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Chapter 4835 Accompany me

After Mu Siye left, Yan Qi turned to hold Quan Jinxiu's hand.

Quan Jinxiu struggled, and Yan Qi took his hand back when he saw her unwilling expression.

"Sit." Yan Qi asked her to sit down.

Quan Jinxiu did not refuse. After she sat down, she said, "I don't know Gao Wei's situation."

Yan Qi slowly sat down next to her, his expression looked a little tired, "Gao Wei's incident happened suddenly. If she really had an accident, I would not be able to explain it to her family, and I would not be able to get over my own situation."



Quan Jinxiu nodded, she understood him. Yan Qi's words seemed to be explaining to her.

After finishing speaking, the two of them fell into endless silence.

They had just had an argument, and now it was somewhat awkward to sit together like this.

"Jinxiu, Steven's matter..."

Quan Jinxiu then told the story about Tang Yiyan and Steven.

Hearing this, Yan Qi frowned, "You mean, Steven's life is in danger now."

Quan Jinxiu shook her head, "I don't know. He has been taken away now. No one knows his true situation."

Yan Qi sighed, sat back and leaned against the wall.

"Don't let anything happen to him." Yan Qi whispered.

The only one who can save Gao Wei's life is Steven.

"Jinxiu, please, keep an eye on Steven's news, okay?" Yan Qi's eyebrows revealed a rare begging gesture.

Quan Jinxiu looked at him like this and couldn't help but laugh.

For Gao Wei, he would do anything.

For a moment, her heart felt sour again.

Quan Jinxiu opened her mouth, but no words came out.

She stood up.


Quan Jinxiu didn't look back, she said, "Mr. Yan, don't worry, I will keep an eye on it for you. Just take good care of Gao Wei."

After saying that, Quan Jinxiu was about to leave the hospital.

Yan Qi hurriedly stood up, and he grabbed her.

His big hands held hers tightly.

She didn't look back, and he looked at her with mixed emotions.

After a moment, Quan Jinxiu slowly broke away his hand.

"I go first."

Yan Qi looked at his empty hands, feeling extremely painful in his heart.

At this time, he was too busy to take care of both Gao Wei and Quan Jinxiu, so he could only take care of one.

Looking at Quan Jinxiu's frail figure, Yan Qi felt as if something was choked in his heart.

When she was about to enter the elevator, Yan Qi followed her in stride.

"Jinxiu, don't leave!"

Yan Qi stretched out his big hands and hugged her waist.

Quan Jinxiu let out a low cry and looked at Yan Qi in surprise.

Yan Qi hugged her tightly, "Don't leave." He repeated again.

Quan Jinxiu looked at him puzzled.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I only said those words because I had a seizure today, I'm sorry." Yan Qi lowered his head and apologized repeatedly.

Quan Jinxiu looked at him blankly.

"Jinxiu, I have no choice now. If Gao Wei dies, I really don't know how to face it. Whether you believe it or not, I have no feelings for Gao Wei between men and women."

"Gao Wei is a knot in my heart. I can't turn a blind eye to her current situation."

Yan Qi's heart was filled with guilt for Gao Wei.

He couldn't make it up to her, he could only do more for her.

But in front of his lover Quan Jinxiu, he couldn't keep a bowl of water flat.

He doesn't ask Quan Jinxiu to understand him, but he selfishly wants to tie Quan Jinxiu up.

"Jinxiu, give me some time, okay?"

"Mr. Yan, are you apologizing to me because Steven is still alive?" Quan Jinxiu asked calmly.


"If Steven is gone, between me and Gao Wei, who will you choose to be with in the future?"

Quan Jinxiu still asked, she couldn't help but compare with Gao Wei.

Yan Qi looked embarrassed, "I haven't thought about this problem."

The current situation is that if Steven dies, Gao Wei may not be able to survive, and there will be no future for them.

"I want to hear your answer!"

Quan Jinxiu looked directly at him firmly, and he wanted an answer.

"In the current situation, I choose to take care of Gao Wei. I take care of her not because of love, but because of responsibility."

"Jinxiu, I know you feel uncomfortable, and I understand how you feel. You feel uncomfortable because you love me."

"Mr. Yan, you are so narcissistic." Quan Jinxiu said with a smile.

Yan Qi smiled helplessly, "Jinxiu, do you know how much I wish nothing had happened now?"


"It's just you and me, I'm only with you. Stay together quietly. Let's go to the beach, enjoy the sunset, feel the night breeze, cuddle up together, and stay away from the world."


Quan Jinxiu looked at Yan Qi in surprise. When did his thoughts become so delicate?

"I want to be with you." Yan Qi lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

He only said such love words to Quan Jinxiu.

Quan Jinxiu looked at him and wanted to make trouble unreasonably, but she couldn't do it.

She loved Yan Qi, so how could she be willing to watch him struggle.

When she knew Gao Wei was in danger, didn't she, a person who had nothing to do with Gao Wei, still worry about her?

But she just wanted Yan Qi to make a choice.

Quan Jinxiu hugged Yan Qi directly.

She pressed her face into Yan Qi's arms, "I was very sad about what you said about me this afternoon."

Yan Qi put his big hand on the back of her head and stroked it gently.

"I'm sorry. I was in a hurry and said something indiscriminately. It's all my fault."

At that time, Yan Qi was also confused. Gao Wei's incident made him anxious, and Quan Jinxiu made trouble with him again.

He rarely dealt with such complicated relationships with women. At that time, he only had one idea: break up if it didn't work out.

That way he can at least be quieter.

But anger comes and goes quickly, and words spoken impulsively are likely to be regretted.

"I'm jealous, I'm going crazy with jealousy. I know this is wrong, but I can't control it." Quan Jinxiu told him all her feelings.

"Yeah, I know, I know." Yan Qi hugged her tightly, and with her here, his heart was satisfied.

After she left today, Yan Qi didn't feel relieved. Instead, he was more worried about her.

"Jinxiu, don't leave, stay with me tonight. Huh?"

Yan Qi said in a deep voice.

This feeling is only real now that she is by his side.

"Do you want me to sit outside with you all night?"

"No, there is a nursing bed, you can lie down on it."

Just like the intensive care beds in hospitals, there are not enough beds, so many patients and their families make beds to sleep in the corridors.

Hearing this, Quan Jinxiu grinned, her eyes shining brightly, "Okay."

Yan Qi placed a kiss on her forehead, "Wait for me, I'll go talk to Si Ye."


Quan Jinxiu returned to the bench and waited. After sitting for a while, she stood up and came to the ward.

There were five people in the ward, including Gao Wei, and two nursing staff.

They would take turns taking breaks at night to look after Gao Wei.

After Yan Qi and Mu Siye finished their explanation, they strode back.

At this time, a person who looked like a caregiver rolled over a folding bed.

Yan Qi held Quan Jinxiu's hand and said, "Let's go see Gao Wei and tell her about Steven."

Quan Jinxiu nodded.

Yan Qi opened the door. After hearing this, the confinement sister-in-law hurriedly came over and said softly, "Hello, Mr. Yan."

Yan Qi nodded towards the visitor.

When they came to Gao Wei's bedside, Yan Qi said to the confinement sisters, "You go out first."

Quan Jinxiu looked at Gao Wei on the hospital bed. She was sleeping quietly, her face was weak, and her whole figure seemed to have lost weight.

"She didn't wake up after coming out of the operating room," Yan Qi said.

Quan Jinxiu nodded.

Quan Jinxiu walked over and gently held Gao Wei's hand, "Gao Wei, you don't have to look for Steven anymore. You can't find him. Because he is not dead. He is already in G City. He

Rescued by the police."

"Gao Wei, Steven is okay. You need to wake up. Otherwise, Steven and the children will be in pity."

Quan Jinxiu said, with tears in her eyes.

Yan Qi's big hand fell on Quan Jinxiu's shoulder, "Gao Wei, Steven is okay, remember to wake up."

After finishing speaking, Yan Qi gently patted Quan Jinxiu on the shoulder.

Quan Jinxiu stood up and Yan Qi put his arm around her shoulders.

The two of them looked at Gao Wei, "Gao Wei will wake up." Quan Jinxiu said.


He patted her gently and said, "Let's go out."

After leaving the ward, Quan Jinxiu hugged Yan Qi tightly again.

"Nothing will happen to Steven, absolutely!"


"I have asked my friend to keep an eye on Steven's affairs. She will tell me as soon as there is news."


Yan Qi gently stroked the back of her hand, signaling her to calm down.

"Jinxiu, don't be too nervous." Yan Qi comforted him in a low voice.

The two of them were sitting on the bed.

Quan Jinxiu looked at Yan and said urgently, "I'm not afraid of losing you, I'm just worried about Gao Wei's situation."

Yan Qi smiled, stretched out his hand and gently wiped the corners of her eyes, "Jinxiu, Gao Wei will be fine, and all of us will be fine."



Quan Jinxiu seemed to be discouraged, and she leaned on Yan Qi's shoulder.

"The source of all disasters is Domoto Kazuhiko. As long as he dies, everything will be safe."

"Well, okay, it's getting late, we should take a rest."

Quan Jinxiu looked at the 1.5-meter bed. If they were lying together, they would probably be sideways.

Yan Qi saw her doubts and said, "Lie down and I will watch over you."

"Aren't you going to sleep?"

"I can not sleep."

He must keep an eye on Gao Wei at all times and not let anything happen to her.


Quan Jinxiu took off her shoes and lay down inside, leaving half of the space for Yan Qi.

Yan Qi took off his coat and covered her.

He said in a deep voice, "Have a good sleep, I will watch over you."

Quan Jinxiu's lips raised, he wanted to guard her and Gao Wei.

Thinking about it this way, this feeling is not bad.

"Mr. Yan, can you lie down with me for a while? I'm a little cold."

As she said that, Quan Jinxiu curled up. They were in the corridor, so it was always a bit drafty.

Yan Qi looked at the position next to her, and then at her.

Simply, he lay down.

Yan Qi turned sideways and faced her face to face.

Quan Jinxiu covered him with her coat, Yan Qi stretched his arms under her neck, and she was held in his arms.

The heat in his chest instantly made her feel warm.

Quan Jinxiu found a comfortable position in his arms. She closed her eyes and felt the brief warm time that Yan Qi brought to her.

PS, after writing this chapter, I feel sleepy~~Today’s update~~Children of Qimao, I will give you guidance on the new article "Pretend to get married: Mr. Lu keeps chasing his wife"

This chapter has been completed!
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