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466 This time, she will never be forgiven

It takes five minutes to get from the police station office to the parking lot outside.

In these short five minutes, Xu Youning had already sorted out the whole story clearly.

It turned out that both Kang Ruicheng and Mu Sijue had their own agendas, and they made full use of her to the extreme.

She thought she was hiding everything, but she was actually the most stupid one.

At the last minute, Xu Youning made a decision that affected her life.

The policeman who escorted Xu Youning out looked at her sympathetically: "Xiao Xu, after you leave, you will be laid to rest. Go to the funeral parlor and take care of your grandmother's affairs as soon as possible."

"Officer Chen, I had a bad attitude just now. I apologize to you." Xu Youning bowed to the police officer, "Also, thank you for handling my grandma's case. You worked hard."

Officer Chen sighed: "I heard that your grandma is your only relative. I can understand your mood and offer my condolences."

Xu Youning nodded gratefully, got in the car and left.

Officer Chen watched her car driving farther and farther away, feeling sympathetic but also confused at the same time.

When this girl threatened him to see the evidence and autopsy report, she looked extremely cold and ready to kill at any time. But why did she suddenly calm down after crushing the bottle?

Also, when he said that they had found out the truth, the girl who claimed to be looking for the truth was obviously not interested in the truth they found.

And from what she said, it seemed that only she could find out the real truth.

Could it be that what they found was not true?

Half an hour later, Xu Youning's car stopped in front of the funeral home.

This place seems to be inherently filled with sadness.

Xu Youning walked into the funeral home with heavy steps as if her body was filled with lead. Under the guidance of the staff, she saw her grandmother in a dark room.

Grandma was lying on the cold operating bed with her eyes closed tightly, just like she usually did when she accidentally fell asleep.

By the way - Xu Youning thought paranoidly - grandma must have just fallen asleep!

Her eyes were hot, and she rushed over madly, holding her grandmother on her body with both hands, but suddenly she felt that her grandmother's body had become stiff and her heart stopped beating.

Xu Youning was stunned as if someone had woken him up from a dream.

Grandma has no body temperature. She has really left this world and will never wake up again.


Xu Youning choked with sadness, and tears fell down.

That's not her plan, it's not like that.

According to her plan, after she came back from the island, she would send her grandmother away first and make arrangements, and then she would find a way to escape from Musijue.

As long as she leaves G City and the territory of Musijue, even if the all-powerful Musijue wants to hunt her down, with her ability and the protection of Kangrui City, Musijue will not succeed so easily.

As long as she is careful, she can provide for her grandma until the end of her life.

Xu Youning still remembers that when she first started following Kang Ruicheng, she was sent to a desert island for training.

The most painful training, they stayed awake for three days and two nights, eating only wild vegetables and insects, and their physical and mental endurance had reached the limit.

That time, most people chose to quit.

And she persevered with the belief that she would become stronger so that she could protect her grandmother in the future.

Later, when she was on a mission, she almost died several times. If she hadn't thought that her grandmother was still waiting for her to come home, she wouldn't have been able to hold on until the last moment and escape from the gate of hell.

After overturning the case for her parents, she still worked so hard to live, all because of her grandmother.

However, her efforts ultimately turned out to be in vain.

Grandma still died because of her.

Xu Youning leaned down and buried her face in her grandmother's chest like she did when she was a child. Her warm tears fell on her body drop by drop, but they could not warm her body.

As if someone had emptied her soul, she hugged her grandmother numbly and desperately, murmuring: "Grandma, I'm sorry..."

When she made a mistake as a child, as long as she apologized, her grandma would pat her on the head and forgive her with helplessness and pity.

This time, grandma probably will never forgive her again.

Grandma would never pat her on the head and say "silly girl" again, never cook delicious food for her again, and never look at her lovingly with pity.

In this life, as long as she lives, she will always be a sinner who cannot be forgiven.

"You Ning," Aunt Sun walked in and helped Xu You Ning up, "the deceased should be buried in peace. Let's take care of your grandmother's funeral affairs."

After taking care of the funeral, it means...she will never see her grandma again?

Xu Youning looked at Aunt Sun with misty eyes, and shook his head helplessly: "Aunt Sun, no. Give me one more day, let me spend one more day with grandma..."

"You Ning, don't be like this." Aunt Sun squeezed Xu You Ning's hand, "Don't forget, you still have many things to do next. Listen to Aunt Sun, deal with your grandmother's funeral affairs as soon as possible, and let her die peacefully.

, you can do what you should do with peace of mind."

Xu Youning looked at Aunt Sun with a vague understanding - yes, she still has a lot of things to do...

At this moment, someone came in and pushed grandma's body out.

Xu Youning suddenly realized what was going to happen next. She was really going to lose her grandmother forever. From now on, even if it was just a grandmother without body temperature, she would not be able to touch or see her.

Xu Youning felt as if he had received an iron fist. His head was swollen and his heart was throbbing with pain.


This sound, Xu Youning's voice was hoarse, as if it came from the deepest part of his chest, but grandma did not respond to her.

Like a beast that suddenly lost control, Xu Youning chased out, pushed the person pushing her grandmother away, and hugged her cold body with all her strength: "Grandma, I was wrong, can you come back? I beg you,

do not go……"

She begged bitterly: "Grandma, don't keep me."


Aunt Sun chased her out, distressed but helpless. She placed her hands on Xu Youning as if to comfort her: "Knowing that you are like this, your grandma will not feel at ease. Her biggest wish before she left was that you can live a good life."

"Aunt Sun," Xu Youning cried loudly, "it was me who killed my grandma. I didn't even see my grandma for the last time. She will never forgive me. She will never forgive me this time..."

"Have you forgotten what I told you?!" Aunt Sun forced Xu Youning to look directly into her eyes, "Your grandma said she doesn't blame you. She believes that you have your own reasons for doing things. Youning, if you really want

Blame yourself, the best way to atone is to live well - this is what your grandma wants, do you understand?"

"..." Xu Youning's head hurt, his eyes were blurry with tears, and he seemed to understand but not understand.

"You Ning, let your grandma go." Aunt Sun persuaded her earnestly, "You are still young, and your days will be long. Your grandma will leave one day. No one can stay with someone forever."

"Aunt Sun..."

Xu Youning cried like a child leaving her parents for the first time. Her forehead was numb. The numbness spread all the way to her face. She couldn't even breathe.

When she lost her parents, she was still young. When adults said that her parents would never come back, she only felt sad, so sad that she almost suffocated.

Now, that suffocation has turned into deep despair.

Grandma was her only relative and the only reason for her to live, but she killed her grandmother.

If she hadn't been obsessed with avenging her grandmother, she didn't know how a person could survive in this world.

Aunt Sun slowly withdrew Xu Youning's hand and wiped the tears from her face: "Youning, this is the time for you to be strong. Stop crying. Your grandma will definitely want to see you happy in the last time."

Xu Youning closed his eyes, finally nodded, wiped away his tears and watched his grandmother being pushed away.

Goodbye - She silently told her grandma in her heart that she would find the person who killed her grandma and send him to the eighteenth level of hell. Grandma would not be alone in another world for too long, and she would be fine if she took revenge.

Concerned, I went to see my grandma.

She and her family might be reunited in another world.

"Miss Xu, my condolences." I don't know how much time had passed before the staff handed a wooden box to Xu Youning.

Xu Youning borrowed the wooden box with trembling hands, feeling another stab of pain in his heart.

She held the box in her arms, holding it so tightly, close to her heart: "Grandma, let's go home."

After returning home, Xu Youning set about packing up his grandmother's belongings.

After leaving this home today, she didn't know if she could come back again, so everything had to be handled properly.

The things that grandma used before her death were still tainted with her breath. Xu Youning still couldn't hold back tears when she was packing them up. When she finally put them away, her eyes were already red and bloodshot.

After disposing of his grandmother's belongings, Xu Youning took several fake identity passports and his grandmother's ashes and prepared to leave.

"You Ning," Aunt Sun appeared at the door of the house, "are you just leaving like this?"

"No, I still have to go somewhere." Xu Youning wiped away his tears and said, "Aunt Sun, please go with me, just think of it as sending grandma off on her last journey."

Xu Youning and Aunt Sun sent grandma to a temple on the top of the mountain.

This was my grandmother's favorite place to come when she was alive. She liked the tranquility here. Perhaps the old man had a premonition that he would not stay in this world for long. Some time ago, he even told Xu Youning that if she left one day, he would leave.

She sent it here.

After settling in, Xu Youning offered incense to his grandmother and left enough money before leaving the temple with Aunt Sun.

"Aunt Sun, thank you for taking care of my grandma during this time." Xu Youning put a check in Aunt Sun's hand, "There is only so much I can do."

Aunt Sun looked at the number on the check and hurriedly stuffed the check back: "It's not like you don't pay me my salary. I can't ask for your money anymore. Besides, you will need money for many things in the future!"

"Aunt Sun, take it." Xu Youning forced a smile, "I'm not short of money. Such a big thing happened yesterday, but you didn't leave and came back to tell me. I'm very grateful to you. If you don't

If you accept it, I will feel sorry for you."

Aunt Sun was embarrassed and put the check into her wallet: "I won't spend this money for the time being. If you need money in the future, just come back and get it from me."


Xu Youning thought that she might never come back.

"Aunt Sun, I won't send you down the mountain." Xu Youning wiped his tears and said, "Take care. Goodbye."

After saying that, she walked straight to the parking lot without looking back, even if her eyes were blurred with tears, she didn't dare to stop.

"You Ning," Aunt Sun's voice had turned into a cry, "be safe! If you can, call me and let me know where you are?"

Xu Youning's tears surged even more fiercely. She didn't dare to look back, she just waved her hand and got in the car.

This chapter has been completed!
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