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Chapter 4799 Like her

 Yan Qi pressed Quan Jinxiu under him and pressed his lips together fiercely, as if he was punishing her for being disobedient.

Facing Yan Qi's sudden kiss, Quan Jinxiu suddenly went blank.

It had been so long since she had kissed like this that she couldn't even remember.

A domineering and unstructured kiss like Yan Qi's made her feel strange and a little bit - exciting.

His kiss was intense and hot.

Quan Jinxiu put her hands on his chest, she could hardly breathe.


Yan Qiqi showed mercy and let go of her.

Quan Jinxiu could hear his heavy breathing, and the rise and fall of her chest was no better than his.

"Mr. Yan, you are really good with your words and strong with your hands."

At this time, Quan Jinxiu didn't forget to ridicule him.

"Huh?" Yan Qi approached her, "Say it again."

Quan Jinxiu was not afraid. She raised her chin with a smile on her face and asked, "Do you like listening? Do you need me to repeat it?"

Looking at the slightly arrogant look, Yan Qi felt filled with joy for some reason.

In the past, he hated her the most. She was pampered, sharp-tongued, and didn't know how to read people's eyes at all.

But now, in his opinion, he actually finds these very cute.

It's probably like this when you fall in love with someone.

Yan Qi touched the corners of her lips and wiped away the lipstick she wore.

He lowered his head and touched her forehead.

He said in a deep voice, "Why are you always so disobedient?" Didn't she know that someone would be worried about her?

Yan Qi felt a deep sense of powerlessness towards Quan Jinxiu. He was not afraid of being fierce, but he couldn't fight noisily. He was really angry, so he could only kiss her hard like this.

Quan Jinxiu raised her hands and gently hugged his waist. She closed her eyes and raised the corners of her lips slightly, "Mr. Yan, I know you are doing it for my own good."

However, over the years, she has become accustomed to being alone.

When a person faces and solves problems alone, no one can rely on her.

And Yan Qi's sudden appearance seemed to give her a layer of restraint.

Although it was for her own good, she felt uncomfortable.

"You know I'm good for you? You don't know, you are just a heartless woman." As he said that, Yan Qi nestled his face in her neck, feeling her warmth carefully.

"Of course I know. Mr. Yan is the only man in the world besides my father who treats me well. I'm so happy."

Although Quan Jinxiu's mouth could make him almost mad from time to time, she was not soft at all when she blew a rainbow fart.

After hearing what she said, Yan Qi laughed.

It’s probably a good saying that every man can’t help but like a woman.

Quan Jinxiu gently touched his face with her hand. She had not dared to do this before.

As soon as I touched his face, I could clearly feel Yan Qi's body stiffen, but then he got used to it.

Probably no woman would dare to treat him like this.

"Mr. Yan, how long do you think it will be before Domoto Kazuhiko is arrested?" Quan Jinxiu asked softly.


"I don't want to be around him anymore."


Yan Qi raised his head and looked at her, was she going to obey?

Quan Jinxiu looked at him sincerely, "I will miss you."


With a "Boom--", Yan Qi felt that his mind went blank.

"you you……"

Is she confessing?

"Mr. Yan, I will miss you, and the feeling is uncontrollable. As long as Domoto Kazuhiko comes near me, I will feel sick."

Yan Qi held her slender waist tightly. She couldn't say any more. If she continued, he couldn't guarantee what he would do to her.

Yan Qi hurriedly stood up and distanced himself from Quan Jinxiu.

Quan Jinxiu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what he meant.

"You...if you don't want to, then don't go."

Yan Qi turned his back to her, and even his tone of voice became a little more hasty.

Quan Jinxiu sat up and looked at him doubtfully.

"Why don't you hold me anymore?"

Holding her, can't you say this?


Is this what he is talking about? How could Quan Jinxiu be so distracting?

"You..." Yan Qi turned around and looked at her, "Are you thirsty?"


Next, they stared at each other, completely unable to understand what the other person wanted to do.

Quan Jinxiu showed a bit of displeasure on her face, and she said, "I missed you. Am I guilty?"

"of course not."

"Then why didn't you answer the question? What are you afraid of?" Is it still because of Gao Wei?

When she thought of Gao Wei, Quan Jinxiu felt as if she was filled with jealousy. Now she was sure that she was jealous.

She has never been jealous of any man, Yan Qi is the only one.

"Nonsense! What am I afraid of?" Yan Qi looked a little unnatural.

What he is afraid of is that he cannot control himself.

This woman Quan Jinxiu is really a bit charming.

"I don't believe it. I said I missed you. Why didn't you respond? You were avoiding me. Don't think I didn't know."

With that said, Quan Jinxiu stood up.

"Okay, you don't care about me, do you? Let me go then. I'm not someone who likes to stalk. Let's get together and relax." After saying that, Quan Jinxiu started to walk out.

Yan Qi felt his head ache. What kind of aunt was this? How could she be so able to relate to her?

Why did he get up suddenly? It wasn't because he was moved.

He couldn't show his bestiality and treat her here...


Yan Qi cursed irritably, then strode up and pulled the person back.

"What's the fuss about?" Yan Qi's face turned dark.

Quan Jinxiu's eyes widened, okay, but he was still mean to her.

Quan Jinxiu said coldly, "Mr. Yan, you're almost done. They say you don't hit anyone with a smile. When I chased Yan Bang, he didn't say a few harsh words to me. You, you were so cruel to me."

What's so bad?"

Quan Jinxiu is really good at finding his weak spots.

At this time, mention Yan Bang to him.

Yan Qi took a deep breath, grabbed Quan Jinxiu's chin, and said coldly, "After the matter of Domoto Kazuhiko is resolved, the first thing I will do is to deal with you."

"what to do?"

Yan Qi came close to her and whispered a few words in her ear.

Quan Jinxiu's expression suddenly turned red with embarrassment. She clenched her fist and punched him twice.

"Stinking rogue."

Yan Qi put his big hands around her waist, "Quan Jinxiu, you know what I care about most right now, so don't provoke me again and again. Don't bring up the matter between you and Yan Bang again."

"But Yan Bang is my first love. Who can forget first love?"

"Shut up!" Yan Qi frowned, this woman deliberately made him angry.

"Mr. Yan, if we fell in love at that time, would we be considered childhood sweethearts?"

"No." Yan Qi replied decisively.


"If you didn't like me at that time, I wouldn't like you either."

At that time, Quan Jinxiu was as crazy as a tomboy, and often used all kinds of snakes, insects, rats, and ants to scare Yan Bang.

And he was so busy with the company's affairs at that time that he didn't even have eyes for women.

So the best relationship can only be perfect if it appears at the most suitable time.

"Okay then." Quan Jinxiu seemed disappointed.

She leaned in his arms like a little bird, "What about Gao Wei?"

Gao Wei is now helpless and has a child. She can see Gao Wei's dependence on him.

Yan Qi's caring attitude toward her must have made him fall in love with her at first.

How should he make up for Gao Wei's debt?

Yan Qi hugged her tightly, and he fell silent and did not speak.

Quan Jinxiu nestled her face in his arms, feeling the warmth of his chest, but she didn't ask any more questions.

Gao Wei is a restricted area for the two of them.

After a moment of tenderness, Yan Qi let go of her. He looked serious and said in a deep voice, "Jinxiu, let me ask you, are you sure you want to stay with Kazuhiko Domoto now?"

He still couldn't worry about her.

Quan Jinxiu looked at him, smiled and said, "Mr. Yan, are you still worried about me?"

Yan Qi nodded.

"Then just keep worrying. In this case, will I always be in your heart?"

A helpless smile appeared on Yan Qi's face, and he said, "You have to use this method to make me miss you?"

"No, because it is my dream to get rid of Kazuhiko Domoto with my own hands. Even if he is caught, if I hadn't done it, I wouldn't be safe for the rest of my life."

She knows herself best.

Kazuhiko Domoto betrayed her and harmed her, and she must make him pay with blood.

Not just for her, but also for her children.

Looking at Quan Jinxiu's determined look, Yan Qi nodded.

He has nothing but support for Quan Jinxiu.

Quan Jinxiu smiled brightly and said, "I knew Mr. Yan was the best."

Yan Qi also took advantage of her flattery the most.

"Promise me that you will notify me as soon as you encounter danger. Don't let a third person notify me. I want you to find me directly."

Quan Jinxiu looked at him without saying anything, and Yan Qi continued, "I want to do something for you, I want to protect you, and I want to make sure you are safe."

Quan Jinxiu and Yan Qi have been together for so long, and she rarely hears him speak long sentences. She didn't expect his long sentences to be so romantic.

Quan Jinxiu gave a funny salute, "Roger that!"

Yan Qi smiled and rubbed the top of her hair.

I like her, so no matter how I look at her, I like her very much.

After facing his own heart, Yan Qi found that he was much happier.

And all these happiness were brought to him by Quan Jinxiu.

He will be angry, worried, and happy. Quan Jinxiu makes him become like a living person.

"Jenny, you still have to guard against Domoto Kazuhiko's involvement. Don't worry, I will send someone to do it."

Quan Jinxiu nodded, she trusted Jenny a hundred times, and since Yan Qi had doubts about her, she would no longer argue with him.

Anyway, he said it and she just nodded.

"If you need any more help, I can send some help."

"No need, we still have Yan Bang, Shenying teaches so many people, that's enough."

When Yan Bang was mentioned, Yan Qi's face looked uncomfortable.

But Yan Bang is in charge of the Shenying Cult after all, and it is difficult for him to have an attack.

Anyway, it's pretty hot.

Quan Jinxiu hadn't noticed the change in his mood yet, and jokingly said to him, "Mr. Yan, just hold on, Domoto Kazuhiko will be pissed to death."

He didn't know whether Domoto Kazuhiko was angry or not, but he was almost dying of anger now.

But she couldn't feel it at all.

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Zongheng novel "" Tang Yu

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