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Chapter 484 In this life, there is no chance

In the evening, Su Yicheng went home.

A red convertible sports car roared into the garage, and then Luo Xiaoxi got out of the car wearing a pair of high heels.

After returning from the island, Luo Xiaoxi asked her agent to give up all her work. The only thing she needs to do now is to wait at home with peace of mind to become Su Yicheng's bride.

Su Yicheng, on the other hand, had to organize a wedding while working, and also find time to arrange a honeymoon trip. Compared with Luo Xiaoxi, he was so busy that he couldn't do anything about it.

The contrast was so strong that Luo Xiaoxi felt ashamed and took the initiative to take over some of the wedding preparations. Today she went to the hotel to try out the food and drinks for the wedding banquet. When she got home, she happened to meet Su Yicheng who was coming back from get off work.

Seeing Luo Xiaoxi come out of the garage, Su Yicheng naturally held her hand and asked, "How do you like the food in the hotel?"

"It's not a big problem. I've changed a few dishes and drinks." Luo Xiaoxi turned around and walked up to Su Yicheng, looking at him as if she was complaining or coquettishly, "I tried to exhaust myself."

Luo Xiaoxi rarely does this, but Su Yicheng unexpectedly did not answer Luo Xiaoxi's words and asked, "What are your plans for tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow..." Luo Xiaoxi didn't realize anything was wrong. She thought about it and said lazily, "Tomorrow I should be finalizing the church layout plan with the people from the wedding company. What's wrong?"

Su Yicheng was silent for a moment: "Find someone to go for you."

"...Why?" Luo Xiaoxi looked confused. "Actually, I'm not tired. Besides, it's not a heavy job. It's rare for me to be a hard-working bee. Are you sure you don't want to make good use of this opportunity?" She thought.

Su Yicheng couldn't bear to have her running around.

Su Yicheng looked at Luo Xiaoxi deeply, and said in a low voice, with a hint of sadness, "Grandma Xu passed away. I want to go to G City tomorrow."

This time, Luo Xiaoxi didn't react at all.

Luo Xiaoxi has never met Grandma Xu, but she has heard Su Yicheng and Su Jian'an mention it many times. She knows better than anyone else that for the Su Yicheng brothers and sisters, Grandma Xu is better than their relatives.

A few days ago, a group of them were on the island, and Su Yicheng and Xu Youning were still discussing how to take Grandma Xu to City A to attend the wedding.

But only a few days have passed, and Grandma Xu is no longer here?

Luo Xiaoxi finally came to her senses and asked in disbelief: "What's going on?"

The matter involved two dangerous figures, Mu Sijue and Kang Ruicheng. Su Yicheng didn't want Luo Xiaoxi to know in too much detail, so he said concisely: "Accident."

Luo Xiaoxi was afraid that Su Yicheng would be sad, so she didn't ask further questions. She just held Su Yicheng's hand and said, "Go to bed early today. I will accompany you to G City tomorrow."

The sadness in Su Yicheng's eyes was finally no longer so heavy. He said "Yeah" and led Luo Xiaoxi back to the house.

The next day, City G, the temple on the top of the mountain.

Su Yicheng made some inquiries and found out that Grandma Xu was buried here. After going up the mountain, the old abbot of the temple took him to find Grandma Xu's tablet.

The brand new tablet represents a new soul; the newly engraved name, each painting is like a scar carved into Su Yicheng's heart.

Su Yicheng stood there for a long time, staring at Grandma Xu's name on the tablet. After a while, he reached out his hand to touch it.

His movements were very slow, and getting slower and slower. Luo Xiaoxi turned her head and glanced at him, and saw the teardrops in the corners of his eyes without any warning.

In Luo Xiaoxi's impression, Su Yicheng never sheds tears. He always looks like he is able to withstand the sky even if it falls. Luo Xiaoxi fell in love with him without hesitation at the beginning, just because of his ability to endure.

Arouse all the powerful aura.

Su Jianan also told Luo Xiaoxi that no matter what happened, as long as Su Yicheng was still there, she would not panic.

But now, Su Yicheng, who was holding up the sky, was crushed.

Luo Xiaoxi held Su Yicheng's hand tightly: "I know you are very sad now."

She had the same feeling.

Six months ago, Lao Luo and his mother were involved in a car accident. Luo Xiaoxi thought they would never wake up again and fell into despair.

Now, Grandma Xu has really passed away and will never come back. Su Yicheng should be even more sad than she was half a year ago.

Su Yicheng closed his eyes, and a teardrop slipped from the corner of his eye. Luo Xiaoxi raised her hand and wiped it away gently, saying softly: "Grandma Xu doesn't want to see you too sad."


Su Yicheng opened his eyes and looked at Grandma Xu's memorial tablet. He remembered that when Grandma Xu was alive, she always emphasized that no matter whether they succeeded or not, as long as they lived happily, the fog in his eyes gradually faded away.

At this time, Luo Xiaoxi suddenly remembered something: "Should we go to see Youning?"

Luo Xiaoxi had a good impression of Xu Youning. If she remembered correctly, Grandma Xu was Xu Youning's only relative. She should be the saddest person when Grandma Xu passed away.

Speaking of Xu Youning, Su Yicheng's eyes flashed with something strange: "Youning is no longer in G City."

Luo Xiaoxi understood that Xu Youning was too sad and had gone out to relax. She said "Oh" and changed the subject: "Then... do we need to postpone the wedding? The invitations haven't been sent out yet, so there's still time."

Before Su Yicheng had time to answer, an uncertain female voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Su?"

Luo Xiaoxi and Su Yicheng subconsciously followed the sound and saw an unfamiliar face.

"My surname is Sun." Aunt Sun walked straight in from the door, "I was always taking care of Mrs. Xu when she was alive."

Su Yicheng heard Xu Youning mention Aunt Sun, and then looked at the sandalwood in Aunt Sun's hand. He instantly understood something, said hello to Aunt Sun, and pointed at Luo Xiaoxi: "Aunt Sun, this is my wife."

Aunt Sun smiled and glanced at Luo Xiaoxi: "The old lady has been talking about wanting to see my granddaughter-in-law. Now my granddaughter-in-law has come to see her. She must be very happy to be under the spring..."

Luo Xiaoxi could only smile lightly.

After offering incense to Grandma Xu, Aunt Sun took Su Yicheng and Luo Xiaoxi to the yard and asked tentatively: "I just heard you say that you want to postpone the wedding?"

"It should be." Su Yicheng said, "Grandma is like my own grandma. She left suddenly. I shouldn't hold the wedding so soon."

"But this is not what the old lady wanted." Aunt Sun sighed, "Before she was dying, the old lady had already thought of this and specifically told me that she did not want her death to affect anyone or anything. She said that her age

She is older and her health is not very good. It is a relief for her to leave. She doesn't want you to change anything because of her."

After a pause, Aunt Sun continued: "Of course, I'm just telling you what the old lady said. As for what to do... you can make up your own mind."

"..." Su Yicheng fell into deep thought.

"Aunt Sun," Luo Xiaoxi suddenly asked, "Where did You Ning go?"

Aunt Sun glanced at Su Yicheng in embarrassment. Before she could think of how to answer, Su Yicheng's cell phone rang.

Su Yicheng looked at the caller ID. There was only a long string of numbers, but no address.

Normally, such suspected harassing phone numbers would never reach his mobile phone, so he had a hunch that the caller was someone he knew well.

Su Yicheng answered the phone, and the voice that came from the receiver was Xu Youning's voice: "Brother Yicheng."

"You Ning?" Su Yicheng asked without thinking, "Where are you?"

"I'm in City A, but I can't go to you." Xu Youning said, "I'm fine now, you don't need to worry about me."

"..." Su Yicheng didn't know what to say for a while.

"Brother Yicheng, I'm sorry." Xu Youning said apologetically, "I hid many things from you in the past."

"You don't need to apologize to us." Su Yicheng sighed, "This is your choice, and we have no right to interfere."

Although, he didn't want Xu Youning, a girl, to make such a difficult choice.

"I won't ask you to apologize to Jian An for me." Xu Youning smiled bitterly, "What I owe Jian An can't be repaid with just an apology."

"Youning, Jian An won't blame you, as long as..." Su Yicheng still wants Xu Youning back after all.

Xu Youning anticipated Su Yicheng's next line and interrupted him without hesitation: "I know you and Xiao Xi went to G City. Are you going to see my grandma?" She smiled, but there was a hint of laughter in her voice.

"My grandma is more open-minded than we thought. She should be quite calm about leaving, and she doesn't want to affect you."

Su Yicheng understood what Xu Youning meant: "I understand, Xiao Xi and I's wedding will be held as scheduled, you..."

"I may not be able to attend your wedding." Xu Youning suppressed his tears, "Brother Yicheng, I'm sorry."

"...It doesn't matter." Su Yicheng understood Xu Youning's current situation and knew that it was impossible for her to come back. He lowered his voice and said, "Youning, be careful... in the future."

Xu Youning is from Kangruicheng and is on the opposite side of them. They may never have the chance to meet again in the future.

Even so, Su Yicheng still doesn't want anything to happen to Xu Youning. If he can, he is even willing to pay the price, as long as Xu Youning can live safely.

Much later, Su Yicheng realized that this was the biggest extravagant hope, because Xu Youning had no intention of living a stable life when he returned to Kangruicheng.

"I will." Xu Youning's voice was choked with sobs, "Brother Yicheng, you want to be happy."

As soon as the last note fell, Xu Youning hung up the phone. No one heard her crying in City A...

Here, Su Yicheng looked at the cell phone after the call ended, his eyes as heavy as the dark night sky.

Luo Xiaoxi vaguely felt that something was not right, and poked Su Yicheng's hand: "Is Youning really just going to relax?"

"Otherwise, what can she do?" Su Yicheng pretended to smile lightly, "She has lost her only relative, and now she cannot get out. Our wedding will be held as scheduled, but she may not be able to come."

Luo Xiaoxi still had doubts in her heart, but she didn't ask any more questions and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, we can go to her and Mu Sijue's wedding in the future!"

Su Yicheng didn't say anything, just touched Luo Xiaoxi's head: "Go back."

Maybe they will never have the chance to attend the wedding of Xu Youning and Mu Sijue in their lifetime.

This chapter has been completed!
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