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Chapter 4826 Mu Yi Extra (40)

Zhou Sen mentioned Mr. Liang in this tone... he was jealous!

But quite restrained.

Lu Xiangyi smiled secretly in his heart.

She was very curious, how did Zhou Sen mistakenly think that Assistant Liang was pursuing her?

If the door is left open for a long time, the smart lock will sound a low alarm.

Zhou Sen ignored him and kept staring at Lu Xiangyi.

Lu Xiangyi nodded and said seriously: "Well, we can't let him know!" If Assistant Liang knows, her father will know.

She quite cares about that man's feelings!

Zhou Sen suddenly remembered that night, Lu Xiangyi ran towards that man and walked into the hotel with him...

Tsk, he has a toothache!

He put the tip of his tongue against his cheek and hummed softly, "What's so good about him? He's so old!"

Lu Xiangyi suppressed a smile, "That's called maturity!"

"Young people will always mature one day." Zhou Sen said meaningfully, "Old men will only get older."

Lu Xiangyi seemed to understand, but didn't really want to understand. He blinked and said, "Are you still cooking?"

"Just do it!" Zhou Sen rolled up his shirt sleeves, "Let me see the mobility of young people!"

Lu Xiangyi lowered his head and chuckled secretly.

A man who competes with his own imagination is so cute!

Zhou Sen put on an apron and sorted out the newly bought seasonings.

Lu Xiangyi found that many of them were basic seasonings for Chinese food, and couldn't help but be curious, "Did you buy so many new ones? Didn't you originally have them at home?"

Zhou Sen's house originally only had a few simple Western food seasonings.

He rarely cooks by himself. When he is in the mood, he just simply fry a steak, which doesn't require much seasoning.

He took out the last condiment and shook it at Lu Xiangyi, "Don't you like Chinese food? I bought it just for you!"

Lu Xiangyi couldn't handle such a straightforward show of kindness.

Mainly because Zhou Sen discovered that she likes to eat Chinese food!

They only had a few meals together, and she never told Zhou Sen!

Zhou Sen closed the refrigerator door and said slowly: "One of the benefits of being young is that you don't have presbyopia and have strong observation skills!"

He seemed to be competing with Assistant Liang, but essentially he was competing with her father.

Lu Xiangyi laughed angrily, "He is not old!"

Zhou Sen took a few ingredients and threw them into the sink, looking calm and calm, "You can't say you are as young as me!"

What he said... is indeed correct.

Lu Xiangyi retreated to the edge of the island, holding his chin with both hands, looking at Zhou Sen with a smile on his face, "Are you so jealous because you are not confident?"

Zhou Sen was stunned for no apparent reason.


After all, whether it was the man Lu Xiangyi went to the hotel to find or the man he met by chance at the door, they all seemed to be people of extraordinary status.

If he was familiar with the famous people in the shopping mall of City A, he might be able to recognize those two men completely.

Of course, you can never admit that you are not confident!

"No!" Zhou Sen took out a knife and cut the ingredients gracefully, "You are all at my house! And he - doesn't know where you are, right?"

Of course I don’t know, and I can’t let him know!

Lu Xiangyi was speechless for a while, seemingly convinced by Zhou Sen's logic.

"Come here and help me." Zhou Sen said, "I'm going to start cooking now."

Lu Xiangyi had never been in the kitchen and knew nothing about it, but she was very willing to do something with Zhou Sen.

She walked around to the counter and asked, "Do you want me to cut the carrots for you?"

"Hob block." Zhou Sen said.

Lu Xiangyi didn’t know how to cut it, but she had eaten it!

She thought about the shape of the hob block and felt that she roughly knew how to cut it. She picked up the knife and gestured for a long time, but she didn't know how to cut it.

Zhou Sen watched her gesticulating back and forth, came over and held her hand, "I'll teach you."

The heat in his palm enveloped her hand.

Direct and enthusiastic.

As if he wanted to tell her something secretly.

Lu Xiangyi turned his head and looked at Zhou Sen, his breathing quickened slightly.

"Look at what I'm doing?" Zhou Sen's handsome face was serious, "Look at my sword skills."

Lu Xiangyi pursed his lips.

He obviously just took the opportunity to flirt with her and acted seriously.

Then she pretended to simply learn sword skills.

Zhou Sen adjusted the angle of the carrot, held Lu Xiangyi's hand, and motioned to her, "Harder."

His warm breath sprayed behind Lu Xiangyi's ears. His body temperature also wrapped around Lu Xiangyi from behind, as if to wrap it up entirely.

Lu Xiangyi hesitated for a moment before starting to exert force.

A piece of carrot was cut out and rolled several times, almost running off the cutting board.


Lu Xiangyi reached out to take it, but Zhou Sen moved faster than her, and she accidentally covered his hand.

Zhou Sen was more like hugging her from behind.

An indescribable ambiguity spread between the two.

Lu Xiangyi didn't know how far away Zhou Sen was from her, but physically she felt that Zhou Sen was almost close to her.

"Concentrate." Zhou Sen switched his left hand and held Lu Xiangyi's hand, "We are chopping carrots."

Lu Xiangyi frantically brainwashed himself: They were chopping carrots, just chopping carrots!

Despite this, she was still a little stiff.

Zhou Sen seemed to notice it and chuckled.

As he smiled, a warm breath filled the back of Lu Xiangyi's neck.

Extraordinarily provocative.

After cutting half a carrot, Lu Xiangyi reached his limit and said, "I learned it."


Zhou Sen did not let go of Lu Xiangyi, looking very sincere and wanting to teach her.

In fact, he just thought it was fun to tease the little girl and see her helpless in his arms, and he couldn't bear to let her go.

Lu Xiangyi was too lazy to speak and started cutting directly.

Her movements were clumsy and she couldn't control the size of the carrot pieces, but the pieces she cut out were indeed hob pieces.

"It seems that I have really learned it." Zhou Sen said with a regretful but also feeling of accomplishment, "I'm going to blanch the water."

It took Lu Xiangyi more than ten minutes to cut a carrot, and her heartbeat gradually calmed down.

At the end, she pretended to be natural and looked at Zhou Sen, "Okay!"

Zhou Sen looked at the fruits of her labor and praised: "Not bad! It seems that I am very suitable to teach you."

Lu Xiangyi was too lazy to discuss this with him. He looked at the vegetables in the sink and said, "I can also help you wash vegetables! You don't need to teach me this, I can do it!"

Zhou Sen showed a surprised expression, "Miss Lu actually knows how to wash vegetables? What a surprise!"

"..." Lu Xiangyi was proud of his failure and washed the vegetables obediently.

Zhou Sen took out a fish and said he wanted to make steamed fish.

After Lu Xiangyi finished washing the dishes, there was nothing more she could do to help. She stood aside and looked at Zhou Sen, "You are so good at Chinese food!" Zhou Sen grew up abroad. Even if he could cook, she thought he was better at Western food.

"Learned it from my grandma." Zhou Sen smiled, "I live in country M, but I basically eat Chinese food."

"No wonder!" Lu Xiangyi looked at Zhou Sen, "Do you... miss your grandma very much?"

Zhou Sen was stunned for a moment, "We'll be ready to eat soon!" After saying that, he put the fish into the steaming oven without answering Lu Xiangyi's question.

The answer is actually quite obvious.

Lu Xiangyi looked at his back, feeling a little distressed, but did not continue the topic.

Perhaps, with the current relationship between her and Zhou Sen, it is not suitable to discuss such serious matters.

Or maybe, deep down in Zhou Sen's heart, he still hasn't accepted the departure of his only close relative.

"Is the soup ready to drink?" Lu Xiangyi volunteered, "I can help you taste it!" "Yeah." Zhou Sen handed a small bowl to Lu Xiangyi and blew on it, "Try it."

After Lu Xiangyi finished drinking, his eyes widened in surprise, "It tastes good, the taste is just right!"

Zhou Sen looked down at her, with a slight smile on his lips, and his eyes revealed intoxicating tenderness.

Lu Xiangyi's surprised look made him feel quite accomplished.

Lu Xiangyi was also startled.

She had a vague illusion that she and Zhou Sen looked very much like a young couple living their lives together.

Hey, she can't feel like this yet!

Zhou Sen seemed to notice Lu Xiangyi's discomfort and said, "Go and set the dishes."

Lu Xiangyi was so obedient that he sneaked into the restaurant with two pairs of bowls and chopsticks.

Zhou Sen looked at her back, the smile on his lips widening infinitely.

In the past, it was his grandma who asked him to do these things.

Grandma took good care of him.

Maybe, he can also take good care of the girl in front of him.

The steam oven made a sound of finishing its work. Zhou Sen took out the fish and poured seasoning on it.

Wearing an apron, he did all this naturally and skillfully, looking like a good family man.

Very handsome!

It's quite difficult not to be tempted by him.

Lu Xiangyi can only remind himself at all times to exercise restraint and not to fall so quickly...

The feeling of being pursued by Zhou Sen should be pretty good too!

Zhou Sen brought the fish to the restaurant at exactly half past six.

It was getting dark, and the indoor lights hadn't been turned on yet. The restaurant was dim, filled with the heat and aroma of food.

Much like a home.

It feels very homely.

Zhou Sen's eyes fell on Lu Xiangyi's face through the evening light, and Lu Xiangyi also looked at him across the dining table.

This time when they looked at each other, neither of them were nervous or shy.

They seem to feel that this is the kind of plain and warm life that many people say and pursue.

They should calm down and feel well.

"Shall we start eating now?" Zhou Sen said.

Lu Xiangyi sat down and served Zhou Sen a bowl of soup, "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhou Sen also imitated Lu Xiangyi's polite manner, "You have also done a lot of work."

Lu Xiangyi laughed dryly.

Of the little effort she put in, half of it was taught by Zhou Sen!

Thinking of Zhou Sen standing behind her just now, teaching her how to cut vegetables, Lu Xiangyi felt that the atmosphere at the moment was quite ambiguous. She could only hint to herself not to think about it, picked up the spoon and started drinking the soup.

Zhou Sen observed carefully and found that Lu Xiangyi didn't eat the steamed fish very much, so he asked her if she didn't like fish.

"No, I quite like eating fish, but I'm afraid of fish bones!" Lu Xiangyi didn't want to say that she had had fish bones stuck in her throat several times, which almost frightened the whole family.

"Eat it with confidence, this kind of fish has very few bones." Zhou Sen added, "This is one of my specialty dishes."

Lu Xiangyi took down his chopsticks immediately, "Then I have to try it!"

Zhou Sen is not boasting, the fish he steams tastes very good, without any fishy smell, only full of the fragrance of seafood, the fish meat is also very delicate and delicious, every bite is a kind of enjoyment.

Lu Xiangyi ate several mouthfuls before asking, "Did grandma teach you this?"

Zhou Sen nodded and said: "This is the first dish she taught me, and it is also what I like to cook most now."

Is he using this method to remember his deceased relatives?

Lu Xiangyi took a few more bites and said, "It's delicious!"

But after a while, her expression suddenly changed, and all her movements came to a standstill.

Zhou Sen thought she had an asthma attack again, "What's wrong with you?"

Lu Xiangyi covered his throat with one hand and was speechless.

"I'll get you some medicine!" Zhou Sen stood up, frowning deeply and looking anxious, "Tell me your password."

Lu Xiangyi pulled Zhou Sen and his pronunciation was a bit unnatural, "It's not asthma, I have a fish bone... stuck in my throat..."

This chapter has been completed!
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