soft sobbing voice came from the other end of the phone.

"what happened?"

"I...my dad owed me a lot of money, and I...I couldn't afford to pay it back. My friends asked me to go out for a drink, but in the middle of the drink, they ran away...all the money in my card was given to my dad...I...

..." Lin Yin choked as she spoke, and at the end of the sentence, she cried loudly.

Yan Bang frowned, stood up, and said in a deep voice, "I told you that your father is a vampire. If you take care of him once, don't take care of him again, but you don't listen!"

"Brother Yan Bang, I know I was wrong. I...can you come quickly? They are going to beat me..." Lin Yin's voice revealed a hint of helplessness.

"Give the phone to their person in charge."


"Hello?" a rough male voice.

Yan Bang's voice was cold and charming, "Don't touch her, I will kill anyone who dares to touch her."

"Tch, who are you?"

"I am Yan Bang."


"Keep an eye on her over there. She's missing a hair, so don't think about it."

"Okay, okay, Second Young Master Yan, we didn't know this was your girl, I'm sorry." The rough voice just now became much softer now.

There are two families in G city, one is the Mu family and the other is the Yan family. There are many brothers, and everyone is a leader among them. Although the Yan family is not as numerous as the Mu family, the Yan family brothers are more ruthless in their behavior than the other.

A few years ago, someone kidnapped the second son of the Yan family. Yan Qi didn't know what kind of connections he used. The kidnapping gang that often harassed rich people was directly captured by him.

Later I heard that someone found the body of the kidnapping gang leader in the mountains.

Later, news spread that the Yan brothers were beating someone, and they were beating none other than the famous Mu family.

It is said that at that time, no one in the Mu family dared to retaliate even after being beaten.

Mu Sishen: Just give me your name. From then on, people in the circle thought that the Yan family was more powerful than the Mu family.


Yan Bang drove a sports car and came to the bar.

It was already midnight, but the bar was still bustling with activity. At a small table, Yan Bang saw Lin Yin, who was lying on the table and seemed unable to take care of himself.

There were three thick men standing next to Lin Yin. Looking at him like that, they did not dare to touch Lin Yin.

"Who answered the phone just now?" Yan Bang came over and looked directly at the strong men with a cold face.

"Are you the Second Young Master Yan? I picked him up just now." At this time, a fat man came over, wearing a black T-shirt, a gold chain, a fat head, big ears and a short hair. He looked fierce, but when he saw Yan Bang, he immediately changed.

It became Erha.

Yan Bang looked at the other party, "How much do you need to pay for the drinks?"

"Two thousand three hundred and five."

Yan Bang then took out a gold card and said, "No password."

The fat man took it with both hands, nodded and said, "Okay, okay, Second Young Master Yan, please wait a moment, I'll be back soon."

The fat man took the card and ran to check out.

Yan Bang stood in front of the wine table, frowning at the woman lying on the table.

At this time, Lin Yin slowly climbed up from the table. She had long hair, a small face as big as a palm, big eyes and a small mouth, a sharp chin, and a pair of tearful eyes. She looked like a faceless animal.

Harmful doll.

"Brother Yan Bang, you're here..." Her voice was soft and soft, and when she saw Yan Bang, she curled her lips and burst into tears.

She held on to the table and stood up staggeringly, "Brother Yan Bang, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you, I..."

Lin Yin is 1.62 meters tall and weighs 85 pounds. She looks thin and small. She looks extremely pitiful as she admits her mistake.

"Lin Yin, your home is a bottomless pit. Since they abandoned you back then, there is no need for you to get yourself in for them now." Yan Bang was originally very angry, but now he saw Lin Yin's pitiful look.

The anger in his mouth was gone.

"Brother Yan Bang, I...I don't want to take care of it, but they found the place where I rented a house. They knelt down and begged me. I...I really had no choice. I gave them all my salary, and it wasn't enough. I

…I borrowed another sum of money.”

Lin Yin tightly grasped the corners of his clothes with both hands and said in a weak voice.

"How much did you borrow?"

"Fifty thousand yuan... They said this is the last time..."

Yan Bang looked at Lin Yin and sighed helplessly, "You have worked in my company for five years and have not saved a penny. Now you are still in debt. Lin Yin, you are just too stupid and too weak.


At this time, Lin Yin was already crying uncontrollably, "Brother Yan Bang, I... I just want a parent who loves me, why is it so difficult..."

Lin Yin was a college student that Yan Bang once sponsored. She was a hard-working person who was abandoned by her parents when she was young. Her adoptive parents fell ill and died when she was in high school. Yan Bang accidentally learned about her and began to support her.

At that time, Lin Yin was seventeen years old.

Until she graduated from college, and because of her excellent grades, Yan Bang directly asked her to work at the Yan Group.

Facts have also proved that Yan Bang was not wrong at first. Lin Yin is hard-working, serious and eager to learn, and she always completes her work well.

If he keeps following this route, Lin Yin can also live a good life through his own efforts.

But two years ago, Lin Yin's biological parents came to the door.

Those are two gamblers.

They deceived Lin Yin with smooth words, not only defrauding Lin Yin of all her savings over the past few years, but also tricked her into taking out a loan.

Lin Yin's biological parents are a pair of vampires, and they want to suck all their daughter's blood.

This chapter has been completed!
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