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Chapter 470 Xu Youning's Plan

Ah Guang was immersed in shock, completely unaware of Xu Youning's rich inner activities.

A long time later, Aguang remembered the conversation with Xu Youning at this time and felt extremely regretful.

As long as he knows and trusts Xu Youning more and observes more carefully, he will find that Xu Youning is just acting with him.

If it was discovered that Xu Youning was just acting, then everything that happened next... wouldn't be so tragic.

When he reached the end of the corridor, Aguang opened the door of the last room and said solemnly: "Sister Youning, you will stay here for the time being."

Xu Youning looked inside. Although the room was small, it was clean and tidy. Although the living facilities were a little rudimentary, they were at least complete.

In the past, in order to carry out her mission smoothly, she had faced worse living conditions than this, and she could survive it with gritted teeth, so she could still accept the "prison" in front of her.

On the contrary, it was Ah Guang, with an expression of rejection in every cell in his body.

Xu Youning pretended to be relaxed and joked: "Ah Guang, your expression makes me think that you are the one who will be imprisoned next."

"Sister Youning..." Aguang couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, then warned carefully, "Don't do anything stupid."

Xu Youning was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

She has a lot of things to do next, planning an escape, going to City A to find Kang Ruicheng, and avenging her grandmother...

The only thing she doesn't know how to do is stupid things, and she doesn't have time to do them.

Xu Youning patted A Guang on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring look: "Don't worry, I don't want to commit suicide yet. Also, do you think I will do such a cowardly thing as suicide?"

Aguang pursed his lips and forced a smile to match Xu Youning's relaxed tone: "Anyway, you have to remember that you are just staying here temporarily. Brother Qi...he won't really hurt you, and I will too.

help you!"


Just thinking of these three words, the smile on Xu Youning's lips was already fixed.

A Guang actually thought that Mu Si Jue would not hurt her... It can only be said that A Guang overestimated her too much. To Mu Si Jue, she was really not that important.

Moreover, she has made the matter a big deal. Even if Mu Sijue wants to let her live, she will force him to attack her for the sake of the plan.

A Guang will probably be disappointed.

Thinking of this, Xu Youning said to A Guang, "Thank you." Then he reminded him, "It's time for you to go back and deliver your work." After saying that, he took the initiative to walk into the room and closed the door.

Aguang locked the handcuffs with a heavy expression on his face and trapped Xu Youning inside. After thinking about it, he released the handcuffs to Xu Youning through the small window. Before leaving, he felt uneasy and turned around and told Xu Youning: "Sister Youning, I will do it every day."

Came to see you!"

Xu Youning squeezed out a smile and waved at Aguang, signaling him to leave.

A Guang always felt that something was wrong. He just couldn't feel completely at ease. He took one step and turned back three times to complete the walk in half a minute. He walked for a minute before entering the elevator and going upstairs.

After watching A Guang's figure disappear from sight, Xu Youning immediately closed the window and scanned the entire house without leaving a trace, but found no surveillance cameras.

But her knowledge of Musijue told her that there must be a hidden camera in the room, and her every move could not escape Musijue's eyes.

Therefore, even if she does something, she can't show it too obviously.

After thinking for a while, Xu Youning lay down on the bed, curled up into a ball, and remained motionless.

Her posture at this moment, transmitted to the display terminal through the camera, must be doubly desperate.

What she wants is this effect, to make Mu Sijue and Aguang believe that she really doesn't want to live anymore.

In this way, Musijue will relax his guard against her, and her chances of successfully escaping will be greatly increased.

As for why she didn't let A Guang help her escape...

She didn't want to implicate A Guang.

Now, she was the only one left in this world, alone and without worries. Even if she lost the bet this time, she would just die under the gun of Musijue.

Without her, day and night would still change, and there would be no trouble in this world.

But Aguang is different. His father has a deep relationship with the Mu family, and now he has won the trust of Mu Sijue. He has a bright future, a great future, and he can have a beautiful life.

Once he helps her, Aguang will lose the trust of Mu Sijue and his brothers, and everything about him will be destroyed by her.

She has already killed her grandmother and cannot harm anyone else.

So, she told A Guang that she didn’t want to live anymore, and even if A Guang wanted to save her, he couldn’t do anything to save her. If the person involved doesn’t cooperate, who can forcefully save someone who doesn’t want to live?

As for whether A Guang believes her words...it depends on how well her acting skills are performed.

Facts have proved that Xu Youning's acting skills can get full marks, and Aguang firmly believes in her words.

As soon as he left the second underground floor, Aguang hurriedly went to find Mu Sijue. He urgently wanted to tell Mu Sijue that Xu Youning was seeking death, in an attempt to awaken Mu Sijue's sympathy.

However, Musijue was not in the office or apartment, and the phone was unreachable.

He searched everywhere he could, but couldn't even see the shadow of Musijue.

Finally, one of his subordinates told A Guang that Mu Sijue drove away by himself after leaving the club. His face looked very bad, he didn't say where he was going, and no one dared to ask.

A Guang thought for a while, seemed to understand something, and sighed: "Forget it, I'll find Brother Qi tomorrow."

Tonight, unless Musijue himself appears, no one will be able to find him.

Xu Youning's influence on Mu Sijue was greater than anyone imagined.

Almost at the same time as A Guang left the club, Musijue arrived at another club in G City.

Although Mu Sijue has not been here for a long time, the staff at the club all recognized him. Seeing his unfriendly expression, they greeted him cautiously: "Brother Qi, Jasmine and Vivian are all here. Are you looking for...?"

Musijue narrowed his eyes: "Whatever." After saying that, he went straight into the elevator and went to the room upstairs.

In fact, he hasn't set foot here for almost half a year. He can no longer remember their faces that are exactly the same as those of Jasmine or Qiangwei.

Even now, what fills his mind is still that little face that is not stunning but can make him grit his teeth.

As soon as he entered the room, Musijue took a shower first. When he came out, a girl with delicate features was lying on the bed, looking at him with affectionate eyes.

"Brother Qi," Jasmine's voice was delicate and soft, like a special medicine that could make people freeze, "You haven't been here for a long time, I miss you every day."

Mu Sijue stared at the girl in front of him. Her facial features miraculously changed and turned into Xu Youning's face.

Xu Youning, if he lets her go and lets her return to Kang Ruicheng, will she miss him, or...

"Seventh brother, what are you thinking about?" Jasmine stood up and walked towards Musijue, her weak and boneless hands wrapped around his waist calmly, "At this time, you can't think about other things."

"..." Mu Sijue's eyes suddenly turned cold, not because of Jasmine, but because he was thinking about other things - he wanted to let Xu Youning go.

Xu Youning admitted in front of so many people that he was an undercover agent sent by Kang Ruicheng. If he let her go, it would be equivalent to announcing to the world that he could tolerate undercover agents.

How will other brothers trust him in the future?

Musijue held Jasmine's face and looked at it carefully.

Big eyes, delicate nose bridge, red thin lips, soft contours... This is a face made according to the standards of a beautiful woman. It is perfect, much more refined than Xu Youning's face.

Aunt Zhou often told him that it would be easy to transition from frugality to luxury. He would give up the third-rate Xu Youning and enjoy such a first-class beauty. It would not take long for him to adapt, right?

"Seventh brother," Jasmine thought the time had come. She stood on tiptoes and tried to get closer to Musijue, exhaling like a blue breath, "I really miss you."

Mu Sijue lowered his head, and Jasmine was overjoyed. She raised her head very cooperatively, her red lips slightly opened, with anticipation written all over her face.

This is the reaction that men like, and Xu Youning will only resist.

Mu Sijue's breath pressed against the tip of Jasmine's nose. Although it was warm, it had a normal rhythm, unlike when Xu Youning was close to him, his breathing frequency would become disordered in just one second.

However, who dares to deny that this kind of rationality is not good?

Just when Mu Sijue's lips were about to fall on Jasmine's lips, Xu Youning's face passed through his mind without any warning. It was harmless to humans and animals, but it felt like an electric shock to him. He suddenly let go.

Woman in arms.

"Brother Seven?" Jasmine supported Mu Sijue, her hands restlessly moving back and forth on him, trying to arouse his interest, but her tone was caring, "What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"


"Brother Qi, let me tell you a secret." Jasmine grabbed Mu Sijue's collar and said with a chuckle, "I major in nursing. I worked as a nurse for a year during my internship."

Musijue frowned, suddenly tired of showing off like this: "Get out."

Jasmine obviously didn't react. Musijue waved his hand, and she took several steps back before standing still. She called out in an uncertain voice: "Seventh Brother...?" There was a strong sense of grievance in the end of the sound.

It's a pity that what Mu Sijue didn't understand the most in his life was to cherish the beauty of a woman, so he narrowed his eyes and said, "Get out!"

It was like there were two angry lions living in his eyes, and his eyes were so vicious that they could almost devour everything. Jasmine felt a chill all over her body, and without even caring about her posture, she ran out of the room with her high heels in hand.

However, Jasmine's departure did not relieve Mu Sijue's worries. He smashed the expensive lamp on the bedside table and looked at the broken glass on the floor. Xu Youning's face came to mind again...

Xu Youning, these three words, this woman, are like a spell, tightly binding on him.

Once upon a time, Mu Sijue thought that nothing was irreplaceable, especially women. Women like Xu Youning who approached him with ulterior motives could only be thrown away or dealt with after his order.

Only now did he realize that he was terribly wrong.

There is only one Xu Youning in the world, and he only likes this Xu Youning.

He could not find a substitute, and Xu Youning could not copy it.

However, he couldn't let Xu Youning live...

This chapter has been completed!
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