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Chapter 490 The message conveyed by Xu Youning

Xu Youning quickly calmed down calmly.

Kang Ruicheng's hand on her waist and his deep and unreadable gaze seemed to imply that she was passive.

However, she could not let Kang Ruicheng control the development of the situation, otherwise the more times she refused, he would soon doubt her according to Kang Ruicheng's character.

Right now, turning from passive to active is the best way for her to get out.

Thinking about it, Xu Youning had already kissed Kang Ruicheng briefly, and Kang Ruicheng couldn't even feel her breath. Her lips were like a light feather, passing by his cheek quietly.

However, Xu Youning understood what he meant and took the initiative, which was a good sign.

Kang Ruicheng's smile became relaxed, and the depth in his eyes disappeared. Xu Youning took this opportunity to break away from his hand: "You go ahead, I'll leave first."

"I send you."

Kang Ruicheng put his arm around Xu Youning's waist and walked out of the office. When he passed by the secretary's desk, he ordered: "Ms. Xu, come here from now on and take her directly into my office."

The secretary glanced at Xu Youning in surprise, and at the same time looked her up and down before responding respectfully: "...Yes, Mr. Kang."

Xu Youning is a woman, how could she miss the hostile gaze of the female secretary. After entering the elevator, she pointed at the woman who was still looking at her and said calmly: "Fire her."

Kang Ruicheng: "Reason?"

Xu Youning smiled and leaned slightly closer to Kang Ruicheng: "I don't know if you have anything to do with her, but she likes you - I'm sure. If I can see her next time, this will be my last time

Come into your office."

After putting down the threat, Xu Youning closed the elevator door slowly.

Almost at the moment the elevator descended, all the smiles and jealousy on Xu Youning's face disappeared. She took out a tissue and wiped her lips vigorously several times. After a while, her lips were as red as bloodshot, as if they were red at any time.

You can drop blood beads.

As this was not enough, after getting in the car, he immediately unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and rinsed his mouth. Finally, he threw the bottle and the unfinished water into the trash can outside the car.

But she knew that no matter what she did, her encounter with Kang Ruicheng just now could not be erased. Just like it was a fact that she was an undercover agent and harmed Su Jianan, it was also a fact that she killed her grandmother.

What happened cannot be reversed.

The only way to free her is to avenge her grandmother.

After the car drove for a while, Xu Youning cut up the medical records and films she brought from the hospital and threw them into the trash can on the roadside.

A gust of wind blew over and dropped a fragment of the film to the ground. Xu Youning looked at it under the strong sunlight. That small piece of film happened to capture the blood clot that was oppressing the blood vessels in her brain and could cause her death at any time.

Xu Youning was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that all this was karma.

She was trained as a weapon by Kang Ruicheng and performed tasks for him regardless of right or wrong, eventually killing her grandmother.

She worked as an undercover agent next to Mo Sijue and blocked a car accident for him. When she fell from the roadside and hit a tree trunk, two blood clots slowly formed in her brain. Now, they have turned into a blood clot.

Timed bombing.

There is no need for Mu Sijue to chase her, she will die because of him at any time.

Looking back, she has lived for more than twenty years, and it seems like a joke.

Thinking of this, Xu Youning's eyes became hot and moist. In order to prevent tears from flowing out, she stepped on the accelerator and drove forward at high speed.

At night, Dingya Villa.

Shen Yuechuan ran over in a hurry, and Aunt Liu was quite surprised when she saw him, because Shen Yuechuan said personally that eight to ten o'clock in the evening is the time for people like them to pick up girls, and those who don't pick up girls are wasting their time.

"Aunt Liu, where are Jian An and the others?" Shen Yuechuan asked hurriedly.

Aunt Liu pointed upstairs: "It's in the room."

Shen Yuechuan hesitated for a moment: "Should I wait a moment?" After thinking for a while, he said, "Hey, if you wait, it seems that you will have to wait for more than just a moment..."

Aunt Liu laughed "puff" and raised the dust collector in her hand as if to hit Shen Yuechuan: "What are you guessing? The young lady is doing prenatal education, and the young master is accompanying her!"

"That's it?" Shen Yuechuan raised his eyebrows and rushed upstairs to knock on the door.

Lu Boyan opened the door, with questions in his eyes, and looked at Shen Yuechuan Shen Shen, as if to warn Shen Yuechuan that there was something important.

Shen Yuechuan pulled Lu Boyan out, closed the door and handed him his cell phone: "Look at this text message I received."

"No matter how much you pay for that piece of land, Kangrui City is bound to get it." There was only such a simple sentence in Shen Yuechuan's text message.

"You and Mu Qi also placed undercover agents around Kang Ruicheng?" Shen Yuechuan shook his phone and looked at Mu Sijue in confusion.

"Even if it's placed, it won't be a commercial undercover." Lu Boyan looked at the text message again, "This doesn't look like an undercover report."

"I'm just very curious about who posted it." Shen Yuechuan thought for a while, "Actually, I have a suspect, but... I'm not sure."

"Xu Youning." Lu Boyan directly said the object of Shen Yuechuan's suspicion, because the first thing that came to his mind was Xu Youning, but - "If it is really her, why?"

"Yes, she is from Kangrui City, and Kangrui City is our enemy. Why would she give us information?" Shen Yuechuan thought hard for a while, only thought of one possibility, and said with a loud snap of his fingers, " She was sent from Kangrui City!"

"..." Lu Boyan waited quietly for Shen Yuechuan's next words.

Shen Yuechuantiao said analytically: "That piece of land is dispensable to Kangrui City, but it has great use value for us. Kangrui City knows this, so it sent Xu Youning to tell us that he wants to compete with us for that land. A piece of land. In fact, Kang Ruicheng doesn’t want it, he is just forcing us to pay a high price!”

Lu Boyan: "..."

Shen Yuechuan added: "Although this approach is a bit silly and low, doesn't Kang Ruicheng specialize in such low things?"

Lu Boyan entered the study before speaking: "Have you ever thought that Xu Youning wants to help us?"

"...Pfft..." Shen Yuechuan smiled in a strange tone and stretched out his hand to test the temperature of Lu Boyan's forehead, "Xu Youning now believes that we are her enemies, will she help us? Are you crazy or not? Is Xu Youning crazy?"

Lu Boyan stretched out his hand: "Give me the phone."

Shen Yuechuan handed over his mobile phone, and Lu Boyan connected to the Internet to track the sending address of the text message, but found that it could not be traced. The content of the text message seemed to have jumped onto Shen Yuechuan's phone out of thin air.

Shen Yuechuan touched his chin: "Actually, it's possible that it wasn't Xu Youning who sent it."

"Other than her, who else would care about our bidding for the land with Kangruicheng?" Lu Boyan looked at the words "untraceable" on the screen, "Xu Youning has the ability to hide the text messages she sent, but if it's like What you are saying is that Kang Ruicheng instructed her to do this, and she has no reason to hide herself."

Shen Yuechuan glared: "So you still believe that Xu Youning is helping us?" He made a compromise, "Okay, let's go back to the original question - she is from Kangruicheng, why should she help us?"

"This may be some kind of signal from her to pave the way for future events." Lu Boyan tapped his slender fingers on the desk and shook his head, "But I'm not sure yet."

Shen Yuechuan looked confused: "Then what should we do?"

Lu Boyan curled his lips: "If Kangruicheng is really determined to get that piece of land, and it falls into Kangruicheng's hands at a high price, it can also be used for us."

Shen Yuechuan had followed Lu Boyan for so long and understood his words instantly. He nodded and asked, "Do you want to tell Mu Qi and Jian An about Xu Youning?"

"Not yet." Lu Boyan said, "We are still not sure who Xu Youning is. Knowing Jian An can only make her worry more. As for Mu Qi... What if Xu Youning is not who we thought, Mu Qi I'm afraid Qi can't bear this excitement."

Lu Boyan's words were not humorous, but Shen Yuechuan just laughed.

Among the three of them, Mu Sijue is the most ruthless. There are excitements in this world that Mu Sijue can't stand. Before Xu Youning appeared, it sounded like a fantasy.

But according to Mu Sijue's current state, he told him that Xu Youning was pretending to go back to Kangruicheng, but in the end he found out that Xu Youning still really wanted to kill him. There was a chance that he couldn't bear the excitement.

But on the surface, Musijue's current condition is not particularly bad.

He is still the same as before. He spends most of the day busy with company matters and handles other things in the afternoon or evening. He doesn't have any extra things to think about.

As long as he waved, there were still many young and beautiful girls taking the initiative to come to him.

However, when he hugged those girls for fun, another familiar face and that person's familiar figure always flashed before his eyes.

Without him having to distinguish carefully, his brain had automatically judged the difference between the girl in his arms and Xu Youning.

The girl in her arms is more beautiful than Xu Youning, and her figure is hotter than Xu Youning. In some aspects, she even has abilities that Xu Youning cannot match.

It was obviously better to have easy prey, but he relaxed his grip on it.

Except for Xu Youning, he still can't do anyone.

Shen Yuechuan once teased him: "Are you... useless?"

The corners of his lips curved into a smile, "Do you really want to know?"

Shen Yuechuan did not answer but asked: "Do you dare to admit it?"

"Take the fastest flight and come to City G." He said.

Shen Yuechuan on the other end of the phone hesitated: "What?"

"Let you see it with your own eyes."

"...Holy shit!" Shen Yuechuan cursed on the phone, "You are too harsh!"

After saying that, Shen Yuechuan hung up the phone. He was holding the mobile phone on the other end of the phone. The smile on his face faded little by little, and his eyes were covered with layers of loneliness.

He threw away his cell phone and called Aunt Zhou to go to his apartment to pack his things. When Aunt Zhou asked why, he just said: "I want to move back home."

The old residence of the Mu family is Mu Sijue's last safe haven.

After moving back that day, Musijue never returned to the apartment in the city center again.

Only Aunt Zhou knew that there was an invisible wound on Mu Sijue's body that would never heal.

This chapter has been completed!
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