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Chapter 473 There is only one dead end left

After Mu Sijue left, Xu Youning was the only one left in the dark little room.

Maybe she was born with a long reflex arc, but after Musijue walked for a long time, she slid weakly to the floor and let tears well up in her eyes.

Mu Sijue said he would give her a chance to stay. However, she had already lost this opportunity.

Whether it was to get information about Kangrui City from her, or for any other reason, no matter what purpose Musijue asked her to stay, she knew very well that once Musijue left, her final fate would be

The chance is gone. Next, she will only die.

Whether you can escape or not depends entirely on luck.

As he thought about it, his grandmother's voice and smile came to Xu Youning's mind.

When she lost her parents, her grandmother lost her only daughter. However, her grandmother endured the pain of losing her daughter, encouraged her to be strong, and raised her to be an adult. For so many years, her grandmother never complained about the hard work and only expected her to be

As long as she is happy.

From childhood to adulthood, my grandmother devoted her whole heart to her, and even leaving this world was because of her.

She couldn't just admit it, let alone die!

Thinking of this, the lost strength returned to Xu Youning bit by bit. She wiped her tears and stood up stubbornly.

No matter what, she must find a way to escape, return to Kangrui City, and implement her next plan.

As for Mu Sijue, there is no love and future. It is impossible anyway, so there is no need to think about it. If you think too much, it is just a waste of time.

Now, she only needs to think about how she can escape from Si Jue when he deals with her.

Also thinking rapidly was Musijue.

When he heard Xu Youning admit that she liked Kang Ruicheng, he really wanted Xu Youning's life to make it impossible for her to return to Kang Ruicheng.

Since he can't get it, Kang Ruicheng also wants to have it!

However, killing Xu Youning means that Xu Youning will die. From now on, there will be no one named Xu Youning in the world. No matter how powerful he is, he can't let her stand in front of him alive again.

He admitted that he could not give orders to deal with Xu Youning's affairs.

However, the news that Xu Youning was an undercover agent had spread, and he had to deal with her according to the rules, otherwise he would not be able to explain to his many brothers.

After returning to the office, Mu Sijue called Aguang.

At this time, in this situation, the only one he could trust was A Guang.

Aguang had just arrived at the club after having breakfast at the Mu family's old house, and wandered into the office leisurely: "Brother Qi, what's wrong?"

Mu Sijue looked at A Guang and said calmly: "Take care of Xu Youning tomorrow night, don't make too much noise."

"..." A Guang was stunned. His first reaction was that he had auditory hallucinations. He patted his ears and said, "Brother Qi, what did you say?"

"Xu Youning will be dealt with tomorrow night." Mu Sijue didn't hesitate for half a second, staring at Aguang coldly, "Do you understand?"

A Guang understood, he understood every word very well, but when these words were connected into a sentence, he couldn't react and his mind was buzzing and confused.

That's not his plan!

Mu Sijue obviously likes Xu Youning, but now that he knows that Xu Youning is seeking death, according to his style, shouldn't he keep Xu Youning by his side and tease him as a pet?

Why didn't he follow his script and want to kill Xu Youning?!

"I understand, but -" Aguang swallowed, "Brother Seven, when you say "deal with it", do you mean killing Sister Youning?"

A Guang stared at Mu Sijue intently, fearing to miss any of his subtle expressions. He tried to capture from these subtle expressions the message that Mu Sijue did not want to kill Xu Youning at all.

However, Aguang was disappointed.

There was no unnecessary expression on Mu Sijue's face, and his tone was as cold as ice: "Yes, I want Xu Youning's life. Also, this matter does not need to be kept secret."

"Brother Qi, have you really thought about it?" Aguang walked to the desk, "It's easy to kill someone, but you can't survive after you die. There is only one Xu Youning in this world!"

"Who did you learn this nonsense from?" Mu Sijue was unmoved by A Guang's words, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes, "Also, killing Xu Youning is an order. What you need to do is to execute it, not to question it."

Aguang shook his head in disbelief: "You really want to kill Sister Youning..."

"Why don't I kill her?" Mu Sijue sank into the black office chair with a relaxed expression and posture like a strategizing king. "She is Kangrui City's right-hand man and holds many of Kangrui City's key secrets. I don't want to

Using any means to force her to reveal those secrets is just for your own sake, so you'd better stop talking nonsense."

Musijue said these words in a cold and ruthless manner, and a chill came from the soles of A Guang's feet and gradually invaded his whole body.

A Guang finally advised Mu Sijue: "Brother Qi, you will regret it."

Mu Sijue disagreed: "Maybe. But if I don't deal with Xu Youning, I will regret it even more." After a pause, he said coldly, "You can go out."

Ah Guang's lips parted for a moment, but in the end he said nothing more and turned around to leave.

He had thought of all the ways he could think of, and had done all he could do. Xu Youning still couldn't stay, and Mu Sijue still insisted on killing Xu Youning.

He had no choice but to take that risky move...

After watching the door of the office close automatically, the indifference and disapproval in Mu Sijue's eyes finally collapsed. He closed his eyes and opened them after a moment. There was only indifference left in his eyes.

This time is the biggest bet in his life.

After calming down for a moment, Mu Sijue took out his cell phone and dialed Lu Boyan's number.

Lu Boyan and Su Jianan had already returned to City A. At this time, they received a call from Mu Sijue. Lu Boyan was somewhat surprised and asked intuitively: "What happened to Xu Youning?"

Mu Sijue said: "Grandma Xu passed away. Xu Youning thought it was me who did it, so he exposed the fact that he was an undercover agent in front of many people."

Lu Boyan on the other end of the phone frowned: "How do you plan to handle this matter?"

"I'll ask Aguang to deal with Xu Youning tomorrow night." Mu Sijue's tone was calm, as if he was talking about something completely unrelated to him.

Lu Boyan was not as shocked and surprised as A Guang. On the contrary, his attention stayed on the name "A Guang". If he remembered correctly, among Mu Sijue's men, A Guang and Xu Youning had the best relationship.


Lu Boyan knew Mu Sijue so well that he could see through Mu Sijue's plan without much thought. He pondered for a moment and asked, "Are you betting... too risky?"

"...Leave it to fate." After a pause, Mu Sijue returned to the topic, "Jian An's due date is coming soon. If you can hide this matter from her, please contact Su Yicheng. If I remember correctly, Su Yicheng and

Xu Youning’s grandmother was very close, so he should know about the old man’s death.”

After saying that, Musijue hung up the phone and left the club.

Before getting on the bus, he looked back at the club, and the driver called him suspiciously: "Mr. Mu, have you forgotten something?"

"No." Musijue looked away, opened the car door and got in, "Go to the company."

This side may be the last side between him and Xu Youning.

Before starting the car, the driver handed a document to Musijue: "The secretary said this document is urgent and you need to handle it before ten o'clock."

Mu Sijue opened the document, read a line, and the scene of his first meeting with Xu Youning came to his mind without warning.

That was a year ago, when Xu Youning came into her sight like a fledgling little girl, making several aunts laugh in the side stove shop, her deer-like eyes shining with clear light.

As usual, he asked people to check Xu Youning's background, but he never suspected that Xu Youning was related to Kang Ruicheng.

He never thought that one day he would have inseparable feelings for an undercover agent.


Musijue closed the document and pressed his temple.

The driver saw his movements in the rearview mirror and asked carefully: "Mr. Mu, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Mu Sijue did not answer, but just ordered: "Call Assistant Lin and ask him to postpone the morning meeting for an hour." After a pause, he changed his words, "Forget it, no need."

Xu Youning will not affect his decision-making at the meeting.

"..." The driver hung up the call to the assistant and looked at Mu Sijue's expression. He didn't look good, but he didn't dare to ask anything.

Mu Sijue did not open the file again, and looked at the rapidly passing scene outside the car window, his thoughts slowly drifting away.

Everything between him and Xu Youning was just a scene. Xu Youning's acting skills were so good that he was drawn too deeply into the drama.

After Xu Youning left, he should soon forget about this woman with deer-like eyes and live his life as if she had never appeared before.

Much later, Musijue realized that he had overestimated himself.

When he arrived at the company, Mu Sijue saw Yang Shanshan as soon as he got out of the elevator. His brows furrowed unconsciously: "Why are you here?" As he said this, he walked towards the office.

Yang Shanshan followed Mu Sijue until she reached the door of the secretary's office. She suddenly raised her voice and shouted, "I've heard that Xu Youning is an undercover agent sent by your enemy!"

His voice was so loud that it was difficult for people in the secretary and assistant's office to ignore it. For a moment, everyone stopped what they were doing in surprise, looking in disbelief.

Musijue's frown deepened: "Shanshan, shut up."

"What can't be said?" Yang Shanshan looked angry, "You trusted her so much and raised her status to the same level as A Guang, but what happened? Ha, she turned out to be an undercover agent!"

Everyone in the secretary's office looked at each other and started discussing in low voices.

Mu Sijue narrowed his eyes and walked into the office. Yang Shanshan followed him in as a matter of course and asked: "What are you going to do with Xu Youning? My father said that according to the rules, you should deal with her secretly!"

Mu Sijue suddenly turned around and stared at Yang Shanshan coldly: "It's true that Xu Youning is an undercover agent, but so far, she is still mine. How I want to deal with it and how I should deal with it are all my business. It's up to you to ask.

Too much."

"Si Jue!" Yang Shanshan stamped her foot, "You should..."

"Get out." Mu Sijue interrupted Yang Shanshan and pointed outside coldly, "Don't make me repeat it a second time."

After Yang Shanshan left, Mu Sijue dialed his assistant's internal phone: "Just pretend you didn't hear what Yang Shanshan said just now. Don't let me hear the news spread within the company."

He can show Xu Youning's handling to his brothers, but after all, he still doesn't want too many people to know that Xu Youning is an undercover...

This chapter has been completed!
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