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Chapter 495 Stop for a while and see if this is love

Xiao Yunyun's face was buried deeply in Shen Yuechuan's chest, but what she felt more clearly was her own heartbeat.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

One after another, each time revealed her nervousness.

Fortunately, Shen Yuechuan couldn't hear it.

Rejoicing, Xiao Yunyun closed her eyes and let her head press against Shen Yuechuan's chest.

She admits her greed.

When will the heart under the chest she covets change its beating frequency because of her?

Shen Yuechuan was immersed in unprecedented warmth, and his hands were ready to move.

As long as he stretches out his hand, he can imprison Xiao Yunyun in his arms and reveal his true feelings to her.

However, Xiao Yunyun has only regarded him as a bad friend, right? The effect of suddenly confessing to her is like the person who was dueling with her stopped without warning and said to her, I seem to have fallen in love with you, why don't we stop for a while? Stop, see if this is love?

Xiao Yunyun would either treat him as a lunatic, or be scared away by him.

Thinking of this, Shen Yuechuan suddenly felt a little weak and clenched his hands into fists at his sides.

Shen Yuechuan was immersed in his own emotions and did not notice anything unusual. In the past, Xiao Yunyun would have reflexively pulled away the moment she touched him. How could he bury his face in her chest for so long?

At this time, Xiao Yunyun had already realized that she was doing something wrong. She raised her head and wanted to say something. Another urgent voice came from the door of the hotel: "Make way, everyone, give way. There are patients who need to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Another one? What's going on?" As she said that, Xiao Yunyun subconsciously wanted to look back.

"Don't look." Shen Yuechuan had quick eyes and quick hands. He circled Xiao Yunyun's waist with one hand, clasped the back of her head with the other hand, and pressed her face against his chest without any reason. "You can't help me after seeing it."

Xiao Yunyun finally returned to normal and her face turned slightly red.

If Shen Yuechuan hugged her accidentally just now, is he conscious now?

Well, in the eyes of others, the word "intimacy" they use to describe it now is probably not too much, right?

After thinking about it for a long time, Xiao Yunyun realized that she was having an infatuation. In order to prevent Shen Yuechuan from noticing anything, she struggled to raise her head; "Why do you think I can't help?"

"Burn patients, you are not a dermatologist, how can you help?" Shen Yuechuan lowered his eyes and glanced at Xiao Yunyun, "Besides, the emergency doctor is not from your hospital."

"All patients in any hospital are patients, and it's the same for doctors." Xiao Yunyun stared at Shen Yuechuan and asked, "Why don't you let me see it?"

Shen Yuechuan touched Xiao Yunyun's head and seemed to sigh: "The extensive burns are terrible. I'm afraid you'll have nightmares at night."

After half a second of silence, the corners of Xiao Yunyun's mouth raised slightly: "Well, I really have nightmares..."

In fact, how can it be possible? People who graduate from medical school all have a heart like a diamond. They have already seen pictures and scenes that ordinary people cannot imagine in classrooms and laboratories.

A patient with extensive burns is really nothing to a medical student.

However, Shen Yuechuan's casual care was... very important and very different to her.

Shen Yuechuan lowered his head and glanced at Xiao Yunyun. She was like a pet that had been groomed. She stayed in his arms obediently. Although she didn't do anything, she miraculously softened the hardness in his heart bit by bit. .

Due to work reasons, Shen Yuechuan needs to remain absolutely calm. On the surface, he can be playful and smiling, but in fact, he needs a hard and angular heart so that he can make decisions without being influenced by emotion. influence and use reason to make good decisions.

Therefore, it is definitely not a good thing for Shen Yuechuan that the hardness in his heart has been softened.

However, if it was Xiao Yunyun who did it, well, he could totally accept it.

Shen Yuechuan raised the corners of his lips: "You work with people's hearts every day in cardiac surgery. Now, have you heard my heartbeat?"

Xiao Yunyun listened carefully and said honestly: "Yes."

"How is it?" Shen Yuechuan asked.

Xiao Yunyun said: "It is strong and powerful. If you cut it open and look at it, it should be a very healthy heart!"

Shen Yuechuan: "..."

Speaking of her major, Xiao Yunyun's eyes glowed with excitement: "By the way, do you know why I can hear your heartbeat?"

Shen Yuechuan said pointedly, "Because my heartbeat has accelerated?" He had already hinted so clearly, Xiao Yunyun should understand, right?

"Wrong!" Xiao Yunyun's profession is her life. She denied Shen Yuechuan's answer with a puzzled expression, "Because the human chest is empty, I can hear your heartbeat!"

Shen Yuechuan: "..." Damn it! Damn it! Your uncle's chest is empty! The point is to speed up, please speed up!

Seeing Shen Yuechuan's expression of something stuck in his throat, Xiao Yunyun expressed her understanding: "You don't understand the principle, right? It's normal. Although these are not difficult medical knowledge, most people basically don't know it. You don't need to Feeling frustrated!"

"..." Shen Yuechuan didn't feel defeated. He was so defeated that he couldn't feel anything anymore.

"I'm in." Xiao Yunyun pointed to the hotel door and waved her hand towards Shen Yuechuan, "Go back and drive carefully. Goodbye."

"...Goodbye." Shen Yuechuan watched Xiao Yunyun off, and then turned around and got in the car until she was out of sight.

After the car drove onto the road, Shen Yuechuan called the Lu family's landline phone.

Aunt Liu answered the phone. When she heard Shen Yuechuan's voice, Aunt Liu asked directly: "Mr. Shen, are you looking for the young master or the young lady?"

"I'm not in the mood to look for them now." Shen Yuechuan said depressedly, "Aunt Liu, please tell Jian An for me that I have sent her aunt and Xiao Yunyun back to the hotel."

"Okay." Aunt Liu responded, "Is there anything else?"

"there is none left."

Aunt Liu hung up the phone and conveyed Shen Yuechuan's words to Su Jianan word for word.

Su Jianan nodded to indicate that she understood. She turned her head and looked at Lu Boyan beside her in a good mood: "I think my aunt also likes Yuechuan very much."

Lu Boyan didn't know what he was thinking, so he gave a perfunctory "hmm" without expressing any opinion.

He's like this... not normal.

Su Jianan stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Lu Boyan: "Are you thinking about You Ning?"

Lu Boyan came back to his senses, met Su Jianan's affirmative eyes, and sighed helplessly: "Yes."

Su Jianan sat upright and looked at Lu Boyan seriously: "Tell me now. You said yesterday that you would tell me about Youning when Yuechuan comes back from the auction."

Lu Boyan gently held Su Jianan's hand: "Do you still remember that I hypothesized yesterday that Xu Youning returned to Kangrui City not to deal with us, but to serve as an undercover agent for us?"

Su Jianan nodded blankly: "Don't tell me, this hypothesis was established today..."

"..." Lu Boyan said nothing, which was equivalent to acquiescence.

"Boom -" there was a loud sound in Su Jianan's head, and her whole body felt like being struck by lightning.

When Lu Boyan asked her this question yesterday, she vaguely had a bad feeling. Now that Lu Boyan acquiesces to this matter, she just feels dizzy.

Kang Ruicheng is ruthless and can do cruel things to his closest relatives. She has heard this mentioned by Lu Boyan a long time ago.

And Xu Youning, she was supposed to be from Kangruicheng, but now she returned to Kangruicheng to work undercover, helping them deal with Kangruicheng. Once Kangruicheng noticed, what awaited her would not be death, but would be 10,000 times more uncomfortable than death. inhuman torture.

Su Jianan would rather Xu Youning regard her and Lu Boyan as enemies than let Xu Youning take such a big risk.

"What's going on?" Su Jianan grabbed Lu Boyan's sleeves, "How could Mu Sijue let Youning go back to Kangrui City to work undercover?"

"Mu Qi doesn't know about this." Lu Boy briefly and comprehensively talked about the text message Xu Youning sent to Shen Yuechuan, emphasizing, "Yuechuan and I only speculated on this possibility based on that text message, but so far, There is no evidence to prove that Xu Youning did go back to work as an undercover agent."

"But..." Su Jianan stopped talking.

Lu Boyan finished the sentence for Su Jianan: "But you already believe my and Yue Chuan's guess?"

Su Jianan lowered her eyelashes: "I still don't want to believe that You Ning really regards me and my brother as enemies, so I would rather believe that she went back to be an undercover agent. However, it is too dangerous to be an undercover agent next to Kang Ruicheng. I would rather You Ning Treat us as enemies."

After saying that, Su Jianan felt that it was too convoluted, and looked at Lu Boyan helplessly: "You said that Mu Sijue didn't know? Doesn't he like You Ning? Why didn't he know?"

Lu Boyan sighed lightly: "If I guessed correctly, Xu Youning knew from the beginning that the murderer who killed Grandma Xu was not Mu Qi. She is Kangruicheng's most capable assistant, and she should be very familiar with Kangruicheng's various methods and weapons. ,So, she always knew that Kang Ruicheng was the murderer who killed Grandma Xu

"But she pretended to fall into Kang Ruicheng's fist, revealed that she was an undercover agent in front of A Guang and other subordinates, and forced Mu Qi to deal with her. All of this was a show directed by her for Kang Ruicheng to see. In order to make Kang Ruicheng believe that she had broken up with Mu Qi, so that she could return to Kang Ruicheng and wait for revenge. She was even sure that A Guang would let her go."

At the end of the sentence, Lu Boyan chuckled: "Xu Youning is much smarter than we thought."

"Or maybe You Ning is just gambling. If A Guang lets her go, she can return to Kangrui City smoothly and wait for an opportunity to avenge Grandma Xu. But if A Guang carries out Mu Sijue's order, she will die. Su Jian An An was still frightened and sat down on the sofa weakly, "Xiao Xi said that You Ning can win the Oscar. Now it seems that indeed, if she enters the film and television industry, she might win the award with Leonardo this year. is her……"

Lu Boyan laughed: "Don't let Mu Qi know about this for now. All this is just speculation. Before Xu Youning contacts us next time, there is no evidence to support our guess. If we guess wrong... Mu Qi is afraid Can't bear the second blow."

"..." Su Jianan imagined Mu Sijue's expression when he knew the truth, and nodded with deep sympathy.

It was obvious that she and Lu Boyan had a tacit understanding. If Mu Sijue heard what they just said, Mu Sijue would probably go crazy.

But it wasn't because Xu Youning lied to him again.

But because he didn't see through Xu Youning's plan, he personally pushed Xu Youning back to Kang Ruicheng and personally sent Xu Youning to a place where she could die at any time.

This chapter has been completed!
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